[Ord. No. 15.96 §1, 12-17-2015[1]]
The following words, terms and phrases, when used in Chapter 135, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this Section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
The following positions are deemed the Appointed Officials: City Administrator, City Clerk, Police Chief, Building Official, City Planner, Public Works Director, City Engineer, City Treasurer, and City Attorney.
[Ord. No. 21.34, 7-1-2021; Ord. No. 23.73, 10-5-2023]
A list maintained by the office of the City Clerk used to identify potential suppliers of materials and services. The bidders list contains business firms that have advised and supplied appropriate contact information to the office of the City Clerk in order to be notified of City bidding opportunities on particular items, services, and/or projects.
The City of Osage Beach, Missouri.
Supplies, materials, or other goods that have value to the City that are used or consumed by the City in its operations; for example, office supplies, repair parts, tools, chemicals, uniforms, etc.
Information not available to the public. Information made available to an employee only due to the relative position or rank within employment at the City.
Labor and/or services performed for the City by persons not employed by the City, and may include the use of equipment, furnishing of commodities, or other items under a formal or legally binding agreement.
Full-time employee designated with broad areas of responsibility within the City. The following positions for the purposes of this Chapter are deemed the Department Managers: the Appointed Officials, as defined in this Chapter, Assistant City Administrator, Human Resources Generalist, Airport Manager, IT Manager, Public Works Operations Manager, and the Parks and Recreation Manager.
[Ord. No. 21.34, 7-1-2021]
Personal property of durable nature; for example, office furniture, vehicles, etc.
Includes documents with specifications utilized for soliciting competitive bids to be submitted in sealed envelopes to the office of the City Clerk or other designated official for the purchase of commodities or other items that have value to the City for the City's use.
The following positions shall be deemed the Management Team: the Appointed Officials, as defined within this chapter, Assistant City Administrator, Human Resources Generalist, Airport Manager, IT Manager, Public Works Operations Manager, and the Parks and Recreation Manager.
[Ord. No. 21.34, 7-1-2021]
Revenue appropriations not considered operationally reoccurring from year to year. This includes, but is not limited to, grants and other reimbursements from outside sources.
[Ord. No. 21.34, 7-1-2021]
The process and the function of purchasing, renting, or otherwise obtaining City commodities, services, equipment, or construction on behalf of the City.
Services within the scope of practice of architecture, engineering, or those performed by an architect, professional engineer, registered land surveyor, or other professional service allowed per State statute in connection with this professional practice.
Shall be the City Administrator or his/her designee.
Includes documents utilized for obtaining proposals for professional and other contractual services which are evaluated against predetermined criteria and other competing proposals with the possibility of negotiation post-bid opening.
Includes documents utilized for obtaining proposals for architectural, engineering, and land surveying services which are evaluated against predetermined criteria and other competing proposals with the possibility of negotiation post-bid opening. Price shall not be a predetermined criteria per Sections 8.285 to 8.291, RSMo.
A person or entity who has the capability in all respects to fully perform the contract requirements, and possesses the experience, integrity, reliability, capacity, facilities, equipment, and credit necessary to assure good faith performance.
A person or entity who has submitted a bid or offer which conforms in all material respects to the requirements set forth in the IFB (Invitation for Bid) or RFP (Request for Proposal).
A person who has been designated as a supervisor within a specific department and has the authority and responsibility for overseeing, scheduling, and performance of other employees as outlined in the City's Organizational Chart.
[Ord. No. 21.34, 7-1-2021]
Tangible City property that has been deemed by the Board of Aldermen obsolete, scrap, or surplus as to the needs of said department, Board, or agency of the City.
Refers to the department assigned to or responsible for a commodity or service.
A supplier of commodities, services and/or equipment.
Editor’s Note: Former Chapter 135, Finance and Purchasing, comprised of Sections 135.010 through 135.240, which derived from Code 1975 §§22.010, 24.095; CC 1985 §§2-301 – 2-302, 2-326 – 2-338; RO 2006 135.010 – 135.240; Ord. No. 90.12 §1, 5-17- 1990; Ord. No. 91.33 §§1 – 3, 12-5-1991; Ord. No. 96.38 §§1 – 2, 9-19-1996; Ord. No. 00.06 §§1 – 9, 2-3-2000; Ord. No. 05.17 §§1 – 2, 4-7-2005; Ord. No. 06.56 §1, 12-21- 2006; Ord. No. 11.55 §1, 11-3-2011, was repealed 12-17-2015 by §1 of Ord. No. 15.96.
[Ord. No. 15.96 §1, 12-17-2015]
The City Administrator or his/her designee shall be the Budget Officer of the City.
Fiscal year. The fiscal year of the City shall begin on January 1 and end on December 31.
Financial reporting.
The City Administrator or his/her designee shall make monthly and annual reports to the Mayor and Board of Aldermen showing the financial condition of the City in relation to the budget.
