In order to assist Code users in the transition to the new Code's organization, the Derivation Table indicates where chapters and articles of the 2006 Code of Ordinances have been included in the 2020 Code, or the reason for exclusion.
Not Code material (legislation is not general or permanent in nature).
Not applicable; was reserved in prior publication.
Not included in Code but saved from repeal.
Chapter/Title From 2006 Code of Ordinances
Location in 2020 Code
Ch. 1, General Provisions
Ch. 1, Art. I; Ch. 1, Art. II
Ch. 2, County Ordinance Exemption
Ch. 12
Ch. 3, Adequate Public Facilities
Ch. 304
Ch. 4, Alcoholic Beverages, Consumption of
Ch. 130, Art. I
Ch. 5, Animal Control
Ch. 135
Ch. 6, Bicycles, Skateboards
Ch. 146
Ch. 7, Building Code
Ch. 150
Ch. 8, Business License
Ch. 263
Ch. 9, Cable Television Franchise
Ch. A500, Art. I
Ch. 10, Civil Emergencies
Ch. 183
Ch. 11, Competitive Bidding
Ch. 87
Ch. 11A, Curfew Ordinance
Ch. 162
Ch. 12, Drug Free Zone
Ch. 171
Ch. 13, Dust Abatement
Ch. 337, Art. II
Ch. 14, Elections
Ch. 25
Ch. 15, Erosion and Sedimentation, Control of
Ch. 337, Art. I
Ch. 16, Ethics, Code of
Ch. 33
Ch. 17, Excavations
Ch. 349, Art. I
Ch. 18, Fire Regulations
Ch. 205
Ch. 19, Firearms and Weapons
Ch. 202
Ch. 20, Flood Plain Management
Ch. 209
Ch. 21, Forest Conservation Act
Ch. 213
Ch. 22, Housing Authority
Ch. 41
Ch. 23, Investment Policy
Ch. 48
Ch. 24, Junk and Salvage Areas
Ch. 242
Ch. 24A, Loitering Ordinance
Ch. 269
Ch. 25, Mobile Homes
Ch. 277
Ch. 26, Noise Ordinance
Ch. 286
Ch. 27, Planning Commission
Ch. 84
Ch. 28, Right of Entry
Ch. 349, Art. III
Ch. 29, Salaries, Mayor and Council
Ch. 106, Art. I
Ch. 30, Sanitation Services
Ch. 341
Ch. 31, Sidewalks and Curbs; Snow Removal
Ch. 349, Art. II
Ch. 32, Stormwater Management
Ch. 345
Ch. 33, Traffic and Motor Vehicles
Ch. 378, Art. I
Ch. 34, Vehicles, Abandoned
Ch. 373
Ch. 35, Vehicles, Impoundment
Ch. 378, Art. III
Ch. 36, Vehicles, Parking, Standing
Ch. 378, Art. II
Ch. 37, Water and Sewer
Ch. 400, Part 1
Ch. 38, Water and Sewer Rates
Ch. 400, Part 2
Ch. 39, Water, Mandatory Hookup
Ch. 400, Part 3
Ch. 40, Weeds, Grasses and Vegetation
Ch. 406
Volume 2, Land Use Management
Comprehensive Plan
Subdivision Ordinance
Reserved for Zoning Ordinance
Volume 3, Budget Ordinance
Budget Ordinance
Annual Audit