This Charter shall be submitted to the qualified voters of the City of Lubbock for adoption or rejection on the 27th day of December, 1917.
It is hereby prescribed that the form of ballot for use in such election shall be as follows, to wit: FOR THE ADOPTION OF THE CHARTER: AGAINST THE ADOPTION OF THE CHARTER.
The present City Council shall call such election, and same shall be conducted, and the returns made and result declared as provided by the laws of the State of Texas governing municipal elections, and in case a majority of the votes cast at such election shall be in favor of the Charter, then an official order shall be entered upon the records of said City by the City Council of Lubbock, declaring the same adopted, in case said Charter shall receive a majority in favor of the adoption thereof at such election.
The City Secretary shall record, at length, upon the records of the City, in a separate permanently bound book to be kept in his office for such purpose, this Charter if adopted at such election, and such Secretary shall furnish to the Mayor a copy of such Charter as adopted, authenticated by his signature and the seal of the City, which copy of the Charter shall be forwarded by the Mayor of the City of Lubbock to the Secretary of State, and shall show the approval of such Charter by a majority vote of the qualified voters of the City of Lubbock.
By Charter Commission, duly elected:
Geo. C. Wolffarth, Chairman
Roscoe Wilson
W. S. Posey
Percy Spencer
J. O. Jones
H. A. Davidson
Jas. L. Dow
W. F. Schenck
J. D. Lindley
R. K. Henderson
E. B. Green
C. E. Parks
E. L. Klett
J. H. Moore
M. T. Jacobs, Acting Secretary