Annually, the City Administrator or his/her designee shall prepare a financial report covering all funds and operations, published for the public, and presented to the Mayor and Board of Aldermen.
Audit. All funds, accounts, and financial transactions of the City shall be subject to an independent audit on an annual basis by a certified public accountant selected by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen. Audits shall comply with all applicable State law.
Preparation and proposed budget.
An annual budget shall be prepared by the City Administrator or his/her designee for each fiscal year and shall represent a complete financial plan for the City.
A proposed budget shall be sent to the Mayor and Board of Aldermen for review before the required date of adoption and shall be made available for public inspection during regular office hours in the office of the City Clerk.
All appropriations not expended at the fiscal year end shall become part of the beginning fund balances for the next fiscal year and may be appropriated for that fiscal year or future years.
All funds within the budget shall be balanced. Anticipated revenues, including unexpended balances from prior years, shall not be less than anticipated expenditures.
Adoption. The Mayor and Board of Aldermen shall adopt the annual budget prior to the first day of the fiscal year. A public hearing shall precede the adoption of the budget.
Budget modification. No expenditure within any fund shall be made unless appropriations have been made to meet that expenditure within the adopted budget.
[Ord. No. 21.34, 7-1-2021]
Personnel, And Operations & Maintenance Accounts.
A department manager may request in writing to the City Administrator a transfer of personnel, and operations & maintenance account expenditure appropriations of an amount equal to or less than five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) from one (1) or more account line items for use in other personnel, and operations & maintenance account expenditures within the same fund.
Transfer requests equal to or greater than five thousand one dollars ($5,001.00) shall be approved by the Board of Aldermen in the form of an amendment to the budget ordinance.
Capital Accounts.
A department manager may request in writing to the City Administrator a transfer of capital account expenditure appropriations of an amount less than ten percent (10%) from one (1) or more account line items for use in other capital account expenditures within the same fund.
Transfer requests equal to or greater than ten percent (10%) shall be approved by the Board of Aldermen in the form of an amendment to the budget ordinance.
When reasonably possible, transfer requests should be completed prior to purchase.
Transfers may not increase total fund expenditure appropriations.
Budget Amendments.
Personnel, And Operations & Maintenance Accounts.
Increases in expenditure appropriations for personnel, and operations & maintenance account line items equal to or greater than five thousand one dollars ($5,001.00) shall be approved by the Board of Aldermen in the form of an amendment to the budget ordinance.
The City Administrator may approve increases in expenditure appropriations for personnel, and operations & maintenance account line items that are equal to or less than five thousand dollars ($5,000.00).
Capital Accounts.
Increases in expenditure appropriations from any capital account line items when the increase is both less than or equal to ten percent (10%) and less than or equal to five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) may be approved by the City Administrator.
All other increases in capital account line items shall be approved by the Board of Aldermen in the form of an amendment to the budget ordinance.
If total fiscal year expenditures in any fund are over budget, a budget amendment shall be brought before the Board of Aldermen for approval before the close of the fiscal year.
Increases or decreases in one-time or non-reoccurring revenue appropriations within a budgeted fund that are equal to or greater than five thousand one dollars ($5,001.00) shall be approved by the Board of Aldermen in the form of an amendment to the budget ordinance.
When reasonably possible, budget amendment requests should be completed prior to purchase.
[Ord. No. 16.85 §1, 12-15-2016]
Reserves established. The City shall establish and maintain fund reserves for the General Fund, Transportation Fund, Water Fund, Sewer Fund, Lee C Fine Fund, and the Grand Glaize Fund. Refer to the Osage Beach Reserve Policy as adopted by the Board of Aldermen on December 1, 2016, Exhibit A to this ordinance and held on file in the City offices.
Target reserve levels. Target levels as described below shall be established and maintained by fund and detailed within the annual adopted budget.
The target level for the Governmental Fund Reserves, the General Fund and the Transportation Fund, shall be twenty-five percent (25%) of the most recent 3-year average of personnel and operation and maintenance expenditures plus an annual contribution for the Capital Reserve based on a Capital Plan Schedule. The twenty-five percent (25%) reserves shall consist of an Emergency Reserve set at fifteen percent (15%) and a Stability Reserve set at ten percent (10%).
The target level of the Water Fund and the Sewer Fund shall be sixteen percent (16%) of the most recent 3-year average of personnel and operation and maintenance expenditures plus an annual contribution for the Capital Reserve based on a Capital Plan Schedule. The sixteen percent (16%) reserves shall consist of an Operating Reserve.
The target level of the Lee C Fine Airport Fund and the Grand Glaize Airport Fund shall be eight percent (8%) of the most recent 3-year average of personnel and operation and maintenance expenditures plus an annual contribution for the Capital Reserve based on a Capital Plan Schedule. The eight percent (8%) reserves shall consist of an Operating Reserve.
Accountability. It shall be the responsibility of the City Administrator, or his or her designee, to maintain and account for the fund reserves established under this Section.
