Conditional uses are listed in each zoning district in this chapter where consistent with the purpose statement for the district. Only those uses expressly listed as conditional uses in a particular zoning district may be considered for approval within that zoning district.
Submission requirements.
A landowner proposing a conditional use on a lot shall submit a development narrative and a land development plan in support of his/her project.
The development narrative shall demonstrate that the following concerns will be addressed:
That the proposed use is a conditional use provided for in the zoning district based on a detailed description of all aspects of the use;
The use shall not endanger the public health, safety or welfare if located where proposed, and will not deteriorate the environment or generate nuisance conditions;
The use is compatible with, or will support the existing and projected development in the neighborhood of the site;
The use can be accommodated on the site within the lot area, setback and coverage requirements of the zoning district or with minor variances from the terms of this chapter can be accommodated;
The use will not require extensive earthmoving or revision of drainage patterns;
The use shall not create excessive traffic congestion or dangerous conditions on roads abutting the property, unless such congestion or dangerous conditions will be mitigated by off-site improvements provided by the developer;
Areas of the property to be disturbed but not to be covered by buildings, driveways or parking shall be landscaped and maintained;
Adequate off-street parking shall be provided on the same property as the use, in accordance with § 350-707;
Access points to the property shall be located as remotely as possible from street intersections, and adequate sight distances shall be available at access points for entering and departing vehicles as well as for through traffic on abutting roads; and
The water supply must provide for a minimum usage of 65 gallons of water per day per person.
The accurately drawn and scaled land development plan shall be drawn in compliance with the provisions of Chapter 295, Subdivision and Land Development.
Planning Commission.
An application for conditional use approval shall be reviewed first by the Brady Township Planning Commission. The applicant shall submit all required information and fees to the Township Secretary at least 15 days prior to the regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning Commission that the application will be considered. The Planning Commission may refuse to accept the application if it is incomplete.
When the Brady Township Planning Commission determines that the application is complete and the proposal meets the conditions for the use, it shall at a regular meeting make a recommendation and communicate it to the Supervisors in writing. The report to the Supervisors shall specify the deficiencies or positive attributes of the application and the minutes of the Planning Commission may serve as written notice to the Supervisors. The Commission may recommend approval of the application as presented, approval if certain specific changes/recommendations are made, or denial with specific deficiencies noted.
The Board of Supervisors commence a public hearing, pursuant to public notice, on a completed request, as determined by the Zoning Officer for conditional use within 60 days from the date of receipt of the completed request, unless the applicant agrees in writing to a time extension. Each subsequent hearing shall be held within 45 days of the prior hearing unless otherwise agreed to by the applicant. Any party aggrieved by the schedule or progress of the hearings may apply to the Court of Common Pleas for judicial relief. The hearing shall be completed no later than 100 days after the completion of the applicant's case in chief, unless extended for good cause upon application to the Court of Common Pleas. The Board of Supervisors may ask for additional information or continue the hearing, but shall render a written decision as indicated in this section within 45 days of conclusion of the hearing.
The hearing shall be conducted by the Board or the Board may appoint any member or an independent attorney as a Hearing Officer. The decision, or where no decision is called for, the findings shall be made by the Board. However, the applicant in addition to the municipality may, prior to the decision of the hearing, waive decision or findings by the Board and accept the decision or findings of the Hearing Officer as final.
In addition, notice of the public hearing shall be mailed at least 30 days prior to the date of the public hearing by first-class mail to the addresses to which real estate tax bill are sent for all real property located within the area being rezoned as evidence by tax records. The notice shall include the location, date and time of the public hearing. Individual notification shall not apply in the case of a comprehensive rezoning and a good faith effort and substantial compliance shall satisfy these requirements.
If conditions are attached to approval, the applicant shall inform the Township Secretary within 60 days after the decision that he/she will accept them. Failure of the applicant to acknowledge acceptance of the conditions within 60 days of the date of the decision renders the approval void.
