[1976 Code § 55B-1; Ord. No. 25-77]
The following rules and regulations are hereby adopted for the protection, regulation and control of parks owned and operated by the Township, including driveways, sidewalks, paths, parking lots, buildings and all facilities located within and upon public parks.
[1976 Code § 55B-2; Ord. No. 25-77; Ord. No. 2008-08 § I]
All parks in this municipality shall be operated and maintained under the supervision of the Township Committee. The Township Committee may, by resolution from time to time, delegate all or any aspects of such supervision to the Director of Parks and Recreation or any other designated agency of the Township.
[1976 Code § 55B-3; Ord. No. 25-77; Ord. No. 2008-08 § I]
Public parks shall be open during the hours of 7:00 a.m. to sunset each day, except that the closing time of a public park may be changed by prior permission and authorization issued by the Governing Body or the Director of Parks and Recreation. No person shall, without permission, enter into or remain in a public park except during the hours the park is open to the general public.
[1976 Code § 55B-4; Ord. No. 25-77; Ord. No. 16-79; Ord. No. 2005-11 § I; Ord. No. 2005-28 § I; Ord. No. 2012-14]
No person shall be permitted to possess or consume alcoholic beverages at any time within a public park or Township recreational facility without a permit from the State of New Jersey, Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control, and the Township of Holmdel subject to the following conditions:
The alcoholic beverages would be served at a special event or celebration for which a Township facility has been specifically rented by the group or organization seeking permission to serve alcoholic beverages.
The special event or celebration would take place pursuant to a permit issued in accordance with subsection 13-1.6. However, such application must be filed with the Township Clerk at least three weeks prior to the anticipated event.
The application filed pursuant to paragraph b above shall be accompanied by a security deposit in the amount of $500. Regulations relating to the refund of the security deposit shall be as established, in writing, from time to time by the Township Administrator.
The permit issued pursuant to subsection 13-1.6 must state that alcoholic beverages are permitted pursuant to this section.
At least one week prior to the event, the applicant(s) must file with the Township Clerk, certificate of insurance evidencing liability insurance of at least $1,000,000 coverage and naming the Township as an additional insured. Such certificate must also include evidence of liquor liability.
At least one week prior to the event, the applicant(s) must file with the Township Clerk, a duly executed Hold harmless Agreement. Such form of Agreement is available from the Township Clerk's Office.
Serving of alcohol shall be subject to rules and regulations set forth by the Township Administrator.
[1976 Code § 55B-5; Ord. No. 25-77]
No person shall leave or throw bottles, broken glass, ashes, wastepaper or other rubbish or litter in any public park, except in a receptacle designated for that purpose. No person shall throw or place any dirt, stone, rock, debris or foreign or waste substance in any portion of a public park, and no person shall cause any portion of a public park to become polluted or otherwise unfit or unsafe for use by the public.
[1976 Code § 55B-6; Ord. No. 25-77; amended 4-13-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-10]
No group or organization of 10 or more persons shall use or occupy a public park without first having obtained a group use permit. Such permit shall be obtained from the recreation agency of the municipality not later than seven days before the proposed date of use. The granting or denial of such permit shall be based upon the rules, regulations and standards promulgated by the Governing Body. Group use shall be limited to designated areas. Adult supervision of children's groups shall be required at all times.
[1976 Code § 55B-7; Ord. No. 25-77; Ord. No. 88-36]
No person in a park shall picnic or lunch in a place other than those designated for that purpose. No person shall build, light or maintain a fire within a public park except in a camp stove or fireplace in an area designated for that purpose. All fires shall be extinguished immediately upon completion of use of the camp stove or fireplace.
In the cases of prolonged scarcity of water from any cause; or upon direction by the State of New Jersey; or in the event any local water company servicing the Township of Holmdel advises that it is instituting water usage restrictions, the Mayor of the Township of Holmdel shall have the right to declare a fire emergency. Upon issuance of a declaration, fires of any kind within the parks shall be prohibited.
[1976 Code § 55B-8; Ord. No. 25-77; Ord. No. 2007-26 § I]
No person shall discharge or set off any fireworks, firecrackers, torpedoes, rockets or noise makers of any kind in a public park unless sponsored by a government entity.
Such permit shall be obtained from the Department of Parks and Recreation after review by the Township Police Department, Township Fire Official, and Township Committee.
[1976 Code § 55B-9; Ord. No. 25-77]
No person shall engage in any commercial use or enterprise in a public park, except that duly licensed vendors may sell items to individuals from motor vehicles temporarily parked in the vicinity or parking area of a public park.
