Editor's Note: This Chapter 7, Traffic, has been prepared for submission and certification by the City of Bayonne and includes ordinances adopted through Ord. No. O-10-34, adopted 12-15-2010.
[1972 Code § 10-1]
Whenever any word and phrases are used in this chapter, the meaning respectively ascribed to them in Subtitle 1 of Title 39 of the New Jersey Statutes shall be deemed to apply to such words and phrases used herein.
Additional Definitions. "Public holiday" or "legal holiday" as used in this chapter shall mean: January 1st, known as New Year's Day; the third Monday in January known as Martin Luther King's Birthday; February 12th, known as Lincoln's Birthday; the third Monday in February, known as Washington's Birthday; the day designated and known as Good Friday; the last Monday in May known as Memorial Day; July 4th, known as Independence Day; the first Monday in September, known as Labor Day; the second Monday in October, known as Columbus Day; November 11th, known as Armistice or Veteran's Day; the fourth Thursday in November, known as Thanksgiving Day; December 25th, known as Christmas Day; and the day of any general Statewide or national election, known as Election Day.
[1972 Code § 10-2]
Whenever certain hours are named in this chapter, they shall mean either Eastern Standard Time or Eastern Daylight Savings Time as may be in current use.
The Chief of Police of the City of Bayonne is hereby authorized to provide by regulation for the closing of any street or portion thereof to motor vehicle traffic on any day or days whenever he finds that such closing is necessary for the preservation of the public safety, health or welfare.
Any regulations promulgated by the Chief of Police and in accordance with paragraph a above, shall provide for the posting of proper warning signs of such closing on any street or portion thereof during the time the same is closed in pursuance thereof.
Any violation of this regulation promulgated thereunder shall be punished by a fine not to exceed $100. (N.J.S.A. 39:4-94.2)
Any regulation adopted that mandates the closing of any street for a period greater than 48 consecutive hours shall not become effective unless and until it has been submitted to and approved by the Commissioner of the Department of Transportation.
Closing of School Streets. The Governing Body may, by ordinance, authorize the Mayor or other chief executive officer of the municipality, if he shall find that a safety problem exists for ingress and egress to any public or private school or for the provision of recreational facilities for children attending such school, or both, due to a lack of a suitable area surrounding the school, to close by regulation any portion of any street within the block upon which such school is located to the use of through traffic during such time as he shall determine, not to exceed one hour between 7:30 a.m. and 10:00 a.m., two hours between 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m., and one hour between 2:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. on any days upon which such school is in session, and to permit the use of said portion of said street, during said hours, for ingress and egress to such school and for the use by the pupils of such school for recreational purposes under proper supervision, and to provide adequate police facilities for such supervision and for the control of traffic upon such portion of said street, which ordinance shall provide for the posting of proper warning signs in said street, indicating that said street is so closed and the purpose thereof, during the time when the same is so closed, and shall provide penalties for the violation of terms of such ordinance or of any regulation promulgated thereunder.
Any vehicle parked in violation of this chapter shall be deemed a nuisance and a menace to the safe and proper regulation of traffic, and any peace officer may provide for the removal of such vehicle. The owner shall bear the reasonable costs of removal and storage which may result from such removal before regaining possession of the vehicle.
[New; Ord. No. O-02-41; Ord. No. O-14-36]
Unless another penalty is expressly provided by New Jersey Statute, it shall be unlawful and a violation of this chapter unless expressly provided to the contrary herein, for any person to stand or park a motor vehicle for a period exceeding the time limitation or in violation of the zone prohibition established pursuant hereto. Any person who violates or fails to comply with any provision of this chapter shall be liable to a fine or a minimum of $50 for a first offense and a fine of a minimum of $100 for any offense thereafter. $5 of any fine collected shall be apportioned to the Parking Utility of the City of Bayonne, with the remainder being apportioned to the City of Bayonne.
If any part or parts of this chapter is, for any reason, held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this chapter.
[Ord. No. O-04-01]
No person shall operate a motorized scooter, which is defined as a scooter that is propelled by a small motor located on the vehicle, on the public streets within the City, unless said operator holds a valid operator's license issued by the Motor Vehicle Commission of the State of New Jersey pursuant to N.J.S.A. 39:3-10 et seq. and is wearing a properly fitted and fastened helmet approved by the Director of the Motor Vehicle Commission. In addition, to the aforementioned requirements, the motorized scooter shall be properly registered with the State of New Jersey in accordance with N.J.S.A. 39:3-4 et seq. and adequately insured pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 39:6B-1. Any person who violates any provisions of this section shall be subject to the penalties provided in Title 39, Motor Vehicles and Traffic Regulations of the New Jersey Statutes Annotated.
The Governing Body finds and declares that problems of traffic control occur when traffic must be moved through or around street construction, maintenance operations, and utility work, above or below the ground, which requires blocking the street and obstructing the normal flow of traffic; and that such obstructions are or can become dangerous when not properly controlled. In order to better promote the public health, safety, peace and welfare, it is necessary to establish controls and regulations directed to the safe and expeditious movement of traffic through and around construction and maintenance zones and to provide safety for the work force performing these operations.
The City of Bayonne, in the County of Hudson, State of New Jersey, does hereby adopt the current Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways hereafter known as M.U.T.C.D., except as hereby supplemented and amended, as it controls and regulates whenever construction, maintenance operations or utility work obstructs the normal flow of traffic. Any person, contractor, or utility who fails to comply with the provisions of M.U.T.C.D. while performing such work is in violation of this section.
It shall be the responsibility of the person, contractor, or in the case of a public utility as required under the public utility agreement, wishing to conduct work on, under or above the street to contact the Police Department of the City in order to arrange a pre-construction meeting in order to submit plans for the safe movement of traffic during such period of construction or work. Any person, contractor or utility who fails to comply with this section prior to the start of such work or whose plans are not approved by the Police Department is in violation of this section.
The person, contractor, or utility shall provide the Police Department with at least two emergency contact phone numbers to be called in case of emergency problems at the construction or maintenance site prior to the start of any work. If, for any reason, emergency contact cannot be made, or if the emergency contact person does not respond to the call from the Police Department to correct such hazardous condition, the City may respond to correct such hazardous conditions. The reasonable fees for such emergency service by the City shall be charged to the person, contractor, or utility responsible for such condition.
There shall be no construction, maintenance operations or utility work on any roadway in the City before the hour of 9:00 a.m. or after 4:00 p.m. This time limit may be adjusted to permit work prior to 9:00 a.m. or after 4:00 p.m. by the Officer in charge of the Police Department. If it is determined by the Officer in charge of the Police Department that the construction or maintenance operations prior to 9:00 a.m. or after 4:00 p.m. would substantially delay traffic or cause a safety or health hazard, the work shall then be permitted only between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.
Road closing and/or traffic detours shall not be permitted unless approved by the Police Department.
Traffic directors shall be posted at all construction or maintenance sites when determined by the Police Department that same is necessary to provide for the safe and expeditious movement of traffic.
The Police Department shall have the authority to stop work, including the removal of equipment and vehicles, stored material within the street right-of-way, back filling of open excavations and/or other related work, in order to abate any nuisance and/or safety hazard or for any violation of this section.
It is to be expressly understood that no materials, vehicle or equipment are to be placed in the roadway or sidewalk or until all construction signs, lights, devices and pavement markings are installed.
Any person, contractor or utility who commits a violation of this section shall, upon conviction thereof for a first offense, pay a fine of not less than $100 nor more than $500 and/or be imprisoned in the County Jail for a term not exceeding 90 days. For a second offense, the person, contractor or utility shall, upon conviction thereof, pay a fine of not less than $250 and/or be imprisoned in the County Jail for a term not exceeding 90 days.
A separate offense shall be deemed committed on each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues.
All ordinances or parts of ordinances which are inconsistent with the provisions of this section are hereby repealed to the extent of any such inconsistency.
This section shall take effect after approval by the Commissioner of Transportation 20 days after passage and publication as prescribed by law.
[1992 Code § 10-3.1]
The provisions of this chapter imposing a time limit on parking shall not relieve any person of the duty to observe other, more restrictive provisions prohibiting or limiting the stopping or standing or parking of vehicles set forth in N.J.S.A. 39:4-138, any other New Jersey Statute or as hereinafter provided.
[1972 Code § 10-3.2; Ord. No. O-12-07 § 1]
Upon declaration of an emergency, there shall be no parking upon streets or sections of streets where temporary EMERGENCY NO PARKING signs are displayed. The Chief of Police or, in his absence, the ranking Police Officer is authorized to declare an emergency and to direct the posting of EMERGENCY NO PARKING signs when weather conditions, accidents, fires, public celebrations, etc., dictate or require the avoidance of hazards or other conditions which interfere with the free flow of traffic. Notification that EMERGENCY NO PARKING signs are being or will be posted shall be given to the operator or owner of any vehicle which has been parked prior to the posting of the signs.
Any unoccupied vehicle parked or standing in violation of this section shall be deemed a nuisance and a menace to the safe and proper regulation of traffic and any Police Officer may provide for the removal of such vehicle. The owner shall pay the reasonable costs of removal and storage which must result from such removal, before regaining possession of the vehicle.
The effectiveness of this subsection is contingent upon signs being erected as required by law.
Emergency No Parking
Avenue A
Entire length
Avenue B
Entire length
Avenue C
From 16th Street to 30th Street and from 51st Street to 54th Street
Avenue C
From 1st Street to 16th Street and from 30th Street to 51st Street and from 54th Street to Bayonne-Jersey City line
Avenue E
Entire length
Entire length
Hook Road
Entire length of paved portion
Linnet Street
From Hobart Avenue to Broadway
North Street
From Avenue C to Avenue A
Prospect Avenue
Entire length
1st Street
From Lexington Avenue to Avenue A
4th Street
From Hobart Avenue to Avenue A
5th Street
From Broadway to Avenue C
7th Street
From Broadway to Hudson Boulevard
8th Street
From Broadway to Avenue C
10th Street
From Broadway to Avenue C
15th Street
From Avenue E to Avenue A
19th Street
From Avenue E to Avenue A
21st Street
From Avenue E to Humble Oil Company's main gate
22nd Street
From Avenue C to Bayonne Industries on East 21st Street
26th Street
From Avenue E to Avenue A
27th Street
From Broadway to Avenue A
28th Street
From Broadway to Avenue E
29th Street
From Avenue E to Avenue A
30th Street
From Avenue F to Avenue A
32nd Street
[Ord. No. O-12-07 § 1]
From Avenue E to entrance to Route No. 440
34th Street
From Avenue E to Avenue A
40th Street
From Avenue E to Avenue C
53rd Street
From Broadway to Avenue E
54th Street
From Hudson Boulevard to Broadway
55th Street
From Hudson Boulevard to Broadway
56th Street
From Avenue C to Avenue B
57th Street
From Avenue B to Hudson Boulevard
[1972 Code § 10-3.2; Schedule I; Ord. No. O-12-07 § 2; Ord. No. O-17-40; amended 11-9-2022 by Ord. No. O-22-41; 5-17-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-24]
Whenever snow has fallen and the accumulation is such that it covers the streets and highways, an emergency shall exist and no vehicle shall be parked on the streets or highways or portions thereof indicated.
The above parking prohibitions shall remain in effect after the snow has ceased until the streets have been plowed sufficiently and to the extent that parking will not interfere with the normal flow of traffic.
Any unoccupied vehicle parked or standing in violation shall be deemed a nuisance and a menace to the safe and proper regulation of traffic and any Police Officer may provide for the removal of such vehicle. The owner shall pay the reasonable costs of the removal and storage which may result from such removal before regaining possession of the vehicle.
The effectiveness of this section is contingent upon the signs being erected as required by law.
Emergency No Parking — Snow Removal
Name of Street
Avenue C
Entire length
Entire length
Avenue E
9th Street to 52nd Street
Avenue A
1st Street to 36th Street
Prospect Avenue
[Ord. No. O-12-07 § 2]
19th Street to Route 440
Avenue F
19th Street to 30th Street
1st Street
Lexington Avenue to Avenue A
7th Street
Broadway to Avenue C
10th Street
Broadway to Avenue C
26th Street
Avenue E to Avenue A
32nd Street
Avenue E to Kennedy Boulevard
39th Street
Broadway to Kennedy Boulevard
54th Street
Broadway to Kennedy Boulevard
55th Street
Avenue C to Avenue B
Whenever the City Engineer, Chief of Police and/or Public Safety Director determines that an emergency traffic congestion or danger to the health and welfare of the public is likely to result from the holding of public or private assemblages, gatherings, or functions, or for other reasons, including, but not limited to building construction or rehabilitation, street repairs or maintenance and sidewalk repairs or maintenance, he shall have the power and authority to order temporary signs to be erected or posted indicating that the operation, parking or standing of vehicles is prohibited on such streets or public parking lots as he shall direct during the time such temporary signs are in place. Such signs shall remain in place only during the existence of such emergency and they shall be removed promptly thereafter. When signs authorized by the provisions of this section are in place giving notice thereof, no person shall operate, park or stand any vehicle contrary to the directions and provisions of such signs.
Whenever it becomes necessary for representatives of Verizon, Public Service Electric and Gas Company, any service, repair or construction contractor or individuals having temporary specific need to use a parking metered space, or zoned residential space, for a vehicle, dumpster or storage for longer than the allotted time prescribed by this article, then parking meter bags, or no-parking signs, may be issued upon approval of a Metered Parking Space Agreement by the Bayonne Parking Utility, or the Bayonne Police Department.
The fee for the use of parking meter bags shall be $10 per twenty-four-hour period for a single head meter, and $20 per twenty-four-hour period for a double-headed meter. The fee shall be charged until the time of the return of the parking meter bags. The fee for a no-parking sign shall be $25 per day.
No fee for the use of parking meter bags shall be charged to Not-for-Profit or Non-Profit entities in connection with events that are charitable in nature.
The Director of Public Safety shall formulate any further rules or regulations necessary to implement the intent and purposes of this section.
Use of any parking meter bag at a time or place other than specifically applied for and approved shall constitute a violation of this section punishable by a fine of up to $500 for each violation.
No person shall utilize parking meter bags obtained from any other source, except those applied for and authorized by the Bayonne Parking Utility. Such use shall be punishable by a fine as listed in paragraph i, and all unauthorized parking meter bags shall be subject to confiscation.
[Ord. No. O-10-09 § 1]
No person shall stop or stand a vehicle between the hours specified on any day upon any of the streets or parts of streets described.
Name of Street
Avenue E
[Ord. No. O-10-09 § 1]
From East 10th Street to Linnet Street, entire length
Avenue E
[Ord. No. O-10-09 § 1]
From Broadway to East 12th Street, entire length
West 8th Street
[Ord. No. O-10-09 § 1]
Broadway to Avenue C
West 8th Street
[Ord. No. O-10-09 § 1]
Beginning at the northwest corner of Broadway and West 8th Street and continuing to a point 60 feet westerly therefrom
West 8th Street
Beginning at the northeast corner of West 8th Street and Avenue C and continuing to a point 137 feet east therefrom
[1972 Code § 10-3.6]
Unless controlled by a more restrictive provision, no person shall park a vehicle for longer than 48 hours at any time upon any street or part thereof within the limits of the City of Bayonne.
Name of Street
Time Limit
All municipal streets
48 hours
Entire length
[1972 Code § 10-35; Schedule IV; Ord. No. O-14-10; Ord. No. O-14-36; Ord. No. O-17-16]
No person shall park a vehicle for longer than the time limit between the hours listed on any day (except Sundays and public holidays) upon any of the streets or parts of streets described.
Two Hour Time Limit Parking. No person shall park a vehicle for longer than two hours at any time between 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday (except Sundays and public holidays), unless otherwise indicated.
Name of Street
Time Limit
Avenue C
2 hours
Between Andrew Street and 27th Street
Avenue C
2 hours
Between 51st Street and 54th Street
Avenue C
2 hours
From a point 35 feet north of the northerly curbline of West 8th Street to a point 35 feet of the southerly curbline of West 9th Street
Avenue C
2 hours
For a distance of 80 feet north of a point 35 feet north of the northerly curbline of West 9th Street
2 hours
Between 9th Street and 10th Street
2 hours
Between Linnet Street and 10th Street
2 hours
16th Street and 45th Street
East 19th Street
2 hours
For a distance of 115 feet easterly from the east side of Broadway
East 21st Street
2 hours
For a distance of 70 feet easterly from the east side of Broadway
East 21st Street
2 hours
For a distance of 95 feet easterly from the east side of Broadway
East 22nd Street
2 hours
For distance 115 feet easterly from the east side of Broadway
East 23rd Street
2 hours
For a distance of 140 feet easterly from the east side of Broadway
East 23rd Street
2 hours
For a distance of 160 feet easterly from the east side of Broadway
East 24th Street
2 hours
For a distance of 140 feet easterly from the east side of Broadway
East 25th Street
2 hours
For a distance of 115 feet easterly from the east side of Broadway
East 26th Street
2 hours
For a distance of 95 feet easterly from the east side of Broadway
East 29th Street
2 hours
No vehicle shall be parked in excess of 1/2 hour between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 9:00 p.m., between Avenue E and a point 100 feet east of Broadway
East 31st Street
2 hours
For a distance of 150 feet easterly from a point 60 feet east of the easterly curbline of Broadway
East 31st Street
2 hours
For a distance of 150 feet easterly from a point 60 feet east of the easterly curbline of Broadway
East 41st Street
2 hours
For a distance of 100 feet easterly from a point 35 feet east of the easterly curbline of Broadway
Goldsborough Drive
[Ord. No. O-22-08]
15 minutes
7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.
Beginning at a point 132 feet west of the northwest corner of Goldsborough Drive and Flagship Street
West 8th Street
2 hours
Between Avenue C and Broadway
West 9th Street
2 hours
For a distance of 115 feet westerly from the west side of Broadway
West 9th Street
2 hours
For a distance of 100 feet westerly from a point 35 feet west of the westerly curbline of Avenue C
West 9th Street
2 hours
For a distance of 100 feet westerly from a point 35 feet west of the westerly curbline of Avenue C
West 19th Street
2 hours
For a distance of 115 feet westerly from the west side of Broadway
West 19th Street
2 hours
For a distance of 95 feet westerly from the west side of Broadway
West 19th Street
2 hours
For a distance of 95 feet westerly from the west side of Avenue C
West 19th Street
2 hours
For a distance of 160 feet easterly from the east side of Avenue C
West 19th Street
2 hours
For a distance of 95 feet easterly from the east side of Avenue C
West 20th Street
2 hours
For a distance of 160 feet westerly from the west side of Broadway
West 20th Street
2 hours
For a distance of 70 feet westerly from the west side of Avenue C
West 20th Street
2 hours
For a distance of 70 feet easterly from the east side of Avenue C
West 20th Street
2 hours
For a distance of 140 feet easterly from the east side of Avenue C
West 21st Street
2 hours
For a distance of 140 feet westerly from the west side of Broadway
West 21st Street
2 hours
For a distance of 115 feet westerly from the west side of Broadway
West 21st Street
2 hours
For a distance of 115 feet westerly from the west side of Avenue C
West 21st Street
2 hours
For a distance of 95 feet westerly from the west side of Avenue C
West 21st Street
2 hours
For a distance of 95 feet easterly from the east side of Avenue C
West 21st Street
2 hours
For a distance of 115 feet easterly from the east side of Avenue C
West 22nd Street
2 hours
For a distance of 220 feet westerly from the west side of Broadway
West 22nd Street
2 hours
For a distance of 185 feet westerly from the west side of Broadway
West 22nd Street
2 hours
For a distance of 115 feet westerly from the west side of Avenue C
West 22nd Street
2 hours
For a distance of 140 feet easterly from the east side of Avenue C
West 23rd Street
2 hours
For a distance of 160 feet westerly from the west side of Broadway
West 23rd Street
2 hours
For a distance of 95 feet westerly from the west side of Broadway
West 23rd Street
2 hours
For a distance of 95 feet westerly from the west side of Avenue C
West 23rd Street
2 hours
For a distance of 140 feet westerly from the west side of Avenue C
West 23rd Street
2 hours
For a distance of 160 feet easterly from the east side of Avenue C
West 23rd Street
2 hours
For a distance of 140 feet easterly from the east side of Avenue C
West 24th Street
2 hours
For a distance of 160 feet westerly from the west side of Broadway
West 24th Street
2 hours
For a distance of 140 feet westerly from the west side of Broadway
West 24th Street
2 hours
For a distance of 95 feet westerly from the west side of Avenue C
West 24th Street
2 hours
For a distance of 115 feet westerly from the west side of Avenue C
West 24th Street
2 hours
For a distance of 75 feet easterly from the east side of Avenue C
West 24th Street
2 hours
For a distance of 140 feet easterly from the east side of Avenue C
West 25th Street
2 hours
For a distance of 270 feet westerly from the west side of Broadway
West 25th Street
2 hours
For a distance of 250 feet westerly from the west side of Broadway
West 25th Street
2 hours
For a distance of 115 feet westerly from the west side of Avenue C
West 25th Street
2 hours
For a distance of 70 feet westerly from the west side of Avenue C
West 25th Street
2 hours
For a distance of 95 feet westerly from the west side of Avenue C
West 25th Street
2 hours
For a distance of 140 feet easterly from the east side of Avenue C
West 26th Street
2 hours
For a distance of 115 feet westerly from the west side of Broadway
West 26th Street
2 hours
For a distance of 95 feet westerly from the west side of Avenue C
West 26th Street
2 hours
For a distance of 220 feet westerly from the west side of Avenue C
West 31st Street
2 hours
For a distance of 150 feet westerly from a point 35 feet west of the westerly curbline of Broadway
West 31st Street
2 hours
For a distance of 150 feet westerly from a point 35 feet west of the westerly curbline of Broadway
West 40th Street
2 hours
For a distance of 100 feet westerly from a point 35 feet west of the westerly curbline of Broadway
Thirty Minute Time Limit Parking. No person shall park a vehicle in excess of 30 minutes between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, inclusive, with the exception of legal holidays, on the east side of Avenue C, from the north curbline of West 27th Street to the south curbline of West 28th Street, a distance of 260 feet.
Name of Street
Time Limit
Avenue C
30 minutes Monday through Friday (between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.)
From the north curbline of West 27th Street to the south curbline of West 28th Street, a distance of 260 feet
Fifteen Minute Time Limit Parking. No vehicle used for commercial public transportation purposes, including, but not limited to, jitney buses, buses for hire or buses accepting a fare, capable of transporting 10 or more passengers, shall be permitted to park in excess of 15 minutes on any street within the City of Bayonne.
One-Hour Time Limit Parking. No person shall park a vehicle in excess of one hour between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday, inclusive, with the exception of legal holidays, on the south side of Constitution Avenue, beginning at the corner of Constitution Avenue and Harbor Place and running in a westerly direction to the curb-cut providing access to 302 Constitution Avenue (Harbor Pointe, f/k/a The Alexan), a distance of approximately 100 feet.
[Added 7-15-2020 by Ord. No. O-20-40]
[1972 Code §§ 10-11.2, 10-11.3; Resolution of the Parking Authority January 9, 2001; February 13, 2001; Ord. No. O-01-50; Ord. No. O-14-10; Ord. No. O-14-36; Ord. No. O-17-15; Ord. No. O-17-15; Ord. No. O-18-61; amended 11-9-2022 by Ord. No. O-22-41]
Streets Designated. The following areas shall be parking meter zones from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday of each week, except on legal holidays:
Name of Street and Location
West Eighth Street
Between Broadway and Avenue C
Between 5th and Cottage Streets
Between 5th and 52nd Streets
Between 9th and 10th Streets
Between 9th and Linnett Streets
Between Linnett and 10th Streets
Between 16th and 17th Streets
Between 17th and Andrew Streets
Between Andrew and 18th Streets
Between 17th and 18th Streets
Between 18th and 19th Streets
Between 19th and 20th Streets
Between 20th and 21st Streets
Between 19th and 21st Streets
Between 21st and 22nd Streets
Between 22nd and 23rd Streets
Between 23rd and 24th Streets
Between 24th and 25th Streets
Between 25th and 26th Streets
Between 26th and 27th Streets
Between 27th and 28th Streets
Between 28th and 29th Streets
Between 29th and 30th Streets
Between 30th and 31st Streets
Between 31st and 32nd Streets
Between 32nd and 33rd Streets
Between 33rd and 34th Streets
Between 34th and 35th Streets
Between 35th and 36th Streets
Between 36th and 37th Streets
Between 37th and 38th Streets
Between 38th and 39th Streets
Between 39th and 40th Streets
Between 40th and 41st Streets
Between 41st and 42nd Streets
Between 42nd and 43rd Streets
Between 43rd and 44th Streets
Between 44th and 45th Streets
Avenue C
Between Andrew and 18th Streets
Between 18th and 19th Streets
Between 19th and 20th Streets
Between 20th and 21st Streets
Between 21st and 22nd Streets
Between 22nd and 23rd Streets
Between 23rd and 24th Streets
Between 24th and 25th Streets
Between 25th and 26th Streets
Between 26th and 27th Streets
Between 50th and 51st Streets
Between 51st and 52nd Streets
Between 52nd and 53rd Streets
Between 53rd and 54th Streets
Between 22nd Street and 24th Street
Cross Streets off Broadway
6th Street West of Broadway
19th Street West of Broadway
19th Street East of Broadway
20th Street West of Broadway
21st Street West of Broadway
21st Street East of Broadway
22nd Street West of Broadway
22nd Street East of Broadway
23rd Street West of Broadway
23rd Street East of Broadway
24th Street West of Broadway
24th Street East of Broadway
25th Street West of Broadway
25th Street East of Broadway
26th Street West of Broadway
26th Street East of Broadway
37th Street East of Broadway
Cross Streets off Avenue C
19th Street West of Avenue C
19th Street East of Avenue C
20th Street West of Avenue C
20th Street East of Avenue C
21st Street West of Avenue C
21st Street East of Avenue C
22nd Street West of Avenue C
22nd Street East of Avenue C
23rd Street West of Avenue C
23rd Street East of Avenue C
24th Street West of Avenue C
24th Street East of Avenue C
25th Street West of Avenue C
25th Street East of Avenue C
26th Street West of Avenue C
Del Monte Drive
Between West 22nd Street and West 24th Street
Time Limits. The time limits for parking in the parking meter zones and off-street parking lots and the hours during the day when the meters must be used shall be as follows:
From 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday of each week, except on legal holidays.
The time limitations shall be indicated by designation on the parking meter or by appropriate signs posted in proximity to the meter in the zone.
Fees. When any vehicle shall be parked in any space adjacent to which a parking meter is located in accordance with the provisions of this section, the operator of the vehicle shall, upon entering the parking space, immediately deposit or cause to be deposited, one or more $0.25 coins of the United States in the parking meter. Failure to deposit the appropriate coin or coins to put the meter in operation shall constitute a violation of this subsection.
