Unless otherwise regulated in this article or elsewhere in this chapter, the following minimum parking spaces are required. Any structure or building hereafter erected, converted, or enlarged for any of the following uses, or any open area hereafter developed for commercial, residential, or similar purposes, shall be provided with not less than the minimum off-street parking spaces as set forth below. All spaces shall be readily accessible to the uses served thereby.
Accessory dwelling unit: one.
Agribusiness operation: one for every employee.
Agricultural society meeting hall/office: one for every four meeting room seats.
Apartment building: one for each apartment.
Bank and financial institution: one for every 500 square feet of floor area.
Bar and nightclub: one for every 200 square feet of floor area.
Bed-and-breakfast operation: one for every guest room or suite, plus two for the dwelling unit.
Business office: one for every 500 square feet of floor area.
Camp: one space for every 10 guests, based on the maximum number of permitted guests of the facility.
Campground: one space for each campsite and cabin, plus one space for every 500 square feet of building area devoted to uses that are accessory to the campground.
Car wash: one for every wash bay.
Clinic: one for every 500 square feet of floor area.
Commercial recreation. For indoor commercial recreation uses, one space for every 500 square feet of floor area. For outdoor recreation uses, one space for every 10,000 square feet of land area devoted to the outdoor recreation use.
Conference center: one for every 300 square feet of meeting space.
Convenience store: one for every 300 square feet of floor area.
Continuing care retirement facility.
One for every independent living unit.
One for every two assisted living units.
One for every three beds in a nursing or skilled care unit.
Common facilities: See schedule in § 375-81 for parking space requirements for individual uses within a common facility area.
Guest parking: one space for every five living units.
Distribution center, including medical marijuana delivery vehicle service: one for every 2,000 square feet of floor area.
Environmental education center: one space for every 10 guests, based on the maximum number of permitted guests of the facility.
Events venue: one for every 500 square feet of space of guest assembly for events.
Farm equipment sales facility: one for every 500 square feet of floor area.
Farm market and agricultural tourism: one for every 400 square feet of floor area devoted to customer use.
Farm-related business: one for every 500 square feet of floor area devoted to customer use.
Farm stand: one for every 200 square feet of farm stand display area.
Farm worker housing: one for every dwelling unit.
Gallery and museum: one for every 500 square feet of floor area.
Health/exercise club: one for every 400 square feet of floor area.
Heavy industry: one for every 1,000 square feet of floor area devoted to the heavy industrial function.
Homestay: one for every guest room or suite, plus two for the dwelling unit.
Home occupation: one for every 300 square feet of floor area devoted to the home occupation use.
Hospital: one for every 500 square feet of floor area.
Hotel: one for every lodging unit, plus one employee space for every 10 lodging units.
Junkyard: one space for every 20,000 square feet of land area devoted to junk material storage.
Landfill: one space for every one acre of land area devoted to landfill use.
Light industrial, including medical marijuana grower/processor: one for every 1,000 square feet of floor area devoted to the light industrial function.
Medical office: one for every 500 square feet of floor area.
Medical care facility: one for every 400 square feet of floor area.
Mixed-use building. The total minimum parking spaces required shall be the sum of the minimum parking spaces, as established in § 375-81, for each individual use within a mixed-use building.
Mobile home park: one for each mobile home lot.
Mobile home/manufactured home sales: one for each 300 square feet of floor area devoted to the mobile home or manufactured home sales function.
Motel: one for every lodging unit, plus one employee space for every 20 lodging units.
Nursery and greenhouse: one space for every 5,000 square feet of customer-accessible nursery and greenhouse space.
Personal service shop: one for every 400 square feet of floor area.
Place of worship: one for every 500 square feet of the primary room of assembly.
Produce stand: one for every 200 square feet of produce stand display area.
Professional office: one for every 500 square feet of floor area.
Rental storage. Where an on-site rental office is present, one for every 400 square feet of office floor area.
Research and development laboratory, including academic clinical research centers: one for every 1,000 square feet of floor area.
Resource extraction: one for every one acre of land area devoted to resource extraction use.
Restaurant: one for every 300 square feet of floor area.
Retail store, including medical marijuana dispensary: one for every 400 square feet of floor area.
Retreat center: one space for every five guests, based on the maximum number of permitted guests of the facility.
School. For elementary schools and middle schools, four spaces for every five employees on site during the school day. For high schools, four spaces for every five employees on site during the school day, plus one space for every five students.
