[1988 Code § 70-4; Ord. No. 570-09]
No person, firm, corporation or other entity shall, within the limits of the Borough:
Littering. Litter or throw or discard any tin cans, bottles, garbage, refuse, trash or waste material of any kind whether or not in containers, cans or enclosures in or on any public place or public right-of-way or in or on any private property not his or her own.
Dumping. Discard or dump any household or commercial solid waste in any place not specifically designated for the purpose of solid waste storage or disposal.
Storage of Bulky Items. Store in areas zoned residential any bulky household items such as appliances, furniture or mattresses, except in a fully enclosed structure or during days designated for the collection of bulky items.
Tires. Store any tire or tires in areas zoned residential, except in a fully enclosed structure or on days designated for the collection of tires.
Storage of Vehicles. Keep any inoperable or unregistered vehicle on any street, vacant lot or residential yards or lawns.
Covering of Vehicles. Operate or permit the operation of any vehicle without a cover to prevent loads from dropping, sifting, leaking or otherwise escaping.
Construction Sites. Accumulate any debris on or around any construction site or permit it to be stored in such a manner that it is likely to be removed by natural forces onto adjacent property.
Overflowing Waste Bins and Dumpsters. Keep or permit any open or overflowing commercial, industrial or residential waste disposal bins.
Sweeping Into Gutters or Streets. Sweep into or deposit in any gutter, street, catch basin or other public place any accumulation of litter from any public or private sidewalk or driveway.
Landscape and Construction Debris; Ponds and Lakes. Place or cause to be placed any trash, garbage, brush, fill or other landscape debris or construction waste or debris in any channel, ditch, storm sewer or storm drain which carries storm drainage water, or in any pond, lake or basin which stores stormwater.
Location and Storage of Trash. Location of trash and recycle storage shall be in the side or rear yard of the structure, screened from public view from the street. In the case of corner lots, storage shall be in a yard area that does not front on a street, screened from public view from the street.
[1988 Code § 70-5]
All persons, firms, corporations and other entities within the limits of the Borough shall provide litter receptacles and their servicing at the following public places which exist in the municipality;
Buildings held out for use by the public, including government buildings and bus stations.
Self-service refreshment areas.
Construction sites.
Parking lots.
Public and private piers operated for public use.
Beaches and bathing areas.
Special events to which the public is invited, including sporting events, parades, carnivals, circuses and festivals.
The proprietors of these places or the sponsors of these events shall be responsible for providing and servicing the receptacles such that adequate containerization is available.
[1988 Code § 70-5]
Every owner, lessee, tenant, occupant or person in charge of any building or structure shall keep and cause to be kept the sidewalk and curb abutting the building or structure free from obstruction and nuisances of every kind and to keep said sidewalks, areaways, back yards, courts and alleys free from litter and other offensive material.
Every person who owns or occupies property shall keep the sidewalk in front of his or her premises free of litter; and all sweepings shall be collected and properly containerized for disposal.
[1988 Code § 70-7]
Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any provision of this chapter shall, upon conviction, be liable to the penalty stated in Chapter 1, Section 1-5.