The fees shall be as follows:
Public street. $0.25 for each 15 minutes with increments at the rate of $0.25 per 15 minutes. No vehicle shall park at a meter on a public street for more than two hours during the time limits stated in paragraph b above.
The Parking Utility of the City of Bayonne hereby authorizes the installation of parking meters at the following locations.
269 Broadway on the west side;
718-724 Broadway on the east side (two meters);
910-912 Broadway on the east side (two meters);
1020 Broadway on the east side;
1022 Broadway on the west side;
1060 Broadway on the east side;
1065 Broadway on the west side (two meters).
156 Broadway on the east side (three meters).
East 32nd Street on the south east side (three meters).
Metered Time-Limit — 30 minutes.
630 Avenue C (four meters).
Parking platform located to the rear of the Municipal Building between 27th and 28th Streets (13 meters).
The fee for the meters shall be $0.25 per 30 minute maximum time.
Editor's Note: No parking meter being installed for the first time after the effective date of Ordinance No. O-89-02, February 7, 1989, shall be installed in front of any building which is devoted solely to a residential use. For additional regulations on the use of parking meters, see subsection 7-38.2, Time Limited Metered Parking Lots.
[1972 Code § 10-8, Schedule IX; Ord. No. O-02-39 § 1; Ord. No. O-02-44 § 1; Ord. No. O-11-05 § 3; Ord. No. O-14-19; Ord. No. O-15-11]
In order to facilitate the cleaning of streets in the City, parking shall be prohibited between the hours indicated on the streets or parts of streets described. The prohibitions set forth below shall not be applicable on the Jewish Holy Days of Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Succoth and Shemini Atseret and Simchat Torah, whose dates vary from year to year.
Name of Street
Avenue A
9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
Wesley Court to West First Street
Avenue A
9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
From First Street to the intersection of Avenue A and Kennedy Boulevard
Avenue B
9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
Mon. & Fri.
From 58th Street to 36th Street
Avenue B
9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
From 36th Street to 58th Street
Avenue C
7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.
Mon., Wed. & Fri.
From First Street to 57th Street
Avenue C
7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.
Tues. & Thurs.
From 57th Street to First Street
Avenue C
7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.
From 57th Street to 49th Street and from 28th Street to 16th Street
Avenue E
9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
Mon. & Fri.
From 8th Street to 52nd Street
Avenue E
9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
From 52nd Street to 8th Street
Avenue E
9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
Tues. & Thurs.
From 53rd Street to 9th Street
Avenue F
11:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon
Mon. & Fri.
From 21st Street to 30th Street
Avenue F
11:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon
From 20th Street to 21st Street
7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.
Tues. & Thurs.
From First Street to 57th Street
7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.
From Fifth Street to 57th Street
7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.
Mon., Wed. & Fri.
From 55th Street to First Street
First Street
7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.
Mon., Wed. & Fri.
From Broadway to Avenue C
First Street
9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
Mon. & Fri.
From Avenue A to Lexington Avenue
First Street
9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
From Lexington Avenue to Avenue A
Hobart Avenue
9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
Mon. & Fri.
From Third Street to Linnet Street
Hobart Avenue
9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
From Linnet Street to Third Street
Lexington Avenue
9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
Mon. & Fri.
From First Street to Third Street
Lexington Avenue
9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
From Third Street to First Street
Parkside Lane
[Ord. No. O-15-11]
8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.
Entire length
Parkside Lane
[Ord. No. O-15-11]
10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Entire length
Prospect Avenue
[Ord. No. O-02-44 § 1]
11:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon
From 33rd Street to 19th Street
Prospect Avenue
11:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon
From 19th Street to 33rd Street
Public Lane
[Ord. No. O-15-11]
8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.
Entire length
32nd Street
11:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon
Mon. & Fri.
From Avenue E to Prospect Avenue
32nd Street
11:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon
From Avenue E to Prospect Avenue
53rd Street
7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.
Mon., Wed. & Fri.
From Avenue E to Broadway
53rd Street
9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
From Avenue C to Avenue E
56th Street
9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
From Avenue B to Avenue C
57th Street
7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.
Mon., Wed. & Fri.
From Avenue C to Avenue B
[1974 Code § 10-3.3; Ord. No. O-00-22; Ord. No. O-01-02; Ord. No. O-01-54; Ord. No. O-01-65; Ord. No. O-02-08 § 2; Ord. No. O-02-29 § 1; Ord. No. O-03-31 § 1; Ord. No. O-05-14 § 1; Ord. No. O-10-09 § 2; Ord. No. O-11-09; Ord. No. O-11-31; Ord. No. O-12-07 § 3; Ord. No. O-13-33; Ord. No. O-16-23; Ord. No. O-16-30; Ord. No. O-16-46; Ord. No. O-17-24; Ord. No. O-18-54; Ord. No. O-18-60 § 1]
No person shall park a vehicle at any time upon any streets or parts thereof described.
Name of Street
Avenue A
From the northeast curbline of Kennedy Boulevard, 220 feet southerly along A to 35th Street
Avenue A
From a point in the intersection of the southerly line of Howard Place with the westerly line of Avenue A, and thence in a northerly direction along the westerly line of Avenue A to a point where the northerly line of Howard Place intersects the westerly line of Avenue A
Avenue C
From the northerly side of West 25th Street a distance of 68 feet northerly
Avenue C
[Ord. No. O-18-60 § 1]
Beginning at the southeast corner of Avenue C and West 17th Street and continuing 65 feet in a southerly direction
Avenue J
[Ord. No. O-13-33]
Entire length
Bayview Court
Entire length
Beginning 35 feet north of the northerly curbline of 26th Street to a point 50 feet northerly therefrom
Beginning 25 feet south of the southwest corner of 7th Street and Broadway to a point 50 feet southerly therefrom
Beginning at a point 35 feet north of the northwest corner of 42nd and Broadway and continuing 22 feet in a northerly direction
[Ord. No. O-18-54]
Beginning at a point 25 feet south of the southeast corner of 53rd Street and Broadway and extending to a point 83 feet southerly thereof
Centre Street
[Added 11-10-2021 by Ord. No. O-21-48]
Chase Court
Entire length
Church Lane
From 24th Street to 25th Street
East 11th Street
[Ord. No. O-02-08 § 2]
From the north side of East 11th Street, distance of 186 feet west of the northwest corner of Avenue E and East 11th Street and continuing for a distance of 30 feet
East 16th Street
[Ord. No. O-16-46]
Beginning at the corner of Avenue E and extending 37 feet west of thereof
East 21st Street
From Avenue E to Avenue F
East 21st Street
From a point 110 feet west of the southwest corner of Avenue E and East 21st Street and continuing 30 feet in a westerly direction
East 21st Street
From the southeast curbline of Broadway and East 21st Street, a distance of 50 feet in an easterly direction
East 21st Street
Beginning 348 feet east of the southeasterly curbline of 21st Street and Broadway, extending to a point 50 feet easterly therefrom
East 22nd Street
[Ord. No. O-12-07; Ord. No. O-13-33]
Entire length
East 22nd Street
[Ord. No. O-13-33]
From Route 440 to a point 220 feet east of the centerline of Bayonne Crossing Way
East 23rd Street
From the intersection of the southerly line of East 23rd Street and the westerly line of Avenue E, 260 feet west
East 23rd Street
From the intersection of the northerly line of East 23rd Street and the westerly line of Avenue E, 210 feet west
East 24th Street
From the intersection of the northerly line of East 24th Street and the westerly line of Avenue E, 260 feet west
East 24th Street
[Added 7-14-2021 by Ord. No. O-21-34]
Beginning 230 feet east of the northeast corner of East 24th Street and Avenue F and extending 20 feet east thereof
East 24th Street
From the intersection of the southerly line of East 24th Street and the westerly line of Avenue E, 210 feet west
East 31st Street
[Ord. No. O-03-31 § 1]
Beginning at a point 268 feet east of the northeast corner of East 31st Street and Prospect Avenue and continuing to the end of the dead end street
East 47th Street
Beginning at a point 25 feet west of the northwest corner of 47th Street and Avenue E extending to a point 15 feet westerly therefrom
East 53rd Street
From Broadway to Avenue E
8th Street
From the westerly side of Broadway a distance of 90 feet westerly
48th Street
From Hudson Boulevard to Newark Bay
Goldsborough Drive
[Ord. No. O-22-08]
Beginning at the intersection of Flagship Street and extending to a point 132 feet in a westerly direction
Goldsborough Drive
[Added 11-8-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-54]
Beginning at Route 440 and continuing in an easterly direction for 900 feet
Grove Place
Entire length
Hook Road
From Avenue J to a point in Hook Road where Hook Road curves in a southerly direction
Lefante Way
[Ord. No. O-13-33; Ord. No. O-17-24]
Entire length
Marion Court
Entire length
New Hook Road
[Ord. No. O-13-33]
Entire length
Newark Court
From Avenue A to Newark Bay
North Hook Road
From Avenue J in a westerly direction for its entire length
North Street
Beginning at the northwest curbline of Avenue A to a point 192 feet westerly therefrom
North Street
From Avenue C to Kennedy Boulevard
O'Brien Court
From Avenue A to Newark Bay
Parkside Lane
From its intersection with the westerly line of Kennedy Boulevard for a distance on the north side of Parkside Lane, 283 feet; on the south side of Parkside Lane, 221 feet
Prospect Avenue
North of East 32nd Street
Pulaski Street
[Ord. No. O-16-23]
Beginning at Route 440 and continuing in an easterly direction for 3,000 feet
7th Street
[Added 2-17-2021 by Ord. No. O-21-12]
Beginning at the northwest corner of Avenue C North and extending to a point 225 feet in a westerly direction
7th Street
[Added 2-17-2021 by Ord. No. O-21-12]
Beginning at the northwest corner of Broadway and extending to a point 95 feet in a westerly direction
Sisson Court
From Avenue E to Chase Court
16th Street
[Ord. No. O-16-30]
Beginning at point 485 feet west of the southwest corner of East 16th Street and Avenue E and continuing 38 feet in a westerly direction
17th Street
[Ord. No. O-18-60 § 1]
Beginning at the southeast corner of West 17th Street and Avenue C and continuing 60 feet in an easterly direction
Standard Place
Entire length
Sycamore Road
From Route 440 West (63rd Street) to Colonial Drive
Tenth Street
Beginning at a point 35 feet west of the northwest corner of West 10th Street and Broadway and continuing 37 feet in a westerly direction
21st Street
North side 202 feet from the northwesterly corner of 21st Street and Broadway and continuing westerly for a distance of 25 feet or Sundays from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
24th Street
[Ord. No. O-02-29 § 1]
East side of the access road for the 24th Street Trailer Court extending 58 feet north from the northeast corner of the A Section and 30 feet south from the southeast corner of the B Section
24th Street
[Ord. No. O-02-29 § 1]
West side of the access road for the 24th Street Trailer Court for a distance of 154 feet from the A Section north to the B Section
25th Street
From the westerly side of Avenue C a distance of 83 feet westerly
25th Street
From the westerly side of Avenue C a distance of 95 feet westerly
25th Street
Beginning at a point 262 feet west of the northwest corner of West 25th Street and Avenue C and continuing 87 feet westerly therefrom
26th Street
Beginning at a point 267 feet west of the southwest corner of West 26th Street and Avenue C and continuing 103 feet westerly therefrom
26th Street
From Broadway to Avenue E
27th Street
[Ord. No. O-05-14 § 1]
Beginning on the northeast side of West 27th Street and Avenue C 38 feet east of the northeast corner and extending 306 feet easterly therefrom for police vehicles only
33rd Street
From Avenue A to Newark Bay
Veterans Memorial Boulevard
[Amended 7-15-2020 by Ord. No. O-20-40]
Beginning at its origin at Chosin Few Way and extending to its terminus at proposed K Street
Washington Parkway
From Avenue A to Newark Bay
West 8th Street
[Ord. No. O-10-09 § 2]
Beginning at a point 219 feet east of the northeast corner of Avenue C and West 8th Street and continuing to a point 35 feet easterly therefrom
West 16th Street
From Avenue A in a westerly direction for its entire length
West 16th Street
Beginning at a point 25 feet from the southeast corner of West 16th Street where it turns to a southerly direction, for a distance of 35 feet in an easterly direction
West 16th Street
Beginning at a point 33 feet west of the southwest corner of 16th Street and Avenue A for a distance of 22 feet in a westerly direction
West 22nd Street
[Ord. No. O-18-60 § 1]
Beginning at a point 82 feet west of the southwest corner of West 22nd Street and Avenue C and extending to a point 86 feet in a westerly direction
[1972 Code § 10-3.4; Schedule III; Ord. No. O-00-60; Ord. No. O-01-22; Ord. No. O-01-24; Ord. No. O-01-42; Ord. No. O-01-49; Ord. No. O-01-57; Ord. No. O-01-59; Ord. No. O-02-08 § 3; Ord. No. O-02-20; Ord. No. O-02-23; Ord. No. O-02-24; Ord. No. O-02-28; Ord. No. O-02-35; Ord. No. O-03-30; Ord. No. O-04-06; Ord. No. O-05-26; Ord. No. O-05-32; Ord. No. O-06-11; Ord. No. O-06-41; Ord. No. O-07-12; Ord. No. O-07-46; Ord. No. O-07-47; Ord. No. O-07-48; Ord. No. O-07-49; Ord. No. O-08-11; Ord. No. O-08-25; Ord. No. O-08-31; Ord. No. O-08-32; Ord. No. O-09-15; Ord. No. O-10-09 § 3; Ord. No. O-10-13; Ord. No. O-10-21; Ord. No. O-11-05 § 1; Ord. No. O-12-07 § 4; Ord. No. O-12-27; Ord. No. O-12-37; Ord. No. O-12-40; Ord. No. O-13-32; Ord. No. O-14-15; Ord. No. O-14-17; Ord. No. O-14-29; Ord. No. O-14-33; Ord. No. O-15-17; Ord. No. O-16-15; Ord. No. O-16-60; Ord. No. O-17-04; Ord. No. O-17-25; Ord. No. O-17-26; Ord. No. O-18-05; Ord. No. O-18-11; Ord. No. O-18-59; Ord. No. O-18-60 § 2]
No person shall park a vehicle between the hours specified any day (except Sundays and public holidays) upon any of the streets or parts of streets described.
Name of Street
Avenue A
Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Beginning at the crosswalk on the southeasterly corner of 25th Street and Avenue A and continuing southerly for a distance of 50 feet
Avenue A near Gertrude Street
Monday through Friday 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Beginning at a point 35 feet north of the westerly prolongation of the northeast corner of Gertrude Street and Avenue A and extending 100 feet northerly therefrom
Avenue A
Monday through Friday 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (starting September 1st through June 30th, when school is in session)
Beginning at a point 170 feet north of the northeast corner of 23rd Street and Avenue A and continuing 108 feet in a northerly direction
Avenue A
Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Beginning at a point 36 feet from the northwest corner of Newark Bay Court and Avenue A and continuing north on Avenue A for a distance of 20 feet
Avenue A
[Ord. No. O-04-06]
Monday through Friday 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Beginning at a point 152 feet north of the northwest corner of Howard Place and Avenue A and continuing 25 feet in a northerly direction
Avenue B
[Ord. No. O-01-57; Ord. No. O-07-49]
Monday through Friday 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. starting September 1st through June 30th when school is in session
Beginning at a point 35 feet north of the northwest corner of 47th Street and Avenue B and continuing 120 feet in a northerly direction
Avenue C
Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Beginning at a point 35 feet from the southeast corner of 4th Street and Avenue C, continuing southerly for a distance of 40 feet
Avenue C
9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Sundays only
Beginning at a point 37 feet north of the northeast corner of 33rd Street and Avenue C and continuing 22 feet in a northerly direction
Avenue C
[Ord. No. O-08-31]
Monday through Friday 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. starting September 1st through June 30 when school is in session (Note: student drop off and pick up shall be allowed during this time with a maximum limit of 5 minutes per vehicle)
Avenue C east side from West 14th Street and West 13th Street entire length
Avenue C
[Ord. No. O-14-15]
7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. for use as a drop-off zone for day-care center at 460 Avenue C
East side of Avenue C, beginning at a point 38 feet south of the southeast corner of West 20th Street and Avenue C and extending to a point 30 feet south thereof
Avenue C
Monday through Friday 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. from September 1st for June 30th, when school is in session
Beginning at a point 225 feet north of the northwest corner of 4th Street and Avenue C and continuing in a northerly direction
Avenue C
[Ord. No. O-18-60]
Sunday Only 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Beginning at a point 23 feet north of the northwest corner of West 37th Street and Avenue C and extending to a point 41 feet in a northerly direction
Avenue E
Monday through Friday 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Beginning at a point 35 feet north of the northwest corner of 24th Street and Avenue E and extending 40 feet in a northerly direction
Avenue E
[Ord. No. O-09-15]
Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
East side of Avenue E Street beginning at a point 36 feet north of the northeast corner of Avenue E and East 22nd Street and continuing 50 feet in a northerly direction there-from
Avenue E
[Ord. No. O-18-05]
Monday through Friday 3:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. (no parking only)
Beginning at a point 201 feet 6 inches north of the northwest corner of 21st Street and Avenue E and extending north to a point feet thereof
[Ord. No. O-10-21]
Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Beginning at a point 47 feet north of the northerly curbline of West 15th Street and Broadway and extending to a point 50 feet northerly thereof
Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Beginning at a point 58 feet south of the southwesterly corner of Andrew Street and Broadway for a distance of 36 feet
Daily 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Beginning at a point 35 feet north of the northeast corner of 35th Street and Broadway and continuing 45 feet in a northerly direction
[Ord. No. O-02-23]
7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
Beginning at a point 33.5 feet north of the northwest corner of West 36th Street and Broadway and continuing 60 feet in a northerly direction
[Ord. No. O-10-13]
Monday through Friday 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. (Note: handicapped patient drop off and pick up shall be allowed during this time with a limit of 10 minute parking per vehicle)
Beginning at a point 37 feet north of the northwest corner of Broadway and West 37th Street and continuing 35 feet north therefrom
[Ord. No. O-02-28]
Monday through Friday 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. with the exception of New Years Day, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas Day
Beginning at a point 113 feet south of the southeast corner of East 14th Street and Broadway and extending 65 feet in a southerly direction
[Ord. No. O-14-17]
Monday and Wednesday 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., and Friday 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. for use as a drop-off zone for Beredo Physical Therapy and Wellness at 267 Broadway
West side of Broadway, beginning at a point 28 feet north of the northwest corner of West 11th Street and Broadway and extending to a point 40 feet north thereof
Church Lane
Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Entire length
Cottage Street
Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8:00 a.m. to noon
Beginning at a point 134 feet west of the northwest corner of Cottage Street and Orient Street and extending 50 feet westerly therefrom
Del Monte Drive
Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Entire length
East 5th Street
Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Beginning at a point 35 feet east of the northeast corner of 5th Street and Hobart Avenue and extending 50 feet easterly therefrom
East 5th Street
[Ord. No. O-07-47]
7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Beginning at a point 42 feet west of the northerly prolongation of the westerly curbline of Lord Avenue and East 5th Street and continuing 111 feet in a westerly direction
East 21st Street
Monday 3:00 p.m. to 10:00 a.m.
Beginning at a point 39 feet west of the northwest Corner of Library Court and East 21st Street and extending 27 feet in a westerly direction
East 21st Street
Tuesday 7:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Beginning at a point 39 feet west of the northwest Corner of Library Court and East 21st Street and extending 27 feet in a westerly direction
East 21st Street
[Ord. No. O-17-26]
Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (for use as a loading zone)
Beginning at a point 262 feet east of the northeast corner of East 21st Street and Prospect Avenue and extending east to a point 40 feet thereof
East 21st Street
[Added 10-16-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-58]
6:30 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., Monday to Friday
The westernmost edge of 13 East 21st Street and continuing 32 feet east
East 24th Street
[Ord. No. O-02-24]
Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Beginning at a point 195 feet east of the northeast corner of East 24th Street and Avenue F and continuing 53 feet in an easterly direction
East 24th Street
[Ord. No. O-02-24]
Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Beginning at a point 195 feet east of the southeast corner of East 24th Street and Avenue F and continuing 78 feet in an easterly direction
East 29th Street
Monday through Friday 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Beginning on the north side of East 29th Street 317 feet east of the northeast corner of 29th Street and Broadway extending for 34 feet in an easterly direction
East 29th Street
[Ord. No. O-12-37]
6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., for use as a drop-off zone for patients at Bayonne Medical Center
North side of East 29th Street, beginning at a point 154 feet west of the northwest corner of East 29th Street and Avenue E and extending to a point 25 feet west thereof
East 29th Street
[Ord. No. O-13-32]
Monday through Friday 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (for use as a drop-off zone for patients at doctors' offices at 16 East 29th Street)
Beginning at a point 114 feet east of the southeast corner of East 29th Street and Broadway, and extending to a point 35 feet east thereof
East 30th Street
[Ord. No. O-12-40]
7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., while school is in session for use as a drop off and pickup zone for students
South side of East 30th Street, beginning at a point 190 feet west of the southwest corner of East 30th Street and Avenue F and extending to a point 104 feet east thereof
East 30th Street
[Ord. No. O-14-29]
Parking limited to 5 minutes for use as a drop off/pick-up zone for the Bayonne Medical Center Emergency Room
South side of East 30th Street, beginning at a point 181 feet west of the southwest corner of East 30th Street and Avenue E and extending to a point 206 feet west thereof
East 32nd Street
[Ord. No. O-18-05]
Monday through Friday 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. (no parking only)
Beginning at a point 39 feet east of the northeast corner of 32nd Street and Broadway and extending east to a point 62 feet thereof
15th Street
[Ord. No. O-18-11]
Wednesday and Friday 7:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m., Sunday 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Beginning at a point 138 Feet west of the northwest corner of West 15th Street & Avenue C and extending to a Point 32 feet west thereof
Goldsborough Drive
[Ord. No. O-22-08]
11:00 p.m. tp 7:00 a.m.
Beginning at a point 132 feet west of the northwest corner of Goldsborough Drive and Flagship Street and extending to a point 230 feet in a westerly direction
Juliette Street
[Ord. No. O-18-59]
Monday through Friday 6:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. (for use as a loading zone)
Beginning at the intersection of the southeast corner of Juliette Street and Avenue A and extending to a point 135 feet in an easterly direction
Lord Avenue
[Added 8-16-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-41]
Sundays and Church Service Holidays, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Lord Avenue between 4th and 5th Street beginning at the intersection of the northeast corner of Lord Avenue and 4th Street and extending to a point 55 feet thereof.
Prospect Avenue
7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on days when school is in session
Beginning at a point 35 feet north of the northeast corner of East 21st Street and continuing 50 feet in northerly direction
Prospect Avenue
[Ord. No. O-05-26; Ord. No. O-05-32]
Monday through Friday 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Beginning at a point 36 feet south of the southeast corner of East 22nd Street and Avenue F and continuing 50 feet in a southerly direction
Prospect Avenue
7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., while school is in session for use as a drop off and pickup zone for handicapped students
East side of Prospect Avenue, beginning at a point 85 feet south of the southeast corner of East 30th Street and Prospect Avenue and extending to a point 22 feet south thereof
Prospect Avenue
[Ord. No. O-18-60]
Tuesday through Friday 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Sunday 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Beginning at a point 35 feet north of the northwest corner of Prospect Avenue and East 22nd Street and extending to a point 38 feet north thereof
Story Court
Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Beginning at a point 35 feet from the southeast corner of 4th Street and Story Court and continuing south for a distance of 20 feet
West 7th Street
[Ord. No. O-15-17]
Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. for use as a loading zone
Beginning at a point 113.00 feet west of the southwest corner of West 7th Street and Newman Avenue and extending to a point 250.1 feet west thereof
West 8th Street
[Ord. No. O-10-09]
Monday through Friday 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Beginning at a point 235 feet west of the northwest corner of Broadway and West 8th Street and continuing to a point 50 feet westerly therefrom
West 11th Street
[Ord. No. O-07-46; Ord. No. O-07-48; Ord. No. O-08-31]
7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Beginning at a point 367 feet west of the southwest corner of West 11th Street and Avenue C and continuing 100 feet in a westerly direction
West 13th Street
[Ord. No. O-03-30]
Mondays through Fridays 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Beginning at a point 223 feet west of the northwest corner of Broadway and West 13th Street and continuing 66 feet in a westerly direction
West 15th Street
[Ord. No. O-06-11]
Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. except legal holidays
Beginning at a point on West 15th Street, 41 feet west of the northwest corner of Broadway and West 15th and continue 27 feet in a westerly direction therefrom
West 40th Street
[Ord. No. O-12-27]
Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Beginning at a point 89 feet west of the Northwest corner of West 40th Street and Broadway, extending to a point 24 feet West thereof
41-45 W. 20th Street
[Ord. No. O-08-11]
Sundays 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Beginning at a point 136 feet east of the northeast corner of West 20th Street and Avenue C and extending 42 feet in an easterly direction
West 21st Street
Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Beginning at a point 35 feet east of the northeasterly corner of West 21st Street and Avenue A for a distance of 50 feet east
West 22nd Street
[Added 3-18-2020 by Ord. No. O-20-23]
9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. (Sunday only)
Beginning 203 feet east of the intersection of the northwest corner of West 22nd Street and Avenue C and extending to a point 38 feet in a easterly direction
West 23rd Street
Monday through Friday 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. (starting September 1st through June 30th when school is in session)
Beginning at a point 180 feet east of the northeast corner of 23rd Street and Avenue A and continuing 80 feet in an easterly direction
West 26th Street
Monday through Friday 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Beginning 170 feet from the southwest curbline at 26th Street and Broadway, continuing in a westerly direction for a distance of 112 feet
West 31st Street
[Ord. No. O-06-41]
Monday through Friday 7:30 a.m. extending to 3:30 p.m.
Beginning at a point 122 feet east of the northeast corner of Kennedy Boulevard and West 31st Street and 110 feet in an easterly direction
West 33rd Street
[Ord. No. O-08-32]
Monday through Friday 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. school drop off
North side of West 33rd Street beginning at a point 111 feet west of the northwest corner of Avenue C and West 33rd Street and continuing 50 feet in a westerly direction there-from
West 33rd Street
[Ord. No. O-07-12]
Monday through Friday 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Beginning at a point 41 feet west of the southwest corner of Broadway and West 33rd Street and extending 50 feet in a westerly direction
West 44th Street
[Amended 10-16-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-58]
7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. only
Beginning at the intersection of the northeast corner of Kennedy Boulevard and West 44th Street and extending to a point of 84 feet in an easterly direction
West 52nd Street
[Ord. No. O-17-25]
Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (no parking only)
Beginning at a point 362 feet west of the southwest corner of 52nd Street and Kennedy Boulevard and extending west to a point 25 feet thereof
West 53rd Street
Monday through Friday 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Beginning 204 feet from the northwest curbline at 53rd Street and Kennedy Boulevard, continuing in a westerly direction for a distance of 50 feet
West 57th Street
[Ord. No. O-16-60]
Monday through Friday 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. (for use as a pick up and drop off)
Beginning at a point 91 feet south of the southeast corner of West 57th Street and Avenue B and extending to a point 61 feet south thereof
5th Street
[Ord. No. O-16-15]
Monday through Friday 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Beginning at a point 65 feet west of the northwest corner of Broadway and extending to a point 35 feet west thereof
17th Street
[Ord. No. O-02-35]
Sunday 9:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 a.m.
