[HISTORY: Adopted by the City Council of the City of Marion as Ch. 151 of the 2000 Code. Amendments noted where applicable.]
The purpose of this chapter is to provide minimum standards for development of manufactured/mobile home communities pursuant to and in compliance with the procedures and regulations provided in Chapter 340, Zoning.
Development or enlargement of a manufactured/mobile home community requires planned development zoning (PD-MH) pursuant to Chapter 340, Zoning. The site, size and area requirements set out in this chapter are intended to be minimum standards to be met by the specific development plans required under Chapter 340, Zoning.
For use in this chapter the following terms are defined:
A use incidental to the primary use of the manufactured/mobile home community such as direct service facility building, community management building, maintenance building, community buildings or other uses of a similar nature.
Attached or detached additions to a manufactured/mobile home, situated on the manufactured/mobile home lot for the use of its occupants, such as decks, open or enclosed carports, garages, storage sheds or items of a similar nature.
Any area or space designed for joint use of tenants occupying manufactured/mobile home communities.
A manufactured/mobile home not equipped with a toilet and bathtub or shower.
[Added 3-23-2023 by Ord. No. 23-02]
A minor private way used by vehicles and pedestrians on a manufactured/mobile home lot.
The waterproof, attachment receptacle device located adjacent to the water and sewer outlets to receive the flexible cable from the manufactured/mobile home or, where required, the permanently installed conductors. Installations shall conform to the City's Electrical Code.[1]
That part of the electric distribution system from the main electrical distribution system, overhead or underground to the service equipment serving one or more manufactured/mobile home spaces.
Those installations which were constructed before November 19, 1988.
[Amended 3-23-2023 by Ord. No. 23-02]
For purposes of this chapter the "front" of a manufactured/mobile home shall be considered as that part of the manufactured/mobile home facing toward the approved street or right-of-way as required by this chapter.
A manufactured/mobile home equipped with a toilet and bathtub or shower.
[Added 3-23-2023 by Ord. No. 23-02]
A transportable, single-family dwelling unit suitable for year-round occupancy having no foundation other than wheels, jacks, piers, grade beams or skirtings and containing water supply, waste disposal, heating and electrical conveniences.
A parcel of land under single ownership which has been planned and improved for the placement of manufactured/mobile homes for nontransient use.
A parcel of land for the placement of a single manufactured/mobile home and the exclusive use of its occupants.
That part of an individual manufactured/mobile home lot which has been reserved for the placement of the manufactured/mobile home and any appurtenances thereto.
A portable dwelling designed and constructed as an integral part of a self-propelled vehicle.
Those which are proposed for construction after the effective date of these rules and regulations.
A surfaced outdoor living space designed to supplement the manufactured/mobile home living area.
That portion of the manufactured/mobile home community street system that is surfaced, as defined in Chapter 340, Zoning, for the actual travel or parking of vehicles, and including curbs.
The connection consisting of all pipes, fittings, and appurtenances from the drain outlet of the manufactured/mobile home to the inlet of the corresponding sewer riser pipe of the sewerage system serving the manufactured/mobile home community. Installations shall conform to the City's Plumbing Code.[2]
That portion of the sewer lateral which extends vertically to the ground elevation and terminates at each manufactured/mobile home lot.
The materials and construction around the perimeter of a manufactured/mobile home floor between the bottom of the manufactured/mobile home floor and the grade level of the manufactured/mobile home stand.
An area within part of the manufactured/mobile home community but not within an individual lot to provide auxiliary general storage space.
The occupancy of a manufactured/mobile home lot by a manufactured/mobile home for a period of 14 days or less.
A vehicular, portable structure on a chassis, designed to be used as a temporary dwelling.
The connection consisting of all pipes and fittings from the water riser pipe to the water inlet pipe of the distribution system within the manufactured/mobile home. Installations shall conform to the City's Plumbing Code.[3]
That portion of the water supply system serving the manufactured/mobile home community which extends vertically to the ground elevation and terminates at a designated point at each manufactured/mobile home lot.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 126, Art. III, Electrical Code.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 126, Art. II, Plumbing Code.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 126, Art. II, Plumbing Code.
The area proposed for a manufactured/mobile home community shall have at least 10 acres of gross development area or provide for a minimum of 40 manufactured/mobile home lots.