[1976 Code § 55B-10; Ord. No. 25-77]
No person shall gamble or play at games of chance or use any gambling device in any public park.
[1976 Code § 55B-11; Ord. No. 88-36; Ord. No. 2008-08 § I]
No person shall use any portion of a public park, except those areas designated for that purpose, for the purpose of travel with or parking of vehicles, including mopeds. Footpaths and walks established for pedestrian use shall not be used for vehicle travel. The use of any unregistered motor vehicle, including but not limited to, snowmobile, trail bike, ATV, or minibike is prohibited in any public park, with the exception of vehicles used in conformance with the American with Disabilities Act.
[1976 Code § 55B-12; Ord. No. 88-36]
No person shall harass, obstruct, molest, assault or interfere with any person lawfully within a public park; nor shall any person resist, obstruct, molest, assault or interfere with any law enforcement officer or public official in any public park.
[1976 Code § 55B-13; Ord. No. 88-36]
No person shall use abusive, threatening, boisterous, insulting or indecent language in a public park; nor shall any action by any person constituting a nuisance be allowed.
[1976 Code § 55B-14; Ord. No. 88-36]
The Governing Body hereby authorizes the installation of appropriate signs, to be located within public parks, giving notice of the various rules and regulations or portions thereof set forth in this chapter. No person shall damage or deface any such sign.
[1976 Code § 55B-14A; Ord. No. 88-24; Ord. No. 88-33]
As part of its authority to administer, maintain, operate and protect lands for public parking, recreation and conservation purposes, the Township shall include and allow the composting of leaves as a permitted use in Cross Farm subject to the following conditions:
Leaf composting shall be a permitted use only in Cross Farm, designated as Block 3, Lot 9, on the municipal tax map for a period not to exceed five years.
The operation of a leaf compost facility shall be in accordance with applicable State, county or local permits, conditions, and land use regulations affecting park, recreation and conservation areas.
Lands which are regulated in whole or in part by the New Jersey Green Acres Statutes and Rules and Regulations promulgated thereunder shall fall under such statutes, rules and regulations which must be enforced by the municipality.
The operation and maintenance of a leaf compost facility shall not permanently nor completely alter or divert from a use other than public recreation or conservation lands dedicated, owned or operated by the Township.
The humus produced from a leaf compost facility shall be made available to the general public of Holmdel or other government agencies at designated times and places as may be prescribed and/or used by the municipality for natural resource purposes.
Any sales proceeds derived from paragraph e above shall be dedicated in a special account for park, recreation and conservation purposes in the municipality.
No person shall dump or cause to be dumped any leaves or other material at the compost facility or in any part of any park, recreation or conservation area except as may be prescribed by the Township and with the approval of the New Jersey Green Acres Program.
Editor's Note: Former Subsection 13-1.16 was renumbered as Subsection 13-1.20 by Ord. No. 2021-09.
[Ord. No. 2006-14 § I]
In order to protect the streambeds and public areas the following restrictions shall apply:
Fossil collection may take place from dawn to dusk.
The collection of fossils is restricted to those found within the streambed. This excludes the stream banks. Fossil extraction is prohibited from the walls of the streambed above the stream water line.
The use of equipment to remove fossils is restricted to trowels with a maximum blade width of six inches and small screens with 144 square inch maximum screen area.
No person may harvest more than five fossils per day.
A group permit is required for the purpose of fossil collection by groups of 15 or more.
Fees. Permits are obtained by contacting Holmdel Recreation Department, in writing.
Penalty. Any person violating these rules shall, upon conviction, be subject to the replacement, repair, and restoration of the damaged property, and subject to one or more of the following: imprisonment in the County Jail or in any place provided by the Township for the detention of prisoners, for any term not exceeding 90 days; or by a fine not exceeding $2,000; or by a period of community service not exceeding 90 days.
[Ord. No. 2008-26 § 1]
Alcoholic beverages may be permitted at Bayonet Farm subject to the following conditions:
The alcoholic beverages would be served at a special event or celebration for which Bayonet Farms has been specifically rented by the group or organization seeking permission to serve alcoholic beverages.
The food and alcoholic beverages would be prepared and served by a caterer regularly engaged in the catering of special events or celebrations.
The special event or celebration would take place pursuant to a permit issued in accordance with subsection 13-1.6. However, such application must be filed with the Township Clerk at least three weeks prior to the anticipated event.