Beginning at a point 35 feet east of the southeast corner of West 17th Street and Avenue C and continuing 25 feet in an easterly direction
22nd Street
Monday through Friday 7:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.
Beginning at a point 90 feet east of the southeast corner of 22nd Street and Avenue A and continuing easterly for a distance of 21 feet
28th Street
Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Beginning at a point 240 feet east of the southeast corner of Avenue C and 28th Street and extending 50 feet easterly therefrom
29th Street
Monday through Friday 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Beginning at a point 208 feet east of the northeast corner of 29th Street and Broadway and continuing 140 feet in an easterly direction
29th Street
[Ord. No. O-14-33]
7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Monday to Friday; 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Saturday and Sunday
Beginning at a point 35 feet west of the southwest corner of West 29th Street and Kennedy Boulevard and continuing 29 feet in a westerly direction
29th Street
Beginning at a point 50 feet west of the southwest corner of 29th Street and Avenue C and continuing 20 feet in a westerly direction
29th Street (91)
8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. on Sunday morning
Beginning at a point 201 feet east of the northeast corner of Kennedy Boulevard and West 29th Street and continuing 50 feet in an easterly direction
46th Street
[Ord. No. O-17-04]
Monday through Friday 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 a.m.
Beginning at a point 268 feet west of the northwest corner of 46th Street and Avenue C and continuing westerly for a distance of 28 feet
[1972 Code § 10-3.7]
For the purpose of this subsection, the following definitions shall apply:
Shall mean that time when a body is removed from a funeral home to be placed in the hearse for delivery to a place of worship or burial.
Shall mean a metal plate with the following wording conspicuously printed thereon:
There shall be no parking in front of a funeral home on the day that a funeral is taking place during the hours noted on the sign. Sign to be positioned by the funeral director. It will be the responsibility of the funeral director to have the sign removed upon the departure of the funeral cortege.
[Ord. No. O-00-46 § 10-23; Ord. No. O-14-10; Ord. No. O-14-36]
Whenever the Mayor or his designee shall make a determination that a residential area is impacted by commuter vehicles, he or she may initiate the creation of a residential permit parking area(s), and the regulations for the implementation thereof, within the City of Bayonne, to alleviate unfavorable parking conditions and restrict the outside flow of commuter traffic into residential neighborhoods, thus enhancing the quality of life by reducing noise, alleviating traffic hazards and litter within residential areas. The Parking Utility of the City of Bayonne may also initiate a request for such a determination. Any determination by the Mayor or his designee as to the need for the creation of residential parking permit areas shall be subject to disapproval by the City Council. A summary of the proposed residential permit parking area shall be submitted to the City Council in the form of a written request from the Mayor or his designee. The City Council shall have 45 days from receipt of the request to adopt a resolution disapproving of the placement or creation of same, in whole or in part. If the Council does not adopt a resolution within 45 days of receipt of the request, the Mayor or his designee shall have authority to create the residential permit parking areas.
[Ord. No. O-00-46 § 10-23.1; Ord. No. O-14-10; Ord. No. O-14-36]
Pursuant to Section 2-25 of the Revised General Ordinances of the City of Bayonne, the Parking Utility of the City of Bayonne shall have and exercise the power and perform the duties associated with the management, operation and enforcement of permit parking as set forth herein.
[Ord. No. O-00-46 § 10-23.2; Ord. No. O-14-10; Ord. No. O-14-36; amended 11-9-2022 by Ord. No. O-22-41]
Following the designation of a residential parking permit zone and regulations by the Mayor or his designee, the Parking Utility shall issue the appropriate permits and cause parking signs to be erected indicating the times and locations where permit parking shall be permitted, and clearly designating such areas as "Tow-Away Zones."
A permit shall be issued upon application and payment of fees, if any, only to the owner or the operator of a motor vehicle who is:
A legal resident of the residential permit parking zone who has a motor vehicle registered in his/her name or who has a motor vehicle for his/her exclusive use and under his/her control as evidenced by a long term lease or other competent documentation; and/or
A person who owns or leases commercial property and actively engages in business activity within a residential permit parking area (zone) for a motor vehicle registered to that person or business or shown by competent written evidence to be leased or under the sole control of that person or business entity; and/or
An employee of a business entity that owns or leases commercial property and actively engages in business activity within a residential permit parking area (zone) for a motor vehicle registered to that employee or shown by competent written evidence to be leased or under the sole control of that employee.
The application for a permit shall contain the name of the owner or operator of the motor vehicle, residential or business address, phone number, make and model of the motor vehicle, a photostatic copy of the applicant's driver's license and a photostatic copy of the vehicle registration. The applicant shall apply in person for the initial permit and shall present all required documentation. Personal appearance shall not be required for permit renewals. Permits shall be renewed annually in accordance with the conditions and procedures as established by regulation.
Proof of residency or the ownership and use of property shall be demonstrated in a manner determined by regulation. School attendance within a zone by a nonresident of Bayonne shall not qualify as residency or employment for purposes of this chapter.
Proof of motor vehicle ownership or vehicle use and control shall be demonstrated in a manner determined by regulation.
The Mayor or his designee shall determine by regulation the provisions for the issuance of temporary permits and fees, if any, as follows:
For vehicles used in providing services to persons or property in the residential permit zone;
For vehicles owned by temporary visitors who are residing in the residential permit parking area. A temporary visitor is any person who does not reside in but physically remains in a residence located within a residential permit parking area for a period in excess of one day. Such temporary residential parking permits shall have all of the rights and privileges of a regular permit; however, a temporary parking permit shall be valid for no more than 21 days from the date of issuance;
For bona fide visitors to residences within designated residential permit parking areas, including but not limited to a virtual parking permit. A bona fide visitor is any person who visits a residence located within a residential permit parking area for a period of time that does not exceed one day; and
For any other temporary or special permits to be issued, as determined by regulation.
A temporary residential parking permit issued to a vehicle providing services or to a vehicle owned by temporary visitors or bona fide visitors shall be considered to be a temporary permit issued to the resident of the property where the services are being provided, the temporary visitor is residing, or the bona fide visitor is visiting.
With respect to temporary residential parking permits, proof of motor vehicle ownership or vehicle use and control or proof that the vehicle is used in providing services to persons or property in the residential permit shall be demonstrated in a manner determined by regulation, including a written affidavit or certified statement from the person owning or leasing property within the zone personally attesting, under penalty of law, to the truth of the facts warranting the temporary permit.
Permit fees shall be:
$5.00 per residential parking permit. A senior discount of 2 free passes will be available to any resident 62 years or older.
$5.00 per temporary visitor parking permit which is valid for 21 days.
$200 per non-resident parking permit which is valid for one year.
Fees are calculated and imposed by regulation based on the actual cost of manufacture and installation of pertinent signs, applications, permits and administrative costs in connection with the issuance of permits and the administration and enforcement of the residential permit parking program created pursuant to this chapter.
The permit shall be virtual in the Parking Utility’s database.
[Ord. No. O-00-46 § 10-23.3]
No person without a valid residential parking permit properly issued to and displayed upon his or her vehicle shall park in excess of three hours on any of the streets within the designated residential parking permit area (zone). The holder of a residential parking permit that is properly displayed shall be permitted to stand or park a motor vehicle in the appropriately designated parking area in excess of the time limits. While a vehicle for which a residential parking permit has been issued is so parked, such permit shall be displayed so as to be clearly visible to enforcement personnel. A residential parking permit shall not guarantee or reserve to the holder a parking space within the designated parking area.
A residential parking permit shall not authorize the holder of the permit to park in spaces or areas designated by law or City ordinance as restricted or prohibited parking (loading zones, fire hydrants, disabled, or other such regulated areas), nor shall it exempt him from the observance of any traffic regulations, other than parking time limits.
Time limits for parking in each residential permit area shall be posted in plain view and shall be strictly enforced.
[Ord. No. O-00-46 § 10-23.4]
The following vehicles are exempt from the provisions of this section:
Vehicles whose operator or passenger is physically disabled and the vehicle displays a license issued under provisions of N.J.S.A. 39:4-205 or Bayonne's Revised General Ordinance Section 7-17;
Emergency vehicles, government vehicles and public utility vehicles that have responded to the area for work purposes; and
Vehicles parked within a residential permit parking zone on weekends and legal holidays.
[Ord. No. O-00-46 § 10-23.5; Ord. No. O-14-10; Ord. No. O-14-36]
Each residential parking permit issued by the Parking Utility of the City of Bayonne shall be valid for not more than one year following its date of issue. Permits may be renewed in the thirty-day period next preceding the expiration date of same.
Temporary permits issued for temporary visitors may not be renewed during the thirty-day period that next proceeds the expiration of the temporary permit.
Each application or reapplication for a parking permit shall contain information sufficient to identify the application, his residence address or address of real property owned or leased within a residential permit parking area, the license number of the motor vehicle for which application is made, a written affidavit or certified statement from the applicant personally attesting, under penalty of law, to the truth of the facts warranting the issuance of the permit and such other information or requirements set forth by regulation.
[Ord. No. O-00-46 § 10-23.6; Ord. No. O-12-26; Ord. No. O-14-10; Ord. No. O-14-36]
It shall be unlawful and a violation of this chapter unless expressly provided to the contrary herein, for any person to stand or park a motor vehicle for a period exceeding the time limitation or in violation of the zone prohibition established pursuant hereto. Any person who violates or fails to comply with any provision of this chapter shall be liable to a fine of a minimum of $50 for a first offense and a fine of a minimum of $100 for any offense thereafter.
It shall be unlawful and a violation of this chapter for a person to falsely represent himself or herself as eligible for a parking permit or to furnish false information on an application therefor. The Parking Utility of the City of Bayonne may refuse to issue a parking permit to any person or persons where it finds that the applicant has furnished false information on an application therefor. A person who knowingly makes a false statement in connection with a parking permit application shall be subject to a fine of not less than $500 for each subsequent offense and/or imprisonment for a period of up to 90 days and/or community service for a period of up to 90 days.
It shall be unlawful and a violation of this chapter for a person obtaining a valid parking permit issued pursuant hereto to permit the use, display, sale, assignment or other transfer for profit or otherwise, or to advertise or offer for use, display, sale, assignment or transfer such permit to anyone for use in any motor vehicle other than that for which the permit was issued. A person who knowingly violates the provisions of this section shall be subject to a fine of not less than $200 for a first offense and a fine of not less than $500 for each subsequent offense and/or imprisonment for a period of up to 90 days and/or community service for a period of up to 90 days.
It shall be unlawful and a violation of this chapter for any person to obtain, purchase, receive, use or display a valid parking permit issued pursuant to this section in any motor vehicle other than that for which the permit was issued. A person who knowingly violates the provisions of this section shall be subject to a fine of not less than $200 for a first offense and a fine of not less than $500 for each subsequent offense and/or imprisonment for a period of up to 90 days and/or community service for a period of up to 90 days.
It shall be unlawful and a violation of this chapter for a person to copy, reproduce or otherwise bring into existence a facsimile or counterfeit parking permit or permits. It shall further be unlawful and a violation of this chapter for a person to knowingly use a duplicate facsimile or counterfeit parking permit in order to evade area prohibitions or time limitations on parking applicable in a residential permit zone. A violation of this subsection shall be punishable by a fine of not less than $500 and/or imprisonment for a period of up to 90 days and/or community service for a period of up to 90 days.
In addition to the penalties set forth herein, the Parking Utility of the City of Bayonne is authorized to revoke the residential parking permit of any individual found to be in violation of this chapter.
[Added 4-17-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-29]
Whereas, the City of Bayonne is authorized to determine the issuance of residential parking permits in areas designated as residential zones; and
Whereas, it is in the economic interest of the City and its residents to promote redevelopment within the City in order to support local businesses, increase rateables, remediate contaminated properties and reclaim abandoned industrial and commercial sites; and
Whereas, during the approval process for new developments, testimony is routinely presented to the City's Planning Board by redevelopers or their experts that the proposed developments have sufficient parking to accommodate the needs of those residing in the new development, without utilizing existing on-street City parking that would adversely affect the surrounding residential neighborhoods; and
Whereas, to alleviate unfavorable parking conditions in residential neighborhoods; to limit the impact of new developments on existing residential neighborhoods; to protect the residents of those neighborhoods from unreasonable burdens in gaining access to their residences; to preserve the character of the existing residential neighborhoods; to preserve the value of the property in the residential neighborhoods; to protect those residential neighborhoods from polluted air, excess noise, trash and refuse caused by the entry of additional vehicles; to promote efficiency in the maintenance of those streets in a clean and safe condition; and to preserve the safety of children and other pedestrians and traffic safety, and the peace, good order, comfort, convenience and welfare of the inhabitants of the City; and
Whereas, this restriction will enhance the quality of life by alleviating traffic conditions, reducing demand for on-street parking, encouraging reliance on mass transit, ride sharing services, bike share facilities and other alternative means of transportation, within residential neighborhoods and the City, at large; the City of Bayonne may exclude certain multifamily, residential, commercial or industrial developments from obtaining residential parking permits.
Definitions. As used in this subsection, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Any multifamily, mixed-use, commercial or industrial project within the City.
Any mixed-use or residential building in excess of 10 residential units.
Any area designated by the City as an area in need of redevelopment pursuant to the Local Redevelopment and Housing Law, N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-1 et seq., as amended and supplemented.
Any plan or amendment recommended by the Planning Board of the City of Bayonne and adopted by the Municipal Council.
Excluded Properties. Any and all occupants residing within developments located within a redevelopment area wherein a redevelopment plan was adopted by the City on or after January 1, 2015, are hereby excluded by the City from obtaining any residential parking permits under § 7-17 or any other provisions of the City Municipal Code.
All ordinances and parts of ordinances inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed.
The City Clerk shall have this subsection codified and incorporated in the official copies of the Bayonne City Code.
This subsection shall take effect at the time and in the manner as provided by law.
The City Clerk and the Law Director may change any chapter numbers, article numbers and section numbers if codification of this subsection reveals a conflict between those numbers and the existing code, in order to avoid confusion and possible accidental repeals of existing provisions.
[Added 8-21-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-51]
Parking shall be permitted in front of private driveways whenever both the motor vehicle and driveway involved are owned by the same person, whenever the motor vehicle is owned by a member of the same household as the owner of the private driveway, or whenever the owner of the private driveway authorizes the parking of a motor vehicle in front of the private driveway; and where such parking is not otherwise prohibited and the permitting thereof would not interfere with the normal and/or safe flow of traffic.
A motor vehicle shall not be permitted to be parked in front of a private driveway unless the owner of the private driveway or a member of the owner's family has been issued a valid permit and the permit is properly displayed, or unless the owner has authorized another party to use and display the owner's permit for parking in front of the private driveway, and the permit is valid and properly displayed.
An owner of a private driveway shall be eligible to apply for up to three permits for his own motor vehicles or for use by other parties authorized by the owner to park in front of the private driveway. Each member of the owner's household who owns a motor vehicle shall also be eligible to apply for a permit issued under this section. The permit shall be 5 1/2 inches by 8 1/2 inches in size, shall bear an appropriate certification of authenticity and shall be displayed prominently within the vehicle when it is parked so as to be seen from the middle of the street.
There shall be no fee for permits.
[New; Ord. No. O-13-33]
No person shall park any truck or vehicle over three tons gross registered vehicle weight (RGVW), a school bus, any other type of bus, recreational vehicle, camper, boat or trailer between the hours specified upon any of the streets or parts of streets described.
Name of Street
[1972 Code § 10-10; Ord. No. O-13-33; amended 6-19-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-38; 8-17-2022 by Ord. No. O-22-27]
Parking of Truck Tractors, Trailers and Vehicles Exceeding 16,000 pounds, Gross Weight. No tractor of any gross weight, no trailer of any type whether or not attached to a truck tractor or other type of motor vehicle and no other vehicle exceeding 16,000 pounds gross weight shall be parked on any public street or in any municipal parking lot except that such a vehicle may park on public streets for the amount of time that is necessary for the operator to load or unload the vehicle in pursuance of the business for which the truck or other type of motor vehicle is used.
Parking of Vehicles Transporting Certain Goods Regulated. No person shall park a vehicle used to transport petroleum or petroleum products, fertilizer, garbage or any other refuse or any product or material emitting offensive or obnoxious odors on any public street for any time longer than is necessary for the operator to load or unload the vehicle in pursuance of the business in which the truck is used, except that a vehicle used to transport petroleum or petroleum products may, subject to the other provisions of this chapter or other ordinances, be parked on the street in front of any place of business operated by the owner of the truck during the hours that the owner's establishment is open for business.
Parking of Commercial Vehicles.
[Amended 3-18-2020 by Ord. No. O-20-22]
Commercial vehicles may be parked on the public streets and in municipal parking lots except as follows:
As prohibited by Subsection 17-18.2a and b of this chapter;
As prohibited during certain hours set forth in Subsection 7-18.3 et seq. of this chapter;
No person or entity shall park more than one commercial vehicle registered to the same individual, partnership, LLC, corporation or other entity, or used in connection with the same business, on the public streets or in a municipal parking lot, except that multiple vehicles registered to the same individual, partnership, LLC, corporation or other entity, or used in connection with the same business, may park on the public streets for the amount of time that is necessary for the operator to load or unload the vehicle, to make pick-ups or deliveries or to perform other services in the regular course of the business to which the owner of the vehicle is engaged, and for such time as it takes to perform such services.
For purposes of this subsection, "commercial vehicle" shall be defined as any vehicle, regardless of gross vehicle weight, which is used for commercial purposes. A vehicle is deemed to be used for commercial purposes if it (i) bears license plate designation such as Omnibus, Limousine, School Vehicle Type I, School Vehicle Type II, Commercial, Construction, Farmer, Commuter Van, In-Transit Empty; or (ii) has lettering, advertising, or other markings upon the vehicle which indicate that it is used for commercial purposes, such as providing goods or services or transportation for hire.
[Ord. No. O-00-36 § 10-3.8; Ord. No. O-01-28; Ord. No. O-13-33; Ord. No. O-14-10]
Parking Prohibited. Parking of commercial vehicles is prohibited on any public street in the City of Bayonne between the hours of 7:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.
Commercial Vehicle Defined. For the purposes of this subsection a commercial vehicle is defined as truck tractors, trailers, semi-trailers, trucks and vans with a registered gross vehicle weight of over 12,000 pounds, buses, motor homes, omnibus vehicles (including taxis and limousines) when such motor driven vehicle is used for commercial purposes. A vehicle is deemed to be used for commercial purposes if it (i) bears license plate designation such as Omnibus, Limousine, School Vehicle Type I, School Vehicle Type II, Commercial, Construction, Farmer, Commuter Van, In-Transit Empty; or (ii) has lettering, advertising, or other markings upon the vehicle which indicate that it is used for commercial purposes, such as providing goods or services or transportation for hire.
Exceptions. The following shall be exceptions to the hour limitations of paragraph a of this subsection. All other parking restrictions and requirements will still apply:
Commercial vehicles may be parked on those public streets and areas designated to trucks and tractor parking in Schedule 7-18.2d, provided a valid parking decal is displayed in such commercial vehicle in accordance with Section 7-18.2d, without being subject to the hour limitations of paragraph a of this subsection.
[Amended 3-18-2020 by Ord. No. O-20-22]
Commercial vehicles being used to provide emergency medical or mechanical services may park on public streets for up to a one-hour period while the operator of the vehicle is in the course of providing emergency services.
Commercial vehicles being used to deliver food and medicine may park on public streets for up to 15 minutes during the hours of 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. while the operator of the vehicle is in the course of providing such delivery services.
Taxicabs parking in approved taxi stands established pursuant to Chapter 8 of the Revised General Ordinances of the City of Bayonne.
Additional Exceptions and Penalties. Sedans bearing limousine plates, and constituting a commercial vehicle as defined in subsection 7-18.3b, may be permitted to park overnight subject to the following:
The commercial vehicle bearing limousine plates is the only household vehicle, and as such the household members use the commercial vehicle bearing limousine plates for private and recreational use, in addition to commercial purposes.
No member of the household, residing in the house, shall have any other vehicle registered in their name, the name of a partnership in which they are a partner, the name of a corporation in which they are a principal, or any other trade or fictitious name belonging to and/or used by the resident or household member.
The owner of the commercial vehicle bearing limousine plates shall complete and submit an application for a permit to the Parking Utility and provide any necessary proof that the vehicle constitutes the only vehicle in the household.
The Public Safety Director or his designee shall promulgate rules and regulations setting forth policy and procedures relative to making application for and obtaining a commercial parking permit pursuant to this subsection, including, but not limited to, color, size and placement of permits in eligible vehicles.
Pursuant to Chapter 2, Section 2-25, the Bayonne Parking Utility of the City of Bayonne shall have and exercise the power and perform the duties associated with the management, operation and enforcement of the commercial vehicle permit as set forth herein. The Bayonne Police Department shall further enforce the provisions of this section.
In addition to the penalties for the prohibited parking of commercial vehicles as set forth in this subsection:
Any person who falsely represents himself or herself as eligible for a parking permit because their commercial vehicle, bearing limousine plates, serves as their only private and/or recreational vehicle, or who furnishes false information on an application for such a permit, shall be subject to a fine of $1,000.
Any person holding a valid parking permit, issued pursuant hereto, who permits or allows the use or display of such parking permit on any motor vehicle, other than that for which the permit was issued, shall be subject to a fine of not less than $500 for a first offense, and a fine of not less than $1,000 for subsequent offenses.
Any person who copies, reproduces or otherwise brings into existence, a facsimile or counterfeit parking permit, or allows another person to copy, reproduce or otherwise bring into existence a facsimile or counterfeit parking permit, in order to evade area prohibitions or time limitations set forth in this subsection, shall be subject to a fine of $1,000 and/or imprisonment for a period of up to 90 days and/or community service for a period of up to 90 days, for each such offense.
In addition to the penalties set forth herein, the Parking Utility is authorized to revoke the commercial parking permit of any individual found to be in violation of this subsection or the rules and regulations promulgated as a result of this subsection.
Sedan Defined. For the purpose of this subsection, a sedan shall be defined as an automobile or motor car with a carrying capacity of not more than five passengers, not including the driver, that does not exceed 18 feet in length, used in the business of carrying passengers for hire which is held out, announced or advertised to operate or run or which is operated or run over any of the streets or public highways of this State, and which is hired by charter or for a particular contract, or by the day or hour or other fixed period to transport passengers to a specific place, or which charges a fare or price agreed upon in advance between the operator and the passengers, notwithstanding that such vehicle shall bear license plates with the designation "limousine."
Violation. Any person or entity that violates paragraphs a through c of this subsection shall, upon conviction, be subject to penalty specified in Chapter 1, Section 1-5 or up to 15 days in jail or both.
[Ord. No. O-12-18]
No person shall park any truck tractor, trailer, semi-trailer, truck, or van over 12,000 pounds gross registered vehicle weight (RGVW), or any school bus, any other type of bus, motor home, recreational vehicle, or omnibus vehicle beneath any bridge, overpass, or tunnel, or within 100 feet of any bridge, overpass or tunnel.
[1972 Code § 10-7; Schedule VIII; Ord. No. O-04-30]
The following described streets or parts of streets are hereby designated for Angle Parking at an angle so indicated.
Name of Street
East 12th Street
Between Broadway and Avenue E
East 25th Street
98 feet easterly from the northeast curbline of East 25th Street and Avenue F
Foot of West 30th Street
[Ord. No. O-04-30]
4 vehicles shall be parked parallel to the curb at an angle of 90° at the northwestern corner of said street on the Baker Residential Limited Partnership Property
33rd Street
Between Avenue E and Hudson Boulevard
48th Street
Between Kennedy Boulevard and Newark Bay
Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:67-16.1, the streets or parts of streets as described are hereby designated as Route for Vehicles Over _____ Tons. All trucks having a total combined registered gross weight of vehicle plus load in excess of _____ tons shall be excluded from all streets, except from those streets listed which form a part of the system of truck routes. Vehicles will be permitted on all streets for the purpose of the pickup and delivery of materials.
Name of Street
[1972 Code § 10-5; Ord. No. O-12-07 § 6]
Trucks with a registered gross vehicle weight in excess of four tons (8,000 pounds) are prohibited from the streets in Bayonne except those streets or parts of streets designated below. Trucks making local pickups or deliveries of goods are excluded from this section.
Exceptions to the Prohibition of Use by Trucks with a Registered Gross Vehicle Weight in Excess of Four Tons (8,000 pounds).
Name of Street
Avenue A
From 1st Street to North Street
Avenue J
Entire length
East 22nd Street
[Ord. No. O-12-07 § 6]
From Route 440 easterly for entire length
East 5th Street
[Ord. No. O-12-07 § 6]
From Ingham Avenue to Route 440 Ramp A
Gertrude Street
Entire length
Hook Road
Entire length
Ingham Avenue
Entire length
Kennedy Boulevard
[Ord. No. O-12-07 § 6]
From Gertrude Street northerly to Route 440
North Hook Road
Entire length
Pier Street
Entire length
Pulaski Street
Entire length
[1972 Code § 10-4; Schedule VI]
The following described streets or parts of streets are hereby designated as One-Way Streets in the direction indicated. Parking on these streets will be permitted on the sides indicated below.
