[Added by Ord. #884, §§ 8600 — 8600.22; Ord. #2211, § 3; Ord. No. 2215]
As used in this section:
Shall mean any ground sign, or other structure and all parts thereof which is erected or used for advertising purposes or upon which any poster, bill, bulletin, printing, painting, device or other advertising matter of any kind whatsoever is placed, posted, tacked, nailed, pasted, or otherwise fastened, including also glass tube outlining for advertising and electric signs; but, shall not include any board, sign, or surface used exclusively to display official notices issued by any court or public office, or posted by any public officer in the performance of a public duty, or a private person giving a legal notice; nor shall it include a sign 12 square feet or less in area and the highest portion thereof less than six feet in height above grade when such sign is located on private property and used to advertise the carrying on of any business or any profession conducted on the premises on which such sign is located; nor shall it include any real estate sign advertising the property on which it stands, providing the advertising surface of such sign is 12 square feet or less and the highest portion thereof is not more than six feet above grade; nor shall it include any sign painted on the permanent part of any building when such sign advertises only the business conducted or carried on within such building.
Shall mean any public space, public park or thoroughfare less than 20 feet, but not less than 10 feet in width which has been dedicated or deeded to the public for public use.
Shall mean the approval of methods or material by the Building Official.
Shall mean one who holds a certificate to practice architecture, issued by the California State Board of Architectural Examiners.
Shall mean an advertising structure which advertises goods, products, services or facilities not sold, produced, manufactured or furnished on the premises on which the sign is located (also known as outdoor advertising, off-premises sign or off-site sign).
Shall mean a setback line established by ordinance in accordance with Chapter 29, Setback Lines; provided, however, if all buildings in a block are set back from the front property line, the building line shall be a line parallel to the front property line and the same distance therefrom as the face of the building nearest to such front property line, unless such a setback line has been established at a greater distance from the front property line.
Shall mean the top face of a curb or, when the curb is not in place, the curb line as it has been established by the City.
Shall mean an advertising structure served or energized with electric current.
Shall mean one who holds a certificate of registration as a civil engineer from the State Board of Registration for Civil and Professional Engineers, or a structural engineer who holds such a certificate and also has been authorized by said Board to use the title of Structural Engineer.
Shall mean the general outer surface of any main exterior wall of a building or structure, not including cornices, bay windows, balconies, porches, or other ornamental trim.
Shall mean the dividing line between any private property and any street or sidewalk.
Shall mean the elevation of the public sidewalk nearest to the property upon which any advertising structure is erected, or the natural surface of the ground supporting an advertising structure, whichever is lower.
Shall mean an advertising structure supported by a single pole placed in the ground the advertising surface of which does not exceed 50 square feet in area and the highest portion of which sign is not more than 25 feet above grade.
Shall mean that part of any wall entirely above the roof or eave line.
In addition to those included in the term by Section 1314, shall mean any municipal or quasi-municipal corporation or governmental agency other than the City.
Shall mean a sign other than a wall sign suspended from or supported by a building or other structure and projecting outwardly therefrom.
Shall mean the distance an advertising structure extends beyond the building line or front property line.
Shall mean the dividing line, except a front property line, between any parcels of land under different ownership.
Shall mean a sign erected upon or above a roof or parapet wall of a building or structure.
Shall mean any name, figure, character outline, spectacle, display, delineation, announcement, advertising device, appliance, or anything of a similar nature to attract attention and include all parts, portions, units and materials composing the same, together with the frame, background, structure and support and anchorage therefore, as the case may be.
Shall mean any thoroughfare or public park not less than 20 feet in width which has been dedicated or deeded to the public for public use.
Shall mean an object that both (i) is made of durable cloth, plastic or similar nonrigid material; and (ii) is suspended or otherwise displayed over, along, across or upon a street or other public way. Any street banner erected, placed, suspended, attached or maintained over any public street or other public way shall conform to the provisions of Section 19-10 of this Chapter.
Shall mean any sign attached to or erected against the wall of a building or structure with the exposed face of the sign in a plane approximately parallel to the plane of said wall.
[Added by Ord. #884, § 8601; amended 10-26-2021 by Ord. No. 2339]
No person shall erect, move, alter, change, repair, place, suspend, attach or maintain any advertising structure, cloth or banner sign, or bracket or flange sign without first obtaining a building permit from the Building Official in the manner provided in this section, and in the event any advertising structure is energized or serviced by electricity a separate electrical permit shall be obtained as required by Chapter 15, Construction Codes.
