[HISTORY: Adopted by the Mayor and Town Council of the Town of Hancock 5-10-2006 as Ch. 21 of the 2006 Code of Ordinances. Amendments noted where applicable.]
The Town of Hancock, a municipal corporation existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Maryland is required pursuant to the provisions of the Annotated Code of Maryland, Natural Resources Article, Subtitle 16, Forest Conservation, § 5-1603, Local Forest Conservation Program, to develop a forest conservation program or to assign the obligations under the Forest Conservation Act[1] to the Board of County Commissioners of Washington County, Maryland, with the concurrence of the Board of County Commissioners and the Department of Natural Resources.
Editor's Note: See the Natural Resources Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland, Natural Resources Article, §§ 5-1601 through 5-1613.
The Mayor and Council Town of Hancock, as its duly constituted legislative body has determined to assign said obligations to the Board of County Commissioners of Washington County, Maryland, pursuant to the provisions of said Act.
Pursuant to the provisions of the Annotated Code of Maryland, Natural Resources Article, Subtitle 16, § 5-1603(a)(3), Local Forest Conservation Program, the Town of Hancock, a municipal corporation with planning and zoning authority, does hereby request to and does assign its obligations under said Act, which is commonly known and designated as the "Forest Conservation Act," to the Board of County Commissioners of Washington County, Maryland, (Washington County).
The Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to execute the attached assignment of obligations under the Forest Conservation Act agreement.
The Mayor is further authorized and directed to execute any other instruments and documents necessary to effectuate the purposes of this chapter, resolution, and agreement.[1]
Editor's Note: The Forest Conservation Act was adopted previously and has been administered and enforced by the county. This ordinance is in confirmation thereof.