The application filed pursuant to paragraph c above shall be accompanied by a security deposit in the amount of $500. Regulations relating to the refund of the security deposit shall be as established, in writing, from time to time by the Township Administrator.
The permit issued pursuant to subsection 13-1.6 must state that alcoholic beverages are permitted pursuant to this section.
At least one week prior to the event, the applicant(s) must file with the Township Clerk, certificate of insurance evidencing liability insurance of at least $1,000,000 coverage and naming the Township as an additional insured. Such certificate must also include evidence of liquor liability.
At least one week prior to the event, the applicant(s) must file with the Township Clerk, a duly executed Hold Harmless Agreement. Such form of Agreement is available from the Township Clerk's Office.
Serving of alcohol shall be subject to rules and regulations set forth by the Township Administrator.
[Added 4-13-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-09]
There is established an off-leash dog area located at Bayonet Farm in the Township of Holmdel (the "facility"). The facility shall be named the "Alexander Ching Memorial Dog Park," in recognition of the generous donation of the facility that was made in honor of the late Holmdel resident Alexander Ching.
The following provisions shall apply to use of the facility:
The facility may only be accessed and used by persons that own or control a dog that is actively using the facility at that time.
All users of the facility must abide by any directions issued by Township of Holmdel personnel.
Children under eight years of age are not permitted within the facility. Children between eight and 14 years of age must be closely supervised by an adult.
All users of the facility must be responsible at all times for the control, actions, behavior, and safety of their dog(s) and must be considerate of other patrons.
The following dogs are prohibited from accessing the facility:
Dogs with a history of dangerous or aggressive behavior.
Puppies under four months old.
Dogs over six months old that are not spayed or neutered.
Dogs without current vaccinations.
Dogs without proper municipal licenses.
Any unattended dogs.
Dogs must wear collars displaying proper municipal licenses at all times. Proned, pinch, choke, spike, and electric training collars are prohibited.
Dogs must be leashed while entering and exiting the facility.
Owners must remain within the facility and supervise their dog at all times with a leash readily available. If the owner's dog plays inappropriately, the owner must interrupt their dog. If the owner's dog continues to play inappropriately or becomes aggressive, the owner must immediately leash the dog and remove it from the facility.
Owners must properly secure access gates upon entering and leaving the facility. Once within the facility, owners must momentarily restrain their dogs when others are entering or leaving in order to prevent dogs from leaving the facility.
Dog waste must immediately be cleaned up by the dog's owner.
Glass bottles are prohibited from the facility.
Dog food and human food are prohibited from the facility.
The facility is divided into two separate fenced-in areas. Dogs weighing thirty (30) pounds or less must use the designated small dog area. Dogs weighing over thirty (30) pounds must use the designated large dog area.
The facility may not be used for any private use or gain, including, but not limited to, private instructional training or activities, without the express approval of the Township.
Smoking and alcohol consumption are prohibited.
All incidents and injuries must be immediately reported to the Township.
The facility is not supervised. The Township does not assume any responsibility for accidents or injuries occurring due to use of the facility.
[1976 Code § 55B-15; Ord. No. 88-36; amended 4-13-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-09]
Any person, firm or corporation found guilty in the Municipal Court of a violation of the terms of this section shall be liable to the penalty in Chapter 1, Section 1-5.
Except as otherwise provided each and every day in which a violation of any provision of this section exists, shall constitute a separate violation. In addition, each violation of this section shall be considered a separate offense upon each and every day in which a violation exists.
Editor's Note: Prior ordinance history: Ordinance No. 2005-02, Ordinance No. 2006-26, Ordinance No. 2008-23, Ordinance No. 2010-04, Ordinance No. 2011-06, Ordinance No. 2014-07, Ordinance No. 2016-05.
[Ord. No. 2014-07; Ord. No. 2018-12]
The Township of Holmdel desires to establish regulations for the use of all applicable facilities owned and operated by the Township of Holmdel as set forth in this section.
For purposes of this Section 13-2, user group shall be defined to include any individual or group representing an organization or group of individuals that seek to use Township facilities for an organized activity.
All uses of Township Facilities by user groups governed by Section 13-2 shall require the issuance of a facility use permit. Applications for facility use permits must be made through a facility use request in writing and on the forms supplied by the Township. Forms may be obtained from the Township's Recreation Department or on the Township's website.
The following terms shall govern all facility use requests by user groups, and all issuances of facility use permits shall be conditioned upon the following:
Applications must be submitted to the Township's Recreation Office no less than 14 calendar days before the date of requested use.
