[HISTORY: Adopted by the City Council of the City of Edgerton 3-1-1993 by Ord. No. 2-93 (Ch. 14 of the 1993 Municipal Code). Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Amended 7-17-2023 by Ord. No. 23-10]
The transfer and conveyance of the real property known as the Fassett Cemetery located in the City of Edgerton, Rock County, Wisconsin, and the personal property used in connection therewith, from the Fassett Cemetery Association, is accepted and the conditions therein contained complied with.
[Amended by Ord. No. 96-16]
Authority. The Committee is created pursuant to § 157.50, Wis. Stats., and § 14.7 of this Code and shall advise the City Council as to the regulations on care and management of the Edgerton Fassett Cemetery.
Powers. Said Committee shall have full control and authority to care for, manage and regulate the cemetery and any additions thereto, and to adopt such rules and regulations subject to the approval of the City Council for the use of the cemetery and interments therein, to determine the sale price of cemetery lots, the amount of annual assessments, perpetual care and charge for work done by cemetery employees, and when any such cemetery rules and regulations have been approved by the Council, they shall be deemed part of this chapter, and any person violating the same shall be subject to the penalty provided for in violation of this chapter.
Separate budget. Said Committee shall annually submit to the Council, at the time provided by law, a separate budget for the operation and maintenance of the cemetery. The City Finance Director shall keep an account of all moneys received and disbursed for the cemetery.
Superintendent. The Director of Public Works shall be the superintendent of the cemetery and shall be appointed in accordance with the terms and provisions as set forth in § 14-6 of this Code.
The Director of Public Works in his capacity as superintendent of the cemetery, under the direction of the Public Works Committee, shall have the general supervision, control, charge and management of the cemetery and all grounds connected therewith, the laying out and subdividing of the cemetery grounds into lots and the ornamentation thereof and shall have charge of all interments in the cemetery and the recording of the ownership of all lots therein.
To keep all cemetery records. The superintendent shall keep all necessary records of all burials in the cemetery and of all burial permits and of the transfer of ownership of cemetery lots and shall turn the same over to the City Finance Director to be entered into a permanent record to be kept by the Finance Director.
Responsible to committee. The superintendent shall be directly responsible to the Public Works Committee and shall abide by such rules and regulations as may be adopted from time to time by the Committee and approved by the Council.
[Amended 9-5-2023 by Ord. No. 23-21]
How constituted; control of expenditure by City Council. All moneys derived in any manner from the Fassett Cemetery, whether it be from assessments collected from lot owners, moneys paid for work done by the superintendent or its employees, moneys received from the sale of lots or moneys received in any manner or from any other source, shall be placed in the City of Edgerton General Fund and the City Council shall have and is hereby vested with full power to control the expenditure of these funds.
Committee to submit budget to Council. The Public Works Committee shall, as directed each year, file with the City Finance Director an itemized statement of the receipts and disbursements pertaining to the cemetery for the current year and an estimate for the ensuing year.
[Amended by Ord. No. 96-5; 7-20-2020 by Ord. No. 20-04]
Sale and transfer of lots.
Price of lots. The City Council shall fix the price of lots and such price shall include perpetual care. For pricing see Cemetery Fee Resolution.[1]
Editor's Note: The Cemetery Fee Resolution is on file in the City Hall.
Sale of lots. The sale of lots shall be under the control of the superintendent, subject to such rules and regulations as the Committee and the City Council may from time to time prescribe.
Conveyance of lots, recording. All conveyance of lots shall be by deed executed by the City Finance Director and the City Administrator. No deed to any lot shall be delivered until said lot is fully paid for. All deeds of lots in said cemetery shall be recorded at length in a book to be kept for that purpose by the City Finance Director and, when so executed and recorded, shall vest the title for burial purposes only in the grantee, his heirs and assigns, subject to the following rules, regulations, conditions, limitations and reservations now established and those which may be hereafter adopted by the City Council for the government or maintenance of said cemetery.
Foundation permits. A fee will be charged for issuance of a "foundation permit" (for pricing see Cemetery Fee Resolution). This permit is required before a foundation can be placed in the cemetery. The location and construction of the foundation has to be approved by the superintendent of the cemetery.
