There is hereby created an Economic Development Advisory Committee which, pursuant to this chapter, shall exercise the functions, powers and duties prescribed herein. The Committee shall consist of five members who shall be residents of the municipality and shall serve without compensation and shall be appointed by the Mayor.
First Committee members.
The first Committee members shall be appointed following adoption of this chapter, and the terms of office shall commence upon the day of the appointment and be for the following periods:
One member for a one-year term.
Two members for two-year terms.
Two members for three-year terms.
The term of each appointee shall be designated in members' appointments.
All subsequent appointments, except to fill vacancies, shall be for the full term of three years.
The Economic Development Advisory Committee shall advise and assist the Township Committee with respect to commercial and industrial development which, in addition to the customary uses and industries, shall also include supporting and development of the agri-commerce and agri-industry business.
It shall be the responsibility of the Economic Development Advisory Committee to conduct research into potential economic development, work within the limits and appropriations provided by the Township Committee to periodically print, publish, and/or distribute such marketing materials which may be used to support and promote the Township in the field of market research, and to perform such other duties and functions as may be periodically asked of them by the Township Committee.
The Economic Development Advisory Committee shall designate its officers from its membership, who shall, at a minimum, be a Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, and Recording Secretary.
The Committee shall make its own rules of forum for conducting meetings of the Committee.
The Committee shall keep a journal or record of its proceedings and actions.
A majority of the members shall constitute a quorum for the conduct of meetings.