No person, firm, corporation or other entity shall perform any construction, excavation, or other work (hereinafter referred to as "work") in connection with any driveway, which is subject to the requirements of this chapter, until the Township has issued a permit for such work.
A permit application shall be submitted to the permit Administrator by the owner or a representative prior to commencing work on any driveway (reference form in Exhibit A of this chapter[1]). The application shall be on forms provided by the Township. The application shall be accompanied by a filing fee as established by resolution of the Marlborough Township Board of Supervisors. This resolution may be changed from time to time at the discretion of the Board of Supervisors.
Editor's Note: Exhibit A is on file in the Township offices.
Any deviation in the location of a driveway from an approved subdivision or land development plan shall be submitted to the Township and reviewed by the Township Engineer to determine if the proposed relocation is appropriate and if it requires any additional approvals. All driveways proposed for existing lots of record shall be approved by the Permit Administrator.
Proposed driveway locations shall be clearly marked in the field and identified by lot number and/or site address to facilitate a site inspection of each proposed driveway location.
The following information shall be submitted for all new proposed driveways, at the discretion of the Permit Administrator or Township Engineer:
Permit application criteria.
For a minimum-use driveway or low-volume driveway, the Marlborough Township driveway permit application must be completed to the satisfaction of the Township Public Works Director, Permit Administrator or Township Engineer.
For medium- and high-volume driveways, the Marlborough Township driveway permit application must be completed to the satisfaction of the Township Engineer. In addition, a plan and profile from the center of the existing road to the proposed dwelling or building, or furthest parking space as measured from the street, whichever is greater, for each driveway, prepared by a licensed surveyor or engineer, showing the proposed driveway layout, field-surveyed existing grades, and finished grading along the proposed route.
Where the proposed driveway creates in excess of 1,500 square feet of new impervious surface and less than 5,000 square feet of earth disturbance, a stormwater management plan shall be submitted for review. All methodologies used to prepare such stormwater management plan shall be discussed and approved by the Township Engineer or Permit Administrator prior to submission.
A determination of the available sight distances for the proposed location of the driveway entrance.
When relief is being requested from the sight distance requirement in this chapter, a determination, plans, and narrative prepared by a licensed professional engineer shall be provided to the Permit Administrator or Township Engineer for review. This documentation shall demonstrate an alternate standard acceptable to the Permit Administrator or Township Engineer that will ensure safe ingress and egress at the location proposed.
The Permit Administrator shall sign and issue the permit for construction of the driveway, provided that the driveway meets all requirements of this chapter. For a minimum-use driveway or low-volume driveway, the Marlborough Township driveway permit may be issued by the Public Works Director or the Permit Administrator.
Should the Public Works Director, Permit Administrator, or Township Engineer reject the permit application, they shall provide written notice to the applicant listing the reasons for rejection within 30 days of the date of the application submission.
Should the Public Works Director, Permit Administrator or Township Engineer neither approve nor reject an application for a permit within 30 days after receipt of all information and documentation required by this chapter, the application for a driveway permit shall be deemed to be approved.
The Township may require reasonable financial security, in an amount recommended by the Public Works Director, Permit Administrator or Township Engineer, for a minimum-use driveway or low-volume driveway, or by the Township Engineer for medium- and high-volume driveways to be posted for improvements, including, but not limited to, stormwater drainage/management, erosion and sedimentation control, repair of potential damage to Township infrastructure, safety improvements, etc., prior to commencement of any work in accordance with the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code.[2]
Editor's Note: See 53 P.S. § 10101 et seq.
For a minimum-use driveway or low-volume driveway, the Public Works Director, the Permit Administrator or the Township Engineer may, at his or her discretion, during preconstruction, construction, and at final completion, inspect the property and confirm that it conforms to this chapter and the design for which the driveway permit was issued. For a medium- or high-volume driveway, the Township Engineer may, during preconstruction, construction, and at final completion, inspect the property and confirm that it conforms to this chapter and the design for which the driveway permit was issued.
The driveway shall be inspected as part of the final inspection for issuance of the use and occupancy permit for the dwelling/building.
For a minimum-use driveway or low-volume driveway, no paving of any new driveway, or conversion of a stone/gravel driveway to a paved driveway, shall be commenced until the Public Works Director or Permit Administrator has inspected the site and approved the preparatory work. For a medium- or high-volume driveway, no paving of any new driveway shall be commenced until the Township Engineer has inspected the site and approved the preparatory work. The applicant shall give the Public Works Director, Permit Administrator, or the Township Engineer a minimum of 48 hours' advance notice before paving is to commence in order to afford the opportunity to inspect the site.
After the final satisfactory inspection, the permit shall be signed a second time by the Public Works Director or Permit Administrator for a minimum- or low-use driveway or by the Township Engineer for a medium- or high-use driveway, to signify approval of the driveway as constructed.