Repainting of an advertising structure or the changing of copy thereon while such structure remains in place shall not require the issuance of a permit.
[Added by Ord. #884, § 8601.1]
Any person desiring a permit as required hereby shall file with the Building Official an application therefor in writing on a blank form to be furnished for that purpose. Every such application for such permit shall describe the land or the building upon which the advertising structure is erected or located, or upon which the proposed advertising structure is to be erected or located, by lot and block, or by street number, or other means which readily will identify the existing or proposed location of the advertising structure for which the permit is sought. Accompanying every application for such a permit, except for a billboard to be erected in accordance with the detailed specifications contained in this section, there shall be filed the plans, drawn to scale and of sufficient clarity to indicate the location, dimensions and engineering design of such structure. All plans for roof signs having an area of 100 square feet or more, and all other advertising structures having an area of 50 square feet or more, and other signs subject to excessive stresses shall be signed by an engineer or architect and calculations and stress diagrams shall be furnished, except when in the opinion of the Building Official the structural nature of the proposed advertising structure does not require such certified plans.
[Added by Ord. #884, § 8601.2]
If the plans and specifications are found to be in conformity with the provisions of this section, the Building Official upon receipt of the required fee shall issue a permit.
When the permit is issued the plan submitted with the application shall be stamped "Approved" and a set of the approved plans shall be kept on the work at all times and no changes, alterations, or modifications shall be made thereon and the advertising structure shall be erected or the work done thereon in conformity therewith, unless authorization to the contrary is obtained from the Building Official.
[Added by Ord. #884, § 8601.3; amended 10-26-2021 by Ord. No. 2339]
Before a permit is issued under this section, a permit fee therefore shall be paid to the Building Official, according to the table set forth in Chapter 15, Construction Codes.
Whenever any work, for which a permit is required under the provisions of this section, has been commenced without a permit therefor having been issued, the fees above specified shall be doubled, in order to cover the cost of investigation of the work. The payment of such double fee shall not relieve any person from compliance with the provisions of this Code or from any penalty prescribed by law.
[Added by Ord. #884, § 8601.4]
If the work authorized to be done under any permit issued pursuant to this section is not commenced within 60 days from the date of issuance of such permit, such permit shall become null and void and the fee paid therefor by the applicant shall be forfeited.
[Added by Ord. #884, § 8601.5]
The issuance or granting of a permit pursuant to this section shall not authorize nor be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of this Code, and the Building Official is hereby authorized to stop the work on any advertising structure which is being carried on in violation of this Code.
[Added by Ord. #884, § 8602; Ord. #976; Ord. #1170]
No person shall erect, construct, place or maintain any advertising structure in the following locations except as projections may be permitted by subsection 19-3.2:
Upon or above an alley which is less than 16 feet in width; nor upon or above any alley 16 feet or wider, except as may be permitted by subsection 19-3.2 of this Code;
Upon or over any public sidewalk, street, alley or other public places;
So that any portion of such advertising structure will not interfere in any way with the free use of any fire escape, exit, standpipe, ventilator, door or window.
[Added by Ord. #884, § 8603]
No advertising structure or portion thereof shall extend or project over any building line, public sidewalk, street, alley, or other public property, or any private property used or intended to be used by the general public as a sidewalk or street, a greater distance than permitted on Diagram 86A as the same was approved by the Council on the 4th day of March, 1952, and which such diagram is on file in the office of the City Clerk, nor at a height above grade less than as shown on said Diagram 86A.
[Added by Ord. #884, § 8604; Ord. No. 2215]
Editor's Note: See subsection 30-22.9 of the Compton Municipal Code.
[Added by Ord. #884, § 8605]
Wall signs, roof signs and projecting signs shall be constructed in accordance with subsection 19-5.1 through subsection 19-5.4.
[Added by Ord. #884, § 8605.1; amended 10-26-2021 by Ord. No. 2339]
Frames for wall signs, roof signs and projecting signs and supporting construction shall be in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 15, Construction Codes, , Building and Housing, with the following exceptions:
All portions of such signs less than 60 feet above grade shall be designed for wind pressure of not less than 20 pounds per square foot. All portions of such structure more than 60 feet above grade shall be designed for a wind pressure of not less than 30 pounds per square foot.
