Permanent monuments must be placed at all lot corners, at each end of all curves, at the point where a curve changes its radius and at all angle points in any line. These monuments, two of which must be of stone or concrete, must be set at the opposite extremities of property platted.
Permanent monuments must conform to the following minimum standards:
Concrete or stone monuments shall not have an exterior dimension less than four inches by four inches and a length of not less than 30 inches with an iron rod not less than 3/8 inch in diameter and the length of the monument marking the exact center of the monument.
Iron pins utilized at all other permanent monument locations shall be at least 5/8 inch in diameter and 30 inches in length.
Utilities and street improvements shall be provided in each new subdivision in accordance with the following schedules:
Industrial, commercial and institutional developments or subdivisions. Utility and street improvements on industrial, commercial and institutional developments or subdivisions shall be as required by the Village Board with the advice of the Plan Commission; provided, however, that in no case will the requirements be less than required for residential subdivision.
Residential subdivisions. Utility and street improvements for residential subdivisions shall be in accordance with the following:
Water supply.
A complete water distribution system shall be constructed throughout the entire subdivision in such a manner as to service every lot, if said subdivision is within the corporate limits. Each lot shall be provided a house service connection of at least 3/4-inch-diameter copper pipe extending from the main to the proposed curb stop. All construction methods and materials shall be in accordance with the Village specifications or as directed and approved by the Village Engineer.
Subdivisions lying outside of the corporate limits may install private water supply systems. These systems must be constructed in accordance with State of Illinois and Macon County regulations and as approved by the Village Engineer.
Sanitary sewers.
For all subdivisions within the corporate limits, a complete system of sanitary sewers shall be constructed throughout the entire subdivision in such a manner as to service each lot; and where possible, a depth sufficient to provide basement drainage shall be maintained. A six-inch house service shall be provided for each lot extending from the sewer to the property line. All construction methods and materials shall be in accordance with the Village specifications or as directed and approved by the Village Engineer.
Subdivisions lying outside of the corporate limits will be permitted to install septic tank and field tile systems, provided the lots equal or exceed 20,000 square feet in area.
Streets. All streets shall be constructed in accordance with details and typical sections contained herein, the latest edition of the State of Illinois Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, approved street plans and as directed by the Village Engineer.
Storm drainage.
Surface drainage shall be provided for in approved paved gutters, swales, ditches and/or underground conduits. The storm drainage system shall be designed to provide adequate drainage for the subdivision, protect roadway pavements and prevent the accumulation of stormwater at any place under normal conditions. This system shall be sufficient to handle a five-year storm frequency design.
Stormwater drainage will not be permitted in the sanitary sewer system.
All construction methods and materials shall be in accordance with the approved plans, the latest edition of the State of Illinois Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction or as directed and approved by the Village Engineer.
Building setbacks for proposed streets. Building setbacks from proposed edge of right-of-way of major streets or highways planned for future construction shall not be less than the appropriate rear or side yard as set forth in Chapter 980, Zoning.
Building setbacks for existing streets. Building setbacks for existing streets or roads on which the right-of-way width is indicated to be below the minimum standard for such road shall be measured from the edge of the proposed width. (In effect, the setback will be increased by 1/2 the distance the right-of-way is below standard.)
Planting strips. Planting strips in roadways shall be approved as to gradient, drainage and surface treatment.
Street name signs. Street name signs conforming to the standard for the Village shall be provided at all intersections.
Streetlights. Streetlighting shall be required and shall be installed in accordance with current minimum standards as set forth by the American Society of Illuminating Engineers. Such installation shall be completed within one year after the completion of subdivision construction.
Public utilities. If required under the discretion of the Plan Commission, all public utility lines for telephone and electric services shall be placed underground entirely throughout a subdivided area; said conduits or cables shall be placed in dedicated public ways or easements when necessary in a manner which will not conflict with other underground services. Further, all transformer boxes shall be located so as not to be unsightly or hazardous to the public.
Inspection. All public improvements to be made under the provisions of this chapter shall be inspected during the course of construction by the Village Engineer or other competent person appointed by the Village Board. The compensation for such inspection and other costs incurred in connection with such inspection shall be paid by the subdivider to the Village as established in this chapter.
Prior to release or expiration of a bond, the Board will request the Village Engineer or his designated representative to certify that he was notified by the subdivider to witness the installation of required improvements at key times so as to be able to certify that all required improvements were properly installed and that neither the subdivision as built nor improvements installed deviate from the approved plans. The Village Engineer shall be given 24 hours' notice of when improvements are to be made.
All construction by the subdivider shall be approved by the Village Engineer to assure that the minimum specifications and standards are provided. Should the required improvements not be completed within the duration of the bond, the subdivider may request from the Board an extension of time for the installation of the balance of improvements. Should such requests be granted, the subdivider shall provide a corporate surety bond or escrow account as provided in § 963-13B(5) of this chapter for the length of the extension granted. The extension bond or escrow account shall be approved as to form and type by the Village Attorney and as to the adequacy of amount by the Village Engineer.