This table shows the location or gives the disposition of the chapters, sections and subsections of the 2001 Flatonia Code of Ordinances within this revised code. The abbreviation “NIC” means the provision is not included in this code, though not necessarily repealed.
Article 1.1000: Ordinances and Resolutions
§ 1.101
Superseded by Ordinance adopting Code
§ 1.102
Designation and citation of code
Superseded by Ordinance adopting Code
§ 1.103
Catchlines of articles and sections
Superseded by Ordinance adopting Code
§ 1.104
Definitions and rules of construction
Superseded by Ordinance adopting Code
§ 1.105
Severability of parts of code
Superseded by Ordinance adopting Code
§ 1.106
Repeal of ordinances
Superseded by Ordinance adopting Code
§ 1.107
Amendments or additions to code
Superseded by Ordinance adopting Code
§ 1.108
Supplementation of code
Superseded by Ordinance adopting Code
§ 1.109
General penalty for violations of code; continuing violations
Superseded by Ordinance adopting Code
Article 1.200: Form of Government
§ 1.201
City manager form of government adopted
§ 1.202
Appointment of the city manager
§ 1.203
Powers and duties of the city manager
§ 1.204
Type A powers adopted
Article 1.300: Fiscal Year
Article 1.400: City Depository
Article 1.500: Annual Budget
§ 1.501
City manager is budget officer
§ 1.502
Budget required
§ 1.503
Budget content
§ 1.504
Cooperation required
§ 1.505
Time of filing and public inspection
§ 1.506
Public hearing required
§ 1.507
Filing adopted budget
Article 1.600: Audit of City Funds
Article 1.700: Official Newspaper
Article 1.800: City Map and Boundary Survey
Article 1.900: Claims for Damages
§ 1.901
City not liable for claim for damages
§ 1.902
No suit shall be filed against city unless filed with citys
§ 1.903
Notices to be served to the city secretary
§ 1.904
City employee may not waive provisions
§ 1.905
Written notice to be sworn by claimant
§ 1.906
Exceptions to required notice
§ 1.907
Immunity of public officials
Article 1.1000: Ordinances and Resolutions
§ 1.1001
Regulatory authority
§ 1.1002
Style of ordinances and resolutions
§ 1.1003
Introduction and action on ordinances
§ 1.1004
Ordinances and resolutions
§ 1.1005
Publication of ordinances
Amnd. by Ord. 2011.5.1
§ 1.1006
Veto power of mayor
Article 1.1100: Municipal Elections
Article 1.1200: Municipal Memberships
§ 1.1201
Membership in Capital Area Council of Governments
§ 1.1202
Membership in Texas Municipal League
Article 1.1300: Annexation and Disannexations
Article 1.1400: Abandoned, Seized and Surplus Property
§ 1.1401
Abandoned, stolen, recovered, or surplus property to be sold
§ 1.1402
City manager to give notice of unclaimed or abandoned property; holding period
§ 1.1403
Surplus property may be traded
§ 1.1404
Public auction of unclaimed and surplus property
§ 1.1405
Proceeds credited to general fund
§ 1.1406
Worthless property
§ 1.1407
Disposition of controlled substances
§ 1.1408
Abandoned, stolen and recovered firearms and weapons
§ 1.1409
Disposition of seized weapons
Article 1.1500: Competitive Bidding
Article 1.1600: Identification of City Vehicles and Equipment
Article 1.1700: Charges for Copying and Insufficient Funds
§ 1.1701
Service fee
§ 1.1702
Charge for insufficient funds
Article 1.1800: Emergency Management
Division 1. Emergency Management Plan
§ 1.1801
§ 1.1802
Emergency management director—Powers and duties
§ 1.1803
Emergency management plan
§ 1.1804
Interjurisdictional program
§ 1.1805
§ 1.1806
§ 1.1807
Commitment of funds
§ 1.1808
Offenses, penalties
§§ 1.1809—1.1830 Reserved
Division 2. National Incident Management System (NIMS)
§ 1.1831
Article 1.1900: Records Management
§ 1.1901
Definition of municipal records
§ 1.1902
Additional definitions
§ 1.1903
Municipal records declared public property
§ 1.1904
§ 1.1905
Designation of records management officer
§ 1.1906
