The regulations set out in this article shall apply to signs
erected, altered and maintained by and for permitted uses in all districts.
Signs governed by several regulations shall comply with all such regulations.
If state regulations for signs along highways are in conflict with
this article, the more restrictive rules shall apply.
The following types of signs shall be deemed to be outside the
scope of these regulations and shall not require a permit:
A. Signs required by law or authorized for a public purpose.
B. Nameplates and addresses for structures.
C. Cornerstones and historical markers.
D. Decorations of a temporary nature.
E. Window displays of actual merchandise.
F. Real estate "for sale," rental or lease signs not exceeding six square
feet in area.
G. Noncommercial signs which are informational and directional signs
with no advertising.
H. Danger or warning signs of a cautionary nature.
Only the following signs and no others shall be erected and
maintained in the following zoning districts:
Type of Sign
Permitted Districts
Business sign
A, C-1, C-2, I-1, I-2
Flashing sign
C-1, C-2, I-1, I-2
Illuminated sign
A, C-1, C-2, R-4, MH, I-1, I-2
Sandwich sign
C-1, C-2, I-1, I-2
Building complex sign
R-2, R-2A, R-4, MH
Bulletin sign
A, R-S, R-1, R-2, R-2A, R-4, MH, C-1, C-2
Home occupation sign
A, R-S, R-1, R-2, R-2A, R-4, MH, C-1, C-2, I-1, I-2
For-sale sign
All districts
Temporary construction sign
All districts
Signs shall be maintained in a good state of repair. Broken signs, signs unreadable because of deterioration, signs on vacant buildings, temporary signs not complying with §
475-166 and signs constituting a safety hazard may be ordered repaired or removed by the Zoning Administrator.
The following applies to business signs:
A. In figuring the gross surface area (in square feet), the total surface
area of each and every sign of the business shall be added together
for a total surface area, all signs large or small. If two signs are
back-to-back, only the surface area of one side of the sign shall
be included in this calculation. The total gross surface area (number
of square feet) of the business sign, or combination of business signs,
shall not exceed two times the number of linear feet of frontage of
the building. The total surface area shall not exceed 400 square feet
for each face of the sign. Individual letters, with no background,
shall be measured by the minimum rectangular area necessary to encompass
such letter or by a combination of rectangles as are necessary to
encompass letters of irregular dimension.
B. Any sign located within three feet of a driveway or parking area
or within 50 feet of the intersection of two or more streets shall
have its lowest elevation at least 10 feet above curb level. In a
unified shopping center in single ownership or control, one additional
sign may be erected to identify the center. The sign may be freestanding
or attached to a building wall. The sign shall display no more than
the name and location of the shopping center. The sign shall not exceed
30 feet in height and 15 feet in width, and its bottom edge shall
be at least eight feet above ground level.
C. Signs within 50 feet of a residential district shall be affixed to
or be a part of the building.
D. Overhead hanging and projecting signs, attached to buildings or awnings,
are permitted on Pine Street but must conform to the WYDOT signage
policies and regulations. These signs may only advertise the business
which they are mounted to.
E. Flashing signs shall be permitted after it is first determined by
the Zoning Administrator that the location and colors will in no way
create confusion with traffic lights and with lights on emergency
vehicles, and that the direct rays of light are not directed into
any dwelling district.
F. Illuminated nonflashing signs shall be permitted, providing the sign
is illuminated only during business hours when the sign is located
adjacent to a residential district; providing that, where the sign
is illuminated by a light or lights reflected upon it, direct rays
of light shall not beam upon any residential building or into any
residential district or into any street. Lighted signs in direct vision
of a traffic signal shall not be in red, green or amber illumination.
Clocks and/or thermometers for public convenience and information
are exempt from the time limitation.
G. Signs should be of permanent nature and vinyl banners are not permitted.
H. The following applies to off-site signage:
Signage must conform to the regulations that apply to the premises
where the sign is located.
Requires property owner permission.
A single business can only advertise at a maximum of two locations
off site.
The business being advertised must be located within Town limits.
The sole purpose of the sign is to provide information or direction
to the subject business.
Vacant property: The maximum square footage of signs is the
frontage of the parcel or 200 square feet, whichever is smaller. Individual
signs cannot exceed 40 square feet.
The off-site sign should be mounted flat against a building
wall if possible. If on a vacant property, the off-site sign should
be constructed of permanent material.
In a mobile home subdivision, planned mobile home development
or institutional or residential building complex, in addition to other
signs which may be allowed, a sign may be erected to identify the
building complex. The sign may be freestanding or attached to the
building wall. The sign shall display no more than the name and location
of the building complex. The sign shall not exceed 100 square feet
in area.
Bulletin boards and signs may be erected for churches and other
similar public institutions in the designated districts subject to
the following limitations:
A. One sign or bulletin board shall be permitted on each street frontage
if located on the same site as the principal building.
B. If the sign or bulletin board is illuminated, the lights shall be
directed away from adjoining residential uses.
C. No sign or bulletin board shall exceed 24 square feet in area.
D. No sign shall be located closer than eight feet from any side or
rear property line.
E. A sign or bulletin board located in the front yard shall be no closer
to the street line than 1/2 the required front yard.
F. A sign or bulletin board, affixed to a building, shall not project
higher than one story, or 10 feet above the ground level, whichever
is lower.
G. Ground signs shall be permanently anchored to the ground and shall
not exceed a height of six feet above normal grade.
H. Buildings constructed on the property line prior to the adoption
of the ordinance codified in this chapter shall be allowed one identification
sign only when the sign is a flat wall sign and permanently attached
to the building.
I. On corner lots, no sign shall be so constructed or so located that
will obstruct the view of traffic approaching the street intersection.
Any sign advertising a home occupation shall be subject to the
following limitations:
A. The sign shall consist only of a nonilluminated nameplate.
B. The nameplate shall not exceed six square feet in area.
C. The nameplate shall show only the name and/or address of the applicant.
D. There shall be no more than one nameplate for each dwelling unit.
E. The nameplate shall be affixed to the dwelling unit, flat against
the wall.
For-sale or for-rent signs not exempted from the provisions
of these regulations shall be subject to the following conditions:
A. Only one such sign shall be permitted for each front line of a zone
B. No sign shall exceed five square feet in area.
C. Signs shall be located no closer than five feet from any property
lines, providing the sign does not obstruct traffic.
D. When the sign is affixed to a building, it shall not project higher
than one story or 10 feet above the ground level.
E. Ground signs shall not project higher than six feet above ground
A political sign is a sign that promotes the nomination or election
of a particular candidate, a particular political party or particular
election issues during any phase of the election process. Political
signs are allowed on private property without a permit at any time.
This article shall not apply to signs of any type placed or
otherwise installed by the Town of Pinedale.