[Ord. No. 19.87, 12-19-2019]
Investment Policy Established. The City shall establish an investment policy defining procedures and practices in which City funds are to be managed ensuring investment activities meet the legalities and effectiveness of fiscal management. This policy shall apply to the investment of all operating and reserve funds of the City of Osage Beach.
The Osage Beach Investment Policy, as adopted by the Board of Aldermen, is attached hereto as Exhibit A.[1]
Editor's Note: Exhibit A is included as an attachment to this Chapter.
[Ord. No. 19.57, 9-19-2019]
In recognition of the fact that in certain limited cases the existing economic development tools are insufficient or inapplicable to the proposed project, the Board of Aldermen acting under the strict terms of this Section may by contract with a developer enter into an agreement to reimburse certain fees as set forth in this Section.
The Mayor or the City Administrator may, where either or both believe it to be in the best interests of the City, make a written recommendation to the Board of Aldermen, that the use of this economic development fee reimbursement program is necessary to support either:
A tourism-related economic development project; or
A new residential project consisting of:
At least twenty (20) new single-family residences priced for sale at two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000.00) or less or, if held as rental property, a monthly rent of one thousand fifty dollars ($1,050.00) or less exclusive of utilities. The benefit of any fee reimbursement for this category shall not apply until at least twenty-five percent (25%) of such units have been completed and offered for sale; or
A single project of at least forty (40) multifamily units each priced under one hundred seventy-five thousand dollars ($175,000.00) or, if held as rental property, a monthly rent of nine hundred dollars ($900.00) or less exclusive of utilities. The benefit of any fee reimbursement for this category shall not apply until at least twenty-five percent (25%) of such units have been completed and offered for sale.
Once the minimum number of units necessary to qualify for the fee reimbursement issued pursuant to this Section shall have been completed and offered for sale, the City Administrator may, if the contract with the developer so provides, adjust any future fees due on the project to retroactively apply the fee reimbursement to all the units constructed, as set out in the schedule of fees imposed included in the ordinance under which the Board of Aldermen approved reimbursements pursuant to this Section for the project.
The prices set forth in Subsections (A) and (B) above shall be indexed in Subsection (I) of this Section.
Any fee reimbursement granted under this Section shall apply only to units built within five (5) years of the Board's approval of the reimbursement. The Board may extend the reimbursement one time for an additional five (5) years where it finds such extension to be in the best interest of the City.
If any property is sold, or offered for sale, for more than the amount agreed in the schedule of prices adopted by the Board of Aldermen and the developer, the certificate of occupancy shall stand revoked until the waived fees are paid in full.
If any property is rented/leased, or offered for rent/lease, for more than the amount agreed in the schedule of prices adopted by the Board of Aldermen and the developer, the certificate of occupancy shall stand revoked until the waived fees are paid in full.
The recommendation required in Subsection (B) above shall state in detail:
Project name and location.
Nature of the project, including the size and number of bedrooms and bathrooms for each dwelling unit in the project.
Owner or sponsor of the project.
A schedule of the fees by category, percentage and anticipated dollar amount to be paid and the amount eligible for reimbursement.
Certify that the proposed fee reimbursement does not adversely impact any ongoing City operations or City debt obligations.
Provide a budget for the project demonstrating the fee reimbursement(s) requested are necessary for the project to proceed.
A written schedule of the dates and amounts of the fees to be reimbursed on a building-by-building or unit-by-unit basis.
In the event the properties are intended as rental units, the recommendation shall specify the duration of the rent limitations contained herein for a period not to exceed fifteen (15) years.
The City will give favorable consideration and projects are encouraged to request reimbursement of no more than fifty percent (50%) of the eligible fees under this Section.
The City will evaluate each reimbursement request made under this Section by comparing the sale or rental price of each unit against the requested fee reimbursement.
Fee reimbursements will be distributed as per the contract between the developer, applicant and the City.
Upon receipt of the written recommendation of the Mayor or the City Administrator as described in Subsection (B) above, the Board of Aldermen may, acting by duly adopted ordinance, direct the City Administrator grant reimbursement pursuant to either one-fourth (1/4), one-half (1/2) or three-fourths (3/4) of any or all of the following fees:
Water impact fee: Section 705.320.
Sewer development charge: Section 710.410.
Building permit fee: Section 500.020, Subsection 109.1.
Site development fee: Section 510.120.
Demolition permit fees: Section 500.175.
The base price for single-family residence or multifamily units as referenced in Subsection (B)(2) above, shall be adjusted, upwards only, effective on January 1 each year in accordance with the percentage increase, if any, in the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U); US City Average; for all items, not seasonally adjusted, the year 2019 equals 100 as the reference base (the "Index"), as published by the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. Should the Bureau of Labor Statistics discontinue the publication of the Index, or publish the same less frequently, the City may adopt a substitute index or procedure that reasonably reflects and monitors consumer prices.