Any development on a property located within the boundaries of the Inclusionary Overlay Zoning District (IO-1, or its sub-zones IO-1A, 1B, or 1C) shall be subject to a 10% affordable housing set-aside requirement consistent with the requirements of that overlay zone (see §
175-9.1), regardless of whether the development is intended to comply with the standards of the Overlay Zoning District or the underlying districts.
A. Example: A new residential or mixed-use development consisting of
10 or more residential units on a property located in the B-1 District
as well as in the IO-1A overlay zone shall be required to set aside
10% of all units for low- and moderate-income households regardless
of whether the developer intended to develop the property in a manner
consistent with the B-1 District or the IO-1A Overlay Zone District.
B. Such affordable units shall also be consistent with any other applicable
state or municipal affordable housing requirements.