Interment and disinterment.
Superintendent to issue permit. No interment shall be allowed in said cemetery without a written permit issued by the superintendent or other duly authorized person in charge of said cemetery. The applicant for a permit shall furnish to the superintendent the name, sex, nativity, age, cause and date of death of the person to be buried, if known to such applicant, and shall pay to the City Finance Director for such interment to cover the opening of the grave, filling the same, and for attendance at the burial, such sums as may be fixed by the City Council. The superintendent shall thereupon issue a permit for such burial and shall keep a record thereof and of the facts furnished as aforesaid, together with the date of burial and the number of the lot upon which said interment is made. Said superintendent shall report monthly to the Committee the permits issued by him and the facts with reference thereto as above recorded, and the amount paid to the Finance Director for burial fees. Said Committee shall embody the reports of the superintendent in their normal annual report, which shall be filed in the office of the City Administrator. The owners of lots may allow the interment of other than their immediate family, provided permission is given in writing and the same filed with the superintendent. Disinterment and removal of the body shall not be made without the permission of the Committee or superintendent, the lot owner and the next of kin of the deceased.
No burial unless lot paid for. No burial shall be permitted upon any lot in said cemetery unless the lot is paid for or security for payment made thereof.
Opening, filling.
The superintendent shall have charge of digging and filling of all graves. The cost of digging and filling in of graves shall be set by the Committee and payment for the same shall be made to the City Finance Director before any grave is opened.
Winter grave opening regulations shall go into effect from December 1 to April 1 of each year. Additional fees will be charged for funerals and/or grave preparation on Saturdays, Sundays and City-recognized holidays.
For fees relating to grave opening see the Cemetery Fee Resolution.[2]
Editor's Note: The Cemetery Fee is on file in the City Hall.
Flowers and plants. The planting of perennials or annuals of taller than 24 inches on graves shall not be permitted. One flower container or one shepherd's hook with hanging basket and one solar light shall be allowed per grave. One flower bed will be allowed on a lot, the width of the same to be not over eight inches and the length not greater than 24 inches. All summer flowers and hanging baskets shall be removed by November 1 of each year or will be removed and destroyed by cemetery personnel. No trees or shrubs shall be planted without the approval of the superintendent. (A suggested list may be obtained from the superintendent.)
Plastic wreaths or plastic floral arrangements shall be limited to one for each grave space. All such plastic wreaths or plastic floral arrangements will be removed and destroyed by cemetery personnel on April 15 of each year.
No other objects or memorials are allowed that cannot be placed on the headstone or its foundation.
Monuments, markers and vaults.
Lots must be paid for. No monument or grave marker will be permitted to be erected on a lot which has not been fully paid for.
Permit. Before any monument or headstone is constructed or placed upon any lot or grave site, a permit therefor shall be secured by lot owners or monument firms from the superintendent which shall contain such information and data as may be prescribed by the Committee.
Foundation, expense. All foundations for monuments, headstones and markers shall be constructed by monument companies selling or providing such monuments, headstones or markers, and shall be placed, constructed, and provided to conform to the rules and regulations adopted by the Public Works Committee. All expense and costs of said foundation, shall be the responsibility of and be paid by the company or organization selling monument, headstone or marker. A foundation permit is required. (See Subsection B.)
No advertising allowed. No dealers' or manufacturers' cards or advertisements shall be marked on any stone or placed anywhere within the limits of the cemetery.
Rules for placing monuments. Workmen engaged in placing monuments, headstones or markers or doing any other work shall provide suitable planks on which to move the same, and immediately after the work is completed all rubbish must be cleared away and the ground left clean and in good condition. Adjoining lots, paths or roads where work is being done must not be blocked or damaged. All workmen engaged in erecting markers or other structures are prohibited from tying ropes to trees, shrubbery or other objects, and are prohibited from littering grounds longer than is absolutely necessary, and the surrounding lots must be restored to their proper condition. In cases of neglect such removal or repair work will be made by the cemetery employees at the expense of the lot owner or the contractor. Locations for monuments and foundations must be done under the direction of the superintendent.
