A minimum number of off-street parking spaces shall be provided in accordance with the specifications in this section when a new use is established, or an existing use is enlarged. Off-street public parking lots and spaces may be utilized to fulfill parking requirements in lieu of on-premises parking when such parking lots have been provided for that purpose.
The number of off-street parking spaces shall conform to the limits specified in Table 10-1.
[Amended 9-25-2023]
Table 10-1
Parking Requirements by Use
Type of Use
Minimum Number of Spaces Required
Residential - accessory dwelling unit
Use existing parking required for residential single-family use (no additional parking spaces required for each ADU – use only parking required for one residential dwelling unit)
Residential - single-family
2 per dwelling unit
Residential - 2-family
2 per dwelling unit
Residential - multifamily
• 1.5 per unit for 1-bedroom units
• 2 per unit for 2-bedroom units
• 2.5 per 3-bedroom or larger units in residential district
• 1 additional visitor's space for every 6 units or fraction thereof
Residential - multifamily meeting definition of "affordable housing development"
2 spaces for every 3 dwelling units
Residential - multifamily restricted to elderly
1 per 2 units
Elderly noncongregate detached housing
1 per 3 units
1 per 4 seats in principal assembly room
Schools - excluding high schools and colleges
1 for each employee and staff, plus sufficient off-street space for safe loading and unloading of students
Schools - high schools and colleges
1 per 5 students based on the maximum number of students attending the school at any period in the day
Schools - commercial
1 per 3 students based on the maximum number of students attending the school at any period in the day
Private clubs, lodges, or fraternal organizations
1 per 75 square feet of total floor area
Recreation assembly places
1 per 75 square feet of total floor area
1 per 4 seats
Bowling alleys
5 per alley
Funeral homes
1 per 100 square feet of total floor area
Adult day-care center
1 per employee plus 1 per 6 clients
Hospitals and nursing homes
1 per 3 beds plus 1 per 2 employees per shift
Professional offices
1 per 250 square feet of total floor area
1 per 150 square feet of total floor area
Medical offices
1 per 100 square feet of total floor area
Veterinarian clinics and kennels
5 per veterinarian
1 per 200 square feet of total floor area
Eating and drinking
1 per 75 square feet of total floor area
Barber, salon
4 per chair
Industrial businesses
1 per employee on the maximum working shift
1 per 500 square feet of floor area
Child-care facilities
1 per 4 children
Temporary lodging
1 per guest rooms plus 1 per employee per shift
Golf courses
50 per 9 holes
1 per 2 slips or moorings
Where a proposed use cannot be reasonably fit into one of the categories in Table 10-1, the Planning Board shall prescribe the required number of off-street parking spaces.
The Planning Board may grant a waiver of minimum parking requirements after determining the following:
The applicant demonstrates that the number of off-street parking spaces is adequate for a proposed use.
On-street parking is available within a reasonable distance.
Off-street parking in public lots is not available.
Granting the waiver will not create excess congestion, hazardous, or unsafe conditions in the neighborhood.
Dimensions. Every parking space shall be a minimum of nine feet in width, and 18 feet in length. Parking spaces in front of a garage door shall be a minimum of nine feet in width, and 22 feet in length. No parking space shall obstruct or intrude into a sidewalk or driveway. Parking lot travel lanes shall be a minimum of 20 feet in width if a herringbone configuration is utilized. Otherwise the travel lanes shall be a maximum of 24 feet in width. One-way aisles may be reduced to 16 feet in width.
[Amended 3-18-2024]
Handicap. These spaces shall meet the requirements set forth in ANSI 117.1.A.
Visual obstructions and internal walkways. All driveway entrances and exits shall be kept free from visual obstructions higher than three feet above street level for a distance of 15 feet measured along the intersecting driveway in order to provide the required visibility for entering and exiting vehicles. Continuous internal walkways shall be provided from the public sidewalk to the principal customer entrances, connecting pedestrian activity. All internal pedestrian walkways shall be distinguished from driving surfaces through use of durable surface materials to enhance safety and comfort, as well as the attractiveness of the walkways.
Lighting. Artificial lighting used to illuminate parking spaces shall be arranged so that no direct rays from such lighting falls upon neighboring properties.
Buffers. All parking spaces and access drives shall be at least five feet from side and rear lot lines. All parking spaces shall also be at least 15 feet from the front lot line. Off-street parking and access drives for nonresidential uses that abut lots in residential or conservation districts shall meet the dimensional requirements of the Zoning Ordinance.
[Amended 3-18-2024]
Landscaping. The existing landscape shall be preserved in its natural state, insofar as practicable. Tree removal shall be kept to a minimum. Grade changes shall be in keeping with the general appearance of neighboring developed areas.
Parking lots in residential districts. These lots shall be landscaped with a continuous border of shrubbery along all lot lines abutting properties in residential use. This vegetative buffer shall have a mature height of three to six feet and shall provide a year-round screen.
Large parking areas. Large parking areas of 35 or more spaces shall include at least one tree of 2 1/2 inches caliper. Planting islands for such trees shall not be less than five feet wide nor 75 square feet. Parking lots of 5,000 to 10,000 square feet shall include 5% of that space for internal landscaping. Parking lots over 10,000 square feet shall include 10% internal landscaping.
Special main street standards. In the Main Street corridor from Saco Island to the I-195 connector, no parking spaces shall be located between the front of the building and the street.
Shared parking. The Planning Board may allow a reduction in the off-street parking requirements for properties that share parking. To obtain such an approval, the applicant must conclusively demonstrate that one or more proposed uses will generate a demand for parking spaces primarily during periods when the other use or uses are not in operation.
Parking lot interconnections. Where practical, the design of parking lots shall provide for lot-to-lot vehicle movement via interior connecting roadways and cross-access easements.
In the MB District, parking shall be located to the side and rear of buildings.
Parking held in reserve. If the applicant can clearly demonstrate to the Planning Board that, because of the nature of the operation or use, the parking or loading requirements of this chapter are unnecessary or excessive, the Planning Board shall have the power to approve a site plan showing less parking or loading area than required; provided, however, that a landscaped area of sufficient size to meet the deficiency shall be set aside and reserved for the purpose of meeting future off-street parking and loading requirements in the event that a change of use of the premises shall make the use of such additional off-street facilities necessary. The applicant, at the time of the initial application, shall submit for Planning Board approval a design of this possible future parking area. The reserved area shall be converted to parking in whole or in part whenever the owner desires, or when deemed necessary by the Planning Board. In addition, a reevaluation of the parking requirement shall be required upon a change of use, expansion, or renovation. Notations describing these arrangements shall be included on the face of the plan.
Drive-through facilities. Each drive-through or queuing lane shall be separated from the circulation lanes by means of pavement markings, signs, and/or islands and shall not block access to any parking spaces. Stacking spaces shall not be permitted in the required building setbacks. Five stacking spaces shall be provided for each bank teller station or automated teller machine. At least 10 stacking spaces will be provided for a restaurant's drive-in window.