[HISTORY: Adopted by the Mayor and Town Council of the Town of Hancock as Ch. 32 of the 2006 Code of Ordinances. Amendments noted where applicable.]
The Board of County Commissioners of Washington County, Maryland (the "Board"), has duly adopted an ordinance entitled "Stormwater Management Ordinance for Washington County, Maryland" pursuant to Maryland Code, Environment Article, Title 4, Subtitle 2, hereinafter referred to as the "County Ordinance."
The Mayor and Council of the Town of Hancock, as its duly constituted legislative body, have reviewed the County Ordinance and believe it satisfactory and in the best interests of the citizenry of the community and the Town.
The Board of County Commissioners of Washington County, Maryland, have agreed to provide the administration and enforcement of the County Ordinance within the corporate limits of the Town as provided by the Annotated Code of Maryland and the administrative regulations of the state and county.
The Mayor and Council has determined to adopt the County Ordinance and regulations promulgated in reference to stormwater management;
Be it resolved, enacted and ordained by the Mayor and Council, as the duly constituted legislative body of the Town, that the existing resolutions and ordinances pertaining to stormwater management are hereby revoked.
Be it further resolved, enacted, and ordained that an ordinance entitled "Stormwater Management Ordinance for Washington County, Maryland," enacted by the Board of County Commissioners of Washington County (the "Board"), is hereby adopted as it now exists and as it may from time to time be amended.
Be it further resolved, enacted, and ordained that said ordinance, which was passed by the Board on July 17, 2001, is hereby attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference.[1]
Editor's Note: The Stormwater Management Ordinance for Washington County, Maryland, is on file in the Town offices.
Be it further resolved, enacted, and ordained that the Board of County Commissioners of Washington County, Maryland, the Washington County Engineering Department and, if applicable, all other appropriated and designated agencies or agents thereof shall administer and enforce the provisions of the County Ordinance with the corporate limits of the Town.[1]
Editor's Note: See attached correspondence between Robert E. Kuczynski, Attorney for the Town of Hancock, and Richard Douglas County Attorney for Washington County, Maryland, advising of the enactment of the Washington County Stormwater Management Ordinance by the Town of Hancock, copy of the Resolution of the Board of County Commissioners authorizing and accepting said administration of the Washington County Stormwater Management Ordinance in the Town of Hancock; correspondence from the Maryland Department of the Environment, dated __________ approving the stormwater management program.
The provisions hereof shall be and become effective 20 days after the date of its passage.[1]
Editor's Note: Former Chapter 23, Hancock Code, effective August 8, 2001, recorded at Liber 9, folio 446, among the Acts, Ordinances and Resolutions of Towns in the Office of the Clerk of the Court for Washington County, Maryland.