[HISTORY: Adopted by the Township Committee of the Township of Harmony 4-5-1983 by Ord. No. 0:83-5 (Ch. 122 of the 1990 Code). Amendments noted where applicable.]
The purpose of this chapter is to provide rules and regulations for the use, control and protection of and conduct in the parks and recreation areas of the Township of Harmony to ensure their orderly and safe use, to help assure their preservation, to promote minimum inconvenience to those people bordering them and to provide penalties for violators.
This chapter shall apply in all parks and recreation areas under the jurisdiction of the committee or the governing body of the Township of Harmony, hereinafter called "Township," unless expressly exempted. For the issuance of permits, temporary designations, authorization, granting of approval and other actions, the approving governing agency shall be the Township or its designee for lands under its jurisdiction.
In the interpretation of this chapter and all succeeding park and recreation area ordinances, the provisions shall be construed as follows:
Any term in the singular shall include the plural.
Any term in the masculine shall include the feminine and neuter.
Any requirements or prohibition of any act shall respectively extend to and include the causing and procuring, directly or indirectly, of such act.
No provisions hereof shall make unlawful any act necessarily performed by any officer or employee of the committee or Township in the line of duty or work as such or by any person or his agent or employee in the proper and necessary execution of the terms of any agreement with the committee or Township.
Any act otherwise prohibited by law or local ordinance shall be lawful if performed under, by virtue of and strictly within the provisions of a permit so to do and to the extent authorized thereby.
The term "Township Police Department" shall refer to the Police Department established by the Township or any other law enforcement agency of the State of New Jersey having jurisdiction in the absence of an established Township Police Department.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
No person shall possess or consume alcoholic beverages, drugs or narcotics in any park or recreation area.
No group of 100 or more persons shall use a Township park or recreation area without first having obtained a group use permit not later than 30 days before the proposed date of use. Group use shall be limited to designated areas. Adult supervision of children's groups is required at all times.
No person shall call or hold any public meeting or give any concert or public entertainment of any kind within a Township park or recreation area without first having obtained written permission in advance from the Township no later than 30 days before the proposed date of use.
No person shall use loudspeakers, public address systems or amplifiers within a Township park or recreation area without first having obtained written permission in advance from the Township no later than 30 days before the proposed: date of use.
[Added 12-14-2010 by Ord. No. 10-15; amended 11-5-2013 by Ord. No. 13-5; 5-4-2021 by Ord. No. 21-5]
Purpose. The purpose of this section is to highlight the policies governing our Township parks. It is our conviction that Township facilities are for the enjoyment of the residents of Harmony Township and guests. It is our philosophy that usage of the facilities should be free except for extraordinary reasons for reserving. These extraordinary reasons are reserved picnic area, reserving of fields, and usage of lighted areas.
Types of groups. There are many types of groups within our Township. The groups have been split into classifications. The following are classification groups:
Department of Municipal Government
Schools, community nonprofit, emergency groups, other governmental agencies
Religious and political organizations
Profit organizations
Athletic organizations
Definition for "In-Town." The recreation site will be used by many different individuals and organizations. Preference will be given to in-town groups as it regards to fees. The following is the definition for each classification of the "in-town" designation. Any group that is using the facility for athletic leagues, or practices, are classified as athletics. For example, if a church is running a soccer league, they are classified as athletics and not a religious organization. However, if a group is holding a fundraiser which is a soccer game for the benefit of a nonprofit organization, they would be classified as a nonprofit organization.
Group Types and In Town designation
Group Type
Department of Municipal Government
All Township departments and committees
50%, plus 1 of the students are from the Township
Community nonprofit
The offices are within the Township
Emergency groups
Harmony volunteer fire and first aid squads serving the Township
Other governmental agencies
Government agency benefiting Harmony Township
Places of worship within the Township
Political organizations
Harmony Township political organizations
Profit organizations
Businesses that are located within the Township with more than 4 employees
Harmony Township residents
Athletic organizations
50%, plus 1 of the participants live within the Township
How to reserve.
A person or organization wishing to reserve the pavilion, or fields, will contact the Clerk's office and submit a reservation form with the appropriate reservation fee and usage fee. Check will be made out to "Harmony Township."
A refundable damage deposit will be submitted on a separate check made out to "Harmony Township."
Organizations need to provide a certificate of insurance showing that Harmony Township as additional insured.
Payment of the fee must be received within 48 hours of reservation and is nonrefundable. Nonpayment will result in cancellation of reservation. The fees listed in Subsection F below are subject to change annually by resolution of the Township Committee. A copy of this resolution is kept on file in the Township Clerk's office and is available for review during regular business hours.