Structural steel members shall be not less than 1/4 inch thick if ungalvanized, and 3/16 inch thick if all members, including bolts and fastenings, are galvanized. Bolts and rivets used in sign structures supporting signs 100 square feet in area or more shall not be less than 1/2 inch in diameter if galvanized. Bolts and rivets used in sign structures supporting signs less than 100 square feet in area shall not be less than 3/8 inch in diameter if galvanized. Supports shall be designed so that all loads and reactions shall be transmitted to the ground, through the structural framework and walls of supporting buildings and structures. Signs erected on buildings or structures shall be attached securely by means of adequate metal brackets, expansion bolts, through bolts, or lag screws. No material or equipment shall be used which may become dangerous because of vibration, corrosion, disintegration or for any other reason whatsoever. Wire, other than stranded cable, shall not be considered as adequate fastenings, except for cloth and banner signs. If supports of an existing structure are found to be inadequate, such inadequacies shall be corrected upon the order of the Building Official.
[Added by Ord. #884, § 8605.2]
Projecting signs attached to a building shall be of incombustible material or of not less than one hour fire resistance construction. The thickness of any such sign shall not exceed the following:
For a maximum projection of five feet, a thickness of two feet.
For a maximum projection of four feet, a thickness of 2.6 feet.
For a maximum projection of three feet, a thickness of three feet.
[Added by Ord. #884, § 8605.3]
Wall signs extending a height of 15 feet above grade shall have a surface of incombustible material but may have ornamental moldings and lattice work of combustible material. Such signs may project not more than six feet above the roof or parapet immediately adjacent thereto and may project over the same only if a six-foot wide unobstructed passageway to the roof is maintained at each end of the sign; provided, however, no wall sign shall project above a roof or parapet wall when within three feet of a standpipe, fire escape, or fire escape ladder.
[Added by Ord. #884, § 8605.4; amended 10-26-2021 by Ord. No. 2339]
Roof signs shall be of incombustible material except that wood moldings and two-inch thick plank walkways may be used. Blocks, angles or supports fastened to the roof shall be located so as not to interfere with the drainage of the roof, and when necessary, flashing or counter flashing shall be used.
Passages clear of all obstructions shall be left under or around all such signs exceeding a height of four feet, immediately thereunder or adjacent thereto.
No roof sign on a type II, III, IV, or V building or structure, as the same are defined in Chapter 15, Construction Codes, , Building and Housing, shall exceed a height of 30 feet above the top of the parapet nearest the sign, or above the highest point of the roof directly thereunder in case there is no parapet. On a Type I building, as the same is defined in Chapter 15, Construction Codes, , no roof sign shall extend more than 30 feet above the top of the parapet nearest the sign, or above the highest point of the roof directly under the sign, unless the height of the building is more than 30 feet, in which case the height of the sign may be 50 feet; provided, however, that letters, figures, characters, or representations in cut-out, or irregular form may be maintained in conjunction with, attached to, or imposed upon any solid roof sign, but shall not exceed more than 15 feet above the height limit of the sign; provided, further, that the total surface area of the solid portion of such letters, figures, characters, or representations in cut-out, or irregular form extending above the top molding of the solid roof sign shall not exceed 30% of the total area of the surface sign space of such sign, and the total surface area of the solid portion of any one individual letter, figure, character, or representation in cut-out, or irregular form extending above the top molding of such sign shall not exceed 10% of the total area of the surface of such sign.
Notwithstanding any of the foregoing in this subsection, roof signs on one story buildings may be constructed of wood not less than 3/4 inch thick, or plywood not less than 1/2 inch thick, provided:
No portion of the sign extends more than four feet above the roof directly thereunder; and
If any portion of the sign is within four feet of the street side of the building a six-foot unobstructed passage must be maintained at each end of the sign and at least every 50 feet in the length of the sign.
Roof signs may project beyond the face of a building at right angles thereto if such projection complies with the provisions of this section for projecting signs.
[Added by Ord. #884, § 8606; amended 10-26-2021 by Ord. No. 2339]
Signs may be placed or attached to, or constructed on a marquee, and for the purpose of determining projection, clearance, height and material shall be considered a part of and shall meet the requirements for a marquee as provided in Chapter 15, Construction Codes. Projecting signs attached to a building also may be attached to a marquee.
[Added by Ord. #884, § 8607]
Cloth and banner signs shall be of strong construction and securely attached flat against the building. All such signs shall be removed within 60 days after erection. Cloth signs and banners shall be flame proofed as required by the Fire Chief if the area exceeds 100 square feet on the face of the building.
