[BH Ord. 95-1, S 1]
The intent of this chapter is to protect the health, safety and welfare of minors in this Township, especially in light of:
The Frankford Board of Health's determination, based on medical and scientific evidence that cigarette smoking is a serious health hazard and tobacco is an addictive drug, that the prevention of smoking by minors is an important public health goal;
N.J.S.A. 2A:170-51 which bans the sale or furnishing of cigarettes to minors in any form;
The fact that tobacco vending machines are used by minors to purchase cigarettes and those machines are often placed so that merchants cannot supervise the persons buying these cigarettes, and the cigarettes are sold from the tobacco vending machines indiscriminately; and
The Surgeon General of the United States' call for a ban on the sale of cigarettes by tobacco vending machines.
Without this chapter the Township of Frankford is unable to prevent the sale of cigarettes to minors by vending machines.
[BH Ord. 95-1, S 1]
Board of Health shall mean the Board of Health of Frankford Township.
Health Officer shall mean the administrative officer of the Frankford Township Board of Health, and/or his or her authorized representatives.
Person, firm, corporation or association shall include the following: any person, firm, corporation or association in whose place of business or employment tobacco products are offered for sale, directly or by machine.
Tobacco products shall mean any product made from the tobacco plant or containing tobacco leaf, for the purpose of smoking, chewing, inhaling or other personal use, including but not limited to cigarettes, cigars, pipe tobacco, chewing tobacco, snuff, and dipping tobacco.
Tobacco retailer shall mean any person or entity which sells tobacco.
Tobacco vending machine shall mean any mechanical, electrical or electronic self-service device which, upon insertion of money, tokens or any other form of payment, dispenses tobacco or tobacco products, either exclusively or as one kind of available item.
[BH Ord. 95-1, S 1]
It shall be unlawful for a tobacco retailer to offer for sale or to sell tobacco through a tobacco vending machine in Frankford Township.
[BH Ord. 95-1, S 1]
Whenever the Health Officer, or his/her designee, reasonably believes there exists a violation of this chapter, he/she may issue a summons and complaint not later than 90 days after discovery of the alleged violation. The complaint shall be written and shall state with reasonable particularity the nature of the violation, including reference to the article and section of this chapter alleged to have been violated. The complaint shall be delivered or sent by certified mail to the alleged violator.
The Health Officer, or his/her designee, or any other person charged with enforcement of this chapter, after giving proper identification, may inspect any matter, thing, premises, place, person, record, vehicle, incident or event as necessary.
It shall be unlawful for any person to molest, willfully oppose, verbally abuse or otherwise obstruct the Health Officer, or his/her designee, or any other person charged with enforcement of this chapter during the routine performance of this or his/her duties.
The Health Officer, or his/her designee, may request the assistance of the New Jersey State Police or other police agency or peace officer when necessary to execute his or her official duty in a manner prescribed by law.
Citizens may bring complaints against violators of this chapter.
[BH Ord. 95-1, S 1]
Any person owning, operating, renting or permitting the use of a tobacco vending machine on premises under his or her control in violation of this chapter, upon conviction shall be subject to a fine of $250. Each day on which such a machine is owned, operated, rented or permitted on the premises, in violation of this chapter, shall result in an additional fine.