When the Board of Supervisors fails to render a decision within 45 days following the close of the hearing or fails to commence a hearing within 60 days of receipt of a completed application as determined by the Planning Commission, the decision shall be deemed to have been rendered in favor of the applicant unless he/she has agreed in writing or on the record to the specific extension of time. If the decision is rendered in this manner, the Board shall give public notice within 10 days from the last day on which the decision could have been rendered that the application has been approved as presented.
The Board shall communicate its decision in writing to the applicant personally or by mail no later than the day after the date of the decision.
The applicant shall apply for a zoning permit, building permit or occupancy/use permit. Construction is required within one year of the date of the Board's approval, which shall attach to the property and may be passed to succeeding owners. The accepted conditions shall be noted on the building or occupancy/use permit. If no building or occupancy/use permit is applied for within one year, the conditional use approval shall be considered null and void.
Any expansion of a conditional use proposed after the initial specific approval shall be subject to the application and review requirements of this article.
Any property devoted to a use which is listed as conditional in Articles IV and V of this chapter for the zoning district where the property is located at the time of adoption of this chapter or subsequent amendment affecting the property may continue to operate where the owner proposes to expand the use, he/she shall be subject to the application and review requirements of this article.
Conditional use in the LI Light Industrial District.
Adult businesses shall include:
Adult arcades.
Adult bookstores, or adult video stores.
Adult cabarets.
Adult motels/hotels.
Adult motion-picture theaters.
Adult theaters.
Escort agencies.
Nude model studios.
Adult businesses shall not be located within 1,000 linear feet of any property which is zoned residential.
Adult businesses shall not be located within 500 feet of the property boundary line of the following uses:
Public or private school (existing).
Day-care center.
Group care facility.
Nursery school.
Personal care home.
Public park or playground.
Church (place of worship).
Establishment licensed to serve or sell alcoholic beverages.
No adult business shall be located within 1,000 linear feet of any other existing or proposed adult business.
Any adult business which exhibits on the premises, film, video cassette or other method of image production which depicts nudity or sexual conduct shall comply with the following:
At least one employee shall be on duty at all times that any patron is on the premises.
Where viewing rooms are located on the premises, an unobstructed view of access to all such rooms shall be available to the employee on duty.
No viewing room shall be occupied by more than one person at any time.
No connections or openings to adjoining viewing rooms shall be permitted.
A minimum of one footcandle of illumination measured at floor level shall be provided in every area where patrons are permitted access.
Where live performances are given, separate stage and viewing areas shall be provided with separate access to each and no connecting access between the areas.
Alcoholic beverages shall not be sold on the premises of an adult business.
An annual occupancy/use permit issued by the Zoning Officer shall be secured prior to the operation of any adult business.
Hours of operation shall be Monday through Saturday, 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., and closed on Sundays.
Conditional use in the R Residential Zoning Districts. Maximum eight dwelling units per structure. Each apartment shall contain, for the exclusive use of its occupants, its own toilet and washing facilities in separate rooms as well as a stove or cooktop, refrigerator and food preparation area.
An apartment shall be considered a dwelling unit within a building containing at least three such units, each independent of the others and each with access to a common hall leading to the outside or with access directly to the outside.
Sanitary sewer and water services. Each apartment building or group of buildings on the same lot shall be connected to a sewage collection and treatment system and water supply system acceptable to the Sewage Enforcement Officer and the State Department of Environmental Protection. The developer shall establish a public utility company to operate the systems.
Dwelling density. Apartments: one dwelling per 5,000 square feet of lot area.
Dwelling size. Excluding stairways and halls, utility and storage rooms, each dwelling shall contain at least the following floor area:
Efficiency (one person, one room) apartment: 200 square feet;
One-bedroom apartment: 320 square feet;
Two-bedroom apartment: 450 square feet.
An apartment may be located within an otherwise commercial building for the owner, operator or manager. The second floor above retail business space on the ground floor may be occupied by apartments.
