As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the
meanings indicated:
CURB-BOX (also known as a "valve box," "buffalo box," or "b-box")
A vertical cast iron sleeve, accessible from the public right-of-way,
housing the shutoff valve (curb-cock or curb-stop) for a property's
water service line. The curb-box is typically located between a building
and the water main lines and usually consists of a metal tube with
a removable or sliding lid, allowing access to the turn-key within.
A water/sewer service (or lateral) is the utility line connecting
the Town's utility main lines (water distribution system and
sewer collection system) to a property's premises plumbing. The
service or lateral originates at the connection of the main and includes
all piping, equipment, and appurtenances installed to deliver the
utility to the property, including any portion of that line that lies
within Town property, right-of-way, or easements.
The Town reserves the right to gain access to and utilize any valve, curb-stop, water meter or device controlling the flow or delivery of water. The individual property owner is responsible for the installation, maintenance and repair of service lines or laterals from the point of connection at the Town's water/sewer main to the private connection including any water meter, seals, sending unit, backflow prevention device or other equipment controlling, regulating or measuring the supply of any utility service. Such installation shall comply in all respects with Chapter
160, Applications and Permits, and Chapter
175, Construction Standards, Building and Fire. The Town is responsible for maintenance and repair of the main lines.
The Mayor shall designate a Town employee to serve as Water
Commissioner. The designated employee must hold a Level 1 certification
from the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality as a water operator.
This designation may be modified at any time at the discretion of
the Mayor.
The Water Commissioner or other designated employee shall have
the authority to investigate applications for water and sewer services.
The Water Commissioner shall also have the authority to terminate
or temporarily suspend water/sewer services as provided in this article.
The Town Clerk-Treasurer shall collect all water and sewer service
fees for individual connections to the Town's water and sewer
system. The Clerk-Treasurer shall issue official receipts for all
sums collected as cash and retain duplicate copies. All sums received
for water and sewer services shall at once be deposited into the Town's
The Town provides water and sewer services to properties and
premises within the Town's service area. Responsibility for payment
of connection fees, service fees, and special assessments applicable
to the provision of those services shall rest, in each instance, with
the owner of the property or premises, as recorded on the deed of
trust, to which said service is provided. All such connection fees,
service fees, and special assessments shall be billed to the property
or premises owner. Where billing is sent to someone other than the
owner, the fact that such owner shall not have been directly advised
of amounts owed shall not relieve said owner of the responsibility
to pay such amounts when due.
Corrections in billing activities will be made retroactively
for not more than three billing cycles in the billing period immediately
following validation of the error.
Where payments for water or sewer services provided by the Town
have been past due for 60 days from the billing date, the Town shall
have the right to file a lien against the property or premises to
which such services have been provided in the amount delinquent. Any
lien filed may be foreclosed as provided by law. In the event of foreclosure
or other civil action to recover amount(s) owed, the Town shall be
entitled to recover all costs of collection plus reasonable attorney's
Where any of the reasons set out in §
460-10 exist, water services provided by the Town may be terminated. At least 10 days prior to such termination a pretermination notice shall be sent to the owner or other party designated for receipt of statements of account for that property or premises. Such pretermination notice shall specify the date of proposed termination and shall indicate that services will not be restored until the account has been paid in full or until such other reason for termination has been corrected, together with an additional fee set by Town Council resolution to cover the cost of terminating and restoring the service. The pretermination notice shall also note the affected party's right to file a written appeal of the proposed termination. Such appeal must be received by the Town within 10 days of the date of mailing of said notice prior to the actual termination of services, and must state the reason why services should not be terminated. A timely written appeal stays any service termination until resolved by the Council. The Town shall not be held responsible for any damages, physical or otherwise, resulting in the termination of water and/or sewer service.
No person, association, firm or business shall make any unauthorized
connection or adjust, turn on/off, terminate or otherwise tamper with
the Town's water and sewer system.
A. Water utility.
(1) Unauthorized activities include but are not limited to adjusting, turning on/off, terminating or otherwise tampering with any fire hydrant, valve, curb-stop, device controlling the flow or delivery of water from the Town's waterlines, water meter or sending unit without the Town's permission. Any person, firm, corporation or other organization tampering with any device controlling the flow or delivery of water from the Town's waterlines, water meter or sending unit without the Town's permission is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be punished in accordance with §
460-33 as well as being responsible for all related costs of repair and being subject to termination of service under §
460-10. Nothing in this section shall limit the ability of the property owner to operate their own curb stop.
(2) No person, association, firm or business shall in any way tamper with any water meter or related sending unit installed in the Town or refuse access to a meter or related sending unit by authorized Town personnel. Meters and related sending units shall be accessible for service during reasonable hours. If the Town determines any meter has been tampered with or if access to any meter or related sending unit is denied, the billing rate for any month for which no reading is obtained will be $500 plus the base rate. A property owner may appeal such billing rate imposition to the Town Council for consideration. Failure to respond to notice requiring access within 10 days of date of mailing shall be deemed refusal of access. A letter to the owner or last known occupant shall be deemed proper notice. Any such appeal must be in writing and delivered to the Town Hall within 10 days of the receipt of the associated billing by the property owner or the appeal shall be barred. If, in any succeeding months, tampering reoccurs or access is denied, the consumer shall be subject to the termination of water service provision referred to in §
460-10. Any person, association, firm or business tampering with any water meter or related sending unit is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be punished in accordance with §
460-33 as well as being responsible for all related costs of repair.
B. Sewer utility.
(1) Unauthorized activities include but are not limited to accessing,
adjusting, or otherwise tampering with any manholes or cleanouts or
other structures associated with the sewer collection system.
(2) No person, association, firm or business shall place, pump, drain
or cause to be placed, pumped or drained any substance, material or
thing into the sewer lines, drains, manholes, vaults or sewage disposal
plant of the Town, other than through regular connections for which
a monthly fee is paid, without first having obtained permission to
do so pursuant to rules and regulations established by the Town Council.
(3) Any person, association, firm or business found guilty of violating this section is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be punished in accordance with §
460-33, as well as being responsible for all related costs of repair and being subject to termination of service under §
If, at any time for any reason, a scarcity of water occurs,
the Council by a majority vote may impose such restrictions upon water
consumption as it deems necessary to conserve the water supply of
the Town. Such restrictions shall include but not be limited to water
rationing or other conservation measures.
No person, association, firm or business shall wantonly waste
or make unreasonable use of water within the corporate limits, control
or jurisdiction of the Town.
The Town shall not be liable to the users or consumers of any
water and sewer services caused by any failure to supply water, interruptions
of water supply, discontinuation of water supply, scarcity of water,
accidents to works or mains, or during the time of alterations, additions
or repairs, or for any other unavoidable causes.