[Amended 6-7-2021 by Ord. No. 764]
This General Industrial Zone is established to provide areas for manufacturing and related commercial uses which by their very nature cannot be operated at the same high performance standards of those in the Limited Industrial Zones. Generally, industrial zones should not be located next to residential areas. No VM-2 Zone shall be established on any parcel of land held in single or joint ownership totaling five acres or more in size, which is intended for further subdivision or division, unless submitted in accordance with the industrial planned unit development procedures contained in § 980-109 of this chapter.
This VM-2 Zone shall specifically permit all manufacturing and heavy commercial uses not previously mentioned in this chapter, including: rail and freight terminals of all types, manufacturing activities and commercial uses designed to service the surrounding industrial area. Uses contained in the VM-1 Zone are automatically permitted in the VM-2 Zone.
The following uses may be permitted in the VM-2 Zone as special uses after a public hearing and a finding by the Board that such uses are necessary and desirable in a particular location: sanitary landfill operations, stadiums and places of public assembly.
The following are conditions where special restrictions shall apply to the uses allowed in this VM-2 Zone:
No residential uses other than those developed for caretakers and security personnel will be allowed.
[Amended 6-7-2021 by Ord. No. 764]
No intensive commercial establishments not providing service to the surrounding industrial zone shall be allowed.
Minimum lot requirements.
Minimum lot area in square feet: 20,000.
Minimum lot width in feet: 100.
Minimum yard requirements.
Minimum front yard in feet: none.
Facing residential zone: 60.
Minimum side yard per side in feet: 50.
Facing residential zone: 50.
Minimum rear yard in feet: none.
Facing residential zone: none.
Maximum height in feet: 80.
Facing residential zone: 80.
Maximum coverage: 0.50.
Facing residential zone: 0.50.
Maximum floor area ratio: 0.80.
Facing residential zone: 0.80.