[Ord. No. O-18-70]
There shall be a Department of Public Works and Parks, the head of which shall be the Director of Public Works and Parks. The Department shall:
Be responsible for all matters relating to the construction, management, maintenance and operation of the physical properties of the City other than office supplies, furniture and equipment, and such recreation maintenance functions as are assigned to the Division of Parks.
Provide all mechanical services required by any Department, Office or Agency of the City government, except as otherwise directed by the Mayor or Business Administrator.
Superintend through Divisions or otherwise the following functions of the City: street department, street lighting, traffic signalization, municipal garage operations and municipal motor vehicle repair.
Provide graffiti removal services. Graffiti shall mean any design, word or drawing caused by any material such as marker, ink, paint, chalk or indelible pen on a surface of a building, monument, plaque or on any inorganic material object without the owner's consent. Employees of the Department will remove graffiti from unpainted cement, brick, brickface or marble surfaces. They will not remove graffiti from painted surfaces, vinyl siding, wood surfaces or any surface that indicates loose brick, mortar or any sign of material weakness. There will be no charge for the removal of graffiti providing the owner of the property signs a release and indemnification agreement, approved by the Law Director, releasing the City of Bayonne from any and all liability.
[Ord. No. O-18-70]
Within the Department of Public Works and Parks there shall be a Division of Parks which shall:
Administer and operate the City's parks, playgrounds and swimming pools and be responsible for the lighting of these facilities;
Perform all of the functions of trimming, planting and caring for trees in the public way, but not on private property.
Operate, maintain, repair, and provide services for City-owned property and buildings, including the Municipal Building.
Operate the Division of Forestry and Landscaping, thereby promoting the health and maintenance of trees and greenery throughout the City.
Under the direction of the Director of Public Works and Parks promulgate rules and regulations applicable to the operation and use of the City's parks, playgrounds and swimming pools. The rules and regulations applicable to the operation and use of each of the parks, playgrounds and swimming pools shall be prominently posted by way of a notice in or about the particular park, playground and/or swimming pool. Said notice shall set forth the applicable rules and regulations and shall advise the public that a violation of same may result in a fine not exceeding the maximum allowed by law within the discretion of the Municipal Court Judge consistent with Chapter 1, Section 1-5 of this Code.
Any person, individual or organization filing an application for the use of any facility under the jurisdiction of the Department of Public Works and Parks, other than Don Ahern Veterans Memorial Stadium, shall provide the City of Bayonne evidence of general liability insurance coverage issued by an insurance company licensed to do business in the State of New Jersey, naming the City of Bayonne as an additional insured, in limits of at least $1,000,000 per occurrence, and $50,000 for property damage.
[Ord. No. O-18-70]
Within the Department there shall be a Division of Recreation whose duty it shall be to:
Plan and provide for a comprehensive recreation program for all citizens of the City of Bayonne.
Administer and operate the City's senior and recreation centers.
Support private recreation endeavors and those of the Bayonne Board of Education.
Manage scheduling of municipal facilities including parks, fields and the municipal pool.
Administer the municipal pool.
Coordinate with the Department of Public Works and Parks for the proper maintenance and availability of all municipal facilities.
Promote the Arts in Bayonne.
Charge and collect fees for use of facilities as provided in Chapter 13, Swimming Pool, Docks, Don Ahern Veterans Memorial Stadium, Public Boat Ramp, Municipal Parks and Playgrounds and Bayonne Public Library and Bayonne Museum.
[1972 Code § 2-7.3; Ord. No. O-09-28 § 1; Ord. No. O-18-70]
Within the Department of Public Works and Parks there shall be a Division of Streets, the head of which shall be the Superintendent. Under the direction and supervision of the Director, the Division shall:
Maintain and repair all City streets, bridges, culverts and drains within the City.
Construct and reconstruct streets, roads, bridges, culverts and drains; treat road surfaces and resurface streets and roads according to standards and schedules directed or approved by the Chief Engineer.
Maintain all City streets in a clean and safe condition, free of obstructions and hazards, and remove snow and ice as required.
Receive applications for and issue street opening permits.
[Ord. No. O-18-70]
Within the Department of Public Works and Parks there shall be a Division of Automotive Maintenance. Under the supervision and direction of the Director, the Division shall:
Control the care, use and disposition of motor vehicles and mechanical equipment owned by the City, including fire apparatus and equipment, and for this purpose the Division shall:
Operate or supervise the operation of a garage or garages for the storage, servicing, repair and maintenance of City-owned motor vehicles.
Supervise any work done by contract for the storage, repair, servicing and maintenance of City-owned motor vehicles or equipment.
Control the maintenance of motor vehicles owned by the City by maintaining individual vehicle records of mileage, costs of operation and maintenance, and replacement schedules.
Establish standards and procedures for the control, use and care of all City-owned equipment, materials and supplies in the custody of the Department.
[Ord. No. O-18-70]
Within the Department of Public Works and Parks, there shall be a Division of Repair and Maintenance. Under the supervision of the Director, the Division shall:
Control the care and maintenance of all municipal building and structures.
Perform all building maintenance functions, including electrical, plumbing, mechanical, and carpentry repairs.
Provide for energy efficient buildings.
Perform routine painting of buildings and structures.
Prepare an annual report on all municipal buildings attesting to the condition of each.
[Ord. No. O-18-70]
Within the Department of Public Works and Parks, there shall be a Division of Engineering whose job it shall be to:
Oversee all capital improvements to City property and facilities.
Review and comment on all development applications.
Design or cause to be designed all plans and specifications for capital improvements.
Oversee all consulting engineers and their contracts.
Maintain accurate records of all projects and review and approve all payment vouchers, changes orders and projects closeouts.
Cooperate with the Department of Administration in managing all grants.
[Ord. No. O-18-70]
Within the Department of Public Works and Parks, there shall be a Signal Division whose duties it shall be to:
Install, repair and maintain fire alarms and traffic signals.
Monitor street lighting systems in the community.
Work with other Departments including the Traffic Safety Unit of the Police Division.
[New; Ord. No. O-09-28 § 1; Ord. No. O-18-70]
Within the Department of Public Works and Parks there shall be a Division of Solid Waste & Recycling. Under the supervision of the Director, the Division shall be responsible for the preparation of plans and specifications for solid waste removal and recycling collection and shall oversee and monitor the City's contracts for such services. The Division shall also prepare, administer, and coordinate programs for efficient and effective solid waste removal and recycling and shall insure that the City is in compliance with State and Federal requirements for solid waste collection and removal.