Parking shall be provided as required by § 350-707.
In the event that the dwellings are to be sold to create condominiums, the owner of the building or buildings shall establish an association of condominium purchasers, to which all purchasers must belong, to succeed in the owner's interests. The association shall have the power to annually levy and collect assessments from the purchasers to operate the services and common areas formerly the owner's responsibility. The association's by-laws shall be reviewed by the Township Solicitor to determine that the interests of the purchasers and the Township are protected.
Conditional use in the HC Highway Commercial Zoning District.
The premises shall be maintained so as to not constitute a nuisance or a menace to public health and safety.
No garbage or other organic waste shall be stored on the premises.
The manner of storage shall facilitate access for firefighting equipment and shall prevent accumulation of stagnant water.
The operation shall comply with the performance standards of § 350-709 of this chapter.
No junk or wrecked vehicles shall be stored or accumulated and no structure shall be constructed within 100 feet of any dwelling unit or within 40 feet of any property line or public street.
An opaque fence, a minimum of six feet in height shall be provided around the entire perimeter of the lot.
The fence shall be supplemented with planted screening material which creates a visual barrier that is at least 80% opaque.
The operator shall obtain a license from the Township prior to initiating operations which shall be renewable annually upon payment of a fee established by resolution of the Township Board of Supervisors and inspection by the Zoning Officer or his authorized representative to determine continuing compliance with these standards.
Conditional use in the AR Agricultural Residential and R Residential Zoning Districts.
All floors above grade shall have two direct means of egress to exit the structure.
One off-street parking space shall be provided for each room available for rent in addition to those required for the dwelling unit.
An approved means of sewage disposal and water supply shall be provided. Bed-and-breakfast establishments that use or propose to use an on-lot sewage disposal system shall obtain a written statement from the Township Engineer certifying that the system is properly designed to accommodate the use.
Conditional use in the PC Park Conservation Zoning District.
A minimum site of 10 acres shall be required.
A drainage plan shall be submitted with the application to show existing and proposed runoff characteristics.
Ingress, egress and internal circulation shall be designed to ensure safety and minimize impact on local roads. Plans for ingress/egress shall be reviewed by the Township Supervisors for comments regarding public safety. The applicant shall demonstrate that the granting of the proposed use shall not materially increase traffic congestion on adjacent roads and highways.
All property lines adjoining residential use or zoning classification shall be screened by a planted buffer yard as required by § 350-708 of this chapter.
Parking for principal structures such as chapels or mausoleums shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of § 350-707 of this chapter.
Conditional use in the LI Light Industrial Zoning District. The following regulations will be followed where a satellite dish is greater than one meter in diameter or multiple satellite dishes are erected.
The dish antennas and accessory equipment shall comply with all area, dimensional, and yard setbacks for the zoning district in which the dish antennas is located.
The dish antennas installation will comply with all federal and state regulations.
Dish antennas shall be blended with the existing the primary structure, if mounted on said structure, to the greatest extent possible.
Fencing. A fence shall be required around the dish antennas support structures and other equipment, unless the dish antennas are mounted on an existing structure. The fence shall be a minimum of eight feet in height.
Landscaping. The following landscaping shall be required to screen as much of the support structures, dish antennas, equipment, the fence surrounding the support structures, and any other ground-level features (such as an accessory building), and in general soften the appearance of the site as much as possible. Brady Township may permit any combination of existing vegetation, topography, walls, decorative fences or other features instead of landscaping, if they achieve the same degree of screening as the required landscaping. If the dish antenna is mounted on an existing structure, and other equipment is housed inside an existing structure, landscaping shall not be required.
An evergreen screen shall be required to surround the site. The screen can be either a hedge (planted three feet on center maximum) or a row of evergreen trees (planted 10 feet on center maximum). The evergreen screen shall be a minimum height of six feet at planting, and shall grow to a minimum of 15 feet at maturity.