Editor's Note: Former subsection 19-6.3, Street Banners, previously codified herein and containing portions of Ordinance No. 884, was repealed in its entirety by Ordinance No. 2211. See Section 19-10 for street banners.
[Added by Ord. #884, § 8609]
Any standard which supports a ground sign shall be of structural steel or iron pipe and shall be set in the ground in concrete to a depth of not less than seven feet, and such concrete shall extend outward from such standard in all directions for a distance of not less than 18 inches. The maximum height of a ground sign may be increased to 30 feet upon approval of the Building Official. A sign made of any material and erected upon a wooden pole shall be considered to meet the requirements of this subsection when such post is at least six inches by six inches and has been treated with an approved wood preservative and the advertising surface of the sign supported thereby does not exceed 25 square feet, and the highest portion thereof is not more than 15 feet above grade; provided further that such a sign upon a wooden standard shall be at least 15 feet from every property line.
[Added by Ord. #884, § 8610]
No person shall erect, construct, repair or maintain a flange or bracket type sign unless the same first is approved by the Building Official and unless such sign meets the following requirements: Such sign shall not have an area greater than three square feet and shall not extend more than two feet over public property or any building line and shall be maintained at least eight feet above grade. No such sign shall be erected or maintained on that portion of any building which faces an alley.
[Added by Ord. #884, § 8611]
The provisions of this section shall not apply to moveable or portable poster boards, portable A-boards, folding signs and similar moveable signs with no advertising surface thereon larger than 24 square feet when such signs do not exceed six feet in height and when such signs are used to advertise goods, wares, or merchandise, or the carrying on of a business or profession and are located on the premises where such goods, wares, or merchandise is sold or such business or profession is carried on. All such signs shall be anchored or weighted to hold them substantially erect.
Notwithstanding anything in Section 29-7 of this Code to the contrary, portable signs of less than 12 square feet in surface area may be placed between the front property line and any setback line established pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 29, Setback Lines, when the location of the same has been approved by the Building Official and for such length of time as may be determined reasonable by said Official, when in the opinion of said Official the placing of such sign would not in any way be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare of the citizens of the City.
[Added by Ord. #884, § 8612]
Each portion of an advertising structure which is subject to more than one classification shall meet the requirements for the classification to which such portion is subject.
[Added by Ord. #884, § 8613]
Every advertising structure shall have placed thereon the name of the person erecting, constructing, owning, or controlling the same and such identification shall be plainly and prominently marked, painted, or outlined in a location on such structure where such information shall be readily visible after installation and erection of such structure.
[Added by Ord. #884, § 8614]
Advertising structures shall be maintained at all times in a state of good repair with all braces, bolts, supporting frame and fastenings free from deterioration, termite infestation, rot, rust, or loosening. They shall be able at all times to withstand safely the wind pressure for which they originally were designed, and which in no case should be less than 15 pounds per square foot.
[Added by Ord. #884, § 8615]
No person erecting, constructing, maintaining or having control of any advertising structure shall fail, refuse, or neglect to remove or cause to be removed all weeds, rubbish, or any flammable waste or material from the base of any such structure built or constructed of wood or other flammable materials.
[Added by Ord. #884, § 8616]
No person shall exhibit, post or display upon any advertising structure or sign any statement, words or signs of an obscene, indecent or immoral nature, or any picture, illustration or delineation of any human figure in such detail as to offend public morality or decency; or any lewd or lascivious act, or any other matter or thing of an obscene, indecent or immoral nature, or offensive to the moral sense; or any murder, suicide, robbery, holdup, shooting, stabbing, clubbing or beating of any human being, wherein any such act is shown in gruesome detail, or in a revolting manner, or in any manner objectionable to the moral sense.
[Added by Ord. #884, § 8617]
No person shall erect, construct, or maintain any advertising structure or sign the design of which has features which might cause undue distraction to pedestrians or motorists, or which might result in the creation of a hazardous condition, or in any way simulate in size, color, lettering or design any traffic sign.
[Added by Ord. #884, § 8618]
The Building Official is hereby authorized and directed to enforce all the provisions of this section and may enter any building or upon any premises for the purpose of inspection to determine whether work being carried on is in compliance with the provisions of this section and, in the event he finds any violation of the provisions of this section, or that the same is dangerous or unsafe or a menace to life or property, the Building Official shall have the power to order any dangerous, unsafe, or menacing condition to be corrected and in order to effect the same may stop the work on such advertising structure.
