[Ord. No. 99-29 § 4A-51]
No person shall commence or continue with the construction, installation or operation of telecommunications facilities within the Township except as provided in this Article.
[Ord. No. 99-29 § 4A-52]
Telecommunications facilities shall be constructed, installed, operated and maintained in accordance with all applicable Federal, State, and local codes, rules and regulations including the National Electrical Safety Code.
[Ord. No. 99-29 § 4A-53]
No person shall construct or install any telecommunications facilities within the Township without first obtaining a construction permit therefor, provided, however:
No permit shall be issued for the construction or installation of telecommunications facilities in the public ways unless the telecommunications carrier has applied for and received a license pursuant to Article II of this chapter.
No permit shall be issued for the construction or installation of telecommunications facilities without payment of the construction permit fee established in section 4A-24 of this chapter.
[Ord. No. 99-29 § 4A-54]
Applications for permits to construct telecommunications facilities shall be submitted upon forms to be provided by the Township and shall be accompanied by detailed engineering drawings, plans and specifications in sufficient detail to demonstrate:
That the facilities will be constructed in accordance with all applicable codes, rules and regulations.
The location and route of all facilities to be installed on existing utility poles.
The location and route of all facilities to be located under the surface of the ground, including the line and grade proposed for the burial at all points along the route which are within the public ways.
The location of all existing underground utilities, conduits, ducts, pipes, mains and installations which are within the public ways along the underground route proposed by the applicant.
The location of all other facilities to be constructed within the Township, but not within the public ways.
The construction methods to be employed for protection of existing structures, fixtures, and facilities within or adjacent to the public ways.
The location, dimension and types of all trees within or adjacent to the public ways along the route proposed by the applicant, together with a landscape plan for protecting, trimming, removing, replacing and restoring any trees or areas to be disturbed during construction.
The plans are to be designed utilizing a current survey based on the New Jersey Plan Coordinate System.
[Ord. No. 99-29 § 4A-55]
All permit applications shall be accompanied by the certification of a professional engineer licensed in New Jersey that the drawings, plans and specifications submitted with the application comply with applicable technical codes, rules and regulations.
[Ord. No. 99-29 § 4A-56]
All permit applications which involve work on, in, under across or along any public ways shall be accompanied by a traffic control plan demonstrating the protective measures and devices that will be employed, consistent with the New Jersey Department of Transportation regulations, to prevent injury or damage to persons or property and to minimize disruptions to efficient pedestrian and vehicular traffic. The plan will be submitted to the Holmdel Township Chief of Police for review and approval. The Township may require the applicant to hire traffic directors (off-duty police officer) on an as-needed basis.
[Ord. No. 99-29 § 4A-57]
Within 45 days after submission of all plans and documents required of the applicant and payment of the permit fees required by this chapter, the Township Engineer, if satisfied that the applications, plans and document comply with all requirements of this chapter, shall issue a permit authorizing construction of the facilities, subject to such further conditions, restrictions, or regulations affecting the time, place and manner of performing the work as he may deem necessary or appropriate.
[Ord. No. 99-29 § 4A-58]
The licensee shall submit a written construction schedule to the Township Engineer 10 working days before commencing any work in or about the public ways. The licensee shall further notify the Township Engineer not less than two working days in advance of any excavation or work in the public ways.
[Ord. No. 99-29 § 4A-59]
All construction practices and activities shall be in accordance with the permit and approved final plans and specifications for the facilities. The Township Engineer and his representatives shall be provided access to the work and such further information as he or she may reasonably require to ensure compliance with such requirements.
[Ord. No. 99-29 § 4A-60]
The licensee shall maintain a copy of the construction permit and approved plans at the construction site, which shall be displayed and made available for inspection by the Township Engineer or his representatives at all times when construction work is occurring.
[Ord. No. 99-29 § 4A-61]
If the construction permit specifies the location of facilities by depth, line, grade, proximity to other facilities or other standard, the licensee shall cause the location of such facilities to be verified by a licensed New Jersey Land Surveyor. The licensee shall relocate any facilities which are not located in compliance with permit requirements.
[Ord. No. 99-29 § 4A-62]
Upon order of the Township Engineer, all work which does not comply with the permit, the approved plans and specifications for the work, or the requirements of this chapter, shall be removed.
[Ord. No. 99-29 § 4A-63]
The licensee shall promptly complete all construction activities so as to minimize disruption of the Township ways and other public and private property. All construction work authorized by a permit within Township ways, including restoration, must be completed within 120 days of the date of issuance.
[Ord. No. 99-29 § 4A-64]
Within 60 days after completion of construction, the licensee shall furnish the Township with two complete sets of plans, drawn to scale and certified to the Township as accurately depicting the location of all telecommunications facilities constructed pursuant to the permit. This information shall be provided on computer aided design and drafting (CADD) diskette in a .dxf file format.
[Ord. No. 99-29 § 4A-65]
Upon completion of any construction work, the licensee shall promptly repair any and all public and private property improvements, fixtures, structures and facilities in the public ways or otherwise damaged during the course of construction, restoring the same as nearly as practicable to its condition before the start of construction.
[Ord. No. 99-29 § 4A-66]
All trees, landscaping and grounds removed, damaged or disturbed as a result of the construction, installation, maintenance, repair or replacement of telecommunications facilities shall be replaced or restored as nearly as may be practicable, to the condition existing prior to performance of work.
All restoration work within the public ways shall be done in accordance with landscape plans approved by the Township Engineer.
[Ord. No. 99-29 § 4A-67]
Prior to issuance of a construction permit, the licensee shall provide a performance bond, as provided in Section 4A-43 of this chapter.
[Ord. No. 99-29 § 4A-68]
Unless otherwise provided in a license agreement, all telecommunications carriers are subject to the requirements of this Article V.
[Ord. No. 99-29 § 4A-69]
The owner of the facilities to be constructed and, if different, the licensee, are responsible for performance of and compliance with all provisions of this Article.