The rental of the pavilion shall include use of the pavilion and bathroom facilities. The athletic fields may also be used if they are not already in use. This rental does not include the snack bar or any food preparation areas. Rules and regulations will be provided to the user by the Municipal Clerk's office.
The rental of the soccer/hockey or baseball fields shall include use of the bathroom facilities. The rental does not include the pavilion, snack bar or any food preparation areas. Rules and regulations will be provided to the user by the Municipal Clerk's office.
Any person(s)/organization wishing to use the pavilion or athletic fields shall pay a refundable security deposit of $200 through the Township Clerk's office. This deposit shall be held by the Township and returned upon confirmation that the site and its facilities are left in a satisfactory condition following a reservation. If the site is left in an unsatisfactory condition, the renter will be notified, in writing, of the reason all or a portion of his/her deposit is not being returned. Deposits are due at least seven days prior to the reservation.
How is the application processed.
The form will be submitted to the Township Clerks office.
The Township Clerk will review form for completeness and appropriate fees. It will be submitted for the Township's designated scheduler to schedule.
The Clerk's office will maintain the current calendar. All requests will be processed by the Municipal Clerk's office.
Applications will be reviewed with preference to in-town residents and organizations and out-of-town returning organizations in good standing in accordance with the classification chart in Subsection C. The Harmony Township Athletic Association shall have priority over all other individuals and organizations. There will be a schedule grid created so all people will have a chance of using the facility. Prime-time hours are defined as 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, and 8:00 a.m. to noon on Saturdays.
2021-2022 usage fees.
Township rate.
10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Soccer/field hockey fields
Fall season practices
$50/season per team
Soccer/field hockey fields
Spring season practices
$50/season per team
Soccer/field hockey fields
Spring/fall season games
$25/game date
Spring season practices
$50/season per team
Spring season games
$25/game date
All fees/deposits will be waived for the Harmony Township Athletic Association in exchange for their in-kind services.
Out-of-Township rate.
10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Soccer/field hockey fields
Fall season practices
$100/season per team
Soccer/field hockey fields
Spring season practices
$100/season per team
Soccer/field hockey fields
Spring/fall season games
$50/game date
Spring season practices
$100/season per team
Spring season games
$50/game date
Fees are subject to change annually by resolution of the Township Committee. A copy of this resolution is kept on file in the Township Clerk's office and is available for review during regular business hours.
Dogs and cats must be kept on a leash not exceeding six feet in length. No domestic animal shall be permitted to run at large within any Township park or recreation area, either with or without a keeper, except in those areas designated for that purpose by the Township.
[Added 8-4-1998 by Ord. No. 0:98-6; at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
No dogs, cats or other domestic animals shall be permitted upon the grounds comprising the Harmony Township Recreation site or Harmony Township Municipal Building.
No person shall leave bottles, broken glass, ashes, wastepaper or other rubbish within a Township park or recreation area, except in a properly provided receptacle designated for that purpose.
No person shall throw or place any dirt, stone, rock, debris or foreign or waste substance upon any Township park or recreation area.
No person shall pick flowers, foliage, berries or fruit or cut, break, dig up or in any way mutilate or injure any tree, shrub, plant, fern, grass, turf, railing, seat, fence, structure or any other object within a Township park or recreation area.
No person shall build, light or maintain a fire within a Township park or recreation area, except in a camp stove or a fireplace provided, maintained or designated for such purpose by the Township; excepting, however, that oil or gasoline camp stoves may be used in picnic areas where other stoves are provided.
No person shall bear any weapon or firearms within or into a Township park or recreation area. Firearms shall not be carried not be in possession of anyone in the Township park or recreation areas. Carrying of and shooting with bow and arrow are prohibited in said areas.
No person shall molest, trap, capture, hold, remove, injure or kill any animal or disturb its habitat within a Township park or recreation area.
No person shall engage in any commercial enterprise, including but not limited to the offering of services, soliciting, selling or peddling any liquids or edibles for human consumption or distributing circulars or hawking, peddling or vending any goods, wares or merchandise within a Township park or recreation area except within concession areas designed and leased by the Township.
No person shall cut, carve, paint, mark, paste or fasten on any tree, fence, wall, building, monument or other object within a Township park or recreation area any bill, advertisement or inscription; nor shall any person distribute, cast, throw or place any handbill, pamphlet, circular, advertisement or notice of any kind within a Township park or recreation area.