The application shall be signed by an adult representative of the user group requesting the facility use permit who shall be considered the organization's authorized agent. The user group must have the authorized agent or at least one other adult in attendance while the facility is being used pursuant to the facility use permit.
Applicants must agree that they shall assume responsibility for the orderly and careful use of the facility for which they are seeking approval.
Applicants must agree to indemnify and hold the Township harmless from any and all claims, injuries and/or damages arising out of the permitted use of the facility and must furnish evidence of adequate liability insurance coverage of a minimum of $1,000,000 per person, incident and for property damage with such Certificate of Insurance clearly naming the Township of Holmdel as additionally insured for the period of time which the permit is being issued.
Applicants agree they will not sublet or assign any permitted facility. Only the individuals or organizations making reservations for the fields or facilities may use them for the stated time on their permit. Any unauthorized subletting or assignment will result in the immediate forfeiture of the individual or organizations permit.
The Township shall not discriminate in making any of its facilities available on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, age, physical limitation, or any other protected class under applicable law.
The issuance of a facility use permit to a user group shall not constitute or imply in any way an endorsement by the Township of the user group's aims, policies, or activities, and a user group hereby agrees to not imply such Township endorsement in any of its advertisements or announcements.
The Township Administrator, Governing Body and Recreation Director shall deny any permit application if they determine that the applicant fails to satisfy any of the applicable requirements contained in Section 13-2 or if a user group has not paid permit fees imposed by Section 13-2 in a timely fashion.
[Ord. No. 2014-07 § 32.1a; Ord. No. 2018-12; amended 3-19-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-07]
Senior/Community Center.
This section shall govern the use of the Senior/Community Center ("Senior/Community Center"), located on lands owned by the Township of Holmdel, situated at 6 Crawfords Corner Road.
The Senior/Community Center shall be made available for rent to members of the public. Such rentals shall be subject to the provisions of subsection 13-2.1 as well as the following specific requirements:
All rentals will last a minimum of one hour and a maximum of five hours and shall end no later than 11:00 p.m.
Events held at the Senior/Community Center shall have no more than 150 people.
A rental permit must be properly signed and filed with the Holmdel Township Recreation Office at least two weeks prior to the date(s) requested. A rental permit is non-transferable. Applicants for a rental permit must notify the Holmdel Township Recreation Office of any cancellations.
All rentals of the Senior/Community Center must comply with all applicable federal and state laws, Township Ordinances, and police and fire department rules. The Holmdel Township Recreation Office or its representatives shall always have access to the Senior/Community Center and shall have the right to revoke any permit if the rental does not comply with applicable laws and rules.
The Township Administrator and Director of Recreation shall each have the authority to impose reasonable regulations for the use of the Senior/Community Center, which shall be memorialized in a rental/use agreement that must be signed by the individual or entity renting the Senior/Community Center prior to the issuance of a permit.
The fees for rental of the Senior/Community Center shall be:
Resident Fee (entire building) $125/hour.
Nonresident Fee (entire building) $250/hour.
Resident Fee (per section) $50/hour.
Nonresident Fee (per section) $100/hour.
Security Deposit (refundable) $250.
Holmdel Township Bell Works Meeting Room.
This section shall govern the use of the Holmdel Township Bell Works Meeting Room, located adjacent to the Holmdel Township Library and Learning Center, in the Bell Works building at 101 Crawfords Corner Road in Holmdel (the "Meeting Room").
The Meeting Room facility consists of a meeting room that can accommodate up to 200 people seated, and may be subdivided into two smaller meeting rooms, each roughly one-half of the size of the larger room. The room setup consists of tables and chairs. All other audio visual equipment must be provided by the user group.
The Meeting Room may only be used for activities that are customarily associated with a public library. Accordingly, the Meeting Room shall not be used by user groups for any of the following activities:
Programs involving the sale, advertising or promotion of products or services.
Business firms and other for-profit organizations soliciting or selling products or services, regardless of purpose.
Private social functions, such as showers, birthday parties, dances, recitals, and the like.
Programs that would interfere with the Library or Bell Works building operation by causing excessive noise, a safety hazard, security risk, etc.
The following terms shall govern facility use requests by user groups for the Meeting Room:
Reservation requests will be accommodated as space is available and by priority as determined by the Holmdel Township. Reservations will be taken up to 30 days in advance. Unless otherwise authorized by the Recreation Director, Township Administrator or Township Committee, user groups will be limited to one reservation per month.
The Township reserves the right based upon the nature of the reservation request to determine whether the entire Meeting Room or only a subdivision thereof may be used by the user group.
