[Ord. No. 462-02 § 2]
Ducks and geese have been encouraged to halt their normal migration and to establish a permanent presence in the Cape Island area due primarily to the feeding of the water fowl by Cape May Point residents and visitors. Growing populations of water fowl have resulted in large amounts of additional water fowl droppings that potentially can spread disease. Other problems caused by the droppings are excess nutrients in Lake Lilly and its surroundings, that in turn, cause algae blooms (which propagates eutropolcation, choking off the lake's oxygen supply) damage to lawns, soiling of roadways and sidewalks and foot traffic carry the droppings into the houses.
The State of New Jersey has contributed considerable funding for the restoration of Lake Lily and it is the Borough's responsibility to minimize the attraction of these birds by restricting their feeding and other acts that encourage the ducks and geese to halt their migrations and to stay in Cape May Point.
[Ord. No. 462-02 § 3]
For the purposes of this prohibition, water fowl is defined as a bird, wild or domestic, which is capable of swimming, wading, diving on, in or below water.
It shall be unlawful for anyone to provide food for waterfowl.
No person shall feed, cause or permit to be fed or provide food for domestic or migratory water fowl in lands, either privately or publicly owned.
No person shall create or foster any condition or allow any condition to exist or continue which results in a congregation or congestion of domestic or migratory water fowl.
[Ord. No. 462-02 § 4]
The Borough shall provide street signage and/or take other means to inform the public about the prohibitions of this Article.
The Borough shall take reasonable actions to discourage or otherwise rid the Borough of water fowl pests on an as-needed basis as determined by the Borough Environmental Commission.
[Ord. No. 462-02 § 5]
Following a 90 day educational period, any person or persons who shall violate the prohibitions of Section 54-35 shall be fined not less than $100 nor more than $500 for each offense. Each incident or each day that such an offense continues or reoccurs shall be deemed a separate offense.