No person shall use any portion of a Township park or recreation area for the purpose of a way, except drives, parking areas, roadways, paths, walks and trails established for such purposes by the Township; and footpaths or walks established for pedestrian travel shall not be used for vehicular travel. The use of mopeds or motorized bikes will be limited to roadways, drives and parking areas as established and opened to all other vehicular traffic and shall not be operated at any time within a Township park or recreation area unless such mopeds or motorized bikes are registered, licensed and operated in accordance with applicable motor vehicle statutes of the State of New Jersey.
No person shall drive or propel or cause to be driven or propelled along or over any road within a Township park or recreation area any vehicle at a rate of speed greater than 10 miles per hour.
No person shall drive or propel or cause to be driven or propelled along or over any road, parkway, drive or parking area within a Township park or recreation area any motor vehicle in a reckless manner or in a manner to endanger the life, limb or property of pedestrians or the drivers or occupants of other vehicles or any other person within a Township park or recreation area. The motor vehicle operator and the motor vehicle operated within a Township park or recreation area shall be in compliance with New Jersey State Motor Vehicle license and Safety Laws.
No person shall use any area of the Township park(s) or recreation areas for takeoff, landing or any other use by motorized hang gliders or similar vehicles or aircraft, except in the case of emergency.
[Added 12-4-2018 by Ord. No. 18-12]
[Amended 5-7-2024 by Ord. No. 24-03]
No person shall, without permission, enter into or remain within a Township park or recreation area between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m., unless otherwise authorized by a permit issued and/or reservation made pursuant to this chapter.
No person shall harass, obstruct, molest, assault or interfere with any person lawfully within a Township park or recreation area or shall resist, obstruct, molest, assault or interfere with any agent or officer of the Township or law enforcement officer of the State of New Jersey.
No person shall remain within a Township park or recreation area who does not abide by conditions adopted and posted by the Township for the preservation of good order and the protection of property within a Township park or recreation area and no person shall remain within a Township park or recreation area who does not abide by the instructions and directions of duly authorized officers or agents of the Township in the lawful performance of their duties. Any person directed by an agent or officer of the Township to leave a Township park or recreation area shall do so promptly and peaceably.
No person shall use threatening, abusive, boisterous, insulting or indecent language or gestures within a Township park or recreation area, nor shall any oration, harangue, public demonstration or any nuisance be made.
Permits for special events in parks and recreation areas shall be obtained by application to the Township, filed at the office of the Township Clerk, in accordance with the following procedure:
A person seeking issuance of a permit hereunder shall file an application stating:
The name and address of the applicant.
The name and address of the person, persons, corporation or association sponsoring the activity, if any.
The day and hours for which the permit is desired.
The park or portion thereof for which the permit is desired.
Any other information which the Township shall find reasonably necessary to make a fair determination as to whether a permit should be issued hereunder.
Variances required from park rules and regulations.
Standards for issuance of a use permit shall include the following findings:
That the proposed activity or use of the park will not reasonably interfere with or detract from the general public enjoyment of the park.
That the proposed activity and use will not unreasonably interfere with or detract from the promotion of the public health, welfare, safety and recreation.
That the proposed activity or uses that are reasonably anticipated will not include violence, crime or disorderly conduct.
That the proposed activity will not entail extraordinary or burdensome expense or police supervision by the Township or state law enforcement agency.
That the facilities desired have not been reserved for other use on the date and hour requested in the application.
A permittee shall be bound by all park rules and regulations and all applicable ordinances as fully as though the same were inserted in said permit.
The person or persons to whom the permit is issued shall be liable for all loss, damage or injury sustained by any person whatever by reason of the negligence of the person or persons to whom such permit shall have been issued. A permittee may be required to submit evidence of liability insurance covering injuries to members of the general public arising out of such permitted activities in such amounts as may be from time to time determined prior to the commencement of any activity or issuance of any permit.
The Township Police Department or any other law enforcement officer of the State of New Jersey having jurisdiction in the absence of an established Township Police Department shall have the authority to eject from the park or recreation area any person or persons acting in violation of this chapter.
The Township Police Department or any other law enforcement officer of the State of New Jersey having jurisdiction shall have the authority to seize and confiscate any property, thing or device in the park or recreation area or used in violation of this chapter.
[Amended 8-7-1990 by Ord. No. O:90-15; at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
Any person who violates any provision of this chapter shall, upon conviction thereof, be subject to the penalty provisions in Chapter 1, Article II, General Penalty, of the Code of the Township of Harmony.