Upon completion of the project, but no later than two years after completion of construction, the applicant shall submit the following material to the Planning Board certifying that the completed project is in accordance with the approved plans, specifications, and conditions of the approved permit:
Certification by a registered professional engineer that the systems have been installed and are functioning according to the approved plan.
An as-built plan, stamped by a registered professional engineer or land surveyor, must depict all on-site controls, both structural and nonstructural, designed to manage stormwater associated with the completed site, including the following information:
Limit of work.
Post-construction topography.
Finished grades of all structures.
Location and invert elevations of all stormwater structures.
Modeled post-construction drainage area for each stormwater BMP with pollutant removal efficiency (percent removal) based on EPA guidance and the Massachusetts Stormwater Handbook.
All structures, pavement, utilities.
Off-site alterations.
Deviations from the approved plan shall be noted and explanation for the deviation provided.
Electronic copy of the as-built plan.
Documentation of compliance with all permit conditions, including calculation of pre- and post-construction change in impervious area.
Maintenance surety has been submitted.
All inspection reports required during construction have been submitted.
Final operation and maintenance plan has been submitted.
Maintenance contracts are in place.
Land disturbance permit has been recorded at the Registry of Deeds.
The Planning Board's designated agent shall inspect the system to confirm its as-built features. If the system is found to be inadequate by virtue of physical evidence of operational defect and/or failure, even though it was built as called for in the stormwater management plan, it shall be corrected by the applicant before the certificate of completion is released. If the applicant fails to act, the Planning Board or its designated agent may use the surety bond to complete the work.
Upon receipt and approval of the final inspection and reports and/or upon otherwise determining that all work of the permit has been satisfactorily completed in conformance with these regulations, the Planning Board shall issue a letter certifying completion in conformance with these regulations.