[Adopted 6-5-2021 ATM by Art. 76, approved 10-7-2021]
This article is enacted in accordance with MGL c. 40, § 22, to promote public safety by establishing certain rules and regulations concerning the use of the Town's roadways by bicycles and motor vehicles.
At any location at which a multi-use/shared path intersects with or is crossed by a public or private way or driveway with the exception of major intersections to be determined by the Town of Nantucket, bicyclists, pedestrians and other users of the paths shall have the right of way, and any person operating a motor vehicle shall stop and yield to such bicyclist, pedestrian or other user.
At any location at which a multi-use/shared path intersects with or is crossed by a public or private way with the exception of major intersections to be determined by the Town of Nantucket, the Town shall install informative path-crossing signs and separate stop signs facing the motor vehicle approach to the intersection so that drivers of motor vehicles are warned to use all caution necessary and to yield the right of way to any bicyclist, pedestrians or other users of the path.
For the purposes of paragraphs A and B in § 57-14, a major intersection shall be considered to be the intersection between a main road, e.g., the Milestone Road, or secondary road that bears as much vehicular traffic as a main road, and a multi-use path.
The provisions of this bylaw are severable. If any provision, paragraph, sentence, or clause of this bylaw or the application thereof shall be held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the other provisions or application of this bylaw.