Name of Street
Abbey Street
From West 49th Street to Plank Road
Agnes Street
From 18th Street to 17th Street
Church Lane
Entire length
Cooper Street
From 17th Street to 18th Street
Cottage Street
Entire length
Court Place
From 17th Street to 16th Street
Dodge Street
From Broadway to Orient Street
East 10th Street
From Broadway to Avenue E
Evergreen Street
Entire length
George Street
From Lexington Avenue to Hobart Avenue
Hartley Place
From Linden Street to North Street
Kelly Parkway
From First Street to Second Street
Library Court
From East 21st Street to East 22nd Street
Margaret Street
Westerly & Southerly
From Kennedy Boulevard to West 4th Street
Margaret Street
Northerly & Westerly
From West 4th Street to Avenue A
Meadow Street
Entire length
New Street
From Prospect Avenue to Avenue F
Point View Terrace
Entire length
Public Lane
Entire length
Silver Street
Entire length
Sisson Court
Entire length
Sisson Court
From Avenue E to Chase Court
Story Court
From 3rd Street to 4th Street
Willow Street
From Avenue E to Broadway
Zabriskie Avenue
Entire length
6th Street
From Avenue C to Broadway
8th Street
From Avenue E to Avenue C
9th Street
From Broadway to Avenue C
10th Street
From Avenue C to Avenue A
11th Street
From Avenue A to Avenue E
12th Street
From Avenue E to Avenue A
13th Street
From Avenue A to Broadway
14th Street
From Avenue E to Avenue A
15th Street
From Avenue A to Avenue E
16th Street
From Avenue E to Avenue A
17th Street
From Hudson Boulevard to Avenue E
18th Street
From Avenue E to Hudson Boulevard
19th Street
From Avenue A to Avenue E
20th Street
From Broadway to Avenue A
21st Street
From Avenue A to Central Avenue
22nd Street
From Central Avenue to Avenue A
23rd Street
From Avenue A to Avenue E
23rd Street
From Prospect Avenue to Avenue F
24th Street
From Avenue E to Avenue A
25th Street
From Avenue A to Avenue E
26th Street
From Prospect Avenue to Avenue F
27th Street
From Avenue E to Avenue A
27th Street
From Prospect Avenue to Avenue F
28th Street
From Avenue A to Avenue E
28th Street
From Prospect Avenue to Avenue F
29th Street
From Avenue E to Avenue A
30th Street
From Avenue A to Avenue E
31st Street
From Avenue E to Avenue A
33rd Street
From Kennedy Boulevard to Avenue E
34th Street
From Avenue E to Avenue A
35th Street
From Avenue A to Avenue E
36th Street
From Avenue E to Hudson Boulevard
37th Street
From Hudson Boulevard to Avenue E
38th Street
From Avenue E to Hudson Boulevard
39th Street
From Hudson Boulevard to Avenue E
40th Street
From Avenue E to Avenue B
41st Street
From Avenue B to Avenue E
42nd Street
From Avenue E to Hudson Boulevard
43rd Street
From Hudson Boulevard to Avenue E
44th Street
From Avenue E to Hudson Boulevard
45th Street
From Hudson Boulevard to Avenue E
46th Street
From Avenue E to Hudson Boulevard
47th Street
From Hudson Boulevard to Avenue E
48th Street
From Avenue E to Hudson Boulevard
49th Street
From Hudson Boulevard to Avenue E
50th Street
From Avenue E to Hudson Boulevard
51st Street
From Hudson Boulevard to Avenue E
52nd Street
From Avenue E to Hudson Boulevard
53rd Street
From Hudson Boulevard to Broadway
54th Street
From Hudson Boulevard to Broadway
55th Street
From Broadway to Hudson Boulevard
56th Street
From Hudson Boulevard to Avenue C
57th Street
From Avenue C to Hudson Boulevard
[1972 Code § 10-16.1; Schedule XIII]
Pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 39:4-140, the streets or parts of streets described are hereby designated as Through Streets. Stop signs shall be installed on the near-right side of each street intersecting the Through Street except where Yield signs are provided for in the designation.
Name of Street
Avenue A
Between First Street and Kennedy Boulevard
Avenue B
From Kennedy Boulevard to 58th Street
Avenue C
Between First Street and Sixth Street
Avenue C
Between Eighth Street and Bayonne Jersey City line
Avenue E
From, but not including, Broadway to and including 52nd Street
Avenue F
From 30th Street to 22nd Street
Between First Street and Bayonne-Jersey City line
Fifth Street
Between Avenue C and Kennedy Boulevard
Fifth Street
Between Hobart Avenue and Broadway
First Street
Between Lexington Avenue and Avenue A
Fourth Street
Between Broadway and Avenue C
Fourth Street
Between Avenue C and Kennedy Boulevard
Hobart Avenue
Between Third Street and Linnet Street
Lexington Avenue
Between First Street and Fifth Street
Linnet Street
Between Isabella Avenue and Avenue E
Lord Avenue
Between First Street and Fifth Street
Orient Street
Between Fifth Street and Linnet Street
Prospect Avenue
From 32nd Street to 22nd Street
Second Street
From Avenue C and Kennedy Boulevard
Seventh Street
Between Broadway and Kennedy Boulevard
Sixth Street
Between Avenue C and Kennedy Boulevard
Third Street
Between Avenue C and Kennedy Boulevard
[1972 Code § 10-14; Schedule XI; Ord. O-05-04; Ord. No. O-16-59]
Pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 39:4-140, the intersections described are hereby designated as Stop Intersections. Stop signs shall be installed as provided therein.
Stop Signs On:
Agnes Street and 17th Street
On Agnes Street
Avenue J and Hook Road
On the northwest corner of Avenue J
Avenue J and Hook Road
On the southeast corner of Avenue J
Avenue J and North Hook Road
At the southeast corner of Avenue J
Colonial Drive and Sycamore Road
On Colonial Drive
Cooper Street and 18th Street
On Cooper Street
Court Place and 16th Street
On Court Place
East 21st Street and Avenue F
On the southeast and northwest corners of Avenue F
East 21st Street and Prospect Avenue
On the southeast and northwest corners of Prospect Avenue
East 22nd Street and Library Court
On Library Court
East 23rd Street and Church Lane
On the southeast corner of Church Lane
East 24th Street and Church Lane
On the southeast corner of Church Lane
East 25th Street and Church Lane
On the southeast corner of Church Lane
East 30th Street and Avenue F
On Avenue F
East 32nd Street and Prospect Avenue
On the southeast and northwest corners of Prospect Avenue
Evergreen Street and Isabella Avenue
On Evergreen Street
Hobart Avenue and Fifth Street
On both the northeast and southwest corners of Hobart Avenue
7 Hook Road
[Ord. No. O-16-59]
Hook Road adjacent to existing PDQ Plastics Building (Facing eastbound traffic for PQ Plastics, Inc. parking lot)
Ingham Avenue and East 5th Street
At the east side of Ingham Avenue controlling northbound traffic
Isabella Avenue and Oak Street
On the southeast corner of Isabella Avenue
J.F. Kennedy Boulevard and West 1st Street
All approaches to intersection
New Street and Avenue F
On New Street
North Street and North Court
On the northwest corner of North Court
North Street and North Lane
On the southwest corner of North Lane
Schuyler Place and North Court
On the southeast corner of North Court
Schuyler Place West and North Lane
On the southwest corner of Schuyler Place West
Sunset Avenue and 54th Street
On Sunset Avenue
23rd Street and Prospect Avenue
On 23rd Street
West First Street and Island View Court
On First Street
West Second Street and Kelly Parkway
On Kelly Parkway
West 16th Street and Country Village Court
On Country Village Court
West 16th Street and Parkside Lane
On Parkside Lane
West 16th Street and Public Lane
On the northwest corner of Public Lane
West 22nd Street and Del Monte Drive
On the northwest corner of Del Monte Drive
West 23rd Street and Del Monte Drive
On the northwest corner of Del Monte Drive
West 23rd Street and Del Monte Drive
On the southeast corner of Del Monte Drive
West 24th Street and Del Monte Drive
On the southeast corner of Del Monte Drive
West 26th Street and Park Road
On the northeast corner of West 26th Street
West 47th Street and Plank Road
On the northwest corner of Plank Road
West 48th Street and Plank Road
On both the southeast and northwest corners of Plank Road
West 49th Street and Plank Road
On the northeast corner of Plank Road
Pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 39:4-140, the intersections herein described are designated as Multi-Way Stop Intersections. Stop signs shall be installed as provided herein.
Stop Signs On:
[1972 Code § 10-16.2; Schedule XIV; Ord. No. O-05-04]
Pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 39:4-140, the intersections described are hereby designated as Yield Intersections. Yield signs shall be installed as provided therein.
[1972 Code §§ 10-6; 10-21; Schedule VII and XIX; Ord. No. O-05-08; Ord. No. O-05-23; Ord. No. O-10-08; Ord. No. O-18-10]
No person shall make a turn at any location listed and only in the manner described.
Turn Prohibited
Movement Prohibited
Avenue C and Shop Rite Supermarket
[Ord. No. O-10-08]
Left Turn
North on Avenue C to west on the entrance to the Shop-Rite Supermarket parking lot located at 543-555 Avenue C (Block 188, Lots 17 to 23) between 24th Street and 25th Street
11th Street and Avenue E
[Added 11-8-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-56]
Left Turn
Eastbound on 11th Street onto Northbound Avenue E
29th Street and Avenue A
Left Turn
Westbound on 29th Street onto southbound Avenue A between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. from Monday to Friday
[1972 Code Schedule VII]
No person shall make a U-turn at any of the following locations:
Name of Street
[Amended 11-8-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-55]
Entire Length
East 22nd Street
Beginning at Avenue J and continuing for a distance of 900 feet in a westerly direction
[1972 Code § 10-17; Schedule XV; Ord. No. O-02-36; Ord. No. O-03-14; Ord. No. O-07-39; Ord. No. O-11-05 § 4; Ord. No. O-16-08; amended 1-19-2022 by Ord. No. O-22-04]
No person shall make a turn on the red signal at any location listed:
Right Turn Prohibition
Avenue A and 10th Street
All right turns
As above
As above
Avenue A and 16th Street
West on 16th Street to north on Avenue A
At all times
Avenue A and 23rd Street
North on Avenue to east on West 23rd Street; east on West 23rd Street to south on Avenue A
As above
As above
Avenue A and 24th Street
All right turns
As above
As above
Avenue A and 28th Street
[Ord. No. O-07-39]
South on Avenue A to west into high school; north on Avenue A to east on 28th Street; west 28th Street to south on Avenue A
Monday through Friday
7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Avenue A and 31st Street
West on 31st Street to north on Avenue A
As above
As above
Avenue A and 32nd Street
North on Avenue A to east on West 32nd Street; east on West 32nd Street to south on Avenue A
As above
As above
Avenue A and Linden Street
[Ord. No. O-03-14]
West on Linden Street to north on Avenue A
Monday through Friday
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Avenue A and North Street
North on Avenue A to east on North Street. West on North Street to north on Avenue A
Monday through Friday
At all times
Avenue B and 47th Street
North on Avenue B to east on West 47th Street
As above
As above
Avenue C and 10th Street
All right turns
As above
As above
Avenue C and 13th Street
All right turns
As above
As above
Avenue C and 21st Street
All right turns
As above
As above
Avenue C and 23rd Street
North on Avenue C to east on West 23rd Street; east on West 23rd Street to south on Avenue C
As above
As above
Avenue C and 26th Street
South on Avenue C to west on 26th Street
At all times
Avenue C and 26th Street
North on Avenue C to east on 26th Street
At all times
Avenue C and 26th Street
West on 26th Street to north on Avenue C
At all times
Avenue C and 26th Street
East on 26th Street to south on Avenue C
At all times
Avenue C and 27th Street
West on West 27th Street to north on Avenue C. South on Avenue C to west on West 27th Street
Monday through Friday
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Avenue C and 28th Street
All right turns
As above
As above
Avenue C and 32nd Street
All right turns
As above
As above
Avenue C and 38th Street
West on West 38th Street to north on Avenue C. South on Avenue C to west on West 38th Street
Monday through Friday
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Avenue C and 46th Street
All right turns
As above
As above
Avenue C and 47th Street
North on Avenue C to east on West 47th Street
As above
As above
Avenue C and 48th Street
West on 48th Street to north on Avenue C
Monday through Friday
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Avenue C and 4th Street
All right turns
As above
As above
Avenue C and 53rd Street
North on Avenue C to east on 53rd Street
At all times
Avenue C and 55th Street
South on Avenue C to west on West 55th Street
As above
As above
Avenue C and 5th Street
All right turns
As above
As above
Avenue C and 8th Street
East on 8th Street to south on Avenue C
At all times
Avenue C and 8th Street and North Street
All right turns
Monday through Friday
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Avenue C and Andrew Street
All right turns
As above
As above
Avenue E and 22nd Street
South on Avenue E to west on West 22nd street
As above
As above
Avenue E and 22nd Street
West on 22nd Street to north on Avenue E
Monday through Friday
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Avenue E and East 22nd Street
[Added 7-14-2021 by Ord. No. O-21-34]
West on East 22nd Street to north on Avenue E
As above
At all times
Avenue E and 30th Street
All right turns
As above
As above
Avenue E and 32nd Street
All right turns
As above
As above
Avenue F and 22nd Street
All right turns
As above
As above
Broadway and 14th Street
South on Broadway to west on West 14th Street
As above
As above
Broadway and 18th Street
West on East 18th Street to north on Broadway
Monday through Friday
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Broadway and 19th Street
All right turns
9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
Broadway and 21st Street
All right turns
9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
Broadway and 22nd Street
All right turns
9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
Broadway and 23rd Street
All right turns
9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
Broadway and 24th Street
All right turns
9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
Broadway and 25th Street
All right turns
9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
Broadway and 26th Street
All right turns
9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
Broadway and 27th Street
All right turns
Monday through Friday
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Broadway and 28th Street
North on Broadway to east on East 28th Street; east on West 28th Street to south on Broadway
As above
As above
Broadway and 31st Street
South on Broadway to west on West 31st Street
As above
As above
Broadway and 32nd Street
All right turns
As above
As above
Broadway and 35th Street
All right turns
As above
As above
Broadway and 36th Street
All right turns
As above
As above
Broadway and 39th Street
North on Broadway to east on 39th Street
Monday through Friday
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Broadway and 47th Street
All right turns
As above
As above
Broadway and 4th Street
East to south and west to north
At all times
Broadway and 4th Street
North on Broadway to east on East 4th Street; South on Broadway to west on West 4th Street
As above
As above
Broadway and 50th Street
All right turns
As above
As above
Broadway and 53rd Street
West on 53rd Street to north on Broadway
At all times
Broadway and 5th Street
West on 5th Street to north on Broadway
At all times
Broadway and 5th Street
North on Broadway to east on East 5th Street; south on Broadway to west on West 5th Street; east on West 5th Street to south on Broadway
As above
As above
Broadway and 7th Street
All right turns
As above
As above
Broadway and 8th Street and Avenue E
All right turns
At all times
Broadway and Andrew Street
South on Broadway to west on Andrew Street; east on Andrew Street to south on Broadway
As above
As above
Centre Street and Avenue E
[Ord. No. O-16-08]
North onto Avenue E
All days
All times
48th Street and Avenue B
[Ord. No. O-02-36]
West on 48th Street to north on Avenue B. South on Avenue B to west on 48th Street
Monday through Friday
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Kennedy Boulevard and 10th Street
West on 10th Street to north on Kennedy Boulevard
As above
As above
Kennedy Boulevard and 11th Street
East on 11th Street to south on Kennedy Boulevard
As above
As above
Kennedy Boulevard and 13th Street
East on 13th Street to south on Kennedy Boulevard
As above
As above
Kennedy Boulevard and 23rd Street
East on 23rd Street to south on Kennedy Boulevard
As above
As above
Kennedy Boulevard and 24th Street
West on 24th Street to north on Kennedy Boulevard
As above
As above
Kennedy Boulevard and 26th Street
West on 26th Street to north on Kennedy Boulevard; east on 26th Street to south on Kennedy Boulevard
As above
As above
Kennedy Boulevard and 28th Street
East on 28th Street to south on Kennedy Boulevard
As above
As above
Kennedy Boulevard and 31st Street
West on 31st Street to north on Kennedy Boulevard
As above
As above
Kennedy Boulevard and 32nd Street
West on 32nd Street to north on Kennedy Boulevard. East on 32nd Street to south on Kennedy Boulevard
As above
As above
Kennedy Boulevard and 44th Street
West on 44th Street to north on Boulevard
At all times
Kennedy Boulevard and 4th Street
West on 4th Street to north on Kennedy Boulevard; east on 4th Street to south on Kennedy Boulevard
As above
As above
Kennedy Boulevard and 51st Street
East on 51st Street to south on Boulevard
Monday through Friday
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Kennedy Boulevard and 57th Street
West on 57th Street to north on Kennedy Boulevard. East on 57th Street to south on Kennedy Boulevard
As above
As above
Kennedy Boulevard and 8th Street
East on 8th Street to south on Kennedy Boulevard
As above
As above
Kennedy Boulevard and Andrew Street
West on Andrew Street to north on Kennedy Boulevard
As above
As above
Linnet Street and Avenue E
West on Linnet Street to north on Avenue E
At all times
Linnet Street and Avenue E
North on Avenue E to east on Linnet Street; south on Avenue E to west on Linnet Street; east on Linnet Street to south on Avenue E
Monday through Friday
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Prospect Avenue and 30th Street
All right turns
As above
As above
25th Street and Avenue A
[Ord. No. O-22-04]
East on 25th Street to south on Avenue A
25th Street and Avenue E
[Ord. No. O-22-04]
East on 25th to south on Avenue E
38th Street and Broadway
West on West 38th Street to north on Broadway. South on Broadway to west on 38th Street
Monday through Friday
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
39th Street and Avenue C
[Ord. No. O-02-36]
East on 39th Street to south on Avenue C
Monday through Friday
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
39th Street and Broadway
East on 39th Street to south on Broadway
Monday through Friday
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
The locations described are hereby designated as Loading Zones. No person shall park a vehicle in the location during the times indicated other than for the loading or unloading of goods and materials.
Name of Street
[Added 3-20-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-16]
Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (for use as a loading zone)
Beginning at a point 56 feet north of the northeast corner of Broadway and 47th Street and extending north 111 feet thereof
East 2nd Street between Lexington and Hobart Avenues
[Added 4-17-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-30; 7-17-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-45]
Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (for use as a loading zone)
Beginning at a point 62 feet east from stop sign of East 2nd Street and Lexington Avenue extending 60 feet east thereof
Gertrude Street
[Added 11-9-2022 by Ord. No. O-22-39]
Monday through Sunday, 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Beginning at a point 113 feet west of the northwest corner of Kennedy Blvd. and Gertrude Street and extending 50 feet west thereof.
West 7th Street
[Ord. No. O-15-17]
Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. for use as a loading zone
Beginning at a point 113.00 feet west of the southwest corner of West 7th Street and Newman Avenue and extending to a point 250.1 feet west thereof
22nd Street
[Added 12-13-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-66]
Sundays, 6:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
Beginning at a point 169 east of the northeast corner of West 22nd Street and Avenue A and Extending 73 feet in an easterly direction
Bus stops are designated by New Jersey Transit.
[1972 Code § 10-19; Schedule XVII; Ord. No. O-02-46]
The locations described are hereby designated as Taxi Stands. No vehicle other than a taxi shall be permitted to occupy the locations during the times indicated.
Name of Street
East 24th Street
South side, beginning at a point 20 feet west of the westerly curbline of Church Lane and extending to a point 43 feet westerly therefrom
[Ord. No. O-09-16]
The lane locations described are designated as Lane Use Reservations and traffic shall move as indicated.
Name of Street
Lane Designations
West 23rd Street
Left lane for left turn only Right lane for straight and right turn
The speed limits for both directions of traffic along the streets or parts thereof described below and made a part of this chapter, are hereby established at the rate of speed indicated.
Regulatory and warning signs shall be erected and maintained to effect the above designated speed limits.
Name of Street
Approval Date
[1972 Code § 10-22]
The following locations are hereby designated as mid-block crosswalks:
Name of Street
Public Lane
Beginning 270 feet south of the southwest curbline of Parkside Lane and extending 8 feet southerly therefrom
Public Lane
Beginning 538 feet south of the southwest curbline of Parkside Lane and extending 8 feet southerly therefrom
Parkside Lane
Beginning 283 feet north of the northwest corner of West 16th Street and Parkside Lane and extending on Parkside Lane 8 feet northerly therefrom
Parkside Lane
Beginning 552 feet north of the northwest curbline of West 16th Street and Parkside Lane and extending 8 feet northerly therefrom
West First Street and Islandview Court
Beginning 262 feet east of the northeast curbline of Humphrey Avenue and extending 10 feet easterly therefrom
West First Street and Seaview Court
Beginning 320 feet west of the northwest curbline of Zabriskie Avenue and extending 10 feet westerly therefrom
Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 39:4-183.1b, the following locations shall be established as "Crosswalks for the Older and Walking Impaired Persons."
Name of Street
[Ord. No. O-02-12 § 1]
No Passing Zones are hereby established and shall be maintained upon the following described streets or parts thereof:
Name of Street
First Street to 55th Street
[1972 Code § 10-18; Schedule XVI; Ord. No. O-09-19; Ord. No. O-18-58]
Traffic control signals shall be installed and operated at the intersections designated. The traffic signal installation shall be in accordance with the provision of an act concerning motor vehicles and traffic regulations, Subtitle 1 of Title 39 of the Revised Statutes, shall conform to the design, and shall be maintained in operation, as authorized by the Department of Transportation.
Avenue A and 16th Street
Avenue C and 8th Street, Avenue C and North Street and Avenue C and 8th Street
Avenue C and 10th Street
Avenue C and West 12th Street
[Ord. No. O-18-58]
Avenue C and 13th Street
Avenue C and 19th Street
Avenue C and 22nd Street
Avenue C and 25th Street
Avenue C and 26th Street
Avenue C and 27th Street
Avenue C and 35th Street
Avenue C and 42nd Street
Avenue C and 45th Street
Avenue C and 47th Street
Avenue C and 48th Street
Avenue C and West 49th Street
[Added 9-20-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-44]
Avenue C and 55th Street
Avenue E and Linnet Street
Avenue E and 17th Street
Avenue E and 21st Street
Avenue E and 22nd Street
Avenue E and 25th Street
Avenue E and 30th Street
Avenue E and 32nd Street
Avenue E and 35th Street
Avenue E and 41st Street
Avenue E and 45th Street
Avenue E and 49th Street
Avenue F and 22nd Street
Broadway and 4th Street
Broadway and 8th Street and 9th Street
Broadway and 27th Street
Broadway and 32nd Street
Broadway and 53rd Street
New Hook Road and Route 440
[Ord. No. O-09-19]
Prospect Avenue and 30th Street
[Ord. No. O-00-30 § 10-20; Ord. No. O-03-36; Ord. No. O-11-17 § 1; Ord. No. O-17-19; amended 4-17-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-28; 7-17-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-44; 11-6-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-62]
Zones Authorized. Pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 39:4-197.6, the Municipal Council may, by ordinance, designate restrictive parking zones for persons who have a mobility disability as defined in this section and who meet the other criteria set forth herein. These zones shall be established in front or near to the residence occupied by the handicapped person provided that such parking is not otherwise prohibited and does not interfere with the normal flow of traffic. A restrictive parking zone so designated shall be reserved for the exclusive use of the person and vehicle for whom a permit is issued pursuant to this section. No other person shall be permitted to park in these zones.
The applicant shall be in possession of a valid windshield placard or wheelchair symbol license plates issued by the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission for a vehicle owned by the handicapped person, or by another occupant of the residence who is a member of the immediate family of the handicapped person.
A "mobility" disability is defined as a condition wherein a person has lost the use of one or more lower limbs as a consequence of paralysis, amputation, or other permanent disability or who is permanently disabled so as to be unable to ambulate without the aid of an assisting device or whose ambulating is otherwise severely limited. The City Health Officer shall set objective standards within the parameters set forth herein.
Absent rare and truly extenuating circumstances as determined by the Municipal Council in consultation with the Public Safety Director, no restrictive parking zone will be established for a person who does not transport himself or herself as permitted under this section unless documentation is provided showing that the nondisabled driver resides in the same household as the disabled person. Documentation must be provided to the Public Safety Director detailing the extent of the disability. Additionally the disabled person must show a need to be transported at least three days a week. No restrictive parking zone under this section will be established unless the applicant's disability is such that it would preclude the disabled person from waiting on the sidewalk until a nondisabled driver arrives with the car. A person whose disability otherwise qualifies under this section and who is under the age of 14 years will be presumed to be unable to wait alone on the sidewalk.
No restrictive parking zone may be established for any individual who has a functional driveway, garage, carport, or any other type of off-street parking within 100 feet of the perimeter of his or her residence.
In two- or three-family residences containing a driveway, carport or garage not owned by the disabled driver but owned by a family member, it shall be presumed the disabled driver has access to such driveway, carport or garage and said status shall preclude the disabled driver from being granted a restrictive parking zone.
Applicants must occupy their residence on a full-time basis.
Only one restrictive parking zone will be granted per household. Related parties living in separate units in a two- or three-family residence are to be considered as being part of one household for the purpose of this section.
All restrictive parking zones in effect prior to the adoption of this amendment shall remain in effect, pending annual reviews, until either:
The death of the applicant;
An improvement in the applicant's physical condition rendering the restricted parking zone unnecessary; or
The revocation of the restricted parking zone for just cause.
Application Procedure.
All applicants shall file a completed application on a form furnished by the Department of Public Safety and submitted to the Director of Public Safety for review by the Director or the Director's designee.
The application shall be accompanied by a medical evaluation form completed by a physician with a plenary license to practice medicine and surgery and shall include a certification by the physician that the applicant has a mobility disability as described herein.
The Director of the Department of Public Safety shall verify the extent of the disability of the applicant or resident or his/her household by reviewing the physician's certification submitted with the application and by an independent evaluation that shall be conducted by the Bayonne Health Screening Clinic.
The Director of the Department of Public Safety, or the Director's designee, shall ascertain whether all the credentials of the applicant and the location of the proposed parking space are consistent with applicable state statutes and city ordinances.
The Director of the Department of Public Safety, or the Director's designee, shall ascertain whether or not the applicant or any member of the applicant's household has a functional driveway, garage carport, or any other type of off-street parking within 100 feet of the residence. If the applicant or member of the applicant's household has such parking available, the permit application shall be denied.
Upon receipt of medical verification of the need for a restricted parking zone from the Bayonne Health Screening Clinic, and upon determining that the applicant meets all of the qualifications set forth in this section, the Director of the Department of Public Safety shall recommend to the Municipal Council that the applicant be granted a restricted parking zone. The Municipal Council may, by ordinance, designate the location of the restricted parking zone as well as direct the Director of the Department of Public Safety, or his designee, to issue a permit placard in accordance with N.J.S.A. 39:4-197.7 to be displayed on the front dashboard of the vehicle and on the "Disabled Parking" sign to be installed at the designated location allowing that vehicle, and only that vehicle, to park in that restricted parking zone as per N.J.S.A. 39:4-197.7. In addition, a sticker issued by the Department of Public Safety bearing the permit number and license plate of the vehicle shall be affixed to and positioned so as to make it clearly visible on a vehicle window, other than the front windshield.
By July 1 of each year, the permit for each restricted parking zone must be renewed by the completion of a written application on a form to be mailed to all permit holders by the Department of Public Safety no later than May 1 of each year. The application for renewal must be accompanied by a certification completed by the permit holder's personal physician that the mobility disability of the permit holder, or the disability of the permit holder, or the qualifying household member, as outlined in Subsection c2 above, still exists to the extent that such a restricted parking zone continues to be required. In addition, the applicant or qualifying household member may be required to be evaluated by the Bayonne Health Screening Clinic. The City reserves the right to revoke, remove or rescind a restrictive parking zone: a) upon death of the applicant; or b) if it is determined that an applicant's condition has improved to the extent that it renders the restricted parking zone unnecessary; or c) for other just cause.
