There is hereby created within the Township of Chesterfield the positions of Township Clerk, Township Deputy Clerk and Township Operations Manager. Said positions shall be for terms set forth in state statute, where applicable, and in this article.
Township Clerk.
Appointment. There shall be an office of the Clerk, the head of which shall be the Township Clerk. The Clerk shall be appointed by the Township Committee and shall, prior to appointment, be qualified by training and experience to perform the duties of this office in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40A:9-133 et seq., and any amendments thereto. The Clerk shall serve for a term of three years in accordance with law.
The powers and duties of the Township Clerk shall be as follows:
Act as secretary of the municipal corporation and custodian of the municipal seal and of all minutes, books, deeds, bonds, contracts and archival records of the municipal corporation. The Township Committee may, however, provide by ordinance that any other specific officer shall have custody of any specific other class of record.
Act as secretary to the governing body, prepare meeting agendas at the discretion of the governing body, be present at all meetings of the governing body, keep a journal of the proceedings of every meeting, retain the original copies of all ordinances and resolutions and record the minutes of every meeting.
Serve as the Chief Administrative Officer at all elections held in the municipality, subject to the requirements of Title 19 of the New Jersey Revised Statutes.
Serve as Chief Registrar of Voters in the municipality, subject to the requirements of Title 19 of the New Jersey Revised Statutes.
Serve as the administrative officer responsible for the acceptance of applications for licenses and permits and the issuance of licenses and permits, except where statute or municipal ordinance has delegated that responsibility to some other municipal officer.
Serve as coordinator and records manager responsible for implementing local archives and records retention programs as mandated pursuant to Title 47 of the New Jersey Revised Statutes.
Prepare/distribute/oversee articles of interest and local flyers to be mailed and/or otherwise distributed to Township residents;
[Added 5-24-2018 by Ord. No. 2018-10[1]]
Editor’s Note: This ordinance also redesignated former Subsection A(2)(g) as A(2)(k).
Serve as Claims Coordinator for the Burlington County Municipal Joint Insurance Fund, (or such other insurance group in which the Township of Chesterfield might participate), including receiving, logging and maintaining notices of tort claims; and advise the Township Committee of recommendations made by the Township’s insurance carrier;
[Added 5-24-2018 by Ord. No. 2018-10]
Be responsible for the preparation and processing of any paperwork related to grants sought by the Township from various funding sources, including departments or agencies of the State of New Jersey, and facilitate the closing of said grants;
[Added 5-24-2018 by Ord. No. 2018-10]
Serve as the Social Media Coordinator for any non-police municipally sponsored social media sites and applications, including making sure that appropriate municipal information is posted on the Township’s social media sites and applications so that the public is fully informed of current actions and activities of the Township Committee, policies of the Township, meetings, events, and other such activities, as well as monitor other websites circulating throughout the municipality and, where appropriate, address any misinformation or misleading comments or statements contained on same to ensure that the public understands official municipal policy and actual events taking place under the auspices of the Township of Chesterfield.
[Added 5-24-2018 by Ord. No. 2018-10]
Perform such other duties as are now or hereafter imposed by statute, regulation or by municipal ordinance or regulation, or as set forth in the Ttownship's job description for the position of Township Clerk, as may be subsequently amended.
Power to administer oaths. The Township Clerk shall also have the power to administer oaths in all matters concerning township business.
Deputy Clerk. There is hereby created within the Township of Chesterfield the office of Deputy Municipal Clerk, who shall be appointed by the Township Committee. The Deputy Township Clerk shall assist the Township Clerk in the performance of her duties and perform such other duties as are now or hereafter imposed by statute, regulation or by municipal ordinance or regulation or by the position description established by the Township of Chesterfield for the office of Deputy Clerk. The Deputy Clerk shall be appointed annually and shall serve for a term of one year and do so at the pleasure of the Township Committee. The Deputy Clerk shall have all the powers and perform all the duties of the Clerk during such times of specific periods as the Clerk shall be absent, on vacation or on a leave of absence granted by the Township Committee.
Operations Manager. Pursuant to the authority vested in the governing body by N.J.S.A. 40A:63-6b(3) and N.J.S.A. 40:48-1, Subdivision 3, there is hereby established in the Township of Chesterfield the position of Operations Manager.
Term of office. Said person shall be appointed by the Township Committee and shall serve for a one-year term. Vacancies in the position shall be filled for the unexpired term; no tenure shall be acquired in said position. The Operations Manager shall serve at the pleasure of the governing body, notwithstanding the provision for a one-year term.
