[Ord. No. 95-588, Art.
X; Ord. No. 2003-722, §§ I,
III; amended 3-18-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-976]
In all zoning districts of the Borough, signs may be erected,
altered, maintained, used, removed or moved only in compliance with
the provisions of this article.
In addition to the definitions listed in Article
III, the following definitions shall apply to these regulations:
Any sign erected, construed or maintained on a building with
the principal support of said sign being the building, including specifically
the painting of signs or displays on the exterior surface of the building.
Attached signs shall not be more than 10 inches off of the building
to which they are attached.
A sign designating the name of a subdivision of residential
homes, whether single or multi-family, attached, or an apartment complex.
To build, construct, attach, place, suspend or affix and
shall also include the painting of wall signs and the painting of
signs or displays on the exterior surface of the building, structure
or material surface.
Any sign whose sole source of artificial illumination is
outside the display portion of the sign.
Any sign not attached to a building, erected, constructed
or maintained on a post, pole or other bracing or supporting device.
The distance between property lines of any property measured
along the right-of-way line of the street or road.
The lowest point of elevation of the finished surface of
the ground where the sign support structure meets the ground.
Any sign whose sole source of artificial illumination is
contained within the display portion of the sign.
A single sign relating to a use or facility such as a shopping
center, industrial park, or office complex where there is more than
one occupancy and/or tenancy or uses, where said multiple occupancy
and tenant uses a common parking facility and/or a common private
drive or roadway, and where the names and professions or business
names of the various tenants and/or occupants are displayed.
Any sign, including a billboard sign, located on a lot other
than a lot occupied by the use, event or product which said sign identifies.
Any sign, symbol or device erected, constructed or maintained
by the federal, state or county or local government, or any agency
thereof, for the purpose of informing or guiding the public, or for
the protection of the public health, safety and welfare.
Any person, firm, partnership, association, corporation,
company or organization of any kind.
A sign by an owner of real property or of a licensed real
estate broker designating a property "for sale" or "for lease."
An attached sign erected, constructed or maintained upon
or over the roof of any building where principal support of said sign
is the roof structure.
Any object, device, display, mural or structure of any part
thereof, situated outdoors or indoors, which is used to advertise,
identify, display, direct, or attract attention to an object, person,
institution, organization, business, product, service, event or location
by any means, including words, letters, figures, design, symbols,
fixtures, colors, illumination or projected images. This definition
shall specifically include any building or part of a building, including
walls and facades used for such purposes and shall further include
banners, pennants, flags, and similar blank devices. This chapter,
however, specifically excludes any sign inside a structure or building
which is not visible from outside of the building or structure.
In the case of a freestanding sign, will be computed from
grade level to the greatest height at any one point in the sign. In
the case of any attached sign, no sign can be higher than the level
of a second floor window sill in a two or more story building, or
cannot be higher than the lowest point of the roof line in a single
story building, except where a roof sign is expressly permitted in
certain zones.
A sign which is not permanently attached to a building structure
or permanently affixed to a freestanding structure, and which may
be erected for a limited period of time in compliance with the provisions
of this chapter.
A sign indicating no trespassing, no fishing and/or hunting,
and an existing danger where a warning is legally required.
A sign consisting of one or more banners, flags, pennants,
ribbons, spinners, streamers, captive balloons, or other objects or
material fastened in such a manner as to move upon being subjected
to pressure by wind.
Any sign erected, constructed or maintained in or on a window
of a building, visible from outside the building, whether illuminated
or nonilluminated.
No person shall erect, install or maintain the following signs
in the Borough:
a. Signs with visible moving, revolving or rotating parts or visible
mechanical movement of any description or other apparent visible movement
achieved by electrical, electronic or mechanical means, except for
traditional barber poles, gauges and dials that may be animated to
the extent necessary to display correct measurement, and time and/or
temperature signs, if the sign on which the time/or temperature displays
is located is an otherwise permitted sign under this chapter.
b. Signs with lights or illuminations that flash, move, rotate, scintillate,
blink, flicker, vary in intensity, vary in color, or use intermittent
electrical pulsations.
c. Signs with optical illusion of movement by means of a design that
presents a pattern capable of reversible perspective, giving the illusion
of motion or changing of copy.
d. Signs that incorporate projected images or emit any sound that is
intended to attract attention.
e. Any sign or structure that:
1. In any way obstructs the view of, may be confused with or purports
to be an official traffic sign, signal or device of any other official
2. Obstructs the view of motor vehicle operators entering a public roadway
from any parking area, service drive, private driveway, alley or other
3. Creates any other unsafe distraction for motor vehicle operations.
f. Any sign or structure that is structurally unsafe, constitutes a
hazard to safety of health by reason of inadequate maintenance or
dilapidation, is not kept in good repair, or is capable of causing
electrical shock to persons likely to come into contact with it.
g. Any sign, together with its supporting structure, that 90 days or
more after the premises have been vacated, advertises an activity,
business, product or service no longer produced or conducted upon
the premises upon which such sign is located, If the sign or sign
structure is covered or the identifying symbols or letters removed,
the Zoning Officer may grant an extension of time under this subsection
upon showing of good cause, but nothing in this subsection prohibits
permanent signs accessory to businesses that are open only on a seasonal
basis, if there is clear intent to continue operation of the business.
h. No sign shall be erected or maintained on a lot, tract or parcel
including any improvement thereon, with the exception of billboard
signs which are a permitted use in the GBD and LBD business zoning
districts along Berlin-Cross Keys Road and Blackwood-Clementon Road,
unless the message on the sign directly relates to the use of said
lot, tract or parcel.
i. No sign other than an official sign may be placed within the right-of-way
of any Borough or county street, road or right-of-way within the Borough.
j. No sign shall be attached, affixed or painted on trees, fences, rocks,
curbs, walks, hydrants, benches or bridges, except for warning signs
as defined herein indicating "no trespassing" and the like.
k. No vehicle shall be regularly parked, stopped or located in such
a manner as to be used as or considered a sign.
Upon application for a use variance or other approval to permit
a nonconforming use on a property in any zone where the use is not
permitted, the sign for said use may be approved by the Planning and/or
Zoning Board, subject to the following standards, regardless of the
proposed use:
a. If the property is in a residential zone, the sign must conform to
the sign standards established for residential zoning.
b. If the property is in any zone other than residential, the sign must conform to sign standards established for the zone in which the property is located, as set forth in Subsection