The application shall be submitted with a fee, which shall be paid to the city, according to the following schedule:
One hundred fifty dollars for the first 100 cubic yards or part thereof.
Seventy-five dollars for each additional 25,000 cubic yards or part thereof for the next 300,000 cubic yards.
Twenty-five dollars for each additional 25,000 cubic yards or part thereof for the next 700,000 cubic yards.
Fifteen dollars for each additional 25,000 cubic yards or part thereof over and above one million (1,000,000) cubic yards.
If the application and fees submitted to the city include a total amount of soil in excess of that moved within the time specified on the application and if a renewal is desired by the applicant in order to complete the original estimate, the fee for the renewal shall be a flat sum of $25 for the renewal, except that the applicant shall pay fees, based upon yardage to be removed, in accordance with the provisions of Section 140-10. No renewals without application and fees shall be granted that will extend the original project beyond three years from the date of the commencement of the work. Such renewals shall not be considered in conflict with Section 140-6, where renewals are required for each year or part thereof.
If a soil removal permit is refused, all expenses to the city shall be deducted from the permit fees paid and any balance remaining returned to the applicant.
There shall be a fee to cover the cost of inspection and enforcement of the provisions of this chapter, based upon the total number of yards to be removed, in accordance with the following schedule:
Three cents ($0.03) per cubic yard for the first 10,000 cubic yards.
One and one-half cents ($0.015) per cubic yard for the next 50,000 cubic yards.
One-half cent ($0.005) per cubic yard for all yards over 60,000 cubic yards.
To ensure conformity to the requirements of this chapter with reference to but not limited by Sections 140-6 and 140-7, inspections shall be made by the Engineer or his authorized or qualified agent of the land in or upon which soil moving operations are being conducted.