No person shall continue to proceed with any work on any advertising structure in violation of a stop order of the Building Official.
[Added by Ord. #884, § 8619]
Any person erecting, constructing, enlarging, altering, or moving any advertising structure, or doing any work thereon for which a permit is required by this section shall call for a final inspection by the Building Official within 48 hours after the work authorized to be completed by said permit is completed. If after inspection such advertising structure, or any portion thereof, is found to be in violation of any provision of this section, correction shall be made promptly and the structure shall be made to conform in all respects and another call for final inspection shall be made. No advertising structure shall be considered complete until the final inspection or inspections required by the Building Official have been made.
[Added by Ord. #884, § 8620]
No person shall erect, install, alter, repair, or remove any advertising structure which projects over or above any public property, nor do any work preparatory thereto unless a suitable barricade of heavy rope attached to moveable structures or standards or a board fence not less than four feet in height is erected and maintained to keep pedestrian or other traffic from underneath such advertising structure for a distance not less than 25 feet on all sides of such structure during the period in which the work is being performed, except that a suitable space on the sidewalk next to the curb may be left for passage, and, in addition, between sunrise and sunset there shall be installed and kept burning not less than two lighted red lanterns if such work is to be performed at night.
[Ord. #2211]
The purpose of this section is to prescribe standards by which the City will provide limited availability for community-based service organizations and educational institutions to advertise their events or a series of events that are of general public interest utilizing City of Compton designated street banner spaces according to the criteria set forth herein. It is not the intent of the City of Compton to provide street banner space as a forum for the unlimited expression by the general public or to allow non-City entities or persons to post messages on City designated street banner spaces by use of street banners. The City shall not discriminate based on the content of the requested event banner, nor based on the nature of the event, provided that the requested banner meets the requirements of this section. These standards are intended to preserve the limited public forum status of the street banner spaces.
This section does not apply to street banners that advertise events conducted, sponsored or funded by the City. Such street banners instead are prepared by the City or under its supervision, or are governed by the terms of the City's sponsorship or funding requirements. In no way shall this section be construed to limit the City's inherent right to hang City sponsored street banners from any street banner space.
[Ord. #2211]
For the purposes of this section, the following terms, phrases, words and their derivations shall have the meanings given herein. When not inconsistent with the context, words used in the present tense include the future; words used in the singular number include the plural number. The word "shall" is always mandatory and not merely directive.
Shall mean a nonprofit organization or corporation organized exclusively for veterans, social welfare, civic league, religious or charitable purposes, which has been issued a determination of exempt status by the Franchise Tax Board as required under Sections 23701d, 23701f, or 23701w of the Revenue and Taxation Code of the State of California or a group which is a local chapter of a recognized national organization having such a tax exempt status. Each such nonprofit organization must have a permanent meeting place in the City and must have been organized and established in the City for a minimum of one year continuously preceding the filing of the application for the banner permit.
Shall mean the City-designated street banner space at the following locations: (1) Long Beach Boulevard at Rosecrans Avenue; (2) Long Beach Boulevard at Alondra Boulevard; (3) Central Avenue at Greenleaf Boulevard; (4) Central Avenue at Alondra Boulevard; (5) Central Avenue at Rosecrans Avenue; and (6) Alameda Street at Compton Boulevard; (7) Alondra Boulevard at Long Beach Boulevard; (8) Alondra Boulevard at Central Avenue; (9) Rosecrans Avenue at Central Avenue.
Shall mean a community-based service organization or a local school district.
Shall mean and includes suspend, display, install, construct, place and maintain.
Shall mean something that takes place within the City of Compton at a venue of general interest that is open for attendance to the public regardless of their age, gender, race, religion or physical disability.
Shall mean the Compton Unified School District and the El Camino College, Compton Center (Compton Community College District).
Shall mean an object that both (i) is made of durable cloth, plastic or similar nonrigid material; and (ii) is suspended or otherwise displayed over, along, across or upon a public street or other public way.
[Ord. #2211]
No person shall erect or cause to be erected over, along, across or upon any public street or other public way any street banner without a street banner permit first being approved by the City Manager, or his or her designee.
[Ord. #2211]
Street banner permit applications shall be processed in accordance with this section:
Applications shall be filed with the City Clerk's Office on a City provided form and submitted no more than 60 days and no less than 21 days prior to the event sought to be advertised. Applications received by the City outside of this period shall not be processed.