Upon receipt of the application and physician certification for permit renewal in every second year, a personal visit to the applicant's household and parking site shall be made by the Director of the Department of Public Safety, or his designee, to verify that the findings required by this section still exist.
The initial application fee for a restricted parking zone for the disabled shall be $50, payable as follows: $40 upon filing the application and $10 upon issuance of the permit. Each renewal of the permit annually, thereafter, shall be accompanied by a fee of $20. Automatically exempt from those permit fees would be any qualifying disabled persons whose income qualified them to be recipients of the state's Pharmaceutical Assistance for the Aged and Disabled (PAAD) or Lifeline Programs or any person receiving federal supplemental security income (SSI) benefits.
The Director of the Department of Public Safety or the Director's designee shall notify a new applicant of the decision to recommend the issuance of the permit and restricted parking zone for action by the Municipal Council, or of a decision to deny the applicant, within 90 days of the initial receipt of the completed application by the Department. Notification of the renewal or denial of an existing permit shall be made by September 1 of each year. Any and all denials shall set forth the reasons for the negative decision(s) and shall notify the applicant of his or her right to seek a review of the decision before the Review Panel. A letter requesting reconsideration must be received by the Director of Public Safety within 30 days of the date of the notice of denial.
Review Panel Established.
A Review Panel shall be established consisting of three persons: the Director of Law, or the Director's designee; the Director of Municipal Services, or the Director's designee; and a member of the Municipal Council.
The Review Panel shall meet on an as-needed basis, but in no event less than once every six months. Within 20 days of receiving a request for review, the Panel shall notify the applicant of the time and place of the hearing on the application. The hearing shall be scheduled to take place no later than 60 days following the date of notification to the applicant.
The Review Panel shall be empowered to review relevant data, interview the applicant, and conduct such other inquiries as it deems necessary.
It shall be the applicant's responsibility to provide the Review Panel and the Bayonne Health Screening Clinic with all documentation with regard to the mobility disability. The applicant may request, or the Review Panel may require, an independent evaluation by a physician selected by the Review Panel. The cost of such evaluation shall be borne by the applicant.
Within three working days following the hearing, the Panel shall submit its written report to the Director of Public Safety asking him either to reconsider his position or concurring with the denial of the application. The Review Panel shall notify the Public Safety Director and the applicant of its decision. The Panel shall include in its report the specific factors relied upon in reaching that determination.
Within 10 days of receiving a report recommending for or against reconsideration, the Director of Public Safety shall transmit to the applicant and the City Council a final decision with respect to the application. In the event the Review Panel agrees with the initial decision by the Director of Public Safety to deny the application, the denial shall be deemed final and the applicant cannot reapply for a period of 12 months from the date of the initial application unless the applicant demonstrates to the Review Panel a substantial and relevant change in the applicant's or qualifying household member's degree of disability or in their access to alternative off-street parking.
Temporary Parking Placard. Disabled parking placards shall be issued by the Department of Public Safety for use by persons with temporary disabilities for use in restricted parking spaces for the disabled on-street and in municipal, public and privately owned parking facilities. Each placard shall also carry a space in which the actual driver's license expiration date shall be prominently displayed. A fee of $4 maximum will be required for the use of a placard to cover a six-month period. Use of the placard after the expiration date shown on its face shall be deemed a violation of this section.
Notification of Change in Status. All holders of restricted parking permits or temporary disability placards shall notify the Department of Public Safety within 30 days of any change in the applicant's name, address, telephone number, vehicle ownership, or of an improvement in the applicant's physical condition. Failure to do so will be deemed a violation of this section and may result in revocation of the permit and zone or of the placard. Members of the household or the executor/executrix for permit or placard holders who have died shall be required to likewise notify the Department of Public Safety within 30 days after the date of death. Failure to do so shall be considered a violation of this section.
Establishment of Restrictive Parking Spaces. The Municipal Council may by resolution authorize the establishment of restricted parking spaces for handicapped persons in front of schools, hospitals and other public buildings and in shopping and business districts pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 39:4-197.5.
Penalties for Violation.
The following violations shall subject the violator to a fine of not less than $200 nor more than $500 for a first offense and not less than $500 nor more than $1,000 and up to 90 days' community service for each subsequent offense.
Use of temporary disability placard by a person or persons other than the one whose driver's license appears on same; or
Use of a "zone" permit by someone other than the applicant or qualifying household member after the applicant or qualifying disabled household member has died or moved away to a new address; or
Use of placard or permit to park in restricted parking "spaces" when not transporting the applicant or a person with a valid New Jersey Disabled Person ID.
For violations of this section other than those listed in Subsection h1 above, a fine of not more than $250 shall be imposed for a first offense, and a fine of $250 and 90 days' community service for each subsequent offense.
In addition to the penalties noted above, violation of Subsection f of this subsection shall be grounds for revocation of the permit or placard. Willing misstatements or material omissions made in connection with the issuance or renewal of the application shall be grounds for denial or revocation and shall be grounds for criminal prosecution where appropriate.
Misuse of a restricted parking zone may result in the revocation of the parking zone. "Misuse" of a restricted parking zone may include, but is not limited to, allowing an unauthorized vehicle to park in the restricted zone or the parking of the vehicle assigned to a designated restrictive parking zone in another nondesignated space on the residential block of the permitee.
The Police Department's Handicapped Parking Enforcement Unit shall compile and keep a list of all authorized zones and spaces established pursuant to this section, the list shall be available for public review and inspection and a copy of same shall be furnished for that purpose to the Clerk of the City of Bayonne.
As authorized under N.J.S.A. 39:4-197.9, the City of Bayonne has established a Handicapped Parking Enforcement Unit under the supervision of the Chief of Police and the members of said unit who have been properly trained shall have the full power and authority to issue warnings or summonses for violations of any provision of any law, regulation, ordinance or resolution pertaining to illegal parking in restricted parking spaces or zones for the handicapped.
This section shall take effect in the time and manner provided by law, provided that all existing restricted parking zones established prior to the effective date of this amended ordinance shall continue in effect. Review, renewal or revocation is affected pursuant to this section.
[Ord. No. O-00-15 § 1]
In accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 39:4-197, the following street locations are designated as handicapped parking spaces. Such spaces are for use by persons who have been issued special identification cards or plates or placards by the Motor Vehicle Commission, or a temporary placard issued by the Chief of Police. No other person shall be permitted to park in these spaces.
Name of Street
West 31st Street
Monday through Thursday 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Friday and Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Beginning at a point 91 feet west of the northwest corner of West 31st Street and Avenue C and continuing 44 feet in a westerly direction
[1972 Code Schedule XVIII; Ord. No. O-00-14; Ord. No. O-00-19; Ord. No. O-00-24; Ord. No. O-00-27; Ord. No. O-00-33; Ord. No. O-00-38; Ord. No. O-00-40; Ord. No. O-00-45; Ord. No. O-00-52; Ord. No. O-00-53; Ord. No. O-00-59; Ord. No. O-01-05; Ord. No. O-01-09; Ord. No. O-01-13; Ord. No. O-01-26; Ord. No. O-01-31; Ord. No. O-01-35; Ord. No. O-01-41; Ord. No. O-01-48; Ord. No. O-01-53; Ord. No. O-01-58; Ord. No. O-01-61; Ord. No. O-01-64; Ord. No. O-02-01; Ord. No. O-02-04; Ord. No. O-02-08; Ord. No. O-02-10; Ord. No. O-02-19; Ord. No. O-02-21; Ord. No. O-02-27; Ord. No. O-02-34; Ord. No. O-02-38; Ord. No. O-02-40; Ord. No. O-02-47; Ord. No. O-03-01; Ord. No. O-03-09; Ord. No. O-03-11; Ord. No. O-03-13; Ord. No. O-03-15; Ord. No. O-03-16; Ord. No. O-03-20; Ord. No. O-03-22; Ord. No. O-03-25; Ord. No. O-03-28; Ord. No. O-03-29; Ord. No. O-03-35; Ord. No. O-04-04; Ord. No. O-04-08; Ord. No. O-04-14; Ord. No. O-04-18; Ord. No. O-04-22; Ord. No. O-04-24; Ord. No. O-04-27; Ord. No. O-04-29; Ord. No. O-04-32; Ord. No. O-04-35; Ord. No. O-04-36; Ord. No. O-04-38; Ord. No. O-05-01; Ord. No. O-05-02; Ord. No. O-05-07; Ord. No. O-05-09; Ord. No. O-05-13; Ord. No. O-05-22; Ord. No. O-05-25; Ord. No. O-05-27; Ord. No. O-05-31; Ord. No. O-05-40; Ord. No. O-05-41; Ord. No. O-05-44; Ord. No. O-06-08; Ord. No. O-06-12; Ord. No. O-06-17; Ord. No. O-06-18; Ord. No. O-06-19; Ord. No. O-06-21; Ord. No. O-06-25; Ord. No. O-06-29; Ord. No. O-06-34; Ord. No. O-06-38; Ord. No. O-06-42; Ord. No. O-06-46; Ord. No. O-07-04; Ord. No. O-07-05; Ord. No. O-07-07; Ord. No. O-07-13; Ord. No. O-07-17; Ord. No. O-07-21; Ord. No. O-07-24; Ord. No. O-07-27; Ord. No. O-07-38; Ord. No. O-07-42; Ord. No. O-07-50; Ord. No. O-07-53; Ord. No. O-08-07; Ord. No. O-08-12; Ord. No. O-08-14; Ord. No. O-08-18; Ord. No. O-08-21; Ord. No. O-08-26; Ord. No. O-08-33; Ord. No. O-08-38; Ord. No. O-08-42; Ord. No. O-08-43; Ord. No. O-09-02; Ord. No. O-09-05; Ord. No. O-09-06; Ord. No. O-09-08; Ord. No. O-09-11; Ord. No. O-09-17; Ord. No. O-09-20; Ord. No. O-09-25; Ord. No. O-09-29; Ord. No. O-09-30; Ord. No. O-10-04; Ord. No. O-10-10; Ord. No. O-10-14; Ord. No. O-10-15; Ord. No. O-10-16; Ord. No. O-10-20; Ord. No. O-10-22; Ord. No. O-10-23; Ord. No. O-10-26; Ord. No. O-10-29; Ord. No. O-10-30; Ord. No. O-10-34; Ord. No. O-11-10; Ord. No. O-11-17; Ord. No. O-11-19; Ord. No. O-11-21; Ord. No. O-11-23; Ord. No. O-11-26; Ord. No. O-11-32; Ord. No. O-11-37; Ord. No. O-11-42; Ord. No. O-12-01; Ord. No. O-12-03; Ord. No. O-12-08; Ord. No. O-12-15; Ord. No. O-12-19; Ord. No. O-12-25; Ord. No. O-12-30; Ord. No. O-12-33; Ord. No. O-12-35; Ord. No. O-12-36; Ord. No. O-12-38; Ord. No. O-12-41; Ord. No. O-13-01; Ord. No. O-13-06; Ord. No. O-13-09; Ord. No. O-13-11; Ord. No. O-13-17; Ord. No. O-13-19; Ord. No. O-13-21; Ord. No. O-13-28; Ord. No. O-13-34; Ord. No. O-13-35; Ord. No. O-13-38; Ord. No. O-13-39; Ord. No. O-17-41; beginning with Supplement No. 14 (12/14) all sources may be found with the text]
In accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 39:4-197.6, the following on-street locations are designated as handicapped parking spaces in front of private residences occupied by handicapped persons. Such spaces are for use by persons who have been issued identification cards or plates or placards by the Motor Vehicle Commission, or a temporary placard issued by the Chief of Police. No other person shall be permitted in these spaces.
Charles Grodberg, Kennedy Boulevard (1142)
South side of 50th Street beginning at a point 88 feet east of the southeast corner of Kennedy Boulevard and 50th Street and extending to a point 22 feet in an easterly direction.
Brigit Schmacher, 82 Avenue E
North side of the easterly prolongation of the northerly curbline of 14th Street and Avenue E and extending to a point 22 feet in a northerly direction.
Thomas Macario, 41 East 17th Street
East side of Cooper Street beginning at a point 58 feet north of the northeast corner of Cooper Street and 17th Street and extending to a point 22 feet in a northerly direction.
[Ord. No. O-17-63; amended 4-15-2020 by Ord. No. O-20-32; 9-23-2020 by Ord. No. O-20-47]
Kimberly Weimmer, 34 East 44th Street
Beginning at a point 303 feet west of the southwest corner of east 44th Street and Avenue E, and extending to a point 17 feet west thereof.
[Ord. No. O-22-05; Ord. No. O-22-17]
Susan Klich, Prospect Avenue (236)
South side of Prospect Avenue beginning at a point 93 feet south of the southeast corner of 31st Street and Prospect Avenue and extending 22 feet in a southerly direction.
[Amended 6-19-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-42]
Stephen Wisniewski, 100 East 23rd Street
Beginning at a point on the south side of East 23rd Street, 108 feet east of the southeast corner of East 23rd Street and Avenue F, and extending to a point 17 feet east thereof.
[Added 5-15-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-37]
Drupaty U. Balraj, 51 Avenue E, Apt. #11
Beginning at a point on the west side of Avenue E, 37 feet north of the northwest corner of Avenue E and East 11th Street, and extending to a point 22 feet north thereof.
Adel Hana for his daughter Marina Hana, 53 Evergreen Street
Beginning at a point on the south side of Evergreen Street, 181 feet east of the northeast corner of Evergreen Street and Orient Street, and extending to a point 16 feet east thereof.
[Ord. No. O-17-27]
Catherine Dunlap, 127 West 20th Street
North Side. Beginning at a point 253 feet west of the northwest corner of Kennedy Boulevard and West 20th Street, and extending to a point 16 feet west thereof.
[Added 5-17-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-25]
[Deleted 12-13-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-60]
Bernard Malinconico, 69 West 55th Street
Beginning at a point on the north side of West 55th Street, 68 feet west of the northwest corner of Avenue C and West 55th Street, and extending to a point 18 feet west thereof.
[Ord. No. O-15-20]
[Amended 9-25-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-55; 12-18-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-68; 1-15-2020 by Ord. No. O-20-09]
Grace Lee, 18 East 49th Street
Beginning at a point on the south side of East 49th Street, 214 feet east of the southeast corner of Broadway and East 49th Street, and extending to a point 20 feet east thereof.
[Ord. No. O-15-20; Ord. No. O-15-33]
Hilda Velasco, 65 West 19th Street
Beginning at a 153 feet west of the northwest corner of Avenue C and West 19th Street, and extending to a point 16 feet west thereof.
[Ord. No. O-21-40; Ord. No. O-22-12]
Michael J. Stachiw, Jr., 99 West 6th Street
Beginning at a point on the north side of West 6th Street, 138 feet east of the northeast corner of Humphrey Avenue and West 6th Street, and extending to a point 22 feet east thereof.
[Ord. No. O-14-11]
Henry M. Ashe, 19 George Street
Beginning at a point on the north side of George Street, 171 feet west of the northwest corner of Hobart Avenue and George Street, and extending to a point 20 feet west thereof.
[Ord. No. O-16-24]
Francesco Ferrante, 93 Trask Avenue
Beginning at a point on the west side of Trask Avenue, 139 feet north of the northwest corner of West 4th Street and Trask Avenue, and extending to a point 17 feet north thereof.
[Ord. No. O-17-59; Ord. No. O-18-06]
Joseph A. Leston, West 35th Street (88)
South side of West 35th Street beginning at a point 277 feet east of the southeast corner of Kennedy Boulevard and 35th Street and extending 22 feet in an easterly direction.
Vincent Demitus, 104 East 23rd Street
Beginning at a point 170 feet south of the southeast corner of Avenue F and East 23rd Street and extending to a point 16 feet south thereof.
[Ord. No. O-21-30; Ord. No. O-22-17]
Pascaul Dietz, 76 West 37th Street
South Side. Beginning at a point 269 feet west of the southwest corner of Avenue Cand West 37th Street and extending to a point 17 feet west thereof.
[Added 11-8-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-57]
Eman Dermaosian, 130 West 49th Street
Beginning at a point 224 feet east of the southwest corner of Kennedy Boulevard and West 49th Street and extending to a point 16 feet east thereof.
[Ord. No. O-17-59; Ord. No. O-18-06; Ord. No. O-21-38; Ord. No. O-22-17]
[Ord. No. O-14-18; Ord. No. O-19-42; Ord. No. O-19-55; Ord. No. O-22-28]
George Hyland, 182 Orient Street
Beginning at a point on the east side of Orient Street, 50 feet north of the northeast corner of Orient Street and Silver Street, and extending to a point 22 feet north thereof.
[Ord. No. O-15-28]
Domenica Sansome, 11 West 40th Street
Beginning at a point 14 feet west of the northwest corner of Broadway and West 40th Street and extending to a point 16 feet west thereof.
[Ord. No. O-15-33; Ord. No. O-19-15; Ord. No. O-19-31; Ord. No. O-20-09; Ord. No. O-20-46; Ord. No. O-22-17]
Mark Weaver, 63 East 4th Street
Beginning at a point on the north side of East 4th Street, 180 feet west of the northwest corner of East 4th Street and Hobart, and extending to a point 16 feet west thereof.
[Ord. No. O-15-24; Ord. No. O-18-62; amended 4-17-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-31]
Edward Kowalski, 367 Avenue A
Beginning at a point on the west side of Avenue A, 35 feet south of the southwest corner of O'Brien Court and Avenue A, and extending to a point 22 feet south thereof.
Maureen Dias, 5 Elna Court
Beginning at a point on the south side of West 33rd Street, 212 feet west of the southwest corner of West 33rd Street and Broadway, and extending to a point 17 feet west thereof.
Joseph Wzorek, 190 West 52nd Street
Beginning at a point 174 feet east of the westerly terminus of the Newark Bay and extending to a point 17 feet easterly thereof.
[Ord. No. O-18-62; amended 6-19-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-42; 3-18-2020 by Ord. No. O-20-24; 8-19-2020 by Ord. No. O-20-46]
Tara Lavelle for her sister, Colleen Lavelle, 687 Avenue E
Beginning at a point on the west side of Avenue E, 38 feet north of the northeast corner of East 43rd Street and Avenue E, and extending to a point 17 feet north thereof.
[Ord. No. O-17-59; Ord. No. O-18-06]
Gregory Woods, 103 West 49th Street
Beginning at a point 136 feet east of the north side of Avenue B and West 49th Street and extending to a point 16 feet east thereof.
[Ord. No. O-21-30; Ord. No. O-22-17]
Albert Sambade, 92 West 33rd Street, Apt. A-2
Beginning at a point on the south side of West 33rd Street, 247 feet east of the southeast corner of West 33rd Street and Kennedy Boulevard, and extending to a point nine feet east thereof.
[Ord. No. O-14-03; Ord. No. O-14-11]
George Deheny, 192 West 52nd Street
Beginning at a point on the south side of West 52 Street, 100 feet east of the westerly terminus of West 52nd Street of the southerly curbline and Newark Bay, and extending to a point 22 feet east thereof.
Ralph Soriero, 103 West 57th Street
Beginning at a point on the north side of West 57th Street, 129 feet east of the northeast corner of Avenue B and West 57th Street, and extending to a point 16 feet east thereof.
[Amended 6-19-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-42]
Carlos A. Mateo, 873 Avenue C
Beginning at a point on the west side of Avenue C, 35 feet north of the northwest corner of Avenue C and West 39th Street and extending to a point 22 feet north thereof.
Father Bishoy Khalil, 174 West 19th Street
Newark Bay south side beginning at a point 15 feet east of the Easterly Terminus of the Newark Bay and extending to a point 18 feet easterly thereof
[Ord. No. O-20-41; Ord. No. O-22-33]
Yadira Rosa-Diaz for Ricardo Diaz, 78 East 24th Street
South side of East 24th Street beginning at a point 140 feet east of the southeast corner of Prospect Avenue and extending to a point 22 feet in a easterly direction.
Edward Zaleck, 69 East 25th Street
Beginning at a point on the north side of East 25th Street, 56 feet east of the northeast corner of East 25th Street and Prospect Avenue, and extending to a point zero feet east thereof.
[Ord. No. O-18-30]
Orient Street (182)
East side, beginning at a point 50 feet north of the northeast corner of Orient Street and Silver Street extending 22 feet north of that point.
Joanne Stiffolino, 25 East 44th Street
North side beginning at a point 320 feet east on the north east corner of Broadway and East 44th Street and extending to a point 16 feet east thereof.
[Ord. No. O-14-16; Ord. No. O-14-20; Ord. No. O-20-46; Ord. No. O-22-33]
Stephen Szafranski, West 54th Street (73)
North side of West 54th Street, beginning at a point 218 feet west of the northwest corner of West 54th Street and Avenue C and extending 22 feet in a westerly direction.
[Ord. No. O-15-05; Ord. No. O-15-08; Ord. No. O-16-24; Ord. No. O-16-37; amended 9-25-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-55]
Johan Marin, 123 West 21st Street
North Side. Beginning at a point 277 feet east on the northeast corner of Avenue A & West 21st Street and extending to a point 16 feet east thereof.
[Added 2-15-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-08]
Rosalie Polomski, 54 Cottage Street
Beginning at a point on the south side of Cottage Street, 198 feet east of the southeast corner of Orient and Cottage Street, and extending to a point 16 feet east thereof.
[Amended 9-25-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-55; 5-13-2020 by Ord. No. O-20-34]
Florante Cruz, 64 West 16th Street
South side. beginning at a point 136 feet west of the southwest corner of Avenue C and West 16th Street, and extending to a point 15 feet west thereof.
[Added 4-19-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-17]
Marie Caci, 66 West 49th Street
Beginning at a point on the south side of West 49th Street, 129 feet west of the southwest corner of Avenue C and West 49th Street, and extending to a point 22 feet west thereof.
[Ord. No. O-15-28; Ord. No. O-15-33]
George Bessady for his daughter, Miriam, 589 Avenue E
West side, beginning at a point 36 feet north of the north west corner of Avenue E and East 37th Street and extending to a point 16 feet north thereof.
[Ord. No. O-15-44; Ord. No. O-22-47]
Carolyn Lindquist, 172 West 9th Street
Beginning at a point 115 feet east of the easterly terminus of the Newark Bay and extending to a point 16 feet easterly thereof.
[Added 7-19-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-30]
Andrzej Dawidowski, for his mother Waclawa Skibniewska, 62 East 4th Street
South side, beginning at a point 194 feet east of the street east corner of Lexington Avenue and East 4th Street, and extending to a point 16 feet east thereof.
[Added 4-19-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-17]
Antoinette Rosario, 77 Garretson Avenue
Beginning at a point on the south side of Garretson Avenue, 138 feet south of the southwest corner of Garretson Avenue and 4th Street, and extending to a point 22 feet south thereof.
Vincent Falzone, 81A Hobart Avenue
West side of Hobart Avenue beginning at a point 185 feet north of the northwest corner of Hobart Avenue and 3rd Street and extending 22 feet in a northerly direction.
Adam Czuba, 182 Orient Street
East side, beginning at a point 36 feet east of the northeast corner of Orient Street and Silver Street, and extending to a point 16 feet north thereof.
[Amended 4-19-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-17]
West 18th Street (71)
North side, beginning at a point 213 feet from the northwest corner of West 18th Street and Avenue C and extending 22 feet westerly therefrom.
Joseph Mamone, 22 East 51st Street.
Beginning at a point on the south side of East 51st Street, 287 feet east of the southeast corner of Broadway and East 51st Street, and extending to a point 17 feet east thereof.
[Ord. No. O-18-40; amended 1-16-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-11]
Dolores Maratta, 99 Hobart Avenue
Beginning at a point on the west side of Hobart Avenue, 97 feet south of the southwest corner of Hobart Avenue and East 4th Street, and extending to a point 17 feet south thereof.
[Ord. No. O-15-24; Ord. No. O-18-30; amended 1-16-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-11]
William Meehan, West 56th Street (133)
North side of West 56th Street beginning at a point 193 feet east of the northeast corner of Kennedy Boulevard and 56th Street and extending to a point 22 feet in an easterly direction.
[Ord. No. O-16-09; deleted 6-16-2021 by Ord. No. O-21-30]
Nichole Riley, 298 Avenue C
East Side. Beginning at a point 41 feet south of the southeast corner of Avenue C and East 12th Street and extending to a point 18 feet south thereof.
[Added 5-17-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-25]
Lauretta McGuckin, 29 East 27th Street
North side of East 27th Street beginning at a point 346 feet west of the northwest corner of Avenue E and 27th Street and extending to a point 22 feet in a westerly direction.
Cinthya Melendez, for her son Emmanuel, 65 West 16th Street
Beginning at a point on the north side of 16th Street, 112 feet west of the northwest corner of Avenue C and West 16th Street, and extending to a point 17 feet west thereof.
[Ord. No. O-17-59; Ord. No. O-18-06; amended 11-6-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-63]
Victor Munoz, 32 West 41st Street
Beginning at a point on the south side of 41st Street, 305 feet east of the southeast corner of Avenue C and West 41st Street, an extending to a point 16 feet east thereof.
[Ord. No. O-17-02; Ord. No. O-18-73; amended 1-16-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-11; 8-21-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-52; 9-25-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-55]
[Ord. No. O-15-18]
Diane Husband, 943 Broadway
Beginning at a point on the north side of West 45th Street, 35 feet west of the northwest corner of Broadway and West 45th Street, and extending to a point 20 feet west thereof.
[Ord. No. O-16-16]
Frances O’Rourke, 120 West 50th Street
South side. Beginning at a point 113 feet west of the southwest corner of Avenue B and West 50th Street and extending to a point 17 feet west thereof.
[Added 9-20-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-49]
[Amended 9-25-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-55]
Kathleen Kelder, 91 Newman Avenue
Beginning at a point on the West side of West 4th Street, 140 feet south of the southwest corner of Newman Avenue and 4th Street, and extending to a point 17 feet south thereof.
[Added 7-17-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-46]
West 19th Street (79)
North side, beginning at a point 335 feet west of the northwest corner of 19th Street and Avenue C and extending 22 feet westerly therefrom.
Elsie Wasielewski, 15 Silver Street
Beginning at a point on the north side of Silver Street, 184 feet east of the northeast corner of Silver Street and Broadway, and extending to a point 20 feet east thereof.
[Ord. No. O-14-03]
James Maggio, West 47th Street
South side of West 47th Street beginning at a point 63 feet west of the southwest corner of Broadway and West 47th Street and extending 22 feet in a westerly direction.
Ereny Youseff-Salama, for her mother, Wedad Abdelmalak-Youseff, 7 Agnes Street
Beginning at a point on the west side of Agnes Street, 83 feet north of the northwest corner of East 17th Street and Agnes Street, and extending to a point 17 feet north thereof.