A manufactured/mobile home community may be developed in two or more stages, provided that said stages conform in all respects with the overall Manufactured/Mobile Home Community Development Plan. Occupancy shall not be permitted until all facilities and improvements are installed and operational for not less than 25 manufactured/mobile home lots with all conditions of the required site plan being satisfied.
No manufactured/mobile home shall be connected to water, sewer, or electrical service unless the manufactured/mobile home complies with the standards and requirements prescribed by The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Standards and/or ANSI 119.1. Compliance with this standard shall be determined by the Building Official. A certificate issued by the manufacturer of the manufactured/mobile home shall be permanently affixed on a readily visible location on the exterior of the manufactured/mobile home prima facie evidence of such compliance.
Every lot upon which a manufactured/mobile home unit is located shall front onto an approved public or private street or right-of-way as defined in this chapter and shall conform to the following minimum lot area and width requirements:
Residential use. The lot area shall be a minimum of 5,500 square feet, have a minimum dimension of 110 feet on its longest side, and a minimum of fifty-foot frontage on an approved public or private street or right-of-way and not less than 15 feet in depth from back of curb.
Accessory uses. The lot area shall be a minimum of 4,000 square feet for basic requirements for such uses as direct servicing, management and maintenance of the community. Any such structure shall be of permanent type construction meeting all local applicable building and zoning codes. Building setbacks shall be the same as defined in the BL Local Business District.
[Amended 3-23-2023 by Ord. No. 23-02]
For uses requiring larger lot areas than heretofore set forth under this section, such uses may be permitted if lot sizes are increased proportionately to maintain minimum yard and separation requirements as set forth in this chapter or in Chapter 340, Zoning. The more restrictive rules shall apply.
The minimum distance between any detached appurtenance and any other detached appurtenance on the same lot or any manufactured/mobile home on the same lot shall be as set forth in the Building Code.
There shall be provided and maintained a minimum distance of three feet between any detached appurtenance buildings to the side or rear lot lines.
Manufactured/mobile homes shall be separated from each other on opposing sides of public or private streets a minimum of 58 feet, provided that in no event shall the required front yard be less than set forth in this chapter. No manufactured/mobile home accessory use or appurtenance shall be permitted in the required manufactured/mobile home lot front yard or in the required separation between manufactured/mobile homes on opposing sides of public or private streets as provided in this chapter.
Manufactured/mobile homes shall be set back a minimum of three feet from side lot line. In addition, the sides of manufactured/mobile homes shall be separated from each other a minimum of 10 feet.
The Zoning Board of Adjustment is authorized to provide for variances from the provisions of this section, in the same manner as provided under Chapter 340, Zoning.
Each yard abutting on a perimeter public street shall be considered a front yard and shall be a minimum of 25 feet in depth.
All other yards shall have a minimum depth of 20 feet when adjacent to any PUD District, Suburban Residential District, Traditional Residential District, Uptown District or Urban District.
[Amended 3-23-2023 by Ord. No. 23-02]
The yard requirement herein may be reduced by one-half the width of any alley adjacent thereto, provided that a greater or lesser yard may be required where the Council deems necessary.
Where the boundary of a manufactured/mobile home community directly abuts another use district the Council may, where it is deemed necessary, require an area a minimum of 10 feet in width be reserved along the perimeter of the manufactured/mobile home community and within said area require the erection of a fence or wall six feet in height of a material which will provide a significant visual and sound barrier and/or screen plantings to be provided and maintained with a minimum height of eight feet at maturity or as otherwise required by the Council. Where the boundary of a manufactured/mobile home community abuts an R Zoning District, the Council may require additional screening measures to include, but not limited to, placement of multi-sectional units along the perimeter of the area adjacent to the R Zoning District, additional open space or equivalent measures.
Exposed ground surfaces in all parts of every manufactured/mobile home community shall be paved or covered with stone screenings or other solid material, or shall be protected with a vegetative growth that is capable of preventing soil erosion and of preventing objectionable dust.
[Ord. No. 15-24]
A stormwater management plan shall be developed in accordance with the latest edition of SUDAS as approved by the City Council. Said plan must receive approval by the City Engineer.
[Amended 3-23-2023 by Ord. No. 23-02]
No part of any community shall be used for nonresidential purposes, except uses permitted by Chapter 340, Article VI, Planned Unit Developments, and such uses that are required for the direct servicing and well-being of community residents and for the management and maintenance of the community. Nothing contained in this section shall be deemed as prohibiting either:
The sale by an owner of a manufactured/mobile home located on a manufactured/mobile home site and connected to the pertinent utilities. Any sales of manufactured/mobile homes in place on the manufactured/mobile home site shall not in any way relieve any parties involved from complying with all the applicable regulations of this chapter.
