[1988 Code § 150-5]
No person (unless otherwise authorized by law or by order of the Board of Adjustment) shall occupy or use any land or construct or locate any building within the Borough of Cape May Point except in conformity with the restrictions and regulations established by this chapter for the zone in which such land or building is located and in conformity with all other pertinent terms and provisions of this chapter.
[1988 Code § 150-7]
No person (unless otherwise authorized by law) shall aid or assist any person in the occupation or use of any land or in the construction or location of any building within the Borough of Cape May Point unless such occupation or use of land or unless such building is in conformity with the restrictions and regulations established by this chapter for the zone in which such land or building is located and in conformity with all the other pertinent terms and provisions of this chapter.
[1988 Code § 150-7; N.J.S.A. 40:49-5; New]
Any building or structure which shall be constructed or located on or after the effective date of this chapter in violation of the restrictions or regulations established thereby for the zone in which such building or structure is located and/or in violation of any of the other pertinent terms and provisions of this chapter shall be changed, altered, corrected and/or relocated by the person who constructed or located such building and by the owner of the land on which such building or structure is situate, so that such building or structure and the premises of which it is a part shall thereafter conform to the restrictions and regulations established by this chapter for the zone in which such building or structure is located and shall conform to all other pertinent terms and provisions of this chapter. Such change, alteration, correction and/or relocation of building or structure shall be made and effected within 30 days next after the Zoning Officer shall have made and shall have served upon the person who constructed or located such building and/or upon the owner of the land on which such building or structure is situate, an order in writing directing that such change, alteration, correction and/or relocation of the building or structure be made and effected within 30 days next after making the service of such order, which order the Zoning Officer may serve or cause to be served by delivering the same or a duplicate thereof to the person to whom such order is directed or by forwarding the same or a duplicate thereof, by first class mail, to the last known post office address of such person and by posting a duplicate of such order on the building or premises mentioned.