Meeting Room reservations shall be made through the Recreation Office during the hours of 8:30 a.m. — 4:30 p.m., Monday — Friday. Applications for Meeting Room use may be submitted by email, mail, or by fax to the Recreation Office.
A group using the Meeting Room must conclude their business and leave the room in good order no later than 15 minutes prior to the scheduled end time in the approved facility use request.
The following fees shall apply to use of the Meeting Room:
Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Monday-Friday 5:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.
Maximum Occupancy
200 people
200 people
200 people
Holmdel Township Library programs
Free of Charge
Free of Charge
Free of Charge
Holmdel Township programs/meetings
Free of Charge
Free of Charge
Free of Charge
Holmdel Township Non-Profit Organizations (see C below)
Free of Charge
Other Non-Profits, Private Businesses and For-Profit Organizations
Security Deposit (refundable)
For purposes of the above fee structure, the following definitions shall apply:
HOLMDEL TOWNSHIP LIBRARY PROGRAMS – Shall be defined as programs sponsored and/or operated by the Monmouth County Library Commission, in its capacity as operator of the Holmdel Township Library and Learning Center.
HOLMDEL TOWNSHIP PROGRAMS/MEETINGS – Shall be defined as programs sponsored and/or operated by the Township of Holmdel, including but not limited to activities by the Holmdel Recreation Department.
HOLMDEL TOWNSHIP NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION – Shall be defined as a user group constituted as a legally-established entity with current non-profit status, demonstrated by proof of proper tax and/or corporate filings to the Township, which must be re-submitted on an annual basis, and additionally comprised with 65% or more of its members as Holmdel Township residents.
The rental fee and security deposit may be paid by cash, check or money order and shall accompany the application. If payment is made by check or money order, it must be made payable to the Holmdel Township with the name and phone number of the person or organization requesting the room printed on the check. Fees will be returned if the reservation cannot be confirmed, or if due to inclement weather or other unforeseen circumstances, the Township and/or Bell Works needs to close unexpectedly. If the user group chooses to cancel its reservation, the Township must be given two business days' prior notice; otherwise the room rental fee will not be refunded.
When the Meeting Room is used pursuant to this Section, a Holmdel Township employee must be on site during the duration of the facility use. Notwithstanding the foregoing, a Holmdel Township employee need not be present for Holmdel Township Library programs, provided an employee of the Monmouth County Library Commission assumes the appropriate responsibilities for the Meeting Room on behalf of the Township.
The following are additional provisions governing the use of the Meeting Room:
Food and drink are not permitted.
The Meeting Room must be left neat and clean after its use. User groups will be charged for damage to rooms or equipment beyond normal wear and tear at the current replacement cost.
Materials may not be affixed to the walls, ceiling or windows.
User groups are required to comply with any applicable copyright laws in their use of print, film, video, music, or other media, and are also responsible for observing the policies associated with the Public Performance Site License and admission policies of the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) when showing rated films as applicable.
The meeting room is handicap accessible. User groups using the Meeting Room are responsible for providing any additional accommodations that may be required pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) or other applicable law, including but not limited to auxiliary aids and services to persons requiring accommodations.
The Township does not provide storage space for user groups using the Meeting Room.
The Township reserves the right to revoke reservation privileges and refuse to book Meeting Room space for user groups who do not comply with the guidelines of this policy or fail to pay any assessed fees or fines. The Township further reserves the right to pursue legal recourse for any violations of the terms governing use of the Meeting Room, including but not limited to this Ordinance.
[Ord. No. 2014-07 § 3; 3-2.1i; Ord. No. 2016-05; Ord. No. 2018-12; amended 3-8-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-06]
The Holmdel Township Department of Parks and Recreation shall sponsor adult and youth programs at Township outdoor facilities and the fees will be recommended by the Recreation Director.
The Township Recreation Director shall establish user fees for activities at Township outdoor facilities and to update the fees on a periodic basis as may be required.
Classification and Prioritization of Approved User Groups. User groups using Township-permitted programs and outdoor recreational facilities pursuant to this section shall be classified as stated below:
Holmdel Township sponsored events.
Holmdel Board of Education sponsored events.
Resident Children's group. A Holmdel group that consists of school age children (i.e., H.Y.A.A., Holmdel Football Association, scout groups).
Principally Holmdel children's group. A group that is intended to consist of a significant number (100 or more) of Holmdel residents or an organization whose membership consists of significant percentage (70% or more) of Holmdel residents or both (i.e., Holmdel F.C.).
