[1975 Code § 21.10]
The purpose of the R-2 Residential District is to provide an area for residential uses and those public and semipublic uses normally considered an integral part of the residential neighborhood they serve.
[1975 Code § 21.10; amended by Ord. 18-02-02-52, 2-19-2018]
The following uses are permitted in the R-2 General Residential District:
All permitted uses in the R-1 Residential District
Apartment houses
Clubs and lodges, private
Funeral homes and mortuaries
Group home small and group home large. No group home, large or small, shall be located within 1,000 feet of another group home, large or small.
Multiple-family dwellings
Nursery schools
Nursing homes
Rooming houses
[1975 Code § 21.10; amended by Ord. 04-10-02-51, 10-18-2004]
Other uses of the same general character as these listed in Section 10-6B-2 of this article may be permitted upon review by the Zoning Board of Appeals in accordance with the provisions of Section 10-2-4 of this title.
[1975 Code § 21.10; amended by 2003 Code]
Building Height And Setbacks:
Principal Structures:
No principal structure shall exceed three stories or 35 feet in height.
No principal structure shall encroach upon the following setbacks:
Front yard: 25 feet.
Rear yard: 25 feet.
Side yard: 10 feet.
Accessory Structures:
No accessory structure shall exceed one story or a maximum height of 15 feet as a vertical distance from finished floor to: the highest point of a flat roof; the deck line of a mansard roof; the average height between top wall plate and ridge of gable, hip and gambrel roofs.
[Amended by Ord. No. 12-03-01-51, 3-19-2012]
No accessory structure shall encroach upon the following setbacks:
Front yard: 25 feet.
Rear yard: five feet.
Side yard: 10 feet.
Lot Area And Additional Yard Requirements: The following minimum requirements shall be observed:
Lot area:
Nine thousand square feet.
Eight thousand square feet for lots platted prior to December 13, 1973.
Three thousand square feet for multiple-family dwellings.
Lot width:
Seventy-five feet.
Sixty six feet for lots platted before December 13, 1973.
Additional yard requirements; exceptions:
Front yards to be that distance from the front lot line to the front foundation of the house which would be the average distance of said dimension of all existing dwellings on that side of the block, said average distance to be determined by measuring a distance from the front foundation of each house to the front lot line of each lot, adding all said measurements together and dividing by the number of dwelling structures so measured, all said dwelling structures and measurements to be for those dwellings fronting on the same side of the block as the proposed structure (said measurements shall be from the foundation of each dwelling structure and shall not be made from a front porch, step or stoop [see Subsection 10-3-9G of this title]), in any event, the front yard to be not less than 15 feet; rear, 25 feet; side to be not less than 10% of the lot width for each side yard, in any event, not less than five feet; said front, rear and side yard setback requirements to be applicable only to those lots platted prior to December 13, 1973, and being less than 75 feet in width.
[Amended by Ord. 05-07-03-51, 7-18-2005]
A private garage or other accessory use or structure may be constructed adjacent to a rear or side lot line when such rear or side lot line is bordered by an alley or alleyway owned by the City, and the aforesaid rear yard and side yard requirements shall not be applicable as to such private garage or other accessory use, but only as to the side or sides of the lot adjacent to the alley or alleyway.
[1975 Code § 21.10; amended by 2003 Code]
Illuminated and nonilluminated nameplates or signs shall be permitted subject to the following:
Maximum Number
Maximum Area
Maximum Height
Residential uses
1 (2 on a corner lot, or 1 double faced sign)
2 square feet
Name, address
To property line
1 feet above curb line
Nonresidential uses
1 (2 on a corner lot, or 1 double faced sign)
16 square feet
Name, address and other salient information concerning the permitted activity
To property line
10 feet above curb line