Powers, duties and responsibilities. The township's Operations Manager shall:
Serve as intermediary or liaison between department heads and the Township Committee and facilitate communication within the local governmental framework.
Maintain harmony among workers and attempt to resolve grievances at an informal level; perform or assist subordinates in performing duties; adjust errors and complaints.
Handle all complaints concerning day-to-day operations of the township and direct to the appropriate authority those complaints which cannot be solely resolved by the Operations Manager.
Prepare articles of interest and local flyers to be distributed to township residents, including annual directory and mailing.
Recommend for adoption by the Township Committee such measures as the Operations Manager may deem necessary or expedient to the efficient operation of the municipal government.
Prepare and submit to the Township Committee such reports as may be required by that body, or as the Operations Manager may deem advisable to submit.
Compensation for the positions of Township Clerk, Deputy Clerk and Operations Manager shall be established by ordinance, which ordinance shall be adopted annually, at the discretion of the governing body.[1]
Editor's Note: The current Salary Ordinance is on file in the office of the Township Clerk.
There is hereby established within the Township of Chesterfield the position of Tax Collector, who shall be appointed by the Township Committee, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:9-141. Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:9-142, the Tax Collector shall hold office for a term of four years from the first day of January next following his or her appointment. Vacancies other than due to expiration of term shall be filled by appointment for the unexpired term. The Tax Collector is charged with the performance of the duties as set forth in statute and such other duties as may be directed by the Township Committee from time to time. The Tax Collector shall receive such compensation as shall be prescribed by the Annual Township Salary Ordinance.
There is hereby established within the Township of Chesterfield the position of Treasurer who shall be annually appointed by the Township Committee for a term of one year. The Treasurer shall have, perform and exercise all of the functions, powers and duties prescribed by general law and such other duties as may be directed by the Township Committee from time to time. He or she, under direction, shall supervise and perform the work involved in the disbursement, accounting and auditing of funds received and disbursed, and in negotiations of loans and sale of bonds. The Treasurer shall supervise and perform the work involved in preparation of varied financial reports and statements; supervise and perform the work involved in negotiation of loans and sale of bonds; prepare budgets; plan and install auditing and accounting systems and forms; and direct the establishment and maintenance of extensive bookkeeping and other records and files. The Treasurer shall receive such compensation as shall be prescribed by the Annual Township Salary Ordinance.
[Amended 2-8-2012 by Ord. No. 2012-5]
Deputy Treasurer. There shall be within the Township of Chesterfield an Assistant Treasurer to be known as "Deputy Treasurer" to be appointed by the Township Committee. The Deputy Treasurer shall serve for a one-year term commencing on January 1 of the year of appointment. The Deputy Treasurer's duties shall be the same as those of the Treasurer, and (s)he shall act only when the absence and/or unavailability of the Treasurer requires same.
Deputy Tax Collector. There shall be within the Township of Chesterfield a Deputy Tax Collector to be appointed by the Township Committee. The Deputy Tax Collector shall serve for a term of one year commencing on January 1 of the year of appointment. The Deputy Tax Collector shall serve in the absence and/or unavailability of the Township Tax Collector.
[Amended 1-28-2010 by Ord. No. 2010-1]
Pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40A:9-148, there is hereby created the position of Municipal Tax Assessor, who shall be known as the "Tax Assessor of Chesterfield Township," and who shall hold office for a term of four years from the first day of July next following his or her appointment. Vacancies other than due to expiration of term shall be filled by appointment for the unexpired term. The Chesterfield Township Tax Assessor shall acquire tenure as provided for by state statute.
The Municipal Tax Assessor shall also hold a Tax Assessor's certificate provided for in N.J.S.A. 54:1-35.25 et seq. The Tax Assessor's duties shall include all those set forth by state law, but, generally, the Assessor shall have the duty of assessing property for the purpose of general taxation; shall be responsible for maintaining the Township's tax assessment records; updating those records as required to keep same current; and shall do all things necessary to ensure that all Township records regarding tax assessments, property record cards and the like are properly maintained in the appropriate Township files, computer records and the like.
Pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40A:9-148, there is also created the office of Deputy Tax Assessor, who shall be known as the "Deputy Tax Assessor of Chesterfield Township," and who shall also, in accordance with state law, hold office for a term of four years from the first day of July next following his or her appointment. Vacancies other than due to expiration of term shall be filled by appointment for the unexpired term. The Deputy Tax Assessor shall also hold a Tax Assessor's certificate, and shall act under the direct supervision of, and assist, the Municipal Tax Assessor. The Deputy Tax Assessor shall not be entitled to tenure.