[Amended 3-8-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-06]
Nonresident group. A nonresident group that is not intended to consist of only Holmdel residents (less than 70% resident).
[Amended 3-8-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-06]
For-profit group (resident or nonresident). A for-profit group who intends to run a program/event for the sole purpose of earning a profit (i.e., private camps/clinics, etc.).
Scheduling of uses pursuant to this section shall be granted in the following priority order.
Holmdel Township.
Holmdel Board of Education.
Holmdel children's groups.
Holmdel adult groups.
Principally Holmdel children's groups (70% or more residents).
[Amended 3-8-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-06]
Nonresident groups.
For-profit groups.
[Ord. No. 2014-07 § 3; 3-2.1i; Ord. No. 2016-05; Ord. No. 2018-12]
The Holmdel Township Department of Parks and Recreation shall sponsor adult and youth programs and the fees will be recommended by the Recreation Director.
The Township Recreation Director shall establish user fees for activities at Township Facilities and to update the fees on a periodic basis as may be required.
[Ord. No. 2014-07 § 3-2.1j; Ord. No. 2016-05]
The Holmdel Township Department of Parks and Recreation shall sponsor adult and youth programs and the fees will be recommended by the Recreation Director.
The Township Recreation Director shall establish user fees for activities at Township Facilities and to update the fees on a periodic basis as may be required.
[Ord. No. 2005-02 § 2; Ord. No. 2005-22 § 1; Ord. No. 2011-06 § 1; Ord. No. 2014-07; Ord. No. 2016-05]
The Holmdel Township Department of Parks and Recreation shall sponsor adult and youth programs and the fees will be recommended by the Recreation Director.
The Township Recreation Director shall establish user fees for activities at Township Facilities and to update the fees on a periodic basis as may be required.
Editor's Note: Refer to Chapter 2, subsection 2-53.4 Swim Center for the establishment of the Pool Advisory Committee.
[1976 Code § 69-1; Ord. No. 19-83]
There is hereby established the Holmdel Swim Center ("Center").
The Center shall be and is located on lands owned by the Township of Holmdel, situated on Holmdel-Keyport Road, adjacent to lands owned by the New Jersey Highway Authority in the Township of Holmdel, New Jersey.
The Center shall be maintained for recreational purposes pursuant to this section, as amended and supplemented from time to time by the Township Committee.
All facilities, including buildings, swim pools, tennis courts, supplies, equipment, machinery and appurtenances shall be and remain the property of the Township of Holmdel. All personal property shall be inventoried at least twice each year during the month of April and again at least once each year in September. Each inventory shall be filed with the Superintendent of Recreation and with the Pool Advisory Committee established by this section.
[1976 Code § 69-3; Ord. No. 19-83; Ord. No. 3-84; Ord. No. 90-20; Ord. No. 91-8; Ord. No. 94-10; Ord. No. 95-5 § 1; Ord. No. 96-7; Ord. No. 97-6 § 1; Ord. No. 98-15 § 1; Ord. No. 2003-04 § 1; Ord. No. 2004-13 § 1; Ord. No. 2005-07 § 1; Ord. No. 2006-04 § 1; Ord. No. 2008-06 § 1; Ord. No. 2009-05 § 1; Ord. No. 2011-02; Ord. No. 2011-07; Ord. No. 2012-05; Ord. No. 2014-02; Ord. No. 2015-01; Ord. No. 2016-02; Ord. No. 2018-03; amended 3-9-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-06; 2-13-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-01]
Memberships. The classes of membership and fees for the year are as follows. All fees shall be paid in full.
Resident family membership:
Prior to May 1
After May 1
Resident individual membership 18 years or older, proof required:
Prior to May 1
After May 1
Resident senior citizen membership 62 years or older, proof required:
Prior to May 1
After May 1
Nonresident family:
Prior to May 1
After May 1
Nonresident individual membership 18 years or older, proof required:
Prior to May 1
After May 1
Nonresident senior citizen membership 62 years or older, proof required:
Prior to May 1
After May 1
August/Labor Day only Family (membership available ONLY after seasonal membership reaches capacity).
Resident family:
Nonresident family:
August/Labor Day only Individual (membership available ONLY after seasonal membership reaches capacity).
Swim lessons.
$75 class
Swim Team fee (member):
First child:
Each additional child:
Swim Team Only Individual (membership limited to Swim Team):
Daily guest pass (members): $12.
Replacement ID card fee: $10.
Dive Team with membership: $75.