No responsibility for damage. The Committee, the superintendent or other employee thereof shall not be responsible for any damage to the lots or structures thereon, or for flowers or plants removed from any lot. Any damage or loss shall be reported to the superintendent, who shall endeavor to discover the offender.
Curbing, fences, etc., prohibited. Curbing or fences of any nature around lots, or cornerstones or foot markers thereon are prohibited, and the superintendent may remove the same at the cost of the owner of such lot.
Vaults or mausoleums not allowed. No vaults or mausoleums shall be constructed or erected in said cemetery.
Concrete boxes or better required. No burials will be allowed unless the casket is enclosed in a concrete box or better.
Loitering prohibited. No person shall loiter in said cemetery after dark.
No walking on lots. All visitors shall walk on paths and avenues and shall refrain from walking over lots to make a shortcut through the cemetery.
Speed limit. No automobiles or other motor vehicles shall be operated or driven in the cemetery in excess of 10 miles per hour.
Dogs not allowed. No dogs shall be allowed in the cemetery.
U-turns not permitted. No U-turns shall be permitted on any drive or avenue.
Rubbish to be deposited in receptacles. No rubbish shall be thrown on any avenues, walks or any part of the grounds, but shall be deposited in receptacles provided for that purpose.
Picking flowers, defacing monuments prohibited. No person shall pluck or remove any flowers, either wild or cultivated, or break any tree, shrub or plant, or write upon, deface or injure any marker, monument, or structure in or belonging to the cemetery or any lot owner.
Discharging firearms, catching animals, etc., prohibited. No person shall destroy bird nests, discharge firearms of any kind or nature, throw stones or catch or kill any animal on the cemetery grounds.
Firearms prohibited except by military companies, etc. No person carrying firearms, excepting police or military companies attending funerals, will be permitted in said cemetery.
Disturbance prohibited. No person shall disturb the quiet and good order of the cemetery by noise or other improper conduct.
Advertising prohibited. No advertising signs may be erected or maintained in said cemetery.
Snowmobiles, all-terrain vehicles. No snowmobiles or all-terrain vehicles are permitted in the cemetery.
By the Committee:
Power to lay out and alter walks, etc., and make rules. The Committee may from time to time lay out or alter avenues and walks and make such rules, regulations, conditions, limitations and restrictions as it may deem necessary for the government and improvement of said cemetery, subject to the approval of the City Council. All lots and owners thereof shall be subject to the conditions, restrictions, limitations, reservations, rules and regulations now in effect or such as the City Council may from time to time adopt for the government and improvement of said cemetery.
Trees may be trimmed or removed. The superintendent shall have the right to enter upon any lot and trim or remove therefrom any tree or shrubbery on such lots when the same becomes detrimental to adjacent lots, avenues, walks or roads, or inconveniences people passing by, because of roots, branches or otherwise.
[Amended 9-5-2023 by Ord. No. 23-21]
Definition. As used in this section, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
The cutting of grass at reasonable intervals, the raking and cleaning of a lot or grave, the pruning and trimming of shrubs and trees, and such work as may be necessary to keep the lot or grave in a good and neat condition in the manner as is now regularly done upon the lots or graves located in said cemetery. It shall also include the removal of snow from the roadway to the cemetery lot, and the clearance of a sufficient space adjacent to the lot to facilitate the conducting of a burial. The construction, repair or replacement of any foundation, marker, headstone, monument or other structure, the planting of flowers or plants, the cleaning of monuments or stones, or any other special work is not included in the term "perpetual care," and such work shall be paid for by the lot owner at rates to be determined by the City Council. The same service given to lots upon which perpetual care has been paid shall likewise be given lots the upkeep of which is paid for on the annual assessment plan.
[Amended by Ord. No. 96-5; 7-20-2020 by Ord. No. 20-04]
Any person violating any provision of this chapter shall be penalized as provided in § 1-6 of this Code. A separate offense shall be deemed committed on each day on which a violation occurs or continues.[1]
Editor's Note: The Table of Uniform Fines and Penalties, which immediately followed this section, was repealed at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).