Statement of policy. The bulletin boards located in the Borough
administrative building and other facilities are intended for official
notices regarding policies, procedures, meetings and special events.
Only personnel authorized by the Administrator may post, remove, or
alter any notice.
The New Jersey Legislature has declared that in all governmental
buildings the rights of nonsmokers to breathe clean air supersedes
the rights of smokers. In accordance with state law, the Borough has
adopted a smoke-free policy for all buildings. Borough facilities
shall be smoke-free, and no employee or visitor will be permitted
to smoke anywhere in Borough buildings. Employees are permitted to
smoke only outside Borough buildings and in such locations as not
to allow the reentry of smoke into building entrances. Smoking inside
vehicles owned by the Borough and near equipment that may be sensitive
to smoke is also prohibited. This policy shall be strictly enforced,
and any employee found in violation will be subject to disciplinary