Guest passes must be purchased at the Recreation Office (Town Hall) or online only. Guest passes are required for guests ages two and up.
Any member or guest 17 years or younger must be accompanied by a member 18 years of age or older. All guests must be accompanied by a pool member.
Senior citizen relatives, 62 years or older (proof required), fully attired and not desirous of swimming, may enter pool complex free of charge. The relative must be accompanied by pool member 13 years of age or older.
Prior to April 1 of each year, the Recreation Department shall publish and issue pool membership applications and information and shall provide for payment of fees so as to ensure sufficient moneys to properly operate the swim center for the season.
[1976 Code § 69-4; Ord. No. 19-83]
All revenues received from all sources, including membership fees, guest fees, special event fees, if any, and food stand income, shall be dedicated revenues to be used solely for the payment of bonded indebtedness, operation, care and maintenance of the Center. The bonds heretofore authorized by ordinances of the Township Committee, duly adopted, shall be regarded as having been authorized for self-liquidating purposes within the intent and purpose of N.J.S.A. 40:61-22.23 and the Local Bank Law of the State of New Jersey.
The Township Committee shall establish, charge and collect from revenues of the Center an amount or amounts sufficient to reimburse the Township for miscellaneous administrative services provided by the Township to the Center through the Clerk, Treasurer, Administrator, Attorney, Engineer, Auditor or any Township office or department.
All Center accounts shall be kept separate and distinct from any other accounts of the Township (N.J.S. 40:61-22.26).
Any annual appropriation of moneys appearing in the Township budget shall be covered by and offset by appropriate revenues to be raised from the users of the swim pool facilities of the Center.
[1976 Code § 69-5; Ord. No. 19-83]
The Township Committee hereby adopts by incorporation the rules and regulations for the operation of the Center promulgated by the Pool Advisory Committee.[1]
Editor's Note: Refer to subsection 2-53.4, the establishment of the Pool Advisory Center.
[1976 Code § 69-6; Ord. No. 19-83; Ord. No. 2008-08 § 1]
The Holmdel Swim Center will not be responsible for valuables brought into any area of the pool property.
All persons using the Holmdel Township Pool Center's facilities do so at their own risk and sole responsibility. Neither Holmdel Township, the Township Committee, the Recreation Advisory Council, the Pool Committee, employees of the Pool Center nor other Township employees assume responsibility or shall have any personal liability for any act, accident or injury in connection with the use of the facility. Members and their guests agree with Holmdel Township for and in consideration for the use of the Pool Center's facilities and other good and valuable considerations to make no claim against Holmdel Township or any representative of the Township or the Pool Center for or on account of any loss or damage sustained.
Members agree to be responsible for actions of their children and their guests which may lead to property damage or personal injury to other members.
[1976 Code § 69-7; Ord. No. 19-83]
The Judge of the Municipal Court shall have jurisdiction in actions for violation of any rules set forth in this section. The rules shall be enforced by the same proceedings and processes, and the practice for the enforcement thereof shall be the same as that provided by law for the enforcement of other ordinances of the Township (N.J.S. 40:61-22.28).
Any person who shall violate any rule of the Swim Center shall, upon conviction, be liable to the penalty established in Chapter 1, Section 1-5.
All moneys collected either as fines or penalties for violation of a rule shall become part of the funds of the municipality (N.J.S. 40:61-22.29).
[1976 Code § 71A-1; Ord. No. 91-9]
There is hereby established the Holmdel Tennis Center, ("Center").
The Center shall be and is located on lands owned by the Township of Holmdel, situated on Holmdel Road, adjacent to the lands owned by the New Jersey Highway Authority in the Township of Holmdel, New Jersey.
The Center shall be maintained for recreational purposes pursuant to this section as amended and supplemented from time to time by the Township Committee.
All facilities including buildings, tennis courts, supplies, equipment, machinery and appurtenances shall be and remain the property of the Township. All personal property shall be inventoried prior to opening of the season and upon conclusion of the season. Each inventory shall be filed with the Superintendent of Recreation and with the Tennis Committee established by this section.
[1976 Code § 71A-3; Ord. No. 91-9; Ord. No. 94-11; Ord. No. 2000-2 § 1; Ord. 2008-08 § I; Ord. No. 2011-05]
Seasonal Memberships. The classes of membership and the fees for the year are as follows. All fees must be paid in full.
Resident family membership: $150.
Resident individual membership (19 years or older, proof required): $100.
Resident individual junior membership (18 years and younger): $30.
Resident senior citizen membership (62 years or older, proof required): $75.
Nonresident family: $175.