In addition, existing vegetation on and around the site shall be preserved to the greatest extent possible. A land development plan shall be required for all dish antennas sites, showing the dish antennas, dish antennas support structures, building, fencing, buffering, access to public rights-of-way, and all other items required in Chapter 295, Subdivision and Land Development. The site plan shall not be required if the antennas are to be mounted on an existing structure.
In granting the use, the Supervisors may attach reasonable conditions warranted to protect the public health, safety and welfare, including, but not limited to, location, fencing, screening, increased setbacks and the right to use said facilities for public purposes.
All approvals will be only for specific facilities set forth in the application. No additions or alterations thereto will be permitted without a new application.
Conditional use in the AR Agricultural Residential, HC Highway Commercial and PC Park Conservation Zoning Districts. The following regulations shall apply to all transmission facilities proposed for placement in the LI Light Industrial District also.
Lot size. The lot size dimensions (depth and width) shall be dictated by the fall radius of the tower. The minimum dimensions shall be the radius of the height of the tower in each direction. (Example: 200-foot-high tower would be required to have a 400-foot-diameter parcel.)
The communications company is required to demonstrate, using technological evidence, that the antenna must go where it is proposed, in order to satisfy its function in the company's grid system.
If the communications company proposes to build a tower (as opposed to mounting the antenna on an existing structure), it is required to demonstrate that it contacted the owners of tall structures within a one-quarter-mile radius of the site proposed, asked for permission to install the antenna on those structures, and was denied for reasons other than economic ones. This would include smoke stacks, water towers, tall buildings, antenna support structures of other communications companies, other communications towers (fire, police, etc.), and other tall structures. Brady Township may deny the application to construct a new tower if the applicant has not made a good faith effort to mount the antenna on an existing structure.
The applicant shall demonstrate that the antenna is the minimum height required to function satisfactorily. No antenna that is taller than this minimum height shall be approved. In addition, no antenna shall exceed 200 feet in height.
All communications towers must be stealth towers. A stealth tower is a communications tower which is not recognizable as a conventional communications tower (e.g., a metal lattice structure), but instead is disguised or concealed in such a fashion as to conform to its surroundings. Examples of such stealth towers include a tower which looks like a tree or a clock tower, or one which is concealed in a church steeple or concrete silo.
The Township Supervisors may waive the stealth tower requirement where the applicant can demonstrate that the requirement is not necessary to protect the health, safety and welfare, considering items such as impact on surrounding and abutting property values; height; screening; number of uses per tower, including public uses; location; and actual setbacks.
Setbacks from base of antenna support structure. If a new antenna support structure is constructed (as opposed to mounting the antenna on an existing structure), the minimum distance between the base of the support structure or any guy wire anchors and any property line shall be the largest of the following:
One hundred percent of antenna height.
The minimum setback in the underlying zoning district.
Fifty feet minimum.
Fencing. A fence shall be required around the antenna support structure and other equipment, unless the antenna is mounted on an existing structure. The fence shall be a minimum of eight feet in height.
Landscaping. The following landscaping shall be required to screen as much of the support structure as possible, the fence surrounding the support structure, and any other ground-level features (such as a building), and in general soften the appearance of the cell site. Brady Township may permit any combination of existing vegetation, topography, walls, decorative fences or other features instead of landscaping, if they achieve the same degree of screening as the required landscaping. If the antenna is mounted on an existing structure, and other equipment is housed inside an existing structure, landscaping shall not be required.
An evergreen screen shall be required to surround the site. The screen can be either a hedge (planted three feet on center maximum) or a row of evergreen trees (planted 10 feet on center maximum). The evergreen screen shall be a minimum height of six feet at planting, and shall grow to a minimum of 15 feet at maturity.
In addition, existing vegetation on and around the site shall be preserved to the greatest extent possible.