[Ord. No. O-18-12]
Sussanne Gerald, 87 West 19th Street
North Side. Beginning at a point 243 feet east of the northeast corner of Kennedy Boulevard and West 19th Street, and extending to a point 16 feet east thereof.
[Added 5-17-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-25]
William Caban, 67 West 19th Street
Beginning at a point on the north side of 19th Street, 184 feet west of the northwest corner of Avenue C and West 19th Street, and extending to a point 16 feet west thereof.
[Ord. No. O-15-28; Ord. No. O-15-44; Ord. No. O-17-59; Ord. No. O-18-12; amended 5-15-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-37; 9-25-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-55]
Joseph DiGiorgio, 214 Avenue B
East Side. Beginning at a point 54 feet south of the southeast corner of Avenue B and West 49th Street and extending to a point 20 feet south thereof.
[Added 9-20-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-49]
Manuel Senande-Saborido, 46 East 19th Street
[Added 9-20-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-49]]
West 8th Street (172)
South side of West 8th Street beginning at a point 392 feet west of the southwest corner of Avenue A and West 8th Street and continuing 22 feet in a westerly direction.
Mahinaz Elsherif, 863 Kennedy Blvd.
West Side. Beginning at a point 10 feet south of the southwest corner of West 34th Street and Kennedy Blvd. and extending to a point 16 feet south thereof.
[Added 11-8-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-57]]
John Damian, for his son Theodore, 20 West 18th Street
Beginning at a point on the south side of 18th Street, 254 feet west of the southwest corner of Broadway and 18th Street, and extending to a point 17 feet west thereof.
[Ord. No. O-17-59; Ord. No. O-18-21; amended 10-16-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-59; 11-6-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-63]
Mario Castillo, 78 Prospect Avenue
East Side. Beginning at a point 74 feet north of the northeast corner of Prospect Avenue and Mechanic Street and extending to a point 17 feet north thereof.
[Added 12-13-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-60]
Pat Lagis, 1067 Avenue C
Beginning at a point on the west side of 52nd Street, 92 feet south of the southwest corner of Avenue C and West 52nd Street, and extending to a point 16 feet south thereof.
[Amended 7-17-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-46; 8-21-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-52]
Miguel Collazo, 81 West 18th Street
North Side. Beginning at a point 356 feet west of the northwest corner of Avenue C and West 18th and extending to a point 17 feet west thereof.
[Added 12-13-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-60]
Solomon Baker, 34 East 17th Street
Beginning at a point on the south side of East 17th Street, 163 feet east of the southeast corner of Court Place and East 17th Street, and extending to a point 18 feet east thereof.
[Ord. No. O-14-22; Ord. No. O-15-20; Ord. No. O-22-17]
Angelina Falcicchio, 7 Elna Court
South Side. Beginning at a point 229 feet west of the southwest corner of Broadway and West 33rd Street and extending to a point 17 feet west thereof.
[Added [Added 12-13-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-60]
Michael Kobyrn, 98 West 13th Street
South side of 13th Street beginning at a point 116 feet east of the southeast corner of Kennedy Boulevard and 13th Street extending to a point 22 feet in an easterly direction.
Avenue E (663)
West side, beginning at a point 65 feet south of the southwest corner of Avenue E and 42nd Street extending 22 feet south of that point.
Frank Hennings, East 28th Street (37)
North side of East 28th Street beginning at a point 215 feet west of the northwest corner of Avenue E and 28th Street and extending 22 feet in a westerly direction.
Eileen Costanzo, 12 Story Court
Beginning at a point on the east side of Story Court, 143 feet north of the northwest corner of Story Court and 3rd Street, and extending to a point 16 feet north thereof.
[Ord. No. O-16-31; Ord. No. O-18-69; amended 1-15-2020 by Ord. No. O-20-09]
Amanda Leonard, for her son, Avier Burgos, 380 Avenue C
Beginning at a point on the north side of Avenue C, 34 feet east of the north east corner of Avenue C and West 16th Street, and extending to a point 20 feet east thereof.
[Ord. No. O-17-27; Ord. No. O-18-21; amended 7-17-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-46; 12-18-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-68]
Ellen McMurray, 38 West 19th Street
South Side. Beginning at a point 207 feet east of the southeast corner of West 19th Street and Avenue C and extending to a point 17 feet east thereof.
[Added [Added 12-13-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-60]]
West 27th Street (74)
South side of West 27th Street beginning at a point 259 feet west of the southwest corner of 27th Street and Avenue C and continuing 22 feet in an easterly direction.
[Amended 6-17-2020 by Ord. No. O-20-35]
Lisandra Santiago, for her sone Maurius Ramirez,13 West 17th Street
North Side. Beginning at a point 167 feet west of the northwest corner of Broadway and West 17th Street and extending to a point 17 feet west thereof.
[Added [Added 12-13-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-60]
John Taylor, 68 West 50th Street
Beginning at a point on the south side of West 50th Street, 149 feet west of the southwest corner of Avenue C and West 50th Street, and extending to a point 22 feet west thereof.
Ronald Carr, 38 West 6th Street
South Side. Beginning at a point 30 feet east of the southeast corner of West 6th Street and extending to a point 17 feet east thereof.
[Added 12-13-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-67]
John L. Messina, 101 West 50th Street
North side of West 50th Street beginning at a point 155 feet east of the northeast corner of Avenue B and West 50th Street and extending 22 feet in an easterly direction.
[Ord. No. O-17-59; Ord. No. O-18-49; 12-16-2020 by Ord. No. O-20-62]
Jillian Elias, 75 West 5th Street
Beginning at a point of the north side of West 5th Street and Newman Avenue 41 feet west of the northwest corner and extending to a point 17 feet west thereof.
[Amended 6-19-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-42]
Martin Kicenski, East 30th Street (19)
North side beginning at a point 250 feet east of the northeast corner of Broadway and 30th Street and extending 22 feet in an easterly direction.
Anthony Gallo, 131 West 54th Street
Beginning at a point on the north side of West 54th Street, 247 feet east of the northeast corner of Kennedy Boulevard and West 54th Street, and extending to a point 22 feet east thereof.
[Ord. No. O-14-30; Ord. No. O-18-40; Ord. No. O-18-49; Ord. No. O-22-42]
[Ord. No. O-16-61; Ord. No. O-22-28]
Albert Fetchko, 31A East 41st Street
Beginning at a point on the north side of Broadway, 398 feet east of the northeast corner of Broadway and East 41st Street, and extending to a point 16 feet east thereof.
[Amended 10-16-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-59; 1-15-2020 by Ord. No. O-20-09; 11-10-2021 by Ord. No. O-21-49]
[Ord. No. O-18-12; amended 1-15-2020 by Ord. No. O-20-09; 9-22-2021 by Ord. No. O-21-40]
Frances Angelini, 77 East 21st Street
Beginning at a point on the north side of East 21st Street, 159 feet east of the northeast corner of Prospect Avenue and East 21st Street, and extending to a point 18 feet east thereof.
[Ord. No. O-14-34; Ord. No. O-14-43]
Lucy Sanchez, 35 East 32nd Street
Beginning at a point on the north side of East 32nd Street, 264 feet west of the northwest corner of Avenue E and East 32nd Street, and extending to a point 20 feet west thereof.
[Ord. No. O-16-16]
[Ord. No. O-17-08; amended 4-17-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-31; 1-15-2020 by Ord. No. O-20-09; 3-17-2021 by Ord. No. O-21-18]
[Ord. No. O-22-28]
Joseph Ballance for his wife, Susan, 83 Lexington Avenue
West side of Lexington Avenue beginning at a point 115 feet north of the northwest corner of Lexington Avenue and 3rd Street and extending 22 feet in northerly direction.
Bruce Simmons, 125 West 26th Street
Beginning at a point on the north side of West 26th Street, 184 feet west of the northwest corner of Kennedy Boulevard and 26th Street, and extending to a point 22 feet east thereof.
[Amended 11-10-2021 by Ord. No. O-21-49]
Thomas Hajduk, 199 Orient Street
West side of Orient Street beginning at a point 62 feet north of the northwest corner of Cottage and Orient Streets and extending to a point 22 feet in a northerly direction.
Dawn Rinker, 15 Meadow Street
Beginning at a point on the west side of Meadow Street, 126 feet south of the southwest corner of East 21 Street and Meadow Street, and extending to a point 18 feet east thereof.
[Ord. No. O-17-08]
East 15th Street (24)
South side of East 15th Street beginning at a point 416 feet from the southwest corner of East 15th Street and Avenue E and continuing 21 feet in a westerly direction.
[Deleted 4-19-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-17]
Elaine L. Carroll, East 17th Street, Apt. #3F
North side of 17th Street beginning at a point 57 feet west of the northwest corner of Cooper Street and 17th Street and extending to a point 22 feet in a westerly direction.
Angela DeStefano, 130 West 51st Street
Beginning at a point on the south side of West 51st Street, 255 feet east of the northwest corner of West 51st Street and Kennedy Boulevard, and extending to a point 18 feet east thereof.
[Ord. No. O-15-20; Ord. No. O-18-69]
[Ord. No. O-14-26; Ord. No. O-14-30; amended 10-20-2021 by Ord. No. O-21-45]
Terrence D. Nolan, 10 Centre Lane
West side of East Court beginning at a point 40 feet south of the southwest corner of East Court and Centre Lane and extending 22 feet in a southerly direction.
Sophia Nolan, 10 Centre Lane
Beginning at a point on the south side of Centre Lane, 26 feet west of the northwest corner of Centre Lane and East Court, and extending to a point 20 feet west thereof.
[Ord. No. O-15-38]
Abidali Baerga, 807 Avenue A, #16
Beginning at a point on the west side of Avenue A, 45 feet south of the southwest corner of Roosevelt Terrace and Avenue A, and extending to a point 20 feet south thereof.
[Added 5-13-2020 by Ord. No. O-20-34; deleted 9-20-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-49]
Richard J. Tazzette, 6 Veterans Court
West side of Avenue E beginning at a point 79 feet north of the northwest corner of Avenue E and 12th Street and extending to a point 22 feet in a northerly direction.
[Ord. No. O-18-73; amended 9-22-2021 by Ord. No. O-21-40]
Robert Cloud, Avenue A (425)
West side of Avenue A beginning at a point 73 feet south of the southwest corner of West 7th Street and Avenue A and extending to a point 22 feet in a southerly direction.
Patricia Pipher, 13 Country Village Court
Beginning at a point on the west side of Country Village Court, 240 feet north of the northwest corner of Country Village Court and West 16th Street, and extending to a point 19 feet north thereof.
Jordan V. Spuma, 51 West 6th Street
North side of West 6th Street beginning at a point 176 feet west of the northwest corner of Avenue C and West 6th Street and extending 22 feet in a westerly direction.
Edward Ostroski, West 22nd Street (118)
South side of West 22nd Street beginning at a point 126 feet west of the southwest corner of Kennedy Boulevard and 22nd Street and extending 22 feet in a westerly direction.
[Amended 7-17-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-46; 1-15-2020 by Ord. No. O-20-09; 9-22-2021 by Ord. No. O-21-40]
[Added 5-13-2020 by Ord. No. O-20-34; amended 3-17-2021 by Ord. No. O-21-18]
Carmella Pirozzi for her sister, Palma M. Pirozzi, 66 West 27th Street south side of west 27th Street beginning at a point 138 feet west of the southwest corner of Avenue C and extending 22 feet in a westerly direction.
[Ord. No. O-17-59; Ord. No. O-18-69; deleted 4-19-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-17]
Rosa Cenatiempo, West 17th Street (32)
South side of 17th Street, beginning at a point 297 feet east of the southeast corner of Avenue C and 17th Street and extending 22 feet in an easterly direction.
Diane Policastro, Avenue E (524)
East side of Avenue E beginning at a point 643 feet north of the northeast corner of 32nd Street and Avenue E and extending to a point 22 feet in a northerly direction.
Boualem Adjerid, 17 West 30th Street
Beginning at a point on the north side of West 30th Street, 217 feet west of the northwest corner of West 30th Street and Broadway, and extending to a point 22 feet west thereof.
Annunziata Laudando, 82 West 8th Street
Beginning at a point on the north side of West 8th Street, 317 feet west of the northwest corner of West 8th Street and Avenue C, and extending to a point 22 feet west thereof.
[Amended 3-18-2020 by Ord. No. O-20-24]
Mrs. Giraldo Consuelo for Jose Valencia, Andrew Street (79)
Beginning at a point on the north side of Andrew Street, 307 feet west of the northwest corner of Andrew Street and Avenue C and extending to a point 22 feet in a westerly direction.
[Ord. No. O-15-24]
[Amended 1-15-2020 by Ord. No. O-20-09; 5-12-2021 by Ord. No. O-21-26]
Donna Burgess, 126 West 23rd Street
Beginning at a point on the south side of West 23rd Street, 245 feet east of the southeast corner of Avenue A and West 23rd Street, and extending to a point 16 feet east thereof.
[Amended 4-15-2020 by Ord. No. O-20-32; 5-13-2020 by Ord. No. O-20-34]
[Amended 7-15-2020 by Ord. No. O-20-41]
Geraldine Boasci to Liz D'Amato, her daughter, 47 East 27th Street
Beginning at a point on the north side of East 27th Street, 103 feet west of the northwest corner of Avenue E and East 27th Street, and extending to a point 22 feet west thereof.
[Ord. No. O-16-68]
[Amended 3-18-2020 by Ord. No. O-20-24]
Eileen Daletto, West 3rd Street (86)
South side of West 3rd Street beginning at a point 123 feet west of the southwest corner of Newman Avenue and 3rd Street and extending 22 feet in a westerly direction.
[Ord. No. O-17-08; deleted 7-19-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-35]
[Amended 9-22-2021 by Ord. No. O-21-40]
[Amended 6-19-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-42; 1-15-2020 by Ord. No. O-20-09; 9-22-2021 by Ord. No. O-21-40]
Edward Ajamian for his son Tyler Ajamian, 881 Avenue C
Beginning at a point on the south side of West 40th Street, 76 feet west of the southwest corner of Avenue C and West 40th Street, and extending to a point 20 feet west thereof.
[Ord. No. O-15-33; Ord. No. O-15-38]
Lee Warren, West 18th Street (34)
South side of West 18th Street beginning at a point 268 feet east of the southeast corner of West 18th Street and Avenue C and extending 22 feet in an easterly direction.
[Ord. No. O-17-59; Ord. No. O-18-21; amended 6-17-2020 by Ord. No. O-20-35]
Marion A. Fitzgerald, 206 Orient Street
North side of Orient Street beginning at a point 35 feet south of the northeast corner of Evergreen Street and extending 22 feet in a southerly direction.
[Ord. No. O-16-68; deleted 4-19-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-17]
Ilia Burgos, 458 Kennedy Boulevard, Apt. 6
Beginning at a point on the north side of West 17th Street, 57 feet east of the northeast corner of Kennedy Boulevard and West 17th Street, and extending to a point 22 feet east thereof.
[Deleted 4-19-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-17]
[Ord. No. O-15-20; Ord. No. O-22-42]
West 29th Street (35-37, Apt. 7)
North side of West 29th Street beginning at a point 215 feet east of the northeast corner of 29th Street and Avenue C and extending 22 feet in an easterly direction.
[Ord. No. O-17-27; Ord. No. O-19-31; Ord. No. O-20-17; Ord. No. O-20-32; deleted 4-19-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-17]
Ahmed Abdelshany, for his son Karim, 340 Kennedy Boulevard
Beginning at a point on the east side of Kennedy Boulevard, 146 feet north of the northeast corner of Kennedy Boulevard and West 10th Street, and extending to a point 17 feet north thereof.
[Added 5-13-2020 by Ord. No. O-20-34]
Robyn Simon, 133 West 9th Street
North side of 9th Street beginning at a point 84 feet east of the northeast corner of 9th Street and Avenue A and extending 22 feet in an easterly direction.
[Ord. No. O-17-08; Ord. No. O-17-27; deleted 5-17-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-25]
[Ord. No. O-22-17]
Kelly Parkway (32)
East side of Kelly Parkway beginning at a point 192 feet south of the southeast corner of Kelly Parkway and 2nd Street and extending 22 feet in a southerly direction.
Jeanette and Robert Jensen, 7 East 1st Street
Beginning at a point on the north side of East 1st Street, 103 feet east of the northeast corner of East 1st Street and Broadway, and extending to a point 16 feet east thereof.
[Added 4-17-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-31]
Nancy Lagomarsino, 224 Avenue B
Beginning at a point on the east side of Avenue B, 75 feet south of the southeast corner of Avenue B and West 51st Street, and extending to a point 16 feet south thereof.
[Ord. No. O-14-03; Ord. No. O-18-62; amended 4-17-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-31]
Margaret A. Santopietro, 19-23 East 11th Street
Beginning at a point on the north side of East 11th Street, 289 feet east of the northeast corner of Broadway and East 11th Street, and extending to a point 22 feet east thereof.
Michael Goyed, 15 East 39th Street
Beginning at a point on the north side of East 39th Street, 193 feet east of the northeast corner of Broadway and East 39th Street, and extending to a point 17 feet east thereof.
[Ord. No. O-14-06]
Gina Childs, 327 Avenue E
Beginning at a point on the west side of Avenue E, 93 feet north of the northwest corner of East 25th Street and Avenue E, and extending to a point 18 feet north thereof.
[Ord. No. O-17-59]
Newark Bay Court (34)
North side of Newark Bay Court beginning from the barrier wall at the end of Newark Bay Court and extending 22 feet in an easterly direction.
Amanda Kahn, 7 Sisson Court
Beginning at a point on the North side of Sisson Court, 73 feet east of the northeast corner of Sisson Court and Chase Court, and extending to a point 16 feet east thereof.
[Amended 9-25-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-55; 2-19-2020 by Ord. No. O-20-17]
[Ord. No. O-16-24]
Joan Caputo, 45-47 Kelly Parkway
Beginning at a point on the south side of West 2nd Street, 37 feet west of the southwest corner of Kelly Parkway and West 2nd Street and extending to a point 20 feet west thereof.
Thomas Caputo, 45-47 Kelly Parkway
West side of Kelly Parkway beginning at a point 35 feet south of the southwest corner of West 2nd Street and Kelly Parkway and extending 22 feet in a southerly direction.
Ann Zientek, 37 Newman Avenue
Beginning at a point on the north side of Newman Avenue, 181 feet north of the northwest corner of Newman Avenue and West 2nd Street, and extending to a point 17 feet north thereof.
[Ord. No. O-16-31]
[Amended 2-20-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-15; 4-17-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-31; Ord. No. O-22-05]
Jennifer Agostini, 92 West 24th Street
Beginning at a point on the south side of West 24th Street, 192 feet east of the northeast corner of West 24th Street and Kennedy Boulevard, and extending to a point 17 feet east thereof.
[Ord. No. O-14-18; Ord. No. O-18-12; Ord. No. O-18-34]
[Amended 10-21-2020 by Ord. No. O-20-57]
[Ord. No. O-13-28; deleted 5-17-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-25]
Rula M. Ellias, 345 Avenue C
West side Avenue C beginning at a point 69 feet south of the southwest corner of Avenue C and 15th Street and extending to a point 22 feet in southerly direction.
Patricia A. Liccini, 27 West 45th Street
Beginning at a point on the north side of West 45th Street, 344 feet west of the northwest corner of West 45th Street and Broadway, and extending to a point 20 feet west thereof.
[Ord. No. O-14-34; Ord. No. O-14-43; Ord. No. O-15-08; Ord. No. O-15-12; Ord. No. O-17-59; Ord. No. O-18-34; deleted 5-17-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-25]
Steven Konieczny, for his mother, Anna, 41 East 26th Street
Beginning at a point on the north side of East 26th Street, 189 feet west of the northwest corner of Avenue E and East 26th Street, and extending to a point 22 feet west thereof.
[Ord. No. O-16-04]
Marie Amormino, 126 Lexington Avenue
Beginning at a point on the east side of Lexington, 69 feet south of the southeast corner of Lexington Avenue and George Street, and extending to a point 20 feet south thereof.
[Ord. No. O-15-44]
Theodore Safatino, Margaret Street (13)
North side of Margaret Street beginning at a point 164 feet west of the northwest corner of Margaret Street and Kennedy Boulevard and extending 22 feet in a westerly direction.
James Bonsper, 78 West 3rd Street
West side of Newman Avenue beginning at a point 35 feet south of the southwest corner of Newman Avenue and 3rd Street and extending 22 feet in a southerly direction.
[Deleted 9-20-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-49]
Jerome Hogan, 4 Story Court
East Side. Beginning at a point 39 feet north of the north east corner of Story Court and West 3rd Street and extending to a point 18 feet north thereof.
[ Added 11-8-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-57
Leticia Aviles, 22-26 East 12th Street, Apt. 3F
Beginning at a point on the south side of East 12th Street, 249 feet east of the southeast corner of Broadway and East 12th Street, and extending to a point 12 feet east thereof.
Magdi Fahim, 35 West 18th Street
Beginning at a point on the north side of Avenue C, 259 feet east of the northeast corner of Avenue C and 18th Street, and extending to a point 20 feet south thereof.
[Amended 11-10-2021 by Ord. No. O-21-49]
[Amended 5-15-2019 by Ord No. O-19-37]
[Added 4-17-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-31; amended 3-17-2021 by Ord. No. O-21-18]
[Amended 10-20-2021 by Ord. No. O-21-45]
Edward Rutkowski, Linnet Street (106)
South side of Linnet Street beginning at a point 167 feet west of the southwest corner of Isabella and Linnet Streets and extending 22 feet in a westerly direction.
[Ord. No. O-18-40; Ord. No. O-19-31; deleted 7-19-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-35]
James Cody, 64 Humphrey Avenue
Beginning at a point on the east side of Humphrey Avenue, 137 feet north of the northeast corner of Humphrey Avenue and West 3rd Street, and extending to a point 17 feet north thereof.
[Ord. No. O-15-28; Ord. No. O-15-38; Ord. No. O-17-59; Ord. No. O-18-34]
Gerald Grimmeyer, 51 Avenue E
Beginning at a point on the west side of East 12th Street, 85 feet south of the southeast corner of Avenue E and East 12th Street, and extending to a point 15 feet south thereof.
[Ord. No. O-18-12; Ord. No. O-18-34; amended 11-6-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-63]
Pasquale Daddi, 25 East 27th Street
Beginning at a point on the north side of East 27th Street, 316 feet east of the northeast corner of Broadway and East 27th Street, and extending to a point 22 feet east thereof.
[Ord. No. O-14-18; Ord. No. O-14-20]
James Mazzouccolo, West 30th Street (16)
South side of West 30th Street beginning at a point 196 feet west of the southwest corner of 30th Street and Broadway and extending 22 feet in a westerly direction.
Ewa Kotowska, 376 Avenue C
Beginning at a point on the east side of Avenue C, 35 feet east of the southeast corner of Avenue C and 16th Street, and extending to a point 16 feet south thereof.
[Ord. No. O-17-63; Ord. No. O-18-40; amended 12-18-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-68; 2-19-2020 by Ord. No. O-20-17]
Charles E. Chambers for his wife, Carol Chambers, 39 East 27th Street
North side of 27th Street beginning at a point 213 feet west of the northwest corner of 27th Street and Avenue E and extending to a point 22 feet in a westerly direction.
[Ord. No. O-20-32; Ord. No. O-20-41; deleted 4-19-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-17]
Yasmin Salib, 375 Kennedy Boulevard
Beginning at a point on the south side of 13th Street, 37 feet west of the southwest corner of Kennedy Boulevard and West 13th Street, and extending to a point 22 feet westerly thereof.
[Ord. No. O-17-27]
[Ord. No. O-17-59; Ord. No. O-18-40; amended 11-6-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-63; 9-22-2021 by Ord. No. O-21-40]
[Ord. No. O-16-47; amended 6-19-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-42; 3-18-2020 by Ord. No. O-20-24; 1-20-2021 by Ord. No. O-21-09]
Daniel Daly, 535 Avenue E
Beginning at a point 88 feet south of the southwest corner of Avenue E and East 34th Street and extending to a point 16 feet south thereof.
[Ord. No. O-17-59; Ord. No. O-22-17]
[Ord. No. O-22-05]
Sueann Kryda, 403 Avenue E
Beginning at a point on the west side of Avenue E, 10 feet south of the fire hydrant located on the southwest corner of Avenue E and East 29th Street, and extending to a point 22 feet south thereof.
[Ord. No. O-17-27; amended 6-16-2021 by Ord. No. O-21-30]
Anthony Vetter, 138 Lexington Avenue
Beginning at a point on the east side of Lexington Avenue, 888 feet north of the northeast corner of Lexington Avenue and George Street, and extending to a point 18 feet south thereof.
[Ord. No. O-15-05; amended 11-10-2021 by Ord. No. O-21-49]
[Ord. No. O-07-53; Ord. No. O-18-69]
Gwendolyn Green, 340 Broadway, Apt. 6 Beginning at a point on the east side of Broadway, 120 feet south of the southeast corner of East 16th Street and Broadway, and extending to a point 17 feet south thereof.
[Ord. No. O-17-27]
Barbara Huff, Washington Parkway (38)
North side of Washington Parkway beginning at a point 456 feet west of the northwest corner of Avenue A and Washington Parkway and continuing 22 feet in a westerly direction.
[Ord. No. O-18-73]
Nunzio Falcicchio, Elna Court (7)
South side of West 33rd Street beginning at a point 247 feet west of the southwest corner of Broadway and West 33rd Street and continuing 22 feet in a westerly direction.
[Ord. No. O-17-59; amended 1-15-2020 by Ord. No. O-20-09]
Thomas Turleik, 539 Avenue A - 1st Floor
Beginning at a point on the north side of West 23rd Street, 35 feet west of the northwest corner of Avenue A and West 23rd Street, and extending to a point 22 feet west thereof.
[Ord. No. O-13-19; Ord. No. O-15-18]
Nilda Resto, Avenue C (1025)
South side of West 49th Street beginning at a point 25 feet west of the southwest corner of Avenue C and West 49th Street and extending 22 feet in a westerly direction.
[Amended 10-20-2021 by Ord. No. O-21-45]
[Ord. No. O-18-62]
Ishak Habashi for his daughter, Martina, 64 West 19th Street
Beginning at a point on the south side of West 19th Street, 147 feet west of the southwest corner of West 19th Street and Avenue C, and extending to a point 17 feet west thereof.
[Ord. No. O-18-40]
Atef Mina for his wife, Marym, 30 West 26th Street
Beginning at a point on the south side of West 26th Street, 323 feet east of the southeast corner of West 26th Street and Avenue C, and extending to a point 18 feet east thereof.
[Ord. No. O-14-11; Ord. No. O-14-16]
[Ord. No. O-17-08; amended 6-19-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-42]
Stephen B. Malia for wife, Lenore I. Malia, 20 East 41st Street
South side of 41st Street beginning at a point 231 feet east of the southeast corner of 41st Street and Broadway and extending to a point 22 feet in an easterly direction.