Uses accessory to the residential uses as described in Chapter 340, Zoning.
[Amended 3-23-2023 by Ord. No. 23-02]
In all communities, there shall be one or more recreation areas located so as to be free of traffic hazards, which shall be easily accessible to all community residents. The size of such recreation areas shall be based upon a minimum of 500 square feet for each lot. No outdoor recreation area shall contain less than 25,000 square feet. Required recreational area shall be computed in addition to any other common open space required elsewhere in this chapter.
General requirements. All manufactured/mobile home communities shall be provided with safe and convenient vehicular access from abutting public or private streets or roads to each manufactured/mobile home lot. Alignment and gradient shall be properly adapted to topography as approved by the Engineering Department.
Access. Access to manufactured/mobile home communities shall be designed to minimize congestion and hazards at the entrance or exit and allow free movement of traffic on adjacent streets. The entrance road connecting the streets with a public street or road shall have a minimum road pavement width of 44 feet where parking is permitted on both sides, or a minimum road pavement width of 36 feet where parking is limited to one side. Where the primary entrance road is more than 100 feet long and does not provide access to abutting manufactured/mobile home lots within such distance, the minimum road pavement width may be 28 feet, providing parking is prohibited at both sides.
Interior streets. Surfaced roadways shall be of adequate width to accommodate anticipated traffic, and in any case shall meet the following minimum requirements:
All streets providing no street parking shall be 28 feet back of curb to back of curb.
Dead-end streets shall be limited in length to 300 feet and shall be provided at the closed end with a turnaround having an outside roadway radius of at least 40 feet with no parking permitted. Where parking is permitted, the radius shall not be less than 48 feet.
All streets of a manufactured/mobile home community providing ingress and egress from an abutting public street or road shall be of a design approved by the City Engineer and by any other governmental agency exercising control over such streets or roads. Said design shall accommodate the moving of manufactured/mobile homes within the community without causing disturbance and/or damage to other manufactured/mobile homes or respective lots.
[Amended 3-23-2023 by Ord. No. 23-02]
Required illumination of street systems. All communities shall be furnished with lighting units so spaced and equipped with approved fixtures placed at such mounting heights as will provide the following average maintained levels of illumination for the safe movement of pedestrians and vehicles at night.
All parts of the community systems: 0.6 footcandle, with a minimum of 0.25 footcandle.
Potentially hazardous locations, such as major street intersections and steps or stepped ramps: individually illuminated with a minimum of 0.4 footcandle.
Street construction and design standards. All other street design and construction shall be in accordance with the latest edition of SUDAS as approved by the City Council.
[Ord. No. 15-24]
Parking areas shall be provided in all manufactured/mobile home communities for the use of community occupants and guests. Such areas shall be furnished at the rate of at least two car spaces for each manufactured/mobile home lot (minimum space nine feet by 19 feet). Additional guest parking shall be provided in reasonable numbers and shall be so located as to provide access to the manufactured/mobile home that it is intended to serve. All parking areas shall be constructed with a hard, smooth, dust-free surfacing (seal-coat or equivalent surface).
Off-street parking and storage areas provided for storing of boats, boat trailers, travel trailers, pickup coaches, truck tractors, trucks over 3/4-ton pickup size, and items of a similar nature must be constructed with a hard, smooth, dust-free and weed-free surfacing (seal-coat or equivalent surface). Said parking and storage area shall be in addition to parking required elsewhere in this section, and parking and storage of vehicles and items listed in this subsection shall not be permitted in parking areas required elsewhere in this section. Temporary manufactured/mobile home storage may be permitted prior to permanent placement on the manufactured/mobile home stand; such temporary storage of a manufactured/mobile home shall not exceed 48 hours.
[Ord. No. 15-24]
All communities shall be provided with City sidewalks in all perimeter areas adjacent to the public right-of-way. All sidewalks shall be constructed in accordance with latest edition of SUDAS as approved by the City Council.
The area of the manufactured/mobile home site shall be improved to provide an adequate foundation for the placement and tie-down of the manufactured/mobile home, thereby securing the superstructure against uplift, sliding, rotation and overturning.
The manufactured/mobile home site shall be constructed in such a manner that it will meet or exceed industry standards.
Tie-downs or anchors shall be placed to provide a readily accessible anchor for the manufactured/mobile home and be able to sustain a minimum tensile strength as per manufacturer's requirements.
Skirting of a permanent type material and construction shall be installed to enclose the open space between the bottom of a manufactured/mobile home floor and the grade level of the manufactured/mobile home stand and shall be so constructed to provide substantial resistance to heavy winds, thereby alleviating, to the maximum extent possible, lifting action created on the underside of the manufactured/mobile home by heavy winds.
A sufficiently screened, ventilating area shall be installed in the skirting to supply the combustion requirements of the manufactured/mobile home. Provision shall be made for each removal of a section large enough to permit access for inspection of the enclosed area under the manufactured/mobile home and for repairs on sewer and water riser connections.
Skirting shall be maintained in an attractive manner consistent with the exterior of the manufactured/mobile home and to preserve the appearance of the manufactured/mobile home community.
General requirements. All manufactured/mobile home stands and manufactured/mobile home community facilities shall be connected to the City's water supply and its supply used exclusively.
Source of supply. The water supply shall be designed to supply a minimum of 300 gallons per day per manufactured/mobile home plus the required fire flow of 1,500 gallons per minute and 20 pounds of pressure.
Water distribution system.
The water supply system of the manufactured/mobile home community shall be connected by pipes to all manufactured/mobile homes, buildings and other facilities requiring water. Water main six inches through eight inches in diameter shall be PVC pipe meeting AWWA C900 SDR18 or ductile iron pipe meeting AWWA C151 Class 52. Ductile iron pipe shall be provided with a cement-mortar lining meeting AWWA C104. Water main fittings shall meet AWWA C153 or AWWA C110 with cement-mortar lining meeting AWWA C104. Fittings shall be provided with mechanical joints meeting AWWA C111 and shall have an exterior bituminous enamel coating.
The water piping, backflow prevention devices, fixtures and other equipment shall be constructed and maintained in accordance with federal, state and local regulations and requirements shall be of a type and in locations approved by the health authority and the City Water Board.
The water system and all appurtenances shall be designed, constructed and maintained according to the specifications and requirement of the City Water Board and the City Building Division. Plans for water distribution systems and backflow prevention systems shall be approved by the City Water Board.
[Amended 3-23-2023 by Ord. No. 23-02]
Backflow prevention devices shall be required at the connection of the manufactured/mobile home community water system to the City water distribution system and shall conform to all the installation and location requirements as required by this Code of Ordinances.
Individual service lines and water riser pipes shall be provided for each manufactured/mobile home lot. The riser pipe shall be located within the confined area of the manufactured/mobile home stand at a point where the water connection will approximate a vertical position. Water service lines shall be of Type K soft temper copper meeting ASTM B88. Water service pipes shall be laid at least 5 1/2 feet, but not more than six feet, below the surface of the finished surface of the ground. When PVC water main is installed, water services shall be tapped to the water main using a service saddle. Installation shall be approved by the City Water Board.
Water riser pipes shall extend at least to ground level. The pipe shall be at least 3/4 inch inside diameter. The water outlet shall be capped when a manufactured/mobile home does not occupy the lot.
Adequate provisions shall be made to prevent freezing of service lines, valves and riser pipes from heaving and thawing actions of ground during freezing weather. Surface drainage shall be diverted from the location of the riser pipe.
A service shutoff valve shall be placed on every service line on each manufacture/mobile home lot near the riser pipe.
Underground stop and service valves shall have round ways of the same diameter as the pipe with which they are placed, proper keys for tuning on and off, and be of a make and pattern approved by the City Water Board.
An approved backflow prevention device shall be installed on individual service lines, when or where deemed necessary by the City Water Board and City Building Division.
[Amended 3-23-2023 by Ord. No. 23-02]
General requirements. An adequate and safe sewage system shall be provided in all manufactured/mobile home communities for conveying and disposing of all sewage. Such system shall be designed, constructed and maintained in accordance with state requirements and as approved by the City Engineering Department.
Sewer lines. All sewer mains and laterals shall be constructed according to the latest edition of SUDAS as approved by the City Council and connected to the City sewer system. For private sewer mains, PVC pipe SDR 35 ASTM D 3034 or equivalent is acceptable.
[Ord. No. 15-24]
Individual sewer connections.
Each manufactured/mobile home stand shall be provided with at least a four-inch diameter sewer riser pipe. The sewer riser pipe shall be so located on each stand that the sewer connection to the manufactured/mobile home drain outlet will approximate a vertical position.
The sewer connection shall have a minimum inside diameter of three inches and the slope thereof shall not be less than 1/4 inch per foot. The sewer connection shall consist of one pipe line only without any branch fittings, all joints shall be airtight and watertight.
All materials used for sewer and sewer connections shall be as approved by the Plumbing Code of the City,[1] and installation shall be approved by the City Engineering Department.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 126, Art. II, Plumbing Code.
Provisions shall be made for securely plugging the sewer riser pipe when a manufactured/mobile home does not occupy the lot. Surface drainage shall be diverted away from the riser. The rim of the riser pipe shall extend at least to ground level.
General requirements. Every community shall contain an electrical wiring system consisting of necessary wiring, fixtures and equipment which shall be installed and maintained in accordance with applicable codes and regulations governing such systems.
Main electrical power distribution lines. Main electrical power lines should be constructed underground according to local electric utility specifications.
Individual electrical connections.
Each manufactured/mobile home stand shall be provided with an approved disconnecting device and over-current protective equipment. The minimum service per manufactured/mobile home stand outlet shall be according to the Electrical Code for the City.[1] Minimum size for feeder circuits shall be 100 amps.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 126, Art. III, Electrical Code.
Outlet receptacles at each manufactured/mobile home stand shall be located not more than 30 feet from the exterior wall of the manufactured/mobile home it serves and a three pole, four-wire grounding type shall be used. Receptacles shall be of weather-proof construction and configuration shall be in accordance with Standards for Manufactured/Mobile Homes USAS A119.1 published by the United States of American Standards Institute or similar equipment meeting the approval of the City.
The manufactured/mobile home shall be connected to the outlet receptacle that meets ANSI C73.17-1972, American Standard dimension of caps, plugs and receptacles by an approved type of flexible cable with connectors and a male attachment plug. However, where the calculated load of the manufactured/mobile home is between 50 and 100 amperes, a second 50-ampere power supply assembly may be installed or an electrical service shall be provided by means of permanently installed conductors.
Where the calculated load exceeds 100 amperes or where a permanent feeder is used, the supply shall be by means of a four-wire installation according to City specifications.
All exposed non-current-carrying metal parts of manufactured/mobile homes and all equipment having electrical connections shall be grounded by means of an approved grounding conductor with branch circuit conductors or other approved method of grounded metallic wiring. The neutral conductor shall not be used as a ground for manufactured/mobile homes or other electrical equipment.
General requirements. Every manufactured/mobile home community of 10 or more mobile home spaces shall be provided with above- or below-grade storm shelters which shall:
Have a minimum floor area of seven square feet for each manufactured/mobile home space in said manufactured/mobile home community.
Be designed by a licensed structural engineer or architect and built in accordance with plans as approved by the City Engineer, building official or licensed structural engineer or architect.
Be designed and constructed to meet all Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) requirements and guidelines if the shelter is located in a floodplain.
Be designed and constructed to meet the minimum lighting, ventilation and existing requirements of the City's currently adopted editions of the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, Uniform Plumbing Code and National Electrical Code, where applicable.[1]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 126, Building and Construction Codes.
Be designed and constructed to meet all applicable requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
Be located no farther than 1,320 linear feet from the furthest manufactured/mobile home space in the manufactured/mobile home community.
Additions to existing communities. For any addition of 10 or more manufactured/mobile home spaces to any existing manufactured/mobile home community, a storm shelter which complies with the general requirements of Subsection A of this section shall be provided to serve such additional spaces. For any addition of fewer than 10 manufactured/mobile home spaces to an existing manufactured/mobile home community, there is no requirement that an additional shelter be provided to serve such additional spaces. However, when two or more such additions of fewer than 10 manufactured/mobile home spaces result in a cumulative addition of 10 or more manufactured/mobile home spaces to a manufactured/mobile home community, a storm shelter which complies with the general requirements of Subsection A of this section shall be provided to serve such additional spaces.
Restroom facilities. Restroom facilities in required storm shelters are not mandatory but may be installed at the owner's option. If restrooms are installed, toilets may be either flush-type operating from normal water supply, chemical or other approved types.
Access to shelters. The manufactured/mobile home community owner or such owner's designated agent or representative shall be responsible for making the storm shelter accessible and usable in times of need. It is unlawful for any required storm shelter to be used for storage purposes if such storage reduces the minimum floor area available for shelter of persons below the requirements of Subsection A of this section.
Existing nonconforming manufactured/mobile home communities. Any manufactured/mobile home community of 10 or more manufactured/mobile home spaces which has an existing above- or below-grade storm shelter as of November 19, 1988, which does not conform to the requirements of this section shall be deemed a nonconforming manufactured/mobile home community with regard to the requirements for storm shelters and may continue to exist as a nonconforming manufactured/mobile home community for so long as said existing shelter remains in place and usable; provided, however, any manufactured/mobile home spaces added to such community after November 19, 1988, shall require storm shelters as provided in Subsection B of this section.
[Amended 3-23-2023 by Ord. No. 23-02]
The storage, collection and disposal of refuse in the manufactured/mobile home community shall be so conducted as to create no health hazards, rodent harborage, insect breeding areas, accident or fire hazards or air pollution.
All refuse shall be stored in flytight, watertight, rodent-proof containers. Containers shall be provided in sufficient number and capacity to properly store all refuse.
All manufactured/mobile home communities shall offer recycling opportunities for residents by either providing dropoff facilities or curbside collection or some other alternative method for diverting solid waste from area landfills.
Refuse collection stands shall be located on an impervious slab at ground level for all refuse containers. Such container stands shall be so designed as to prevent containers from being tipped, to minimize spillage and container deterioration and to facilitate cleaning around them.
All refuse containing garbage shall be collected at least once weekly. Collection shall be contracted by said manufactured/mobile home community and private commercial carrier.
Natural gas piping systems shall be installed and maintained in accordance with applicable codes and regulations governing such systems established by franchised public utility.
Grounds, buildings and structures shall be maintained free of insect and rodent harborage and infestation. Extermination methods and other measures to control insects and rodents shall conform with the requirements of the Linn County Health Department.
Communities shall remain free of accumulations of debris which may provide rodent harborage or breeding places for flies, mosquitoes and other pests.
Storage areas shall be so maintained as to prevent rodent harborage.
The growth of brush, weeds and grass shall be controlled to prevent harborage of ticks, chiggers and other offensive insects. Communities shall be so maintained as to prevent the growth of ragweed, poison ivy, poison oak, poison sumac and other weeds considered detrimental to health. Open areas shall be maintained and free of heavy undergrowth of any description.
The manufactured/mobile home community area shall be subject to the rules and regulations of the City Fire Department.
Manufactured/mobile home communities shall be kept free of litter, rubbish and other flammable materials.
Portable fire extinguishers of the type approved by the Fire Department shall be kept in service buildings and at all locations designated by such fire prevention authority and shall be maintained in good operating condition.
Fire hydrants shall be installed in the community's water system and located at such locations as determined by the Fire Department and the City Water Department. Piping layout and sizing shall be determined and approved by the Water Department.
The owner/manager of a manufactured/mobile home community shall operate the community in compliance with this chapter and regulations issued hereunder and shall provide adequate supervision to maintain the community, its facilities and equipment in good repair and in a clean and sanitary condition.
The community management shall notify community residents of all applicable provisions of this chapter and regulations issued hereunder.
Required skirting shall be installed in accordance with the provisions of this chapter and within 30 days after initial occupancy unless prohibited by frozen ground, in which event such skirting shall be installed immediately after the ground becomes unfrozen, but in all instances no later than June 1 of the year following installation.
[Amended 8-17-2023 by Ord. No. 23-21]
The community occupant shall comply with all applicable requirements of this chapter and regulations issued hereunder and shall maintain their manufactured/mobile home lot, its facilities and equipment in good repair and in a clean and sanitary condition.
All City ordinances with respect to keeping of animals and pets shall apply.
A manufactured/mobile home shall not be occupied for dwelling purposes within a manufactured/mobile home community unless it is properly placed on a manufactured/mobile stand and connected to water, sewer, electrical and natural gas utilities.
Whenever the tract proposed to be developed is of such unusual size or shape or is surrounded by such development or unusual conditions that the strict application of the requirements contained in these regulations would result in substantial hardships or injustice, the Council, upon recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission, may vary or modify such requirements so that the developer is allowed to develop the property in a reasonable manner, but so that, at the same time, the public welfare and interests of the City and surrounding area are protected and the general intent and spirit of these regulations are preserved.
Standards. Manufactured/mobile homes located outside of manufactured/mobile home communities shall comply with the following standards, unless waived by the Council:
Residential uses. Only an independent manufactured/mobile home may be used for residential uses.
Nonresidential uses. Only an independent manufactured/mobile home may be used for nonresidential uses, unless the manufactured/mobile home is occupied by an employee or resident for less than one hour per day or five hours per week, in which case the manufactured/mobile home may be a dependent manufactured/mobile home.
Mixed residential and nonresidential uses. Only an independent manufactured/mobile home may be used for mixed residential and nonresidential uses.
Conformance with state standards. All manufactured/mobile homes located outside of manufactured/mobile home communities shall conform to applicable state statutes and regulations with respect to tie-downs and anchoring, design and construction, movement on public roads and similar requirements.
Sight visibility. All manufactured/mobile homes located outside of manufactured/mobile home communities shall be so located on the premises so as not to obstruct or otherwise impair the sight visibility of drivers, traffic control devices or otherwise present a traffic hazard.
Setbacks. All manufactured/mobile homes located outside of manufactured/mobile home communities shall observe the setback requirements of the zoning district in which they are located.
Easements. No manufactured/mobile home shall be located on any easement or right-of-way without the written consent of the easement holder.
Conditions imposed. The Council may stipulate such conditions and restrictions upon the location, maintenance, operation or use of the manufactured/mobile home as deemed necessary for the protection of the public health, safety or general welfare or to secure compliance with this section.
Special permits required. Mobile or manufactured homes not conforming to the standards of this section shall not be located outside of manufactured/mobile home communities unless a special permit has first been approved by the Council. A manufactured/mobile home may be used as a construction trailer on a construction site without a special permit during the period in which a building permit is valid. The manufactured/mobile home shall be removed within 48 hours after issuance of a certificate of occupancy or expiration of the building permit.
Application for special permit. Application for a special permit shall include:
An inspection fee as set by resolution of the City Council.
[Amended 3-23-2023 by Ord. No. 23-02]
Description of the applicant's manufactured/mobile home, including age, size and type (independent or dependent unit).
Street address of the premises where the manufactured/mobile home is to be located.
The proposed use of the manufactured/mobile home and the length of time the manufactured/mobile home is to be located at the site.
Written approval of the owner of the premises where the manufactured/mobile home is proposed to be located.
Information as to the availability of sanitary sewer, water and electricity at the proposed site.
Site plan showing the proposed location of the manufactured/mobile home in relation to lot lines and other structures on the premises.
Photograph of the manufactured/mobile home.
Written statement by the applicant agreeing to comply with all applicable City and state statutes, regulations and conditions.
Inspection. The Council shall not issue a special permit until an inspection of the manufactured/mobile home, the proposed site, and application for special permit has been made by the Building Official. The Building Official shall present to the Council a written report as to the conformance of the application with the standards set forth in Subsection A of this section.
Expiration of special permit. The special permit shall be valid as follows:
Residential uses: 30 days.
Nonresidential uses: 180 days.
Mixed residential and nonresidential uses: 30 days.
Time extensions: The Council may in its discretion extend any special permit any number of times upon application of the permit bidder.
Parked or stored travel trailers, pickup coaches or motorized homes may be occupied or used for living, sleeping or housekeeping purposes under the following circumstances:
The vehicles shall not be parked on a City street or alley.
The vehicle shall not be parked in a required front or corner side yard.
Occupancy of the vehicle is limited to not more than 72 hours unless special approval from the City is received.
Any nonconforming manufactured/mobile home, or structure, which existed lawfully as of June 17, 1999 and which remains nonconforming by the terms of this chapter, and any such manufactured/mobile home, or structure, which shall become nonconforming on June 17, 1999, or upon any subsequent amendment to this chapter, may be continued.
Manufactured/mobile home communities which existed lawfully on November 5, 1998, but do not conform to the minimum requirements set forth in this chapter, may be continued notwithstanding such nonconformity. Any home located in such manufactured/mobile home community may be repaired or replaced without adherence to the minimum requirements set forth in §§ 206-5, 206-6C, 206-7B, 206-12D(1) and 206-13A in this chapter, provided that the number of home sites in the manufactured/mobile home community shall not thereby be increased. The existing front yard setback from a public, private or interior street shall be maintained when a replacement manufactured/mobile home is located on a lot.