The salary and compensation of the Municipal Tax Assessor and the Deputy Tax Assessor shall be established by the Township's annual Salary Ordinance.[1]
Editor's Note: The current Salary Ordinance is on file in the Township offices.
The Township Committee may, by resolution, set the total number of weekly hours of operation of the Tax Assessor's Office, and the total number of weekly work hours of the Tax Assessor, and the Deputy Tax Assessor, commensurate with the compensation paid to them.
There is hereby established within the Township of Chesterfield the position of Chief Financial Officer, appointed by the Township Committee, for a term of four years, which shall run from the first day of January in the year which the Chief Financial Officer is appointed. The Chief Financial Officer shall hold all of the qualifications necessary under state law including, but not limited to, completing the examination requirements necessary to secure municipal finance officer certifications; proof of satisfactory completion of complete training courses in municipal finance administration, municipal current fund accounting I and II, municipal capital and trust fund accounting, municipal utility fund accounting, municipal budget preparation and control, and principals of financial management as provided by the Division of Local Government Services or Rutgers, the State University, with the approval of the Division of Local Government Services; shall further proof that (s)he has received a certificate indicating satisfactory completion of a complete training course in the preparation of annual financial statements as required by statute; and shall take and pass such other examinations as may be required by the state. The Chief Financial Officer shall, under direction of the Township Committee, manage the fiscal or financial operation through reviewing expenditures for compliance with budget policies, verifying accuracy of processed fiscal actions, estimating revenues and expenditures, monitoring internal financial controls, developing budgeting systems, evaluating the organization's financial condition, and issuing bonds and notes; and such other duties as may be directed by the Township Committee from time to time. The Chief Financial Officer shall receive such compensation as shall be prescribed by the Annual Township Salary Ordinance.
There is hereby established within the Township of Chesterfield the position of Zoning Officer who shall be annually appointed by the Township Committee for a term of one year. The Zoning Officer shall be charged with the administration and enforcement of the Zoning Ordinance and the property maintenance codes and shall have all the power, function and duties prescribed by general law and ordinance and shall perform such other duties as may be directed by the Township Committee from time to time. The Zoning Officer shall receive such compensation as shall be prescribed by the Annual Township Salary Ordinance.
There is hereby established within the Township of Chesterfield the position of Housing Inspector who shall be annually appointed by the Township Committee for a term of one year. The Housing Inspector, under direction, shall perform inspection work involved in eliminating blight and restoring and/or eliminating subnormal housing accommodations and such other duties as may be directed by the Township Committee from time to time. The Housing Inspector shall receive such compensation as shall be prescribed by the Annual Township Salary Ordinance.
[Amended 10-10-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-24]
Principal Public Works Manager. There is hereby established within the Township of Chesterfield the position of Principal Public Works Manager, who shall annually be appointed by the Township Committee for a term of one year. The Principal Public Works Manager shall perform administrative and supervisory duties relating to installation, maintenance and repair of public works facilities, or assist in planning, organizing and directing all programs relating to a public works activity, or a combination thereof, and such other duties as may be directed by the Township Committee from time to time. The Principal Public Works Manager shall receive such compensation as shall be prescribed by the Annual Township Salary Ordinance.
Public Works Foreman. There is hereby created the position of Public Works Foreman, who shall be appointed annually by the Township Committee, and whose compensation shall be established in the annual Township Salary Ordinance. The Public Works Foreman shall work under the direction of the Principal Public Works Manager, and the Township Administrator, but shall assign work to departmental employees and oversee the same to ensure safety precautions are followed. The Public Works Foreman shall also:
Maintain daily contact with the Principal Public Works Manager, and in the absence of the Manager, with the Township Administrator;
Maintain a working relationship with other local, county and state agencies, as well as contractors and engineering representatives;
Ensure the proper care and use of equipment, material and supplies relative to buildings and grounds;
Attend meetings, conferences and seminars when assigned;
Make investigations and complaints relative to buildings and grounds operations, and take action to see that they are remedied with minimum delay;
In the absence of the Principal Public Works Manager, schedule manpower to perform their assigned duties and perform such other duties of public works labor as may be required by the Foreman.