[Deleted 5-17-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-25]
[Ord. No. O-14-06; Ord. No. O-15-20; Ord. No. O-15-38; amended 11-6-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-63]
Mamdouh Helal for his daughter, Marina Ezzat, 70 West 20th Street
Beginning at a point on the north side of West 20th Street, 328 feet west of the northwest corner of Avenue C and West 20th Street, and extending to a point 22 feet west thereof.
John Messima, 101 West 50th Street
North side of West 50th Street beginning at a point 155 feet east of the northeast corner of Avenue B and West 50th Street and extending 22 feet in an easterly direction.
[Deleted 7-19-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-35]
Valeriy D. Levin, 20 West 18th Street
Beginning at a point on the south side of West 18th Street, 236 feet west of the southwest corner of Broadway and West 18th Street, and extending to a point 17 feet west thereof.
[Ord. No. O-18-55]
[Ord. No. O-18-06]
Arthur Steffens, East 32nd Street (27)
North side of East 32nd Street beginning at a point 344 feet east of the northeast corner of 32nd Street and Broadway and extending to a point 22 feet in an easterly direction.
[Amended 6-19-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-42]
Janet Sidhom, West 42nd Street (13)
North side of 42nd Street beginning at a point 46 feet west of the northwest corner of Broadway and 42nd Street and extending to a point 22 feet in a westerly direction.
George Baran, 15 West 18th Street
Beginning at a point on the north side of West 18th Street, 225 feet west of the northwest corner of Broadway and West 18th Street, and extending to a point 18 feet west thereof.
[Ord. No. O-17-59; Ord. No. O-18-55]
Girgis S. Morcos, 144 West 28th Street
Beginning at a point on the south side of West 28th Street, 173 feet east of the southeast corner of West 28th Street and Avenue A, and extending to a point 19 feet east thereof.
[Ord. No. O-14-18; Ord. No. O-14-20]
Dolores Decker, 60 Evergreen Street
Beginning at a point on the south side of Evergreen Street, 199 feet west of the southwest corner of Evergreen Street and Hobart Avenue, and extending to a point 20 feet west thereof.
[Ord. No. O-14-23; Ord. No. O-14-30]
Daniel Zuk, 380 Avenue A
East side of Avenue A beginning at a point 59 feet north of the northeast corner of 15th Street and Avenue A and extending 22 feet in a northerly direction.
[Ord. No. O-18-69]
Anne Darvalics, 101A West 6th Street
North side of West 6th Street beginning at a point 116 feet east of the northeast corner of West 6th Street and Humphrey Avenue and extending to a point 22 feet in an easterly direction.
Suzanne Buzinkai 365 Avenue A
Beginning at a point on the west side of Avenue A, 36 feet south of the southwest corner of O'Brien Court and Avenue A, and extending to a point 18 feet south thereof.
[Ord. No. O-17-63]
[Ord. No. O-17-59; Ord. No. O-18-55; deleted 4-19-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-17]
Christean Abreu for sister, Ronique Wilson, 340 Avenue A
North side of 13th Street beginning at a point 38 feet east of the northeast corner of Avenue A and 13th Street extending to a point 22 feet in an easterly direction.
Sanjiv Kattekola for his wife, Sounderya, 50 East 34th Street
Beginning at a point on the south side of East 34th Street, 129 feet west of the southwest corner of Avenue E and East 34th Street, and extending to a point 16.5 feet west thereof.
[Deleted 4-19-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-17
[Ord. No. O-17-59]
[Ord. No. O-17-63]
Marie Beach, Avenue A (733, Apt. #6)
West side of Avenue A beginning at a point 172 feet south of the southwest corner of Avenue A and 32nd Street and extending 22 feet in a southerly direction.
[Deleted 5-17-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-25]
[Amended 11-6-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-63]
Leila Calvert, West 49th Street (155)
North side of West 49th Street Newman Avenue beginning at a point 111 feet west of the northwest corner of 48th Street and Kennedy Boulevard and extending 22 feet in a westerly direction.
Marco Santos, 91 West 24th Street
Beginning at a point on the north side of West 24th Street, 202 feet east of the northeast corner of Kennedy Boulevard and West 24th Street, and extending to a point 19 feet east thereof.
[Ord. No. O-14-11; Ord. No. O-14-16]
[Ord. No. O-14-30; amended 4-15-2020 by Ord. No. O-20-32]
[Ord. No. O-17-63]
[Ord. No. O-15-38; Ord. No. O-16-55; 9-23-2020 by Ord. No. O-20-47]
Lisa Olencewicz for her mother, Donna Olencewicz, 34 West 49th Street
Beginning at a point on the south side of West 49th Street, 297 feet east of the southeast corner of West 49th Street and Avenue C, and extending to a point 22 feet east thereof.
[Ord. No. O-14-34; Ord. No. O-18-34; amended 4-15-2020 by Ord. No. O-20-32]
Johm Gortatowski, 86 West 7th Street
West side of Newman Avenue beginning at a point 48 feet south of the southwest corner of Newman Avenue and West 7th Street and extending 22 feet in a southerly direction.
Stanley Latko, Orient Street (175)
South side of Silver Street, beginning at a point 25 feet west of the southwest corner of Silver and Orient Streets and extending to a point 22 feet in a westerly direction.
Sharon Hannigan, 26 Edwards Court
South side of Edwards Court beginning at a point 313 feet west of the southwest corner of Avenue A and Edwards Court extending to a point 22 feet in a westerly direction.
Lazara Perez for her mother, Mercedez Perez, 662 Avenue A, Apt. #6
Beginning at a point on the east side of Avenue A, 105 feet south of the southeast corner of Avenue A and West 29th Street, and extending to a point 22 feet south thereof.
Jennie Serafino-Trapp, 23 West 4th Street
Beginning at a point on the west side of West 4th Street, 239 feet east of the northeast corner of Avenue C and West 4th Street, and extending to a point 18 feet east thereof.
[Ord. No. O-13-11; Ord. No. O-14-11; Ord. No. O-14-16]
[Ord. No. O-18-73]
Lawrence Buck, 36 East 4th Street
Beginning at a point on the south side of East 4th Street, 126 feet east of the southeast corner of Lord Avenue and West 4th Street, and extending to a point 22 feet south thereof.
Michael J. Egan, 46 Linden Street
Beginning at a point on the south side of Linden Street, 60 feet east of the southeast corner of Hartley Place and Linden Street, and extending to a point 22 feet east thereof.
Mary Shivers, 101 Lord Avenue
Beginning at a point on the west side of Lord Avenue, 190 feet south of the southwest corner of Lord Avenue and 4th Street, and extending to a point 22 feet south thereof.
Frederick Regenye, 17 Sunset Avenue
Beginning at a point on the west side of Sunset Avenue, 206 feet north of the northwest corner of West 54th Street and Sunset Avenue, and extending to a point 16 feet north thereof.
[Ord. No. O-14-11; Ord. No. O-16-55; Ord. No. O-18-40; amended 2-20-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-15]
Lona Wall, 44 West 55th Street
Beginning at a point on the south side of West 55th Street, 185 feet east of the southeast corner of West 55th Street and Avenue C, and extending to a point 16 feet east thereof.
[Ord. No. O-16-04; Ord. No. O-16-55]
[Ord. No. O-15-48; Ord. No. O-16-55]
[Ord. No. O-16-04; amended 3-17-2021 by Ord. No. O-21-18]
[Amended 9-22-2021 by Ord. No. O-21-40]
Lisa Van Dam, West 16th Street (98)
South side of 16th Street beginning at a point 224 feet east of the southeast corner of Kennedy Boulevard and 16th Street and extending 22 feet in an easterly direction.
[Ord. No. O-18-12; Ord. No. O-19-15; Ord. No. O-22-42]
Tina M. Russo, 19 O'Brien Court
Beginning at a point on the north side of O'Brien Court, 388 feet west of the northwest corner of Avenue A and O'Brien Court, and extending to a point 22 feet westerly thereof.
Katherine Russell, 23 West 52nd Street
Beginning at a point on the north side of West 52nd Street, 266 feet west of the northwest corner of West 52nd Street and Broadway, and extending to a point 22 feet west thereof.
[Ord. No. O-16-24; amended 9-25-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-55]
Joan Robinson, 84 Lord Avenue
East side of Lord Avenue beginning at a point 66 feet north of the northeast corner of Lord Avenue and 3rd Street and extending 22 feet in a northerly direction.
[Ord. No. O-16-55; amended 7-15-2020 by Ord. No. O-20-41]
[Deleted 4-19-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-17]
Robert Kudlacik, 166 West 9th Street
Beginning at a point on the south side of West 9th Street, 381 feet west of the southwest corner of West 9th Street and Avenue A, and extending to a point 15 feet west thereof.
[Ord. No. O-15-05; Ord. No. O-15-12; Ord. No. O-16-55]
Robert McMahon, West 30th Street (138)
South side of 30th Street beginning at a point 262 feet east of the southeast corner of Avenue A and 30th Street and extending to a point 22 feet in an easterly direction.
Mary B. Moussa, 27 East 27th Street
Beginning at a point on the north side of East 27th Street, 341 feet east of the northeast corner of Broadway and 27th Street, and extending to a point 22 feet east thereof.
Teresa Sellitti-Coleman, 18 East 35th Street
Beginning at a point on the south side of East 35th Street, 233 feet east of the southeast corner of East 35th Street and Broadway, and extending to a point 17 feet east thereof.
[Ord. No. O-14-34]
[Amended 7-15-2020 by Ord. No. O-20-41]
Francis W. Serafin, 70 West 32nd Street, 1st Floor
South side of West 32nd Street beginning at a point 157 feet west of the southwest corner of Avenue C and extending 22 feet in a westerly direction.
[Ord. No. O-16-37; Ord. No. O-16-68; deleted 5-17-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-25]
Patricia Daly, 86 West 7th Street
Beginning at a point on the west side of Newman Avenue, 31 feet south of the southwest corner of Newman Avenue and West 7th Street, and extending to a point 22 feet south thereof.
[Ord. No. O-15-18]
[Ord. No. O-17-63]
Damarys Escoto, 155 West 20th Street
North side of West 20th Street beginning at a point 160 feet west of the northwest corner of Avenue A and 20th Street and extending 22 feet in a westerly direction.
[Deleted 5-17-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-25]
Sheila Hudacko for her son Ian, 22 West 17th Street
South side of West 17th Street beginning at a point 263 feet west of the southwest corner of West 17th Street and Broadway and extending to a point 22 feet in a westerly direction.
Brian Beebe, 324 Kennedy Boulevard, 1st Floor
South side of West 10th Street beginning at a point 30 feet east of the southeast corner of West 10th Street and Kennedy Boulevard and extending to a point 22 feet in an easterly direction.
[Ord. No. O-17-08; amended 8-21-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-52]
Desiree Knight, 81 West 19th Street
Beginning at a point on the north side of West 19th Street, 345 feet east of the northeast corner of Kennedy Boulevard and West 19th Street, and extending to a point 22 feet east thereof.
[Amended 9-23-2020 by Ord. No. O-20-47]
[Ord. No. O-22-42]
John Donatelli, Jr., 9 East 51st Street
Beginning at a point on the north side of East 51st Street, 121 feet east of the northeast corner of Broadway and East 51st Street, and extending to a point 16 feet east thereof.
[Ord. No. O-15-28; Ord. No. O-15-38; Ord. No. O-17-46; amended 2-20-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-15]
[Ord. No. O-17-59]
Diane St. John, 211-213 Prospect Avenue, Apt. #3
Beginning at a point on the west side of Prospect Avenue, 60 feet south of the southwest corner of Prospect Avenue and East 30th Street, and extending to a point 20 feet south thereof.
[Ord. No. O-18-34]
[Ord. No. O-22-17]
[Amended 8-19-2020 by Ord. No. O-20-46]
[Ord. No. O-17-02]
[Ord. No. O-16-55; amended 9-25-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-55]
John Weaver, 190 Orient Street, Apt. 5
Beginning at a point on the east side of Orient Street, 36 feet south of the southeast corner of Orient Street and Cottage Street, and extending to a point 18 feet south thereof.
[Ord. No. O-15-24; Ord. No. O-15-38]
William Farley, 145 West 28th Street
Beginning at a point on the north side of West 28th Street, 154 feet east of the northeast corner of Avenue A and West 28th Street, and extending to a point 22 feet east thereof.
[Ord. No. O-15-48]
Marji Suleiman, 345 Avenue C
West side of Avenue C beginning at a point 109 feet south of the southwest corner of Avenue C and 15th Street and extending 22 feet in a southerly direction.
Miriam Lopez, 95 West 52nd Street
Beginning at a point on the north side of West 52nd Street, 209 feet east of the northwest corner of Avenue B and West 52nd Street, and extending to a point 17 feet east thereof.
[Ord. No. O-17-59; amended 2-20-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-15]
[Ord. No. O-15-33; Ord. No. O-16-68; amended 6-19-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-42; 10-16-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-59]
[Ord. No. O-14-30; amended 11-6-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-63]
[Ord. No. O-14-30; Ord. No. O-14-34; Ord. No. O-17-41; amended 2-20-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-15; 8-19-2020 by Ord. No. O-20-46]
Maureen Sullivan for her father, Carmen Manna, 40 West 12th Street Beginning at a point on the south side of West 12th Street, 193 feet east of the southeast corner of West 12th Street and Avenue C, and extending to a point 20 feet east thereof.
[Ord. No. O-15-38; amended 9-23-2020 by Ord. No. O-20-47]
[Ord. No. O-15-18; Ord. No. O-15-44]
[Amended 8-19-2020 by Ord. No. O-20-46]
[Ord. No. O-17-59; 2-20-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-15; deleted 12-13-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-60]
Robert Wickersty, 125 Prospect Avenue
West side of Prospect Avenue beginning at a point 53 feet north of the northwest corner of Prospect Avenue and 25th Street and extending 22 feet in a northerly direction.
[Ord. No. O-15-02; deleted 4-19-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-17]
[Ord. No. O-18-34; Ord. No. O-19-15; deleted 4-19-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-17]
Darlene Sanchez, 172 West 22nd Street
Beginning at a point on the south side of West 22nd Street, 330 feet west of the southwest corner of Avenue A and West 22nd Street, and extending to a point 20 feet west thereof.
[Ord. No. O-15-44]
[Ord. No. O-17-31; amended 9-23-2020 by Ord. No. O-20-47]
[Amended 9-25-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-55]
[Amended 2-20-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-15]
Mary K. Sellers for her daughter, Ashley Bellotti, 10A West 36th Street Beginning at a point on the south side of West 36th Street, 138 feet west of the southwest corner of West 36th Street and Broadway, and extending to a point 19 feet west thereof.
[Ord. No. O-17-59; amended 6-19-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-42]
Vioula Hanna, 143 West 26th Street
Beginning at a point on the north side of West 26th Street, 195 feet east of the northwest corner of West 26th Street and Avenue A, and extending to a point 17 feet east thereof.
[ Ord. No. O-15-28; Ord. No. O-15-44; Ord. No. O-17-59; amended 2-20-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-15]
[Ord. No. O-14-43; amended 3-17-2021 by Ord. No. O-21-18]
Brandon Smith, 577 Broadway
Beginning at a point on the south side of West 27th Street 156 feet west of the southwest corner of West 27th Street and Broadway, and extending to a point 18 feet west thereof.
[Ord. No. O-14-22; Ord. No. O-18-55; amended 2-20-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-15]
[Ord. No. O-14-43; Ord. No. O-15-05; Ord. No. O-16-55; Ord. No. O-18-34]
James Sanchez, 77 West 8th Street
North side of West 8th Street beginning at a point 317 feet of the northwest corner of Avenue C and 8th Street and extending 22 feet in a westerly direction.
Linda Vetter for her son, Kyle, 116 Broadway
Beginning at a point on the east side of Broadway, 35 feet south of the southeast corner of Broadway and East 4th Street, and extending to a point 18 feet south thereof.
[Ord. No. O-15-28; Ord. No. O-15-44]
Elizabeth A. Mooney, 32 East 27th Street
South side of 27th Street beginning at a point 316 feet west of the southwest corner of Avenue E and 27th Street and extending 22 feet in a westerly direction.
[Ord. No. O-14-30; [Ord. No. O-22-42]]
Filomena Carpenter, 23 West 33rd Street
Beginning at a point on the north side of West 33rd Street, 308 feet west of the northwest corner of West 33rd Street and Broadway, and extending to a point 10 feet west thereof.
Kim Sims for John Sims, 69 Garretson Avenue
Beginning at a point on the west side of Garretson Avenue, 294 feet north of the northwest corner of Garretson Avenue and West 3rd Street, and extending to a point 17 feet north thereof.
[Ord. No. O-17-59]
Joseph Kahle, 35 Country Village Court
Beginning at a point on the south side of Country Village Court, 190 feet west of the southwest corner of Country Village Court and extending to a point 22 feet west thereof.
[Ord. No. O-15-28]
[Amended 8-21-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-52]
[Ord. No. O-14-30; Ord. No. O-18-73]
[Ord. No. O-14-34; Ord. No. O-15-02; amended 7-17-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-46]
Mrs. Germaine White from 861 Avenue C to 49 Lord Avenue Beginning at a point on the east side of Lord Avenue, 62 feet north of the northeast corner of East 2nd Street and Lord Avenue, and extending to a point 17 feet north thereof.
[Ord. No. O-15-28; Ord. No. O-15-44; Ord. No. O-17-02]
Raymond Kiesnowski for his son, Cole Kiesnowski, 16 West 15th Street
Beginning at a point on the south side of West 15th Street, 192 feet west of the southwest corner of Broadway and 15th Street, and extending to a point 22 feet west thereof.
Patricia Ward, 10 West 36th Street
South side of West 36th Street beginning at a point 115 feet west of the southwest corner of 36th Street and Broadway and extending 22 feet in a westerly direction.
[Ord. No. O-17-02]
[Ord. No. O-18-21]
Patricia Russotto, 96 Evergreen Street
Beginning at a point on the south side of Evergreen Street, 202 feet east of the southeast corner of Evergreen Street and Hobart Avenue, and extending to a point 18 feet east thereof.
[Amended 9-22-2021 by Ord. No. O-21-40]
[Ord. No. O-15-38; Ord. No. O-15-48; Ord. No. O-16-09; amended 6-19-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-42]
[Amended 12-18-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-68]
[Amended 9-25-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-55]
[Ord. No. O-18-62]
[Amended 11-6-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-63]
Frank Farley for his mother, Rosemary Farley, 29 Lincoln Parkway Beginning at a point on the north side of Lincoln Parkway, 59 feet east of the western terminus of the northerly curbline of Lincoln Parkway and Newark Bay, and extending to a point 22 feet east thereof.
[Ord. No. O-16-68; deleted 5-17-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-25]
[Ord. No. O-22-42]
[Ord. O-16-55; amended 4-17-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-31]
[Ord. No. O-17-51; Ord. No. O-18-55]
William Aguilera, 167 West 31st Street
South side of West 31st Street beginning at a point 40 feet west of the southwest corner of Avenue A and West 31st Street and extending 22 feet in a westerly direction.
Sherry Basden-Heard, 101 West 49th Street
Beginning at a point on the north side of West 49th Street, 153 feet east of the northeast corner of Avenue B and West 49th Street, and extending to a point 16 feet east thereof.
[Amended 3-20-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-19]
[Ord. No. O-14-30; amended 12-18-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-68]
[Ord. No. O-18-73; amended 9-22-2021 by Ord. No. O-21-40]
[Ord. No. O-22-42]
Dennis Alfonso, 22 West 28th Street
South side of West 28th Street beginning at a point 35 feet east of the southeast corner of West 28th Street and Grove Place and extending 22 feet in an easterly direction.
[Ord. No. O-22-17]
[Ord. No. O-17-51; amended 10-16-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-59; 7-14-2021 by Ord. No. O-21-35]
[Ord. No. O-15-44; Ord. No. O-15-48; Ord. No. O-17-41]
[Ord. No. O-17-63; deleted 5-17-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-25]
[Ord. No. O-16-04; amended 6-16-2021 by Ord. No. O-21-30]
Barbara Augerot, 47 Broadway
Beginning at a point on the north side of West 2nd Street, 35 feet west of the northwest corner of West 2nd Street and Broadway, and extending to a point 18 feet west thereof.
[Ord. No. O-17-63]
William R. Goasevski for his wife, Constance E., 64 West 15th Street Beginning at a point on the south side of 15th Street, 137 feet west of the southwest corner of Avenue A and 15th Street, and extending to a point 22 feet west thereof.
[Amended 9-22-2021 by Ord. No. O-21-40]
[Ord. No. O-15-02; amended 3-18-2020 by Ord. No. O-20-24]
Christopher Wright, 15 East 52nd Street
Beginning at a point on the north side of East 52nd Street, 196 feet east of the northeast corner of Broadway and East 52nd Street, and extending to a point 18 feet east thereof.
[Ord. No. O-14-43; Ord. No. O-15-02]
Dawn Sullivan, 197 Avenue A
Beginning at a point 116 feet south of the southwest corner of Avenue A and Schuyler Place and extending 16 feet south thereof.
[Ord. No. O-14-11; Ord. No. O-14-30; Ord. No. O-15-05; amended 8-18-2021 by Ord. No. O-21-38]
[Ord. No. O-18-55]
Altagracia Santos-DeGonzalez, 135 West 54th Street, Apt. #3 Beginning at a point on the north side of 54th Street, 184 feet east of the northeast corner of 54th Street and Kennedy Boulevard, and extending to a point 22 feet east thereof.
Rose Mary Fasciani, 163 West 8th Street
Beginning at a point on the north side of West 8th Street, 268 feet west of the northwest corner of Avenue A and West 8th Street, and extending to a point 16 feet west thereof.
[Ord. No. O-14-30; Ord. No. O-17-59; amended 3-20-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-19]
Anna Carroll, 14 West 12th Street
Beginning at a point on the south side of West 12th Street, 170 feet west of the southwest corner of Broadway and West 12th Street, and extending to a point 17 feet west thereof.
[Ord. No. O-17-59; amended 3-20-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-19]
[Ord. No. O-22-28]
Charles Henkel, 38 West 46th Street
Beginning at a point on the south side of West 46th Street, 264 feet east of the southeast corner of West 46th Street and Avenue C, and extending to a point 22 feet east thereof.
[Deleted 7-19-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-35]
Athena M. Frangos, 1208 Kennedy Boulevard - Apt. #4
Beginning at a point on the north side of West 54th Street, 38 feet east of the northeast corner of Kennedy Boulevard and West 54th Street, and extending to a point 22 feet east thereof.
Raul Martinez, 395 Avenue E, Apt. 1
Beginning at a point on the west side of Avenue E, 62 feet north of the northwest corner of East 28th Street and Avenue E, and extending to a point 20 feet north thereof.
[Ord. No. O-18-34; amended 3-20-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-19; 12-18-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-68]
[Amended 7-17-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-46]
Anna D'Anna Masciale, 97 West 50th Street
Beginning at a point on the north side of West 50th Street, 198 feet west of the northwest corner of Avenue B and West 50th Street, and extending to a point 16 feet west thereof.
[Added 3-20-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-19]
[Ord. No. O-14-34; Ord. No. O-15-02; amended 11-6-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-63]
Carloyn Beatty, 94 West 15th Street
Beginning at a point on the south side of West 15th Street, 204 feet east of the southeast corner of Kennedy Boulevard and West 15th Street, and extending to a point 18 feet east thereof.
[Ord. No. O-15-20; Ord. No. O-16-04]
Parveen A. Naveed, 44 West 30th Street
Beginning at a point on the south side of West 33rd Street, 147 feet east of the southeast corner of West 33rd Street and Avenue C, and extending to a point 20 feet east thereof.
[Ord. No. O-14-22; Ord. No. O-14-23]
[Deleted 12-13-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-67]
[Ord. No. O-15-24; Ord. No. O-17-63; Ord. No. O-19-19; Ord. No. O-22-05]
Linda Mackiewicz, 23 Cottage Street
Beginning at a point on the north side of Cottage Street, 206 feet west of the northwest corner of Cottage Street and Orient Avenue, and extending to a point 20 feet west thereof.
Mary Jane Sheehan for her mother Jane A. Heriot, 152 West 18th Street Beginning at a point on the south side of West 18th Street, 76 feet west of the southwest corner of West 18th Street and Avenue A, and extending to a point 17 feet west thereof.
[Ord. No. O-17-08; deleted 4-19-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-17]
[Ord. No. O-18-30; Ord. No. O-19-19; deleted 7-19-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-30]
[Ord. No. O-18-62; amended 3-20-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-19; 4-14-2021 by Ord. No. O-21-22]
[Amended 3-17-2021 by Ord. No. O-21-18]
Harold Tillson, 11 West 16th Street
Beginning at a point on the north side of West 16th Street, 104 feet west of the northwest corner of West 16th Street and Broadway, and extending to a point 20 feet west thereof.
Richard Gianturco, 193 West 48th Street
Beginning at a point on the south side of West 48th Street, 681 feet west of the southwest corner of West 48th Street and Kennedy Boulevard, and extending to a point nine feet west thereof.
Kelly Aranguran, 100 West 33rd Street, Apt. #5
Beginning at a point on the south side of West 33rd Street, 129 feet east of the southeast corner of West 33rd Street and Kennedy Boulevard, and extending to a point 10 feet east thereof.
[Ord. No. O-17-02; Ord. No. O-19-19; deleted 12-13-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-67]
Noel Petrakian, 38 West 43rd Street
Beginning at a point on the south side of West 43rd Street, 228 feet east of the southwest corner of Avenue C and West 43rd Street, and extending to a point 16 feet east thereof.
[Ord. No. O-17-63; amended 3-20-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-19]
[Ord. No. O-17-59]
Mary Bishow, 91 West 54th Street
Beginning at a point on the north side of West 54th Street, 240 feet east of the northeast corner of West 54th Street and Avenue B, and extending to a point 17 feet east thereof.
[Ord. No. O-17-63]
[Ord. No. O-15-05; Ord. No. O-15-18; Ord. No. O-22-42]
[Ord. No. O-15-20]
[Amended 4-15-2020 by Ord. No. O-20-32; deleted 5-17-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-25]
[Amended 11-9-2022 by Ord. No. O-22-42]
[Ord. No. O-15-05; Ord. No. O-15-12; amended 4-15-2020 by Ord. No. O-20-32]
Rosalind Baker-Brayboy, 103 West 55th Street
Beginning at a point 106 feet east of the northeast corner of West 55th Street and Avenue B and extending to a point 16 feet east thereof.
[Amended Ord. No. O-19-46; Ord. No. O-19-59; 8-16-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-42]
[Amended 8-21-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-52]
[Ord. No. O-18-06; deleted 4-19-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-17]
Guston & Maribel Moncayo for their daughter, Giselle, 96 West 18th Street, Apt. #2F
Beginning at a point on the south side of West 18th Street, 164 feet east of the southeast corner of West 18th Street and Kennedy Boulevard, and extending to a point 20 feet west thereof.