Shopping center: one for every 300 square feet of floor area.
Single-family detached dwelling: two.
Single-family semidetached dwelling: two for each dwelling unit.
Specialty retail shop: one for every 500 square feet of floor area.
Studio: one for every 500 square feet of floor area.
Theater: one for every five seats.
Two-family dwelling: two for each dwelling unit.
Vacation rental: one for every guest room or suite, plus two for the dwelling unit.
Vehicle sales: one for every 500 square feet of floor area devoted to customer service.
Vehicle service: one for every 500 square feet of floor area devoted to customer service.
Wireless communications facility, tower-based, outside of public right-of-way: one.
All off-street parking areas shall be designed to meet the following standards:
Where three or more parking spaces shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of § 375-81, such spaces shall be provided in a parking lot.
Surfacing. Surfacing of off-street parking area shall comply with the following standards:
Parking lots within the following zoning districts and/or serving the following uses shall be paved. Suitable paving material shall be asphalt or concrete.
All parking lots within the Commercial (C) and Industrial (I) Districts.
All parking lots for nonresidential uses within the Village Mixed-Use (VM) and Mixed-Use Corridor (MC) Districts.
All parking lots for multifamily dwellings in any zoning district.
Parking lots other than those identified in § 375-82B(1) shall be provided with a durable and dust-free surface. Suitable paving material includes asphalt or concrete paving, compacted stone or millings, or other similar material that performs in a durable and dust-free manner.
Within the Open Space (OS), Land Conservation (LC), Rural Residential (RR), and Agricultural Preservation (AP) Districts, up to 50% of the parking spaces required for a specific use may be provided as reinforced grass overflow parking spaces instead of being surfaced in accordance with the above requirements.
Any parking spaces needed to meet ADA requirements for handicapped-accessible parking shall be designed and surfaced in accordance with ADA guidelines.
Circulation control. Parking lot circulation control shall be provided in accordance with the following:
Parking access drives, parking circulation drives, and parking aisle drives shall be a uniform width. Such drives shall be a minimum of 20 feet in width where two-way directional travel is proposed, and shall be a minimum of 12 feet in width where one-way directional travel is proposed.
Parking aisle drives terminating in a dead end shall be provided with sufficient backup or turnaround area for the end spaces.
Within parking lots with 25 or more parking spaces, the following design elements shall be included to enhance circulation control:
Terminal islands shall be provided at both ends of all parking space rows.
Where parking space rows are proposed with 20 or more parking spaces, one mid-row island shall be provided for every 20 contiguous parking spaces.
A divider strip between abutting parking space rows shall be installed.
Curbing or bumper blocks shall be provided around all terminal islands, mid-row islands, and divider strips to prevent vehicular encroachment.
Pedestrian walkways or sidewalks shall be provided. Such walkways or sidewalks shall be arranged so that a person using a parking space may walk from the parking space to the use the parking space serves without having to walk along or through other parking spaces or parking space aisles to access the use. Any location where a walkway or sidewalk crosses an access drive or circulation drive shall be marked by a crosswalk and shall meet ADA requirements.
Within parking lots with 50 or more parking spaces, the following additional design elements shall be included to enhance circulation control:
Dedicated parking access drive and/or parking circulation drives shall be provided.
Parking access drives/parking circulation drives that are designed to run parallel to parking space aisles shall be separated from said parking space aisles by a divider strip.
Where intersections between parking access drives, parking circulation drives, and/or parking space aisles are proposed, said intersections shall be designed at ninety-degree angles.
No parking space may be accessed from a parking access drive or a parking circulation drive. All parking spaces must be accessed from a parking space aisle.
Dimensional requirements. All parking lots shall be subject to the following dimensional standards:
Each parking space shall be not less than 10 feet wide by 20 feet long.
Terminal islands shall measure not less than five feet in width and not less eight feet in length if installed at the end of a single parking space row and not less than 15 feet in length if installed at the end of two abutting parking space rows.
Mid-row islands shall measure not less than five feet in width and not less eight feet in length if installed within a single parking space row and not less than 15 feet in length if installed within two abutting parking space rows.
Divider strips shall measure not less than five feet in width and extend the full length of the two parking space rows that the divider strip separates.
Parking space markers. All parking spaces within all parking lots shall delineate the location of the parking spaces within the lot. Space delineation shall comply with the following requirements:
Parking spaces within parking lots surfaced with asphalt or concrete shall be delineated by four-inch-wide painted lines or four-inch-wide road surface tape. Paint or road surface tape shall be reapplied as necessary to ensure continuous visibility of the limits of each parking space.