[Amended 1-22-2009 by Ord. No. 2009-2]
Road Worker. There is hereby established within the Township of Chesterfield the position of Road Worker, who shall annually be appointed by the Township Committee for a term of one year. The Road Worker shall receive such compensation as shall be prescribed by the Annual Township Salary Ordinance. Generally speaking, the purpose of this position is to perform a variety of skilled or semiskilled maintenance work and operation of a variety of equipment in the construction, operation, repair, maintenance and replacement of Township streets and storm drainage facilities and systems, all under the immediate supervision of the Principal Public Works Manager. Essential duties shall include, but not be limited to, inspecting streets and drainage systems; ensuring proper maintenance of equipment and tools; driving trucks of various sizes and weights; performing routine inspections and preventative maintenance in assigned equipment; providing required labor involved in construction and maintenance projects as part of a Public Works crew, including pavement cutting, ditch digging, operation of hand tools, power tools and other motorized equipment; filling pot holes with patch; preparing road base; resurfacing streets; raking stone and asphalt; loading and unloading materials from trucks; raking leaves; moving office furniture and supplies; cleaning debris from storm sewer inlets and creeks and removing debris from road shoulders; mowing grass along Township roads, parks and properties; and such other duties and responsibilities as are set forth in the job description maintained by the Township for these positions.
Public Works Laborer. There is hereby created the position of Public Works Laborer, who shall be appointed annually by the Township Committee, and whose compensation shall be set forth in the Township's annual Salary Ordinance. The Public Works Laborer may be a part-time/seasonal laborer, may be employed on an hourly basis, or an as-needed basis, and shall have the following duties and responsibilities:
[Amended 10-10-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-24]
Shall work under the direction of the Principal Public Works Manager and/or Public Works Foreman;
Perform a variety of unskilled or semi-skilled maintenance work and operate a variety of equipment in the construction, operation, repair, maintenance and replacement of municipal streets, parks, buildings, equipment, storm drains, etc.;
Inspect streets and drainage systems to ensure they are functioning properly;
Ensure the proper maintenance of equipment and tools by cleaning same after each use;
Perform all duties in conformance with appropriate safety and security standards;
Perform required labor involved in construction and maintenance projects as part of a crew, including, but not limited to, pavement cutting, ditch digging, etc.;
Operate a variety of hand and power tools;
Perform street maintenance repairs, including potholes, curb repair, manholes covers, etc.;
Load and unload material from truck;
Trim, remove and plant vegetation;
Clear debris from stormwater inlets, creeks, retention ponds, roads, etc.;
Mow and trim grass along municipal roads and property owned by the Township;
Assist with carpentry and masonry projects;
Paint municipally owned buildings, roads, equipment, stop lines, etc.;
Clean municipal property;
Install street signs, new fences and guardrails;
Remove snow and ice from roadways, sidewalks, walking paths, etc.;
Be available to respond in and to emergency calls to address any issues including, but not limited to, those set forth above; and
Perform any other duties as directed by the Township Administrator, Principal Public Works Manager, or Public Works Foreman.
There is hereby established within the Township of Chesterfield the position of Emergency Management Coordinator, who shall be appointed by the Township Committee for a term of three years. As a condition of his or her appointment and right to continue for the full term of appointment, each Municipal Emergency Management Coordinator shall have successfully completed, at the time of his or her appointment or within one year immediately following appointment, the current approved Home Study Course and the basic Emergency Management workshop. The failure of any Municipal Emergency Management Coordinator to fulfill such requirement within the period prescribed shall disqualify the Coordinator from continuing in the office of coordinator and thereupon a vacancy in said office shall be deemed to have been created. The Emergency Management Coordinator shall plan, organize and conduct varied emergency management operations within the Township, coordinate activities of the emergency management staff, and perform such other duties as may be directed by the Township Committee from time to time. The Emergency Management Coordinator shall receive such compensation as shall be prescribed by the Annual Township Salary Ordinance.
There is hereby established within the Township of Chesterfield the position of local Registrar of Vital Statistics, who shall be the Township Clerk until such time as the Township's population shall reach 5,000; at which time the Township Committee may appoint a person to serve as Registrar; should such an appointment occur, same shall be for a term of three years and until his or her successor has been appointed and qualified. If the Registrar is the Municipal Clerk, his or her term of office shall be concurrent with his or her term of office as Clerk. The local Registrar of Vital Statistics, under the supervision and direction of the State Registrar of Vital Statistics, shall have charge of the work involved in obtaining reports of and recording births, marriages and deaths in the Township; and to mark the birth certificate of a missing child born in his or her registration district when notified by the State Registrar pursuant to N.J.S.A. 26:8-25(j). The Registrar of Vital Statistics shall receive such compensation as shall be prescribed by the Annual Township Salary Ordinance.
There is hereby established within the Township of Chesterfield the position of Recycling Coordinator, who shall be annually appointed by the Township Committee for a term of one year. The Recycling Coordinator shall plan, develop, implement and coordinate the recycling program of the Township and shall perform such other duties as may be directed by the Township Committee from time to time. The Recycling Coordinator shall receive such compensation as shall be prescribed by the Annual Township Salary Ordinance.