[Amended 11-6-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-63]
[Ord. No. O-18-34]
[Amended 3-17-2021 by Ord. No. O-21-18]
[Deleted 12-13-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-60]
[Ord. No. O-17-31; amended 4-17-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-31; deleted 5-17-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-25]
[Ord. No. O-18-73]
[Deleted 5-17-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-25]
Mary A. Bauer for her husband, Thomas, 93 West 55th Street Beginning at a point on the north side of West 55th Street, 232 feet east of the northeast corner of East 55th Street and Avenue B, and extending to a point 18 feet east thereof.
[Ord. No. O-15-02; Ord. No. O-15-05; Ord. No. O-17-59]
Walter Schember, III, 25 West 46th Street
Beginning at a point on the north side of West 46th Street, 388 feet east of the northeast corner of West 46th Street and Avenue C, and extending to a point 19 feet east thereof.
Claire Evans, 31 West 29th Street
Beginning at a point 291 feet east of the northeast corner of Avenue C and West 29th Street and extending 15 feet east thereof.
[Amended 6-16-2021 by Ord. No. O-21-30]
[Ord. No. O-17-59]
[Ord. No. O-22-17]
[Ord. No. O-16-55; Ord. No. O-17-59]
Jessica Young, for her daughter Daryl Young, 175 West 48th Street
Beginning at a point on the south side of West 48th Street, 310 feet west of the south west corner of Kennedy Boulevard and 48th Street, and extending to a point eight feet west thereof.
[Ord. No. O-18-73]
Alfred Ponterdolph, 73 West 29th Street
Beginning at a point on the north side of West 19th Street, 283 feet west of the northwest corner of Avenue C and West 29th Street, and extending to a point 19 feet west thereof.
[Ord. No. O-14-06; amended 7-15-2020 by Ord. No. O-20-41]
[Ord. No. O-14-06]
[Ord. No. O-14-06; Ord. No. O-15-05; Ord. No. O-17-59]
[Ord. No. O-14-06; Ord. No. O-14-22; deleted 4-19-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-17]
[Ord. No. O-14-06; Ord. No. O-18-17]
Carol Guzman, 21 East 48th Street
Beginning at a point on the north side of West 48th Street, 272 feet east of the northeast corner of Broadway and East 48th Street, and extending to a point 20 feet east thereof.
[Ord. No. O-14-06]
[Ord. No. O-16-04; Ord. No. O-16-31; Ord. No. O-22-17]
Charles Bowling, 38 East 35th Street
Beginning at a point on the south side of East 35th Street, 244 feet west of the southwest corner of East 35th Street and Avenue E, and extending to a point 20 feet west thereof.
[Ord. No. O-14-22]
Mary Megale, 931 Broadway
Beginning at a point on the west side of Broadway, 110 feet south of the southwest corner of West 45th Street and Broadway, and extending to a point 17 feet south thereof.
[Ord. No. O-14-22; Ord. No. O-16-24; Ord. No. O-16-55]
[Ord. No. O-14-22; deleted 5-17-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-25]
Lewis Arlington, for his wife, Juliann Hoffman-Arlington, 311 Avenue C
Beginning at a point on the west side of Avenue C, 115 feet north of the northwest corner of West 12th Street and Avenue C, and extending to a point 18 feet north thereof.
[Ord. No. O-14-22]
Consuelo Carpenter, 25 North Street
Beginning at a point on the north side of North Street, 277 feet west of the northwest corner of North Street and Avenue A, and extending to a point 18 feet south thereof.
[Ord. No. O-14-22; amended 11-10-2021 by Ord. No. O-21-49]
[Ord. No. O-15-12; Ord. No. O-17-59]
[Ord. No. O-15-18; Ord. No. O-17-59]
Karim Abdelmalak for his daughter Hanna Noor 45 East 18th Street
Beginning at a point on the north side of East 18th Street, 127 feet west of the northwest corner of East 18th Street and Avenue E, and extending to a point 18 feet west thereof.
[Ord. No. O-15-20; Ord. No. O-16-24]
Rosemarie Devera, 93A West 45th Street
Beginning at a point on the north side of West 54th Street, 220 feet east of the northeast corner of Avenue B and West 45th Street, and extending to a point 20 feet east thereof.
[Ord. No. O-15-24]
[Ord. No. O-16-04; amended 10-21-2020 by Ord. No. O-20-57]
[Ord. No. O-16-16; Ord. No. O-22-05]
[Ord. No. O-16-16; Ord. No. O-18-55; amended 8-21-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-52]
[Ord. No. O-16-16; Ord. No. O-17-59]
[Ord. No. O-16-24; Ord. No. O-22-17]
Jane Wojslawowics, 44 East 19th Street
Beginning at a point on the south side of East 19th Street, 172 feet west of the southwest corner of East 19th Street and Avenue E, and extending to a point 20 feet west thereof.
[Ord. No. O-16-24]
[Ord. No. O-16-68; amended 5-15-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-37]
[Ord. No. O-16-37; deleted 7-19-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-35]
Zulima Trubbo, 153 West 21st Street
Beginning at a point on the north side of West 21st Street, 136 feet west of the northwest corner of West 21st Street and Avenue A, and extending to a point 18 feet west thereof.
[Ord. No. O-16-37]
[Ord. No. O-16-37; amended 9-25-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-55]
[Ord. No. O-16-37; amended 3-20-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-19]
Michael Alonso, 214A Avenue B
Beginning at a point on the east side of Avenue B, 33 feet south of the southeast corner of West 49th Street and Avenue B, and extending to a point 18 feet south thereof.
[Ord. No. O-17-08]
Jill Patella, 249 Prospect Avenue
Beginning at a point on the west side of Prospect Avenue, 270 feet south of the southwest corner of East 32nd Street and Prospect Avenue, and extending to a point 16 feet south thereof.
[Ord. No. O-16-47]
[Ord. No. O-16-68; Ord. No. O-18-40]
Annette Cappozzoli, 437 Kennedy Boulevard
Beginning at a point on the south side of West 16th Street, 80 feet west of the southwest corner of West 16th Street and Kennedy Boulevard, and extending to a point 19 feet west thereof.
[Ord. No. O-16-68]
[Ord. No. O-16-65; deleted 5-17-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-25]
[Ord. No. O-16-65; amended 11-6-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-63]
[Ord. No. O-16-65; amended 5-15-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-37]
Joseph Gebhardt, 1079 Avenue C
Beginning at a point on the west side of West 52nd Street, 37 feet north of the northwest corner of Avenue C and West 52nd Street, and extending to a point 16 feet north thereof.
[Ord. No. O-16-65; amended 10-16-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-59]
[Ord. No. O-16-65; amended 3-17-2021 by Ord. No. O-21-18]
[Ord. No. O-16-65; Ord. No. O-18-62]
Mary Jane Sheehan, 152 West 18th Street
Beginning at a point on the south side of West 18th Street, 76 feet west of the southwest corner of West 18th Street and Avenue A, and extending to a point 17 feet west thereof.
[Ord. No. O-16-65]
Jacqueline Garcia, 34 West 47th Street
Beginning at a point on the south side of West 47th Street, 281 feet east of the southeast corner of West 47th Street and Avenue C, and extending to a point 18 feet east thereof.
[Ord. No. O-16-68]
[Ord. No. O-17-02; amended 11-6-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-63]
Eriny Kaldes, 32 West 26th Street
[Ord. No. O-17-02; Ord. No. O-17-63]
[Ord. No. O-17-02; Ord. No. O-18-21]
[Ord. No. O-17-02; amended 6-19-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-42]
Theresa Starks, 458 Avenue C
Beginning at a point on the east side of Avenue C, 77 feet south of the southeast corner of Avenue C and West 20th Street, and extending to a point 19 feet south thereof.
[Ord. No. O-17-02]
[Ord. No. O-17-02; amended 11-6-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-63]
[Ord. No. O-17-27; Ord. No. O-18-73]
[Ord. No. O-17-27; deleted 4-19-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-17]
[Ord. No. O-17-27; Ord. No. O-18-55]
Henry Klarmann, 194 West 52nd Street
Beginning at a point on the south side of West 52nd Street, 81 feet east of the westerly terminus of the southerly curb line West 52nd Street and Newark Bay, and extending to a point 19 feet east thereof.
[Ord. No. O-17-27]
[Ord. No. O-17-27; amended 7-14-2021 by Ord. No. O-21-35]
[Ord. No. O-17-27; amended 2-20-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-15]
[Ord. No. O-17-27; Ord. No. O-19-46; Ord. No. O-19-55; deleted 4-19-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-17]
Anmary Zaky for her mother, Genyan Hana, 313 Avenue A
Beginning at a point on the west side of Avenue A, 133 feet south of the southwest corner of Pavonia Court and Avenue A, and extending to a point 17 feet south thereof.
[Ord. No. O-17-27; amended 2-20-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-15]
[Ord. No. O-17-27; Ord. No. O-18-17]
Omar Caal for his son Omar Caal, Jr., 76 Humphrey Avenue
Beginning at a point on the east side of Humphrey Avenue, 222 feet south of the southeast corner of West 4th Street and Humphrey Avenue, and extending to a point 18 feet south thereof.
[Ord. No. O-17-27]
[Ord. No. O-17-27; Ord. No. O-18-55]
John Wojturski, 845 Broadway
Beginning at a point on the north side of West 39th Street, 58 feet west of the northwest corner of West 39th Street and Broadway, and extending to a point 18 feet west thereof.
[Ord. No. O-17-27]
[Ord. No. O-17-27; deleted 5-17-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-25]
Annette Johnson, 63 West 14th Street
Beginning at a point on the north side of West 14th Street, 143 feet west of the northwest corner of West 14th Street and Avenue C, and extending to a point 18 feet west thereof.
[Ord. No. O-17-27]
[Ord. No. O-17-31; deleted 7-19-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-30]
[Ord. No. O-17-31; amended 3-17-2021 by Ord. No. O-21-18]
[Ord. No. O-17-41; amended 6-17-2020 by Ord. No. O-20-35]
Gayle Swierat, 187 West 32nd Street
Beginning at a point on the north side of West 32nd Street, 530 feet west of the northwest corner of West 32nd Street and Avenue A, and extending to a point 16 feet west thereof.
[Ord. No. O-17-41]
Carlos Castillo, 22 East 36th Street
Beginning at a point on the south side of East 36th Street, 254 feet east of the southeast corner of East 36th Street and Broadway, and extending to a point 15 feet east thereof.
[Ord. No. O-17-41]
[Ord. No. O-17-41; Ord. No. O-18-12]
[Ord. No. O-17-46; amended 11-6-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-63]
[Ord. No. O-17-41; amended 11-6-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-63]
[Amended 10-16-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-59]
In accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 39:4-197, the following off-street parking yards and Board of Education property are designated as Handicapped Parking areas. Such spaces are for use by persons who have been issued special identification cards, plates or placards issued by the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission, or a temporary placard issued by the Chief of Police. No other person shall be permitted to park in these areas.
Number of Spaces
Municipal Lot, 21st and Broadway
First 2 parking spaces in the northeast corner of Lot #1 (entrance on East 21st Street)
In accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40:48-2.46, the following off-street parking spaces are designated as handicapped parking areas. Such spaces are for use by persons who have been issued special identification cards, plates or placards by the Motor Vehicle Commission, or a temporary placard issued by the Chief of Police. No other person shall be permitted to park in these spaces.
No. of Spaces
In any space on public or private property appropriately marked for vehicles for the physically handicapped pursuant to N.J.S.A. 39:4-197.5, N.J.S.A. 52:27D-119 et seq., or any other applicable law unless the vehicle is authorized by law to be parked therein and a handicapped person is either the driver or a passenger in that vehicle. State, county, or municipal law enforcement officers or parking enforcement officers shall enforce the parking restrictions on spaces appropriately marked for vehicles for the physically handicapped on both public and private property.
In accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 39:5A-1, the following off-street parking locations are designated as handicapped parking. Such spaces are for use by persons who have been issued special identification cards, plates or placards by the Motor Vehicle Commission, or a temporary placard issued by the Chief of Police. No other person shall be permitted to park in these spaces.
Number of Spaces
In accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 39:5A-4, the following off street locations are designated as handicapped parking. Such spaces are for use by persons who have been issued special identification cards, plates or placards by the Division of Motor Vehicles, or a temporary placard issued by the Chief of Police. No other person shall be permitted to park in these spaces.
Number of Spaces
The owners of the premises referred to subsections 7-37.4 and 7-37.5, shall provide and install signs and pavement markings for each parking space reserved for the use of handicapped persons, which signs and markings shall be in accordance with the Manual On Uniform Traffic Control Devices. The cost of procurement and installation of the signs and pavement markings shall be the responsibility of the owner of the property. The owner shall subsequent to initial procurement and installation, maintain such signs and pavement markings in good condition at no cost or expense to the City of Bayonne. The owner shall be responsible for the repair and restoration of same.
In accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 39:4-197, the following Municipal and Board of Education Property shall have the movement of traffic controlled by the type of regulation indicated. No person shall operate or park a vehicle in violation of the regulation indicated.
Municipal Building. Parking shall be regulated as follows:
No parking of vehicles shall be permitted in excess of one hour Monday through Friday between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. on the parking platform located in the rear of the Municipal Building between 27th and 28th Streets.
No vehicle shall be parked in the municipal garage beneath the Municipal Building, located between 27th and 28th Streets on Avenue C, except those vehicles having a City-issued decal conspicuously displayed on any window on the driver's side of the vehicle. This decal will designate the assigned space. Any vehicle parked in the wrong designated parking space shall be in violation of this subsection.
No vehicle shall be parked on the parking area located at the rear of the Municipal Building between 27th and 28th Streets between the hours of 4:00 p.m. and 9:00 a.m., except authorized vehicles, a list of such vehicles to be on file in the City Clerk's Office.
Centralized Garage. There shall be no parking on the centralized garage property except by permit issued by the Director of the Department of Public Works, and no person shall park a vehicle except between the painted white lines designating parking stalls.
Board of Education; High School. The parking of vehicles in the Board of Education and high school parking lots located off Avenue A is hereby regulated and limited to as follows:
Parking in the following areas is reserved for vehicles bearing I.D. permits during the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. The permits shall be issued by the Superintendent of Schools. The permit must be affixed to the left rear side window of the vehicle.
The rear of the administration offices of the Board of Education;
The rear of the Bayonne High School;
The north side of Bayonne High School building, parallel parking only;
The south side of Bayonne High School Vocational Annex building;
The southerly, easterly and northerly sides of the tennis courts, with the sixth space on the easterly side of the tennis courts reserved;
The north side of the Bayonne High School Vocational Annex building facing 30th Street and two spaces located at the northwest corner of the vocational wing parallel to West 30th Street.
Beginning at a point 35 feet north of the southeast corner of the Physical Education Center extending to a point 35 feet south of the northeast corner of the Physical Education Community Education Center.
Beginning at a point 35 feet south of the southwest intersection of the axis roads located on the south side of the Physical Education/Community Education Center and extending to a point 50 feet north of the northerly curb of Veterans Park Road.
The most northerly two spaces at the rear of the administration office of the Board of Education are hereby designated as restricted parking spaces for use by persons who have been issued special identification cards by the Motor Vehicle Commission. No other person shall be permitted to park in this space.
All vehicles shall be parked in designated areas only.
All vehicles shall be parked between the painted white lines marked on the pavement.
All vehicles parked or standing as to obstruct or impede a normal flow of traffic or prohibit parked vehicles from making a safe exit from parking spaces, block entrances or exitways, loading zones, fire hydrants, oil fills, pedestrian walkway or present in any way a safety or traffic hazard, may be removed by towing the vehicles at the owners' expense.
Traffic flow shall be one way in the parking area on the easterly, northerly and westerly sides of the tennis courts with the entrance between the administration offices and tennis courts and the exit between the tennis courts and the Physical Education/Community Education Complex. Traffic shall also be one way from West 30th Street to the southerly side of the Physical Education/Community Education Complex and along the westerly side of the High School Complex south to Veterans Park Road. Traffic on all other roadways shall be two way.
Midtown Community School. There shall be no parking during the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday to Friday in the parking area located below the Midtown Community School, except by permit issued by the Superintendent of Schools. The permit must be affixed to the left rear window and the parking is permissible in all painted white lined designated stalls with the exception of the two handicapped spots located on the southeast side to the left of the ramp.
[1972 Code § 10-11; Ord. No. O-14-10; Ord. No. O-14-36; Ord. No. O-16-64; amended 11-9-2022 by Ord. No. O-22-41]
Zones Established. The following public off-street parking areas shall be parking meter zones:
Lots 34 and 35 in City Block 226, on the tax map of the City, all of which are located on East 19th Street, south side between Broadway and Avenue E.
Lots 1, 4, 15, 16, 17, 18 and 19 are approximately 1,350 square feet of Lot 24 in City Block 221 on the tax map of the City all of which are located between East 19th and East 21st Streets between Broadway and Avenue E.
Lots 22 and 23 in City Block 216 all of which are located on the south side of West 21st Street between Broadway and Avenue C.
Lot 4 in City Block 203 on the tax map of the City located on the north side of West 22nd Street between Broadway and Avenue C.
Lot 2 in City Block 195 on the tax map of the City of Bayonne all of which is located to the rear of 509-515 Broadway on the south side of West 24th Street between Broadway and Avenue C.
Lots 19, 6 and 22 in City Block 189 located to the rear of 527-531 Broadway and on the north side of West 24th Street between Broadway and Avenue C.
Lot 15 in City Block 198 on the tax map of the City all of which is located on the south side of East 24th Street between Broadway and Avenue E.
Lot 1 in City Block 191 on the tax map of the City all of which is located on the north side of East 24th Street between Broadway and Avenue E.
The westerly portion of Lot 11 in City Block 184 on the tax map of the City used as a parking lot located on the south side of East 26th Street between Broadway and Avenue E.
Lots 4, 5 and 6 in City Block 179 on the tax map of the City all of which are located on the north side of East 26th Street between Broadway and Avenue E.
Lots 5.01 and 5.02 in City Block 140 on the tax map of the City all of which are located on the north side of East 33rd Street between Broadway and Avenue E.
Lots 26 and 27 in City Block 277 on the tax map of the City also known by street address 9-11 West 9th Street, all of which are located to the rear of 229 Broadway on the north side of West 9th Street between Broadway and Avenue C.
Time Limits. The time limits for parking in the parking meter zones and off-street parking lots and the hours during the day when the meters are required to be used shall be as follows:
From 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday of each week, except on legal holidays.
The time limitations shall be indicated by designation on the parking meter or by appropriate signs posted in proximity to the meter in the zone.
Fees. When any vehicle shall be parked in any space adjacent to which a parking meter is located in accordance with the provisions of this section, the operator of the vehicle shall, upon entering the parking space, immediately deposit or cause to be deposited, one or more $0.25 coins of the United States in the parking meter. Failure to deposit the appropriate coin or coins to put the meter in operation shall constitute a violation of this subsection.
The fees shall be as follows:
Public Off-Street Parking Lots. $0.50 for each 30 minutes. There shall be a ten-hour limit where meters have been changed in the following lots:
West 23rd Street lot - 4
52 spaces 10 hours
West 24th Street lot - 5
37 spaces 10 hours
West 21st Street lot - 2
26 spaces up to 10 hours
West 22nd Street lot - 3
29 spaces 10 hours
East 24th Street south lot - 6
22 spaces 10 hours
East 24th Street north lot - 7
33 spaces 10 hours
East 26th Street south lot - 8
39 spaces 10 hours
East 26th Street north lot - 9
36 spaces 10 hours
East 19th Street south lot - 10
68 spaces 10 hours
East 33rd Street north lot - 11
33 spaces 10 hours
East 29th Street lot - 12
16 spaces 10 hours
West 31st Street lot - 13
22 spaces 10 hours
If any vehicle shall remain parked in any parking space beyond the time limit fixed by the coin deposited in the meter, the vehicle shall be considered parked overtime and the owner or operator thereof shall be in violation of this subsection.
However, no vehicle shall be deemed in violation of this chapter when parked at an inoperable meter not in excess of two hours.
Permit Parking. The Parking Utility or its designee may issue monthly parking lot permits not to exceed 40% of the total number of parking spaces in the lots under its jurisdiction except that there shall be no permit spaces in the two lots located on East 26th Street north and south sides between Broadway and Avenue E.
A fee of $150 per month for a daily permit fee and $70 per month for a night lot permit shall be payable to the Parking Utility in advance, and shall be evidenced by a virtual parking permit.
A motor vehicle with a valid daily permit may park between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. and a vehicle with a valid night lot permit may park between the hours of 7:00 p.m. and 9:00 a.m.
Motor vehicles without parking permits may park in permit parking spaces upon depositing or causing to be deposited the appropriate amount of coins in the meter for the desired parking period.
The issuance of a parking permit does not guarantee the permit holder a permit parking space.
Installation of Meters.
In the parking meter zones, when parking meters have been acquired, the Director of the Department of Public Safety shall cause the parking meters to be installed and maintained in such numbers and at such places as in his judgment may be necessary for the regulation, control and inspection of the parking of vehicles therein, and shall cause parking meter spaces to be designated as hereinafter provided. No parking meters shall be installed in any of the areas where parking is prohibited by Statute or ordinance.
The parking meters installed in the parking meter zones as established and provided for shall be placed upon the curb immediately adjacent to the individual parking places on the public streets and at appropriate positions in public parking lots. Each parking meter installed shall indicate by a proper legend the legal parking time established by the City and when operated shall indicate on and by its dial and pointer the duration of the period of legal parking and on the expiration of the period, shall indicate illegal or overtime parking.
Markings. The Director of the Department of Public Safety shall have markings painted or placed upon the curb or upon the street adjacent to each parking meter for the purpose of designating the parking space for which the meter is to be used and each vehicle parking adjacent or next to any parking meter shall park within the lines or markings so established. No person shall park any vehicle across any line or marking or park the vehicle in such position that the same shall not be entirely within the area so designated by the lines or markings.
Duty of Police Officers. It shall be the duty of the Police Officers of the City to inspect and check the use of the parking meters and to note and record the following:
The number of each parking meter which indicates that the vehicle occupying the parking space adjacent to such parking meter is or has been parked in violation of any of the provisions of this chapter.
The State license number of the vehicle.
Any other facts, a knowledge of which is necessary to a thorough understanding of the circumstances attending the violation.
Prohibited Acts.
It shall be unlawful for any person to deface, injure, tamper with, open or willfully break, destroy or impair the usefulness of any parking meter installed under the provisions of this section.
It shall be unlawful or any person to deposit or cause to be deposited in any parking meter, any slug, device or metallic substitute or any other substitute for any coin of the United States.
In accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40:48-2.46, the following private property that is open to the public and to which the public is invited, the movement of traffic shall be controlled by the regulations listed herein. No person shall operate or park a vehicle in violation of the following regulations.
The owners of the premises referred to in this section shall provide and install signs and pavement markings as required, which signage and markings shall be in accordance with the current Manual On Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). The cost of signs and installations shall be the responsibility of the owner of the property. The owner shall, subsequent to the initial procurement and installation, maintain such signs and pavement markings in good condition at no cost or expense to the City of Bayonne.
The penalty for a violation and conviction of this section shall be not less than $50 nor more than $1,000 and/or imprisonment in the County jail for a term not to exceed 90 days, or by a period of community service not to exceed 90 days.
In accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 39:5A-1, the regulations of Subtitle 1, Title 39 of the Revised Statutes are hereby made applicable to the properties listed below.
Block: 1801.01, Lot: 1 Port Lincoln Road
[Added 12-14-2022 by Ord. No. O-22-46]
N.J.S.A. 39:5A-1, Subtitle 1, Title 39
[1972 Code §§ 10-9.1, 10-9.2]
In accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 39:5A-4, the regulations of Subtitle 1, Title 39 of the Revised Statutes are hereby made applicable to the properties listed below.
Parking Prohibition. No person shall park or permit to be parked any motor vehicle, whether the motor vehicle is attended or occupied or not, in any part of any City park between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. commencing the last Sunday in April to the last Sunday in October, and between the hours of 8:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. during the remainder of the year.
Exception. Subsection 7-38.5a shall not apply to that area of the 16th Street Park, as delineated in red on the map entitled Proposed New Park Walkway, Fences, Play Area, Sidewalks, Planting Strips, Trees — Resurfacing Area C-1, dated May 7, 1975, drawing No. P-307, which is on file in the Office of the City Engineer and the Office of the Director of the Department of Parks and Recreation.
The owners of the premises referred to in subsections 7-38.3 and 7-38.4 shall provide and install signs and pavement markings as required, which signage and markings shall be in accordance with the Manual On Uniform Traffic Control Devices. The cost for the procurement and installation of signs and pavement markings shall be the responsibility of the owner of the property. The owner shall subsequent to initial procurement and installation, maintain such signs and pavement markings in good condition at no cost or expense to the City of Bayonne. The owner shall be responsible for the repair and restoration or replacement of same.
The owners of the premises referred to in this section shall provide and install signs and pavement markings as required, which signage and markings shall be in accordance with the current Manual On Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). The cost of signs and installations shall be the responsibility of the owner of the property. The owner shall, subsequent to the initial procurement and installation, maintain such signs and pavement markings in good condition at no cost or expense to the City of Bayonne.
The penalty for a violation and conviction of this section shall be not less than $50 nor more than $1,000 and/or imprisonment in the County jail for a term not to exceed 90 days, or by a period of community service not to exceed 90 days.
[Added 11-9-2022 by Ord. No. O-22-40]
Pursuant to R. 7:12-4, the following Local Supplemental Violations Bureau Schedule of designated offenses and Payable Amounts shall be approved by the vicinage Assignment Judge and shall be in effect for offenses committed on and after January 1, 2023. This Local Schedule shall be prominently posted for public inspection at the location of the Violations Bureau.
The Local Supplemental Violations Bureau Schedules that were prepared, pursuant to R. 7:12-4, for offenses committed prior to the effective date of this schedule shall be on file with the municipal court administrator and shall be available for public inspection upon request.
Designated Offenses
Ord. No.
Code Section
Short Description
As of 1/1/23
Parking Prohibited During State of Emergency
Temporary Parking Prohibition Snow Plowing
Stopping or Standing Prohibited
Parking Limited to 48 Hours
Parking Time Limited Meter Parking
Parking Prohibited for Street Cleaning
Parking Prohibited at All Times
Parking Prohibited During Certain Times
Residential Parking Permit Areas
Parking Prohibited Tractor Trailers
No Trailer Parking
Parking of Commercial Vehicle
Angle Parking
No Left Turn Into ShopRite
Right Turn on Red Prohibited Restricted Hours
Bus Stop
Handicapped Parking