Records management plan to be developed; approval of plan; authority of plan
§ 1.1907
Duties of records management officer
§ 1.1908
Duties and responsibilities of departments
§ 1.1909
Records control schedules to be developed; approval; filing with state
§ 1.1910
Implementation of records control schedules; destruction of records under schedule
§ 1.1911
Destruction of unscheduled records
§ 1.1912
Complaints regarding violations
§ 1.1913
Penalties for violation
§ 1.1914
Provision of article declared to be minimum requirements
Article 1.2000: Cemeteries
§ 1.2001
Oak Hill Cemetery fees
Article 1.2100: Public Information
§ 1.2101
Article 2.100: Enforcement of Animal Regulations
Article 2.200: Dogs
§ 2.201
§ 2.202
Dog license fee
§ 2.203
Dog license tag-issuance and wearing
§ 2.204
Lost dog tags
§ 2.205
Unlawful to keep dog without license
§ 2.206
Dogs running at large prohibited
§ 2.207
Monthly reports to be submitted to city manager
§ 2.208
Female dogs in heat
§ 2.209
Keeping of dogs which have bitten persons
Rpld. by Ordinance adopting Code
§ 2.210
Barking dogs
§ 2.211
Vicious dogs
Rpld. by Ordinance adopting Code
§ 2.212
Penalty for violations
§ 2.213
Period of retention of animals
Article 2.300: Keeping of Livestock and Other Animals
§ 2.301
Maximum number of livestock and other animals
§ 2.302
Distance pens must be from dwellings
§ 2.303
Sanitary requirements for pens
§ 2.304
Penalty for violations
Article 2.400: Livestock and Swine Running at Large
Article 2.500: Fowl
§ 2.501
Fowl running at large prohibited
§ 2.502
Keeping of fowl—Enclosure requirements
Article 2.600: Keeping of Swine Prohibited
Article 2.700: Keeping of Wild and Exotic Animals and Poisonous Reptiles
Article 2.800: Animal Vaccinations
§ 2.801
Vaccinations required
Rpld. by Ordinance adopting Code
§ 2.802
Vaccination certificate and tag
Article 2.900: Impoundment of Animals
§ 2.901
Impoundment of animals generally
§ 2.902
Reclaiming impounded animal; impoundment fees
§ 2.903
Unclaimed animals
§ 2.904
Reports of animal impoundments
§ 2.905
Redemption after impounded dog sold
§ 2.906
All fees shall be remitted to city secretary
Article 2.1000: Rabies Control
§ 2.1001
Reporting of suspected rabies
§ 2.1002
Authority to quarantine
§ 2.1003
Animals subject to quarantine for biting
§ 2.1004
Disposition of animals exposed to rabies
Article 2.1100: Slaughtering of Animals
Article 2.1200: Dangerous Dogs
Article 3.100: Building Code
§ 3.101
International Building Code adopted
Superseded by Ord. 411
§ 3.102
Amnd. by Ord. 2017.6.1
§ 3.103
Legal remedies
Superseded by Ord. 411
Article 3.200: Electrical Code
§ 3.201
Adoption of electrical code
Superseded by Ord. 411
§ 3.202
Office of electrical inspector created; compensation
§ 3.203
Duties of electrical inspector
§ 3.204
Electrical permits
§ 3.205
Electrical inspections
§ 3.206
Electrical standards
§ 3.207
Licensing of electricians
§ 3.208
Bond required for electrical contractors
§ 3.209
Qualifications of electricians
§ 3.210
Failure to comply with orders of electrical inspector
§ 3.211
Authority of electrical inspector to terminate electrical service
§ 3.212
Penalties for violation
§ 3.213
License to individuals doing own electrical work
Article 3.300: Plumbing Code
§ 3.301
International Plumbing Code adopted
Superseded by Ord. 411
§ 3.302
State plumbing license required
Article 3.400: Flood Damage Prevention Regulations
§ 3.401
Statutory authorization
Superseded by Ord. 408
§ 3.402
Findings of fact
Superseded by Ord. 408
§ 3.403
Statement of purpose
Superseded by Ord. 408
§ 3.404
Methods of reducing flood losses
Superseded by Ord. 408
§ 3.405
Superseded by Ord. 408
§ 3.406
Lands to which this article applies
Superseded by Ord. 408
§ 3.407
Basis for establishing the areas of special flood hazard
Superseded by Ord. 408
§ 3.408
Establishment of development permit
Superseded by Ord. 408
§ 3.409
Superseded by Ord. