[Adopted by Ord. No. 10-30 (Ch. 156 of the 2000 Code)]
The goal of this article is to provide comprehensive management and control of stormwater runoff in an environmentally sound, safe and economical manner such that only minor inconvenience is experienced by the people and property within the City and its two-mile extraterritorial jurisdiction.
Unless specifically defined below, words or phrases used in this article shall be defined in accordance with the definitions in Chapter 163, Flood Damage Prevention, and of Chapter 284, Subdivision of Land. Words or phrases not defined below or in said chapters shall be interpreted so as to give them the meaning they have in common usage and to give this article its most reasonable application.
A practice or combination of practices that are the most effective and practicable (including technological, economic and institutional considerations) means of controlling point or nonpoint source pollutants at levels compatible with environmental quality goals.
The maximum volume or rate of conveyance available in a stormwater management facility, including freeboard, to store or convey stormwater without damage to public or private property.
A natural or man-made open watercourse with definite bed and banks which periodically or continuously contains moving water; or which forms a link between two bodies of water.
The City Engineer of the City or their designated representative.
[Amended 8-17-2023 by Ord. No. 23-21]
A professional engineer licensed in the State of Iowa to practice in the field of civil works.
Part of a stormwater management facility designed to regulate the stormwater runoff release rate.
The latest edition of SUDAS as approved by the City Council.
[Ord. No. 15-24]
A stormwater management facility designed, constructed or modified to provide short-term storage of stormwater runoff, which reduces the peak overflow to a rate less than the peak inflow.
The improvement of land from its existing state or significant alteration.
An area of land contributing to stormwater runoff.
The surface and subsurface system for the removal of water from land, including both natural elements (streams, ponds, etc.) and man-made elements (ditches, channels, storm sewers, etc.).
The downward movement of water from the land surfaces into the soil profile.
A type of best management practice (BMP) that is used to manage stormwater runoff, prevent flooding and downstream erosion, and improve water quality in an adjacent river, stream, lake or bay. It is essentially a shallow artificial pond that is designed to infiltrate stormwater through permeable soils into the groundwater aquifer. Infiltration basins do not discharge to a surface water body under most storm conditions, but are designed with overflow structures (pipes, weirs, etc.) that operate during flood conditions.
A heating/cooling system where water is extracted from a pond, lake, or well, circulated through a heat pump unit where the heat is extracted, then the water is discharged to a storm sewer or surface water drainage system. For the purpose of this article, open loop geothermal heating/cooling systems using well re-injection do not apply.
A stormwater management facility designed, constructed or modified to provide long-term storage of stormwater runoff, which reduces the peak outflow during a specific rainfall event. This facility is typically designed to maintain a specific water elevation (privately owned).
A vegetated ecosystem along a water body through which energy, materials and water pass. Riparian areas characteristically have a high water table and are subject to periodic flooding.
A lot, parcel, or tract of land, or portion thereof, where development is occurring, or has occurred, and may, or may not, require additional permits.
Facilities for the conveyance of stormwater runoff, typically a series of conduits and appurtenances, to accommodate frequent storms, not generating large peak discharges. These facilities usually include conduits, street gutters and small swales.
All man-made facilities and structures and all natural watercourses that are owned by the City, or that are within a drainage easement owned by the City, and that are used for collection, storage, treatment, and conveyances of stormwater from any area, through any area. This includes without limitation all stormwater facilities, canals, creeks, curb and gutter, dams, ditches, floodwalls, flumes, gulches, gullies, levees, ravines, siphons, streams and swales. For the purpose of illicit discharge regulation, any discharge to an area tributary to the stormwater drainage system shall be treated as a discharge to the stormwater drainage system.
Anything built or used for the control of stormwater, including without limitation catch basins, channels, culverts, detention basins, energy dissipation structures, inlets, manholes, outlets, pipes and other conduits, retention basins, and roadways and gutters.
A site plan, certified by a civil engineer, landscape architect, or certified inspector of sediment and erosion control, including materials, construction phasing, grading activities, and methods used for mitigation of increased stormwater runoff from the site under the requirements set forth in the Design Standards Manual.
A document conforming to the requirements therefor contained in General Permit No. 2 and this article, prepared and certified by a design professional as defined herein.
The flow of water resulting from precipitation upon a surface area, not absorbed by the soil or plant material.
The amount of stormwater runoff discharged from dominant to subservient land.
An area designated to store excess stormwater.
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan.
Any stream, creek, reservoir, lake, pond, or natural or artificial drainageway.
Editor's Note: This section was amended 3-23-2023 by Ord. No. 23-02 to delete the following defined terms: 100-year-storm; Comprehensive Plan; first flush; five-year storm; hydrograph; overflow system; post-development runoff; pre-development runoff; and wetlands.
Supplemented ordinances. The following chapters of this Code of Ordinances are hereby supplemented:
Chapter 284, Subdivision of Land.
Chapter 340, Zoning.
Chapter 126, Article I, Building Code.
Greater restrictions. Where conditions imposed by any provision of this article are either more restrictive or less restrictive than comparable conditions imposed by any other provision of this article or any other law, ordinance, resolution, rule or regulation of any kind, the regulations which are more restrictive or which impose higher standards shall govern.
The following are exempt from the requirements of this article:
Agricultural use of land.
Emergencies posing an immediate danger to life or property, or substantial flood or fire hazards.
Land within floodplain areas as designated in the Federal Emergency Management Agency maps in effect at the time of development, except when associated with discharge sites related to open loop geothermal heating/cooling systems.
Areas deemed appropriate by the City Engineer.
The requirements of this article apply to all development within the City.
Stormwater detention basins intended to serve single-family residential development shall be privately owned and maintained unless approved otherwise by City Council.
[Amended 8-17-2023 by Ord. No. 23-22]
Lots (other than single-family lots) with an overall area of one acre or more shall provide on-site stormwater detention. Such lots with an overall area less than one acre and an impervious surface greater than 11,000 square feet (approximately 1/4 acre) shall comply with one of the following, as approved by the City Engineer:
Privately owned, on-site detention basin.
Tributary to privately or publicly owned detention basin.
In some watersheds, on-site stormwater detention may be required, at the discretion of the City Engineer, for said lots.
At the discretion of the City Engineer, subject to approval by City Council, if a detention basin serves other than single-family zoning districts and can provide stormwater attenuation for a substantial drainage area, the facilities may be publicly owned and maintained.
[Amended 8-17-2023 by Ord. No. 23-22]
A site plan containing information regarding stormwater drainage facilities set forth in this article must be submitted and approved by the City Engineer before any person may:
Receive a building permit for new construction or relocation of a principal or accessory use or enlargement or extension of an existing use.
Reroute, deepen, narrow, enlarge, fill or in any way alter an existing stormwater drainage system.
Pave a parking lot containing four or more parking spaces with hot mix asphalt (HMA) or portland cement concrete (PCC).
Install an open loop geothermal heating/cooling system.
For purposes of obtaining approval of a stormwater management plan, an Iowa licensed professional engineer, certified inspector of sediment and erosion control, or landscape architect shall design stormwater drainage facilities in conformance with SUDAS. Stormwater drainage facilities shall be designed with appropriate BMP's such as detention and retention basins, grass swales, buffer strips, bio-retention and other similar types of infiltration basins and riparian areas, that will convey drainage through the property to one or more treatment areas such that no development shall cause downstream property owners, watercourses, channels or conduits to receive stormwater runoff from the proposed development site at a peak flow greater than that allowed by the standards in effect at the time of approval of the development.
[Ord. No. 15-24]
In order to ensure that the stormwater drainage facilities are constructed in accordance with the approved design, the property owner or applicant shall provide to the City an as-built plan detailing dimensions and elevations as well as certification that the approved facilities were installed and properly working. The as-built plan shall be completed by an Iowa licensed professional engineer, surveyor, or landscape architect and submitted to the City prior to the acceptance of any improvements or issuance of a certificate of occupancy. At the discretion of the City, a property owner or applicant may satisfy the SWMP requirements by ensuring the conveyance of stormwater discharge from the property to a regional public detention facility.
The stormwater management plan, including on-site stormwater detention facilities, shall be reviewed for the purpose of completing review of plans by the City Engineer prior to issuance of foundation permits, or building permits for the site. The improvements shall be constructed prior to the issuance of final certificates of occupancy. The requirements of this subsection may be deferred at the discretion of the City Engineer.
For sites on which privately owned and maintained stormwater detention and/or conveyance facilities are located, the property owner shall be responsible for the following:
All future grading, repairs, and maintenance.
Maintenance of the minimum stormwater detention volume, as approved by the City Engineer.
Maintenance of the detention basin control structure(s) and discharge pipe(s) to insure the maximum theoretical stormwater release rate, as reviewed by the City Engineer, is not increased.
Any and all other requirements or responsibilities detailed in any stormwater maintenance covenant and permanent easement agreement or any other agreement, easement or contract binding upon the property.
[Added 8-17-2023 by Ord. No. 23-22]
The property owner shall place no fill material, or erect any buildings, obstructions, or other improvements on the area reserved for stormwater detention purposes, unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer.
The property owner shall, when required by the City Engineer, dedicate to the City, by instrument or final platting, any property on which public stormwater detention basins will be located. Ingress-egress easements for maintenance of public facilities shall be provided prior to final site approval. Paved surface to basin is required if basin is not located adjacent to a public road.
All public storm sewers shall be dedicated to the City.
Upon determination that a site is not in compliance with the SWMP and/or DNR regulations, the City Engineer may issue an order to comply. The order shall describe the problem and specify a date whereby the work must be completed, and indicate the penalties to be assessed for further noncompliance.
Except as provided in this article, no person shall engage in construction of stormwater management facilities, unless a stormwater management plan has been reviewed and approved by the City Engineer.
Compliance with this article is achieved when:
The site plan has been approved.
The approved stormwater drainage facilities have been implemented and are demonstrably in conformance with the approved site plan and Design Standards Manual.
[Amended 3-23-2023 by Ord. No. 23-02]
It is the intent of this section that review of the stormwater drainage system be carried out simultaneously with the review of the request for a building permit. The site plan required under this article may be submitted in a form which will satisfy the site plan requirements set forth in Chapter 126, Article I, Building Code, and Chapter 340, Zoning.
Before starting on construction regulated by this article, the applicant shall comply with the requirements set forth in other applicable ordinances with respect to submission and approval of subdivision plats, plans of improvements, building permits, inspections, appeals and similar matters, as well as requirements of state statutes and the regulations of any department of the State of Iowa.
At the direction of the City Council, during times of flooding or excessive stormwater runoff, open loop geothermal heating/cooling system discharge may be required to be diverted or discontinued from storm sewer or surface water drainage systems.
At the direction of the City Council, open loop geothermal heating/cooling systems may be required to be modified to include a well reinjection system.
Higher release rate. The City Engineer may permit a higher stormwater runoff release rate from a development than set forth in the Master Drainage Plan and/or Design Standards Manual, provided the City Engineer determines that the proposed stormwater runoff release rate:
[Amended 3-23-2023 by Ord. No. 23-02]
Will not adversely affect properties in the downstream portion of the drainage system.
Will not adversely affect the drainage system or any watercourse.
Will not adversely affect the environment.
Will not be contrary to the goal and general objectives of this article and will not adversely affect the public health, safety, and welfare.
Waiver to City Engineer. An applicant may request a waiver from the requirements of this article and/or the Design Standards Manual by submitting an application in writing to the City Engineer. This application shall identify the name of the developer and/or owner of the property, a description and drawing of the proposed development, the location of the proposed development and any other information requested by the City Engineer that is reasonably necessary to evaluate the proposed development. The City Engineer may grant a waiver if they determine that as a result of the waiver of the development:
[Amended 3-23-2023 by Ord. No. 23-02; 8-17-2023 by Ord. No. 23-21]
It is not likely to adversely affect other properties.
It is not likely to adversely affect the drainage system or any watercourse.
It is not likely to adversely affect the environment.
It is not likely to be contrary to the goal and general objectives of this article and the public health, safety and welfare.
There are practical difficulties or unnecessary hardships in carrying out the strict letter of this article.
The effect of the application of this article would be arbitrary and unreasonable in this specific case.
Appeals to Building Board of Appeals. Any person affected by a decision of the City Engineer given in connection with the administration or enforcement of this article may request and shall be granted a hearing on the matter before the Building Board of Appeals. All requests for such hearing shall be made in writing and shall contain the information set forth in Subsection B of this section, plus such other information as may be required by the Building Board of Appeals. In addition, the Building Board of Appeals may request other information that is reasonably necessary to evaluate the request for appeal.
The Building Board of Appeals shall use the standards set forth in Subsection B(1) through (6) of this section as criteria for evaluating appeals.
The applicant shall be notified in writing of the time and place of the meeting at least four days prior to the meeting. At the meeting, the applicant and the City Engineer shall be given an opportunity to be heard and to show cause why any decision should be sustained, modified, withdrawn, or variance granted.
The Building Board of Appeals by a majority vote may sustain, modify, withdraw, or grant a waiver or variance on any decision of the City Engineer that is appealed.
The rules of procedure of the Building Board of Appeals shall govern the conduct of the meeting.
Stormwater drainage facilities may not outlet onto adjacent property unless downstream land has adequate means to convey runoff and erosion control measures are taken to assure compliance with City and state erosion control regulations. Erosion resulting from such outlet may not exceed soil erosion limits established by state law.
The City Engineer, or their authorized representatives, shall establish and maintain a stormwater inspection schedule that includes but is not limited to:
[Amended 8-17-2023 by Ord. No. 23-21]
Routine inspections.
Random inspections.
Inspections based upon public complaint.
Inspections based upon notice of possible violations.
Inspection of areas identified as having a higher than typical detention requirement for sediment or pollutant exposure, such as construction sites, detention and retention basins.
Inspections of businesses or industries of a type associated with discharges that begin to discharge above acceptable tolerance limits set by local, state or federal water or sediment quality standards, or the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Phase II stormwater permit and the Clean Air Act.
Joint inspections with other agencies inspecting per environmental or safety regulations as deemed necessary.
Inspections may include, but are not limited to the following:
Evaluating the condition and current need for maintenance of stormwater control features such as inlets, manholes, piping, detention and retention basins.
Sampling discharges, surface water, groundwater, sediment material or standing water in drainage control facilities as deemed necessary.
Reviewing maintenance and repair records of stormwater facilities.
Verification that stormwater facilities approved during construction plan review, such as detention basins, retention basins, piping and inlets, are present and in good condition.
Owner responsibility. The owner shall be responsible for all stormwater drainage facilities not officially dedicated and accepted by the City. Said responsibility may be delegated and costs allocated to benefitted property owners through a stormwater maintenance covenant and permanent easement agreement or any other agreement, easement or contract binding upon the property.
[Amended 8-17-2023 by Ord. No. 23-22]
The City shall notify the owner of a stormwater drainage facility of the existence of a maintenance problem when the City has received a verified complaint or a field inspection report.
If, after notice and a reasonable time, the owner fails to properly maintain the stormwater drainage facility, the City may institute legal action to abate or enjoin the violation. The City may also authorize City employees to enter the stormwater drainage facility to make it fully operative pursuant to City and state statute. The property owner may bear the costs of such action.
Said responsibility may be delegated and costs allocated to property owners within the subdivision in which the stormwater drainage facility is located through a stormwater maintenance covenant and permanent easement agreement or any other agreement, easement or contract binding upon the property. In such case, the City shall provide notice and take any remedial or enforcement action as is provided in said agreement.
City responsibility. The City shall be responsible for maintenance of land and stormwater drainage facilities dedicated to the City. The City may provide maintenance for stormwater storage areas serving more than one lot which have not been dedicated to the City. Such maintenance shall be subject to negotiation with the owner.
Intent. It is the intent of this section to achieve the objectives of this article by:
Assuring compliance with the Master Drainage Plan and Design Standards Manual in terms of stormwater runoff flow rates, thereby protecting downstream properties.
[Amended 3-23-2023 by Ord. No. 23-02]
Promoting equity in terms of the financial responsibility of owners developing either upstream or downstream properties.
Owner's responsibilities. The owner and/or developer shall be responsible for:
Installation of all stormwater drainage facilities.
Purchase of all storm sewer pipe and their construction materials.
Design of all stormwater drainage facilities in accordance with the Master Drainage Plan and Design Standards Manual.
[Amended 3-23-2023 by Ord. No. 23-02]
Construction of all stormwater storage areas, channels, swales, culverts, ditches, streets, and pumping stations and similar facilities.
Payment of drainage fee at time of final plat.
Acquisition of all applicable permits and submittal of said permits to the City for review.
Reconstruction of all downstream stormwater drainage facilities determined to have inadequate capacity as affected by increased water flow due to open loop geothermal heating/cooling systems discharge.
Payment of application review fees set by City Council resolution at time of open loop geothermal heating/cooling system project site plan submittal.
If necessary, execution of a stormwater maintenance covenant and permanent easement agreement and any other document or documents required by the City's Stormwater Basin Dedication and Maintenance Policy.
[Added 8-17-2023 by Ord. No. 23-22]
City's responsibilities. The City shall be responsible for:
Payment to the owner or developer of the difference in actual purchase price between all pipes larger than 36 inches in size to be installed in a development and the cost of a thirty-six-inch pipe of the same material. The cost of installing the pipe is exclusively the responsibility of the owner or developer. Notwithstanding Subsection E of this section, the owner shall be completely responsible for materials and construction of bridges and culverts on streets not designated in the transportation plan, unless the Council directly requires the extension on a non-major street across a drainageway necessitating the installation of a bridge or culvert, in which case the City financial responsibility shall be for the additional costs associated with the bridge or culvert but only to the extent that the costs exceed the costs of normal construction that would normally be borne by the owner.
Purchase of land designated for approved City-owned stormwater storage areas. The land purchase price shall be established by independent appraisal of the fair market value of the subject parcel. The appraisal shall be obtained by the City and the cost of this appraisal shall be borne by the City.
In the event of a dispute between the owner and the City as to the value of the property, a second independent appraisal shall be obtained. Both the owner and the City shall have the opportunity to present evidence of this appraisal. The decision of this appraiser shall be considered the final administrative act within the City. The cost of this appraisal shall be borne equally by the owner and the City.
To qualify for City acquisition, stormwater storage areas shall:
Be part of an approved subdivision plat inside the corporate limits of the City.
Serve more than one lot.
Be dedicated to the City.
Not be hard-surfaced.
Meet the design standards of the City.
Be inspected by the City.
Drainage fee. The owner of all new subdivision final plats and all new planned development final development plans shall pay a stormwater management fee prior to Council consideration of such final plat or final development plan. Such fee shall be established by resolution of the Council.
Such money shall be placed in a special fund to be used for the purpose of financing the City's responsibilities set forth in Subsection C of this section.
Single-family residential subdivisions containing two lots or less are exempt from the drainage fee, provided the lots created by such subdivision are one acre or more in size.
Shared responsibilities. The owner and the City shall share financial responsibility in the following instances:
Bridges and culverts. The City shall be responsible for purchasing the materials for bridges and culverts needed as part of major streets as designated in the Transportation Plan. The owner shall be responsible for construction and installation of bridges and culverts. The owner shall be completely responsible for bridges and culverts on streets not designated in the Transportation Plan.
Channels. The use of open channels with or without improvements is available to developers. Cost participation by the City is subject to negotiation between the developer and the City at the time of platting.[1]
Editor's Note: Former § 153.12, Subsection 6, of the 2003 Code, which previously followed this subsection, was repealed by Ord. No. 11-04.
New construction. All new construction of a principal use on a lot shall provide for connection of sump water discharge to a dedicated City drain tile or storm sewer whenever such drain tile or storm sewer is located immediately adjacent to such lot or located within 25 feet thereof in the public right-of-way or a drainage easement.
Existing development. Upon determination that a nuisance exists, the City Engineer is authorized to require a property owner to connect a sump water discharge hose or other device for stormwater runoff to a dedicated City drain tile or storm sewer system, or surface drainageway or slope, provided such drain tile or storm sewer is located immediately adjacent to or located within 25 feet thereof, in the public right-of-way or a drainage easement, of the property causing the nuisance.
[Amended 3-23-2023 by Ord. No. 23-02]
This article does not imply that site development will be free from stormwater damage, nor shall it create liability on the part of the City for damages caused by unanticipated storms or storm sequences.
It is not intended that this article repeal, abrogate, or impair any statutory provision, administrative regulation, common law right, existing easement, express or implied, covenant or deed restriction controlling stormwater. When this article imposes greater restrictions, however, the provisions of this article shall prevail.
Responsibility. The failure of City officials to observe or foresee hazardous or unsightly conditions, or impose other or additional conditions or requirements, or to deny or revoke permits or approvals, or to stop work in violation of this article shall not relieve the property owners of the consequences of their actions or inactions or result in the City, its officers or agents being liable therefor or on account thereof. Notwithstanding any provisions of this article, every applicant bears final and complete responsibility for compliance with the NPDES General Permit #2 and any other requirements of state or federal law or administrative rule.
Any person who engages in development of a site within the area of jurisdiction of this article before meeting the requirements of this article shall be subject to one or more of the following:
The standard penalty as provided in § 1-6, Standard penalty, of this Code of Ordinances or may be cited for a municipal infraction under Chapter 55, Article I, Municipal Infractions, of this Code of Ordinances or may be subject to any other remedy allowed by law.
No foundation permits or building permits shall be issued for the property in question until the violations are corrected.
No permanent certificates of occupancy shall be issued for property in question until the violations are corrected. Any existing certificate of occupancy may be rescinded.
In the interpretation and application of this article, the provisions expressed herein shall be held to be the minimum requirements and shall be liberally constructed in favor of the City consistent with the purposes and guiding principles of this article.
Whenever the City Engineer finds such a nuisance exists, the City Engineer shall cause notice to be served on the owner of the property causing the nuisance in the same manner as provided in Chapter 223, Nuisance Abatement, of this Code of Ordinances.
In the event the person neglects or fails to abate the nuisance as directed by the City Engineer, the City may cause the nuisance to be abated as provided in Chapter 223, Nuisance Abatement. The City Engineer may also choose to institute proceedings under civil enforcement as provided in this Code of Ordinances or municipal infractions as provided in Chapter 55, Article I, Municipal Infractions, of this Code of Ordinances.
Any person ordered to abate a nuisance may have a hearing and appeal as provided under Chapter 223, Nuisance Abatement, of this Code of Ordinances.