In order to reduce the number of antenna support structures needed in the community in the future, the proposed support structure shall be required to accommodate other users, including other communications companies, and local police, fire, ambulance services and municipal authority and road departments. In addition, a linear two-mile separation shall be maintained between communications towers, measured from the base of the support structure.
The communications company must demonstrate that it is licensed by the Federal Communications Commission.
Antenna support structure under 200 feet in height should be painted silver or have a galvanized finish retained, in order to reduce the visual impact. Support structures may be painted green up to the height of nearby trees. Support structures near airports shall meet all Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, Bureau of Aviation and Federal Aviation Administration regulations. No antenna support structure may be artificially lighted except as provided for and required by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, Bureau of Aviation and FAA.
A land development plan shall be required for all communication tower sites, showing the antenna, antenna support structure, building, fencing, buffering, access to public rights-of-way, and all other items required in Chapter 295, Subdivision and Land Development. The site plan shall not be required if the antenna is to be mounted on an existing structure.
In granting the use, the Supervisors may attach reasonable conditions warranted to protect the public health, safety and welfare, including, but not limited to, location, fencing, screening, increased setbacks and the right to use said facilities for public purposes.
All approvals will be only for specific facilities set forth in the application. No additions or alterations thereto will be permitted without a new application.
Conditional use in the AR Agricultural Residential, R Residential and HC Highway Commercial Zoning Districts.
A group home is a dwelling occupied by no more than eight persons who are mentally or physically challenged plus supervisory staff persons, overseen by a public agency or private organization. A personal care home is a dwelling which accommodates up to eight persons who are elderly, infirm or have limited mobility but do not require twenty-four-hour nursing care.
A personal care home may be a converted dwelling or a facility built for the purpose. In either case, there shall not be more than one resident per 5,000 square feet of property area.
Each group, personal care and nursing home shall be certified to operate by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania or have certification pending prior to opening.
Group or personal care homes may be considered as home businesses if operated by the dwelling owner-resident. Larger personal care or nursing homes with nine or more residents may be operated as institutions once approved as conditional uses provided the density standard of § 350-812B herein is met and adequate sewage disposal and water supply systems are provided to meet the needs of the clients.
Conditional use in the AR Agricultural Residential Zoning District.
Maximum interior area: 8,000 square feet.
A health clinic shall be considered a facility providing family health care on a walk-in or appointment basis, including health maintenance and emergency treatment, but not including surgery or overnight care, and involving one or more doctors, dentists, chiropractors or other caregivers.
The facility shall have access directly to a Township collector roadway or state highway.
Parking shall be provided at the ratio of one space for each 200 square feet of floor area, and parking areas shall not be located between the front wall of the building and the street.
Conditional use in the, AR Agricultural Residential, R Residential, HC Highway Commercial, LI Light Industrial, and PC Park Conservation Zoning Districts.
Removal of minerals encountered during the routine grading of a site for the purposes of an approved land development or for the construction of public improvements shall be excluded from these regulations and the requirement to obtain approval of a conditional use application, provided evidence is presented to the Township that all applicable requirements of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PaDEP) are met.
There shall be no removal of minerals or vegetative cover within 100 feet of the bank of any stream or natural watercourse identified on maps prepared by the United States Geologic Survey (USGS).
Mineral removal shall be prohibited in watersheds or rivers or streams now or hereafter designated by the Pennsylvania Fish Commission as a Wilderness Trout Stream, by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PaDEP) as part of the Scenic Rivers System or designated under the Federal Wild and Scenic Rivers Act.
No mineral removal shall be conducted within 300 feet of any public building, school, church, community or institutional building, commercial building, public park or private recreational area.
No mineral removal shall be conducted within 100 feet of the outside right-of-way line of any public street, except where access roads or haulage roads join the right-of-way line and where the appropriate state or federal agency having jurisdiction over the conduct of mineral removal operations shall permit it in accordance with the law.
No mineral removal shall be conducted which will adversely affect any publicly owned park or paces included in the National Register of Historic Sites, unless approved by the governmental agency with jurisdiction over the park or historic site.
