Editor's Note: See Section BH24-1, License Fees.
[Ord. 7-15-59 A1 § 1]
It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in the business of the processing, sale, distribution, storage or delivery of frozen foods in the Borough of Fairview without first having obtained, from the Board, a license so to do.
[Ord. 7-15-59 A2 § 1]
In every frozen food processing plant, locker plant, storage plant, distribution store or plant or any type of frozen food establishment or retail vehicle where frozen food is handled or held, there shall be a complete refrigeration system with adequate capacity and accurate and reliable controls for automatic maintenance of uniform temperature under extreme conditions of outside temperatures and under peak load conditions in normal operation of the plant, the following temperatures shall prevail:
Chill-Room: A temperature within 2° F., plus or minus of 35° F. with a tolerance of 10° F. for a reasonable time after fresh food is put in for chilling shall be maintained.
Sharp Freeze Room, Sharp Freezing Compartments: A temperature of minus 10° F., or lower, or temperatures of 0° F. or lower when forced air circulation is employed, with a tolerance of 10° F. for either type of installation for reasonable time after fresh packaged food is put in for freezing shall be maintained.
Locker Rooms, Locker Compartments and Storage Rooms: A temperature not to exceed 0° F., with a tolerance of 5° F., plus, shall be maintained.
Display Cases and Counters. A temperature not to exceed 0° F., shall be maintained.
Cutting and Preparation Room: All articles of food of a decomposable nature, such as meat and seafood, must be kept sufficiently cooled or chilled to prevent spoiling either by cooling the cutting and preparation room or the equipment in which it is held prior to freezing.
Vehicles in which frozen foods are transported either for moving, distribution or sale, shall either be mechanically refrigerated or cooled by the cold holding plate system. Temperatures shall be no higher than 0° F. with a tolerance of 10° F. when frozen food is being taken out or placed in vehicle.
[Ord. 7-15-59 A3 § 1]
An accurate direct reading thermometer shall be provided in the chill room, the cutting, preparation and packing room, and in the sharp freeze room or compartments.
[Ord. 7-15-59 A3 § 2]
An accurate direct reading, recording thermometer shall be provided in the locker room, or locker compartments, frozen food storage rooms or compartments and in each display case, counter or retail sales vehicle for frozen food.
[Ord. 7-15-59 A4 § 1]
All packages of frozen food products must have an easily legible printed label, containing thereon list of ingredients, the name and address of the processor and the date of processing and freezing.
[Ord. 7-15-59 A4 § 2]
All labeling shall conform to the provisions of the Revised Statutes of the State of New Jersey (1937), Title 24, Chapter 5, Article 3, and as the same may hereafter be amended or supplemented.
[Ord. 7-15-59 A5 § 1]
Only food of Grade A quality shall be processed as frozen food.
[Ord. 7-15-59 A6 § 1]
All fresh carcass meats on coming into the custody or possession of the operator of a frozen food processing or storage plant, shall be identified with a suitable tag and suitably cleaned, and after that shall be placed in the chill room sufficiently long to lose body heat, unless previously chilled, and in no case less than 24 hours before removal to the cutting room.
[Ord. 7-15-59 A6 § 2]
The storage of fish in frozen food compartments, lockers, cases or vehicles, unless frozen properly, glazed and wrapped, is prohibited.
[Ord. 7-15-59 A6 § 3]
All fish is to be handled so as to protect equipment and other stored food from fish flavors and fish odors.
[Ord. 7-15-59 A6 § 4]
Vegetables before freezing, must be washed or cleansed, blanched and immediately thereafter cooled with cold water and if not packed in a suitable container before freezing, then so packed immediately thereafter.
[Ord. 7-15-59 A6 § 5]
Fruits are to be cleansed or washed and packed in suitable containers for freezing; a pure sugar or sugar syrup can be added before freezing, when suitable equipment is at hand.
[Ord. 7-15-59 A6 § 6]
All frozen food, having once thawed, must be removed from stock and shall not be sold as frozen food.
[Ord. 7-15-59 A6 § 7]
Every place in which frozen foods are processed, packed, stored, sold or distributed, shall at all times:
Be properly lighted;
Have an ample supply of potable water;
Have an ample supply of hot running water of at least 180° F.;
Have adequate plumbing and be ventilated in such manner that the purity and wholesomeness of the food therein processed, packed, stored, sold or distributed, shall not be impaired;
Comply with all other sanitary conditions required by this Code and otherwise applicable to such places.
[Ord. 7-15-59 A6 § 8]
All food to be frozen must first be wrapped or packaged in approved moisture and air proof paper or containers.
[Ord. 7-15-59 A6 § 9]
No person shall be permitted access to another person's locker and its contents without proper authorization.
[Ord. 7-15-59 A6 § 10]
No food shall be placed in the locker of any frozen food locker plant unless such foods have been inspected by the operator, properly wrapped and solidly sharp frozen.
[Ord. 7-15-59 A6 § 11]
When marks are applied on the products only non-toxic ink or other harmless substance shall be used.
[Ord. 7-15-59 A6 § 12]
No locker or space shall be rented in any frozen food processing plant for any other purpose except for the storage of food for human consumption, unless a separate storage room apart from food room, is maintained and then only such separate storage room may be used.
[Ord. 7-15-59 A6 § 13]
Foods not intended for human consumption shall bear a label or tag, plainly and conspicuously bearing the words "not for human consumption."
[Ord. 7-15-59 A6 § 14]
The storage of hides or skins is prohibited, excepting in separate storage rooms having no open passages leading into the locker room, chill room, aging room or sharp-freeze room.
[Ord. 7-15-59 A7 § 1]
Nothing herein contained shall require the interior of vehicles used to transport frozen foods, from being continuously lighted, drained, ventilated, or to have adequate plumbing.
[Ord. 7-15-59 A8 § 1]
The use of the dry ice method of refrigeration is prohibited.
[Ord. 7-15-59 A8 § 2]
No improperly wrapped meat shall be placed in storage lockers, rooms, display cases or retail vehicles.
[Ord. 7-15-59 A8 § 3]
No patron shall be permitted to handle meats or foods which are stored in the chill room or in process of preparation for freezing for locker or other type storage other than their own.
[Ord. 7-15-59 A8 § 4]
No article of food shall be stored in such condition or in such manner so as to cause injury or deterioration to any other article of food.