[1983 Code § 163-9]
As used in this article:
A right-of-way over which there is a public right of passage and which does not join another street, road or highway at both of its termini.
An improved right-of-way over which there is a public right of passage and which traverses the Borough from one side to another and which includes any portion of streets, roads or highways composing it and also the term "through street."
Any person, firm, association or corporation having an interest in the subject matter of this article, and shall include, for the purpose of this article, the developer, applicant, agent, attorney, engineer or other person representing such "owner," as herein defined.
A right-of-way over which there is a public right of passage, whether improved or unimproved.
A right-of-way over which there is a public right of passage, which serves only a limited portion of the Borough.
[New; 1985 Code § 163-10]
No street, road or highway shall be accepted by the Borough Council and taken over as a municipal road and maintained as such unless it complies with the following specifications and requirements, and no map submitted to the Borough Council for approval showing a street, road or highway will be approved and the streets, roads or highways thereon accepted as municipal roads and maintained as such unless the following specifications and requirements are complied with as far as possible on such map, and where such compliance has not been completed and shown on such map, the said map shall be accompanied by a proper guaranty by the applicant, which guaranty shall be approved by the Borough Attorney, to meet these specifications and requirements:
The width of the right-of-way shall be at least 50 feet on newly laid out and constructed roads.
The minimum graded width of the right-of-way on all roads shall be 30 feet.
The width of the paved right-of-way shall be 30 feet on all roads, streets or highways, and all such rights-of-way shall be of either Bituminous concrete or concrete construction in accordance with the requirements of Article III, Street Construction.
The width of the sidewalk areas shall be 10 feet in commercial zones and four feet in residential zones, except in such places as natural or structural barriers or trees make such width highly impractical, but in each case a sidewalk of not less than four feet in width shall be installed. Such sidewalk shall be installed in accordance with the specifications required by the Borough Engineer of the Borough of Pompton Lakes and at such grades as shall be designated by him.
Concrete curb shall be in accordance with the current NJDOT Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction and shall be installed at the edge of each paved right-of-way, which said curbs shall be specified by the Borough Engineer. All curbs at road intersections shall be rounded to a minimum fifteen-foot radius.
An adequate drainage system sufficient to handle all drainage at all times and to prevent the collection of water in puddles on the right-of-way must be provided, and the location of catch basins, drains, outlets and other parts of this drainage system must be accurately and distinctly shown on the surveys or maps filed with the Borough and approved before acceptance of such road and map. The construction of such system must be in accordance with the specifications of the New Jersey State Highway Department.
All outlets and structures used in the right-of-way must be accurately and clearly designated on the map or survey.
If any natural watercourse or stream crosses the right-of-way, proper provision for carrying it must be made and shown on the map or survey. If the stream is such as to come under the jurisdiction of the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of Passaic, written consent to the location of the road, street or highway must be provided and the map or survey must show what type of structure, culvert or bridge will be provided for the watercourse or stream.
The survey or map showing the location and setting of monuments, grading and contours must have the approval of the Borough Engineer or the Borough Council.
The location and termini of the right-of-way must be such as to conform and not interfere with other roads, streets or highways of the Borough, and shall be so constructed as not to constitute a traffic hazard or to seriously interfere with the access to a through street or highway of any abutting property owner, and access thereto shall be through and over a public right-of-way which shall have been accepted by the Borough of Pompton Lakes for perpetual maintenance and which shall have been paved or hard-surfaced.
The title to the right-of-way must be approved by the Borough Attorney, and any deeds of dedication, releases of mortgages or other liens must be provided whenever required by the Borough Attorney, at the cost and expense of the owner.
[1983 Code § 163-11]
At least five copies of the survey or map of the road, street or highway shall be filed with the Borough Council when application is made to the Borough for the approval of the said map and the acceptance of the roads, streets or highways shown thereon. Such application shall be accompanied by an agreement to pay to the Borough such inspection fees incurred by it in connection with the proper inspection by its designated official of the construction of roads, curbs, sidewalks and drainage structures. Such application shall also be accompanied by a bond naming the Borough of Pompton Lakes as obligee, conditioned upon the proper completion of the streets, sidewalks, curbs and drainage appurtenances, etc., in accordance with the requirements and specifications of this article and payment of all engineering, legal and inspection fees within a period of six months from the date of the approval of the said map or survey, unless said period is further extended by resolution of the Mayor and Borough Council, with surety to be approved by the Mayor and Borough Council and in an amount sufficient, in the judgment of the Borough Engineer, to permit the proper completion thereof and all of the aforesaid expenses in the event of default by the obligor. Nothing herein shall be construed as requiring the Borough of Pompton Lakes to complete the construction of said streets, sidewalks, curbs and drainage appurtenances in the event of default by the obligor.
[1983 Code § 163-12]
Each bond filed for the acceptance of any road in the Borough of Pompton Lakes shall, in addition to the other requirements, guarantee the performance of all things to be done by virtue of said Article, and it shall further insure the maintenance of said road and the replacement and repair of all defective portions thereof which may appear within a period of one year from the date of the completion thereof.
[1983 Code § 163-13]
Application shall be made for the acceptance of said road and the approval of said map by filing same with the Municipal Clerk upon forms provided by the said Municipal Clerk, and each applicant shall be required to provide all the information required in said application. The Municipal Clerk shall forward said application to the Planning Board, which shall process the approval of the map, and the Borough Council, which shall process the approval of the road after it shall have received the recommendations of the Planning Board.
[1983 Code § 163-14]
The Borough Council may refuse to approve or accept any road, street or highway notwithstanding compliance with all the above provisions when, in its judgment, it is not advisable for good reasons to grant such acceptance. It may permit variations of the foregoing specifications and requirements when for good reason and without injury to the public interest it deems a variance thereof to be advisable.
[1983 Code § 163-15; New]
Any person violating any of the provisions of this article shall be subject, upon conviction, to the penalty stated in Chapter 1, Section 1-5.