[HISTORY: Adopted by the Mayor and Town Council 5-10-2006 as Ch. 40 of the 2006 Code of Ordinances. Amendments noted where applicable.]
No person shall permit any growth of weeds, grasses, brush, or vegetation of any kind, except for ornamental shrubbery, flowers and vegetation, in excess of a height of six inches to remain on any lot or parcel of real estate located within the corporate limits. This provision shall not be applicable to any area that may be located within the corporate limits which is being utilized for agricultural purposes. This section of this chapter shall be applicable to undeveloped land lying fallow within the corporate limits that is either subdivided or intended to be subdivided and whether of an agricultural nature or not.
No person shall permit any growth of weeds, grasses, or brush to the height of six inches or over to remain within an area extending between the curbline of any street, alley, or highway and the boundary line of said adjacent parcel of real estate owned or controlled by him within the corporate limits of the Town.
In the event that the Town Clerk or a Code Enforcement Officer or some other person duly authorized by the Mayor and Council to enforce the provisions of this chapter makes a determination that a violation on property exists in accordance with the provisions of § 406-1, then the Clerk shall notify the owner or responsible person of said matter. In the event that any owner of real estate or lots of ground or parcels of land, or the person in charge or possession thereof, shall refuse, fail, or neglect for any reason whatsoever after having been sent such notice to cut and remove weeds, grasses, vegetation, or brush within the boundaries of such lots or parcels or real estate as required by § 406-1 of this chapter, then the same may be done by a person employed to do so on behalf of the Town by the Town Clerk or Tax Collector or such officer as may be designated by the Mayor and Council to employ such person. Such person designated may be an employee of the Town of Hancock.
A statement of account for the actual or established cost of clearing and removing weeds, grasses and brush as provided for herein shall be presented to the Mayor and Council at any regular or special meeting and, if approved, shall be placed in the hands of the Town Tax Collector and Treasurer, who shall immediately record the same among his records and enter therein the time and date of such recordation and the amount thereof.
The amount of the cost of clearing and removing weeds, grasses, and brush as provided for in the preceding section of this chapter shall be a debt due and owing by the owner of the lot or parcels of real estate in question and shall become due and payable when the statement thereof is placed in the hands of the Town Tax Collector and Treasurer as provided for in § 406-3 of this chapter.
Any such charge shall become a lien upon the lot or parcels of real estate, together with the improvements thereon.
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Any individual, corporation of any kind whatsoever whether profit or nonprofit, partnership, business association, or legal entity of any type.
The violation of the provisions of this chapter shall be considered a misdemeanor. In addition to the other remedies provided herein, anyone violating the provisions of this chapter shall upon conviction be fined not less than $50 nor more than $100 for each offense. Each day of violation shall constitute and be a separate offense.