Parking spaces within parking lots provided with a surface other than asphalt or concrete are not required to be delineated with paint or road surface tape. In such instances, a bumper block shall be used to define the location and orientation of each parking space. Bumper blocks shall be replaced at any time when said markings become damaged.
Parking space markers shall not be required within the portion of any parking lot using the reinforced grass "overflow" surfacing option authorized in § 375-82B(3) above.
Parking lot illumination. Parking lots shall comply with the following illumination standards where illumination is either required or proposed:
All lighting shall be arranged so as to prevent direct view of the light source from adjoining properties and/or public rights-of-way. Full cutoff light fixtures shall be used to achieve this standard.
Light standards shall be protected from vehicular traffic by curbing or landscaping.
Parking lot landscaping. All parking lots shall be designed in accordance with the following landscaping standards:
Minimum standards.
Each terminal island shall include at least one major deciduous tree or two minor deciduous trees, with the remaining area landscaped with appropriate ground cover or grass.
Each mid-row island shall include at least one major deciduous tree or two minor deciduous trees, with the remaining area landscaped with appropriate ground cover or grass.
At least one major deciduous tree shall be planted for every forty-foot interval within the divider strip. Alternatively, at least two major deciduous trees shall be planted for every twenty-foot interval within the divider strip. The remaining area of the divider strip shall be landscaped with ground cover or grass. Pedestrian walkways may be substituted for a portion of the required ground cover or grass to facilitate pedestrian movements through the parking lot.
Perimeter landscaped areas shall be provided for all parking lots in excess of 25 spaces and in accordance with the following standards:
Perimeter landscaped areas shall be provided around the perimeter of all parking lots, except where the one side of the parking lot is bounded by a principle structure.
The minimum width of the perimeter landscaping area around a parking area shall be five feet, measured outward from the edge of the parking lot.
At least one major deciduous tree shall be planted for every forty-foot interval within the perimeter landscaping area. Alternatively, at least one minor deciduous tree shall be planted for every twenty-foot interval within the perimeter landscaping area. The remaining area of the perimeter landscaping strip shall be landscaped with appropriate ground cover or grass.
Landscaping plan submission. A landscaping plan depicting the required plantings shall be provided with all required submissions in support of a given project. At a minimum, this includes applications for special exception approval and for zoning permit approval in accordance with this chapter, and for land development plan approval in accordance with Chapter 320, Subdivision and Land Development.
Landscaping compliance table. A table shall be provided with every landscaping plan with sufficient detail to demonstrate compliance with the landscaping requirements of this section. At a minimum, the table shall include the following:
Calculation of minimum planting units required.
Calculation of planting units provided.
Biological and common name of all plants.
Size of all plants at time of planting.
Size of all plants at maturity.
At least one off-street loading/unloading space shall be provided for all commercial and industrial concerns in excess of 3,500 square feet of floor area and that involve product movement and/or delivery. The number of loading/unloading spaces shall be left to the discretion of the developer.
All loading/unloading spaces shall be designed in accordance with the following standards:
Loading/unloading spaces shall be at least 14 feet wide, 60 feet long and shall have at least a fifteen-foot vertical clearance.
Loading/unloading spaces shall be provided a maneuvering area of sufficient size such that each loading space is provided safe and convenient access. Truck turning templates shall be provided on all site plans to depict the means by which trucks will access the loading/unloading space(s).
Within the VM, V, MC, C, and I Districts, all loading/unloading spaces shall be paved. Suitable paving material shall be asphalt or concrete. Within the OS, LC, RR, and AP Districts, loading/unloading areas shall be provided with a durable and dust-free surface. Suitable paving material includes asphalt or concrete paving, compacted stone or millings, or other similar material that performs in a durable and dust-free manner.
Required off-street parking space (including aisles) shall not be used for loading and unloading purposes except during hours when business operations are suspended.
Loading/unloading spaces shall be designed so that trucks need not back in or out, or park in, any public right-of-way.
No truck shall be allowed to stand in a public right-of-way, a parking lot (including parking aisle drives), or in any way block the effective flow of persons or vehicles.
Loading and unloading areas, including areas provided for refuse removal, shall be located so as not to interfere with customer or employee parking areas. No loading/unloading or refuse removal functions may be conducted within parking aisle drives.