It is hereby required that no subdivision of any block, lot or sublot or any part thereof, or any piece or parcel of land within the Village or in contiguous territory of subdivision review jurisdiction as indicated on the Official Map shall be entitled to record in Macon County or have any validity until it has been approved by the Village Board. Each person seeking the Board's approval of a map, plat or subdivision shall follow the procedure herein outlined.
(Optional) Prior to filing of a preliminary plat, the subdivider may submit to the Plat Officer material relating to the proposed subdivision in order to avail himself of the advice and assistance of the Commission. This may include information relative to the site and conditions of the site, existing community facilities and utilities on and adjacent to the site, number and size of lots proposed, etc. It is suggested that for the maximum benefit the material should include, as a minimum:
Location map. The location map should show the relationship of the proposed subdivision to the streets and other community facilities serving it.
Sketch plan. The sketch plan should show in simple sketch form proposed layout of streets, lots and other features in relation to existing conditions on a topographic map.
The sketch plan discussion does not require formal application, fee or filing of the plat. The Plat Officer shall submit the sketch plan material to the Plan Commission, which shall, within one month, make its comments regarding the proposed subdivision known to the subdivider and the Plat Officer.