No mineral removal shall be conducted within 100 feet of a cemetery.
No mineral removal shall be conducted within 300 feet of an occupied dwelling, unless the consent of the owner has been obtained in advance of the filing of the application for zoning approval.
The applicant shall present expert testimony to demonstrate that the proposed mineral removal operation will not adversely affect any of the following:
Lawful existing or permitted use of adjacent properties.
The quality or adequacy of any public or private water supply source.
Any flood-prone or landslide-prone areas within the Township.
The applicant shall present expert testimony to demonstrate that the use of explosives, if proposed, shall not cause injury to any adjacent structures or shall not substantially diminish underground water resources.
If blasting is to be undertaken, a seismograph shall be placed on the site of the operation during all times when blasting is performed which shall be monitored by an independent engineering consultant whose credentials are acceptable to the Township and whose fee is paid by the applicant.
The applicant shall provide reclamation plans for the site that demonstrate that the condition of the land after the operation is completed will allow economically and ecologically productive uses of the type permitted in the district in which the site is located. Acceptance of the reclamation plan shall not constitute approval of any aspect of any future development plan.
The applicant shall show the proposed routes of all trucks to be utilized for hauling and the estimated weights of those trucks. The applicant shall show evidence of compliance with designated weight limits on state, county and Township roads and shall design the hauling routes for the mineral removal operation to minimize the impact on local streets within the Township.
The operator shall post a bond in favor of the Township and in a form acceptable to the Township prior to beginning operations to guarantee restoration of Township streets which may be damaged during the mineral removal operations.
Portions of the site where mineral removal operations are conducted may be required to be fenced or screened, as necessary, to provide security and protect adjacent properties.
The applicant shall comply with all applicable state and federal regulations and shall show evidence of obtaining the required state and federal permits, including proof of insurability, before initiating any work and shall maintain the required permits throughout the duration of all operation. Any suspension or revocation of the required state or federal permits shall constitute a violation of zoning approval and/or enforcement of the penalty provisions of this chapter.
Approval of the conditional use shall expire if work authorized in the application for the conditional use is not commenced within six months of the date of approval of the conditional use application by the Board of Supervisors, unless the applicant submits a written request for an extension prior to the expiration of the six months after the date of approval.
Once work is initiated under an approved application for conditional use, zoning approval shall be valid for a period of one year from the date of conditional use approval by the Board of Supervisors. An application for renewal of zoning approval shall be submitted prior to the expiration of zoning approval and shall be approved by the Zoning Officer upon demonstration by the applicant that all conditions of approval of the conditional use and the required federal and state permits remain in full force and effect and that the applicant is diligently pursuing the completion of the mineral removal operation.
During the mineral removal operation, the Township Engineer may inspect the site at the request of the Board of Supervisors to determine continuing compliance with these standards and criteria and any conditions of approval. The cost of inspection by the Township Engineer shall be borne by the operator.
Conditional use in the AR Agricultural Residential Zoning District. See Chapter 295, Subdivision and Land Development, and Chapter 226, Mobile Home Parks.
Conditional use in the AR Agricultural Zoning District.
A minimum lot area of five acres shall be required: however, the minimum lot area required may be reduced to not less than 12,000 square feet for public facilities which are located in established neighborhoods within walking distance of the residents they are intended to serve and where no off-street parking is proposed for the facility.
All principal structures shall be located at least 30 feet from any property line.
A buffer yard, as defined by § 350-708 of this chapter, shall be provided where parking for the use or other intensively used facilities such as ball fields, tennis courts, shelters and the like are proposed adjacent to any property line adjoining residential use or zoning classification. Open space and passive recreation, as well as undeveloped portions of the property held for future development, shall not be required to be buffered from adjoining residential use or zoning classification.
The use shall comply with the performance standards of § 350-709 of this chapter.
All lighting shall be shielded away from adjoining streets and properties.
