[1983 Code § 163-20]
The width of all sidewalks on all streets in the Borough shall be not less than four feet on each side thereof.
The specifications for the laying and construction of concrete sidewalks in the Borough of Pompton Lakes shall be set forth in the following sections.
[1983 Code § 163-21]
The sidewalks are to be regulated and graded from the curbline to the property line to the proper grade. Such portions as are abovegrade shall be excavated, and such as are below the grade shall be filled in. Where the fill is more than one foot, it must be done in layers and thoroughly tamped and compacted. All grading for the walks must be of sufficient depth to allow for a six-inch foundation of screened gravel being placed under the concrete flag, said gravel to be used subject to the approval of the Borough Engineer.
[1983 Code § 163-22]
The concrete sidewalks shall not be less than four feet in width, accurately laid to the proper lines and grades as established by the Borough Engineer, subject to the approval of the Borough Council.
The walks shall be excavated 10 inches below the finished grade of the sidewalk for at least the full width of the concrete flag, in which excavation sufficient good, clean boiler cinders or screened gravel shall be placed, which, after being well watered, rammed and tamped, shall measure six inches in depth.
[1983 Code § 163-23; New]
Upon the foundation, after being properly prepared, shall be placed a layer in accordance with the current NJDOT Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction.
In the case where hand mixing shall be done, all material specifications must be in accordance with the NJDOT Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction and submitted to the Engineer for approval.
The concrete, when placed in the trench, shall be well rammed and tamped until the mortar flushes to the surface and shall be three inches in depth when finished and in place. Expansion or sand joints shall be placed every five feet and shall be cut clean through the base. Steel plates may be used to form such joints and shall be 1/4 inch in thickness.
[1983 Code § 163-24; New]
The surface of the walks shall be corrugated transversely not more than 3/16 inch deep, as may be directed or approved by the Borough Engineer, so as to prevent smoothness.
Retempering mortar or concrete, that is, remixing with water after it has partially set, shall not be permitted.
Workmen shall not be permitted to walk on freshly laid concrete, and when sand or dust collects on the base, it shall be carefully removed before the wearing surface is applied.
The application of wet cement to the wearing surface in order to hasten the hardening is prohibited, and any work so done will be rejected and replaced.
After the addition of water to the concrete mixture it shall be handled rapidly to the place of final deposit, and under no circumstances shall concrete be used that has partially set before final placing. When completed, all walks shall be kept moist and protected from traffic and the elements for two or three days, according to the weather conditions. The forms shall be of two-by-four-inch timbers and set to grade and concrete put down to said forms, and when the concrete shall be thoroughly cured, the forms will be removed with great care, and upon their removal, the edges of the walks shall be protected in a suitable manner by banking same with earth to the surface of the concrete and rammed hard, and the protection must be such as to prevent any damage or intrusion by animals on the work until it has hardened. The forms used in constructing sidewalks may be approved sidewalk forms now on the market, or wood strips. If wood strips are used, they must be thoroughly staked, etc., and shall be not less than two inches by four inches.
[1983 Code § 163-25; New]
If concrete driveways are required in sidewalks, they shall be constructed of the same quality as the concrete sidewalk already described, but the concrete shall be six inches thick with six inches by six inches reinforcing wire mesh. The portion between the outer edge of the sidewalk flag and the curbline shall be filled with concrete and sloped down to a line that is five inches below the top of the curb grade. Expansive joints shall be placed at a maximum of 10 feet by 10 feet.