[Adopted 3-15-2007 by Ord. No. 07-2 (Ch. 25, Art. XXI, of the 1990 Code)]
Pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40:48-1 there is hereby established in and for the Township of Harmony the position of part-time position of Office Assistant/Deputy Registrar/Licensing Official, which shall be, unless otherwise established, a part-time position.
The part-time position of Office Assistant/Deputy Registrar/Licensing Official shall perform such duties as may be assigned by the Municipal Clerk/Registrar or, from time to time, by the Township Committee and/or any other Township official.
The term of the office of the part-time Office Assistant/Deputy Registrar/Licensing Official shall be for the balance of the year during which the appointment is made, and thereafter, for a period of one year, to commence on January 1 on the year in which the appointment is made, and shall be subject to appointment annually by the Township Committee on the corresponding day of each year thereafter.
The part-time position of Office Assistant/Deputy Registrar/Licensing Official shall receive such compensation as same shall be provided pursuant to an ordinance affixing the salaries of several Township officers and officials of the Township of Harmony, County of Warren and State of New Jersey, as the same shall be amended or supplemented from time to time. No benefits shall be provided for by the Township for this part-time position, except for prorated vacation time according to the Harmony Township Employee Policy.
The hours for the part-time Office Assistant/Deputy Registrar/Licensing Official shall be as established by the Township Committee in consultation with the Municipal Clerk. They may be enlarged from time to time as circumstances necessitate.
All ordinances or parts thereof which are inconsistent with this article are hereby repealed.
This article shall become effective following final passage and publication according to law.