Any outdoor facility located within 200 feet of an existing dwelling shall cease operations at 10:00 p.m.
Conditional use in the AR Agricultural Residential Zoning District.
The minimum site area required for a retirement home or nursing home shall be three acres.
The applicant shall demonstrate that the granting of the proposed use shall not materially increase traffic congestion on adjacent roads and highways.
Nursing homes shall have a bed capacity of not less than 20 beds and no more than 100 beds.
The facility shall be licensed by the commonwealth.
Ingress, egress and internal traffic circulation shall be designed to ensure safety and access by emergency vehicles.
All property lines adjoining residential use or zoning classification shall be screened by a buffer yard as required by § 350-708 of this chapter.
The site shall be serviced by public water and public sewers or an approved private sewer system.
Water volume and pressure shall be adequate for fire protection.
Off-street parking and loading shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of § 350-707 of this chapter.
Conditional use in the AR Agricultural Zoning District.
Access to the site shall be from a public road.
All structures shall be screened from adjacent residential uses or zoning classifications as per § 350-708.
All structures shall be located a minimum of 300 feet from any residential building on any abutting lot or tract.
All outdoor storage shall be screened from adjacent residential properties.
Minimum area shall be at least two acres.
Sawmills shall be set at least 50 feet from the front lot line and at least 75 feet from the side or rear lot lines.
There shall be no storage of logs or processed lumber within 50 feet of any lot line.
Where the Township Board of Supervisors, in this chapter, has stated special exceptions to be granted or denied by the Zoning Hearing Board pursuant to express standards and criteria, the Board shall hear and decide requests for such special exceptions in accordance with such standards and criteria. In granting a special exception, the Board may attached such reasonable conditions and safeguards, in addition to those expressed in this chapter and the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code, Act 247, as amended.[1] A special exception shall not be granted by the Board unless and until:
A written application for a special exception is submitted demonstrating that the development:
Will not endanger the public health or safety if located where proposed and that the use will not generate nuisance conditions such as traffic congestion, noise, dust, glare or vibration;
Will not cause substantial injury to the value of other property in the neighborhood where it is to be located;
Meets all requirements of this chapter in the zoning district where the use is proposed;
Is in general conformity with the most recently adopted Comprehensive Plan for Brady Township and in harmony with the area in which it is proposed; and
The water supply must provide for a minimum usage of 65 gallons of water per day per person.
The developer shall submit drawings to the Board indicating the boundaries of the property, location of adjacent streets, the location and height of proposed buildings on the property with dimensions from property lines, access to the property and the location and number of proposed parking spaces.
The public hearing shall be held in accordance with § 350-1104.
The Board, before it grants a special exception, shall make findings of fact and state its reasons for granting the special exception. The Board shall have the authority to require and approve specific plans, to increase the requirements set forth in this chapter, but in no case shall the Board have the authority to decrease the requirements of this chapter for any use in the district it proposes to locate. Any such decrease in the requirements of this chapter shall only be granted upon the issuance of a variance.
All conditions required by the Board shall be entered in the minutes of the meeting at which the permit is granted and also on the certificate of special exception.
Editor's Note: See 53 P.S. § 10101 et seq.
Use by special exception in the AR Agricultural Residential Zoning District, including but not limited to golf courses, bowling alleys, batting cages and miniature golf.
Such facilities shall be generally limited to golf courses, hunting and fishing clubs, miniature golf courses, golf driving ranges, fishing lakes, tennis clubs or swim clubs. The category shall not be construed to include concert halls or outdoor concert areas, race tracks of any kind, stadiums or similar facilities intended to attract large crowds.
Such facility shall be located on a suitable road that connects to other roads on both ends. A traffic impact study, assessing the impact of the proposed use on existing roads, intersections, and circulation patterns, and setting forth mitigation measures to eliminate or substantially reduce such impacts, shall be submitted as part of the application.
No parking areas shall be located between the principal building on the lot and the abutting road.