Nonresident individual membership (18 years or older, proof required): $130.
Nonresident individual junior membership 17 years and younger): $50.
Nonresident senior citizen membership (62 years or older, proof required): $85.
Husband/Wife: Resident: $130. Nonresident: $150,000.
Guest Pass Policy. Season permit holders, only: $10/pass.
[1976 Code § 71A-4; Ord. No. 91-9]
The Township Committee hereby adopts by incorporation the rules and regulations for the operation of the Center promulgated by the Tennis Committee.[1]
Editor's Note: See subsection 2-53.3 for the establishment of the Tennis Advisory Committee.
[1976 Code § 71A-5; Ord. No. 91-9; Ord. No. 2008-08 § 1]
The Township Tennis Center will not be responsible for valuables brought into any area of the property.
All persons using the Holmdel Township Tennis Center's facilities do so at their own risk and sole responsibility. Neither Holmdel Township, the Township Committee, the Recreation Advisory Council, the Tennis Committee, employees of the Tennis Center, nor other Township employees assume responsibility or shall have any personal liability for act, accident or injury in connection with the use of the facility. Members and their guests agree with Holmdel Township for and in consideration for the use of the Tennis Center's facilities and other good and valuable considerations, to make no claim against Holmdel Township or any representative of the Township or the Tennis Center for or on account of any loss or damage sustained.
Members agree to be responsible for actions of their children and their guests which may lead to property damage or personal injury to other members.
[1976 Code § 71A-6; Ord. No. 91-9]
The Judge of the Municipal Court shall have jurisdiction in actions for violation of any rules set forth in this section. The rules shall be enforced by the same proceedings and processes, and the practice for the enforcement thereof shall be the same as that provided by law for the enforcement of other ordinances of the Township. (N.J.S. 40:61-22.28).
Any person who violates this section shall, after conviction, be liable to the penalty in Chapter 1, Section 1-5.
All moneys collected either as fines or penalties for violation of a rule shall become part of the funds of the municipality. (N.J.S. 40:61-22.29).
[Added 2-13-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-04]
There is hereby established the Dr. Robert Wilson Park.
Dr. Robert Wilson Park is comprised of that property constituting Block 27, Lots 6 and 6.01 on the official tax map of Holmdel, including the Horn Antenna located on same.
Dr. Robert Wilson Park is dedicated in honor of Dr. Robert Wilson, a longtime resident of the Holmdel community, whose immeasurable contributions to science have given the property its historic status. In 1964, the property was the site of the discovery of cosmic microwave background radiation by Dr. Robert Wilson and his research partner, Dr. Arno Penzias. Wilson and Penzias received the 1978 Nobel Prize in Physics for their discovery, which is viewed as crucial evidence in support of The Big Bang, the event that generated the universe 13.7 billion years ago.
[Added 3-19-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-06]
There is hereby established a Holmdel Community Garden ("Community Garden").
The Community Garden shall be and is located on lands owned by the Township of Holmdel, situated between the Senior/Community Center and Post Office at or near 6 Crawfords Corner Road.
[Added 3-19-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-06]
Plots shall be made available in the Community Garden for license to individuals, subject to the following requirements:
The Community Garden season shall be from March 1 to November 30 with access permitted from dawn to dusk.
Each season, plot rentals shall be assigned by the Director of Recreation to applicants. Such assignments shall initially be limited to Township residents, with one plot per family household. If plots are still available after April 1 in a given year, rentals may be extended to non-Township residents.
The fee for each plot shall be $25.
A plot in the Community Garden shall be a maximum size of four feet by 8 1/2 feet.
Any gardener that participates in the Community Garden shall advise the Township by February 1 of the ensuing year if they wish to return for that new calendar year. Plots will be offered to returning gardeners by February 15 of each subsequent calendar year. Open plots shall be assigned to applicants from the waiting list.
[Added 3-19-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-06]
All Community Garden users and their guests shall first enter into an agreement agreeing to hold harmless the Township of Holmdel and any Community Garden volunteer for any liability, personal injury, damage, loss, or claim that may result from the use of the Community Garden, and further acknowledging that Township of Holmdel makes no guarantee or warranty as to the suitability of the soil in the Community Garden for the growth of a particular crop, plant, or piece of vegetation, or the composition thereof.
[Added 3-19-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-06]
The Township Administrator and Director of Recreation shall each have the authority to impose reasonable regulations for the use of the Community Garden, which shall be memorialized in a use agreement that must be signed by the individual renting a plot in the Community Garden.