[Adopted 9-23-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-05]
In the event of failure to pay the sewage charges, fees and miscellaneous charges, the Township shall have the right to institute water shut-off procedures in accordance with the Water Services Act, 53 P.S. § 3102.501 et seq., as may be amended.
If the owner or occupant of a premises served by a water utility neglects or fails to pay for a period of at least 30 days from the due date, a rental or charge for sewer, sewerage or sewage treatment service imposed by the Township, the water utility at the request and direction of the Township, shall shut off the supply of water to the premises until all overdue rentals, rates, charges and associated penalties and interest are paid, including any charge for turning off or restoring water service. The fees and charges for water shut-off procedures shall be set by resolution of the Board of Supervisors.
In no case shall the water supply to a premises be shut off until the following has been provided:
Ten days written notice of intention to shut off the water supply has been posted at a main entrance and mailed to the person liable for payment of the rentals and charges and the owner of the property;
Posting at the main entrance to the premises a three-day written notice of the intent to shut off the water supply;
Posting at the main entrance to the premises a forty-eight-hour written notice of the intent to shut off the water supply.
If during the ten-day period the person liable for payment of the rentals and charges delivers to the Township or to the water utility supplying water to the premises a written statement under oath or affirmation averring that there is a just defense to all or part of the claim and that the statement was not executed for the purpose of delay, the water supply shall not be shut off until the claim has been judicially determined.
Prior to discontinuing service in a residential building as defined under the act of November 26, 1978 (P.L. 1255, No. 299) known as the Utility Service Tenants Rights Act,[1] the water utility shall comply with the provisions of that Act.
Editor's Note: See 68 P.S. § 399.1 et seq.
In no case shall the water supply be shut off if the occupant of the premises has produced a medical certification by a physician to be seriously ill or affected with a medical condition which will be aggravated by a cessation of water service or failure to restore water service, as provided for and in accordance with the emergency provisions of 52 Pa. Code Chapter 56.
Nothing in this section shall be construed to authorize a water utility or the Township to shut off or deny water to a lessee for failure of a previous lessee to pay a water or sewer service rate.