Applications filed by eligible organizations shall include a nonrefundable application fee in an amount set by City Council resolution. If a permit is granted by the City Manager or his or her designee, prior to installation of any street banner, the permittee shall remit to the City a nonrefundable banner permit processing fee in an amount set by City council resolution, in addition to proof of compliance with subsection 19-10.7 (Insurance).
Applications shall be reviewed solely according to the following criteria:
Whether the application is complete.
Whether the applicant is an eligible organization.
Whether the requested street banner space is an available designated location.
Whether the applicant has submitted proof of general liability insurance that satisfies the insurance requirements of this section.
The City Manager, or his or her designee, shall process applications in the order received. An application shall be approved if there are no grounds for denial based on the review criteria.
Reasonable efforts shall be made to provide written notice of the approval or denial of an application to the applicant no later than seven days after the application date. If the application is denied, the notice shall include an explanation of the reason(s) for the denial and the decision shall be final.
[Ord. #2211]
Street banners displayed pursuant to an approved street banner permit shall conform to the specifications in this section:
Street banners shall be 40 feet long by three feet wide, shall be constructed of 16 ounce canvas, and shall contain two rows of eight inch diameter wind holes set 24 inches apart. Street banners must be professionally made and must be designed as specified in the application.
Street banners shall have metal grommets that are 5/8 inch in diameter placed at all corners and at both the top and bottom of the banner, spaced 24 inches apart. Corner grommets shall have reinforced backing.
Street banners shall contain 100 feet of 3/8 nylon rope sewn into top, center and the bottom of the banner.
Street banners shall contain the name, date, time (if applicable) and location of the event and the name of the organization who is the permit applicant that is conducting the event. Additionally, if desired by the applicant and space allows, the street banner may also contain the telephone number and/or web address for persons to obtain additional information concerning the event.
[Ord. #2211]
Street banners shall be installed and removed by the City in accordance with this section:
The permittee shall deliver its street banner to the City of Compton Public Works Street Department Corporate Yard at least 14 days prior to the approved display period. Any street banner that is unsafe, or that does not satisfy the banner specifications of this chapter, shall not be installed until such time as necessary corrections have been completed.
The priority of street banner installations shall be based on event dates and not on the order in which applications were received or permits were issued.
No street banner shall be displayed for more than 30 days.
Each street banner shall be removed upon expiration of the approved display period, or at any earlier time that the street banner has been damaged by wind or other elements. Each permittee must retrieve its street banner from the Public Works Street Department within one week after it has been removed. Street banners not retrieved before the deadline shall be destroyed or otherwise disposed of by the City.
[Ord. #2211]
Upon approval of a street banner permit, but prior to installation, permittees shall provide proof of issuance of a general liability insurance policy that shall remain in full force and effect throughout the display period that satisfies the insurance requirements of this section:
The policy shall be issued by an insurer that is authorized to do business in California and has a Best's rating of no less than A-:VII.
The policy shall provide coverage in an amount no less than $1,000,000 per occurrence and shall name the City as an additional named insured on the evidence of insurance and endorsement pages.
The coverage shall contain no special limitations on the scope of protection afforded to the City.
The coverage shall be primary insurance as respects the City.
Any failure to comply with reporting or other provisions of the policy, including breaches of warranties, shall not affect coverage provided to the City.
The insurance shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respect to the limits of the insurer's liability.
The policy shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be suspended, voided, cancelled by either party, or reduced in coverage or in limits unless the City has been given 30 days' prior written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested.
[Ord. #2211]
Approval of a street banner permit shall not preclude the City from displacing the permittee's street banner to accommodate a street banner for a subsequently scheduled event conducted, sponsored or funded by the City. In that situation, the eligible organization may be entitled to receive a prorated refund of the banner permit processing fee.
[Ord. #2211]
Permits may be revoked by the City Manager and/or his or her designee in whole or in part for one or more of the following grounds:
The maintenance of any street banner endangers public welfare, safety or property;
Failure or refusal to observe any provisions of this section or any rule promulgated by the Public Works Department; or
A material misrepresentation in the permit application.
[Ord. #2211]
With the City Manager's approval, the Director of Public Works may adopt such rules and regulations as may be necessary or convenient to implement this section. Such rules and regulations shall be kept on file in the Public Works Department and the City Clerk's Office and shall be available for the use and examination of the public.