Office established. The office of Plat Officer is hereby established, in which is vested the duty of the administration of these regulations as specified herein and such other related regulations as are assigned to that office by the Village Board.
Appointment and qualifications. The Plat Officer, to be appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Village Board, shall be a person who is qualified by professional or practical training and experience to conduct the affairs of that office.
Authority. The Village hereby reserves authority to vary the strict application of any of the provisions herein contained, but such variances shall only be exercised upon written recommendation of the Plan Commission, which in turn shall make such recommendation upon recommendation of the Plat Officer or upon its own motion.
Large-scale developments. The standards and requirements of these regulations may be modified by the Village Board in case of a plan or program for a complete community or neighborhood unit. Such modification shall not be made until after written recommendation of the Plan Commission, which recommendation may be given when, in the judgment of the Plan Commission, the specific plan or program presented provides adequate public space and improvements for the circulation, recreation, light, air and service needs of the tract when fully developed and populated, and which also provides such covenants or other legal provisions as will assure conformity to an achievement of the plan.
Hardship. When the subdivider can show that a provision of these regulations, if strictly adhered to, would cause unnecessary hardship, because of unique site conditions, the Plan Commission may recommend variations to the Village Board. The subdivider shall apply in writing for such variations. Any variation thus authorized by the Village Board shall be attached to and made a part of the record plat.
Prior plat approvals. In any instance where the Village has granted approval of a preliminary plat of subdivision prior to the effective date of this chapter and where the subdivision design or subdivision improvements as shown on said preliminary plat are less restrictive than the requirements of this chapter, the subdivider may apply in writing to the Village Board for permission to proceed with the subdivision as originally planned. The Village Board, upon review of the preliminary plat as originally submitted, may then grant such permission.
Amendments to this chapter shall be made by the Village Board as provided by statute; provided, however, that no amendment shall be adopted without first referring the proposed amendment to the Plan Commission and receiving a report therefrom; except, however, if no report is received within 90 days, it shall be deemed to be approved by the Plan Commission.