All property lines that abut a residential use or district shall be screened with a buffer yard, as defined in § 350-708 of this chapter.
The only dwelling on the property, if one is provided, shall be that of a manager or a caretaker and his family.
The Board may restrict access to the facility, storage of vehicles or materials on the property, and hours of operation to ensure no adverse impacts on adjacent properties.
The Board may restrict outdoor lighting on the property to a greater extent than district regulations may otherwise require, in order to eliminate glare on abutting public roads and private property.
All principal structures such as pools, bath houses, restaurants, or clubhouses shall be set back at least 100 feet from the front property line and at least 50 feet from other property lines.
Use by special exception in the AR Agricultural Residential Zoning District. Two apartments may be created in a single-family detached dwelling, where permitted (excluding a mobile home), provided:
The proposed apartment will contain at least 450 square feet of floor area;
Each dwelling has separate and complete bathrooms, and cooking and food storage facilities;
Each has separate entrances directly to the outside;
The existing well and septic systems are adequate to handle the second dwelling or a second well and/or septic system are installed at the direction of the Sewage Enforcement Officer; and
Neither apartment is later subdivided and sold as a separate property.
Use by special exception in the AR Agricultural Residential Zoning District.
The minimum site size required shall be two acres.
All feed and fertilizer shall be stored at least 200 feet from any dwelling unit or shall be stored within a completely enclosed building.
Any outdoor display area shall be secured by a fence at least eight feet in height which is secured by self-latching gates.
Ingress, egress and internal traffic circulation shall be designed to ensure safety and minimize congestion.
The applicant shall demonstrate that the granting of the proposed use shall not materially increase traffic congestion on adjacent roads and highways.
The storage or use of any hazardous or potentially hazardous fertilizers and/or materials shall be limited to those materials required to be used by, or produced in connection with, the research and development activity. The transportation, handling, use and disposal of such materials shall conform to all applicable Federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PaDEP) regulations and permit requirements.
Use by special exception in the AR Agricultural Residential and PC Park Conservation Zoning District.
The club qualifies as an organization of persons incorporated pursuant to the provisions of the Membership Corporation Law or the Benevolent Orders Law, which is the owner, lessee, or occupant of an establishment operated solely for a recreational, social, patriotic, political, benevolent, education, or athletic purpose, but not for pecuniary gain, or is the applicant for a permit to operate such an establishment.
That under the constitution or by-laws of the club, the privileges of the club are in fact, or will be, limited to bona fide regularly enrolled, dues-paying members and guests accompanying them.
The applicant shall demonstrate that the granting of the proposed special exception shall not significantly increased traffic congestion on adjacent roadways.
That the club will not be used in whole or in part for the conduct of any business or enterprise for profit, but this requirement shall not be construed to prevent the utilization or rental of such club or parts thereof for benefits or performances for a recognized charity, nor for the meetings of other organizations, nor for educational and cultural purposes.
All property lines adjoining a residential use shall be screened by a buffer yard as required by § 350-708 of this chapter.
No residential accommodations except for a manager and his family shall be permitted.
Use by special exception in AR Agricultural Residential Zoning District.
Use by special exception in AR Agricultural Residential Zoning District.
Landfills shall be located on sites with a minimum of 100 acres in land area.
All landfill disposal areas shall be set back a minimum of 100 feet from all pubic roads.
All landfill disposal areas shall be set back a minimum of 300 feet from an existing dwelling, school or church.
The landfill disposal area shall be screened from public view by dense foliage as per § 350-708, changes in topography or fencing. In addition, a security fence, a minimum of six feet in height, with a lockable gate shall be erected around the perimeter of the site and maintained in good condition.
A traffic and roadway sufficiency analysis shall be submitted to determine the adequacy of the road network and the structural condition of the roads serving the landfill for the traffic to be generated by the landfill.
Access to the landfill shall not be through any residential subdivision or development and shall be from a collector or arterial road.