Table 10-1
Parking Requirements by Use
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Type of Use
Minimum Number of Spaces Required
Residential - accessory dwelling unit
Use existing parking required for residential single-family
use (no additional parking spaces required for each ADU – use
only parking required for one residential dwelling unit)
Residential - single-family
2 per dwelling unit
Residential - 2-family
2 per dwelling unit
Residential - multifamily
• 1.5 per unit for 1-bedroom units
• 2 per unit for 2-bedroom units
• 2.5 per 3-bedroom or larger units in residential district
• 1 additional visitor's space for every 6 units or fraction
Residential - multifamily meeting definition of "affordable
housing development"
2 spaces for every 3 dwelling units
Residential - multifamily restricted to elderly
1 per 2 units
Elderly noncongregate detached housing
1 per 3 units
1 per 4 seats in principal assembly room
Schools - excluding high schools and colleges
1 for each employee and staff, plus sufficient off-street space
for safe loading and unloading of students
Schools - high schools and colleges
1 per 5 students based on the maximum number of students attending
the school at any period in the day
Schools - commercial
1 per 3 students based on the maximum number of students attending
the school at any period in the day
Private clubs, lodges, or fraternal organizations
1 per 75 square feet of total floor area
Recreation assembly places
1 per 75 square feet of total floor area
1 per 4 seats
Bowling alleys
5 per alley
Funeral homes
1 per 100 square feet of total floor area
Adult day-care center
1 per employee plus 1 per 6 clients
Hospitals and nursing homes
1 per 3 beds plus 1 per 2 employees per shift
Professional offices
1 per 250 square feet of total floor area
1 per 150 square feet of total floor area
Medical offices
1 per 100 square feet of total floor area
Veterinarian clinics and kennels
5 per veterinarian
1 per 200 square feet of total floor area
Eating and drinking
1 per 75 square feet of total floor area
Barber, salon
4 per chair
Industrial businesses
1 per employee on the maximum working shift
1 per 500 square feet of floor area
Child-care facilities
1 per 4 children
Temporary lodging
1 per guest rooms plus 1 per employee per shift
Golf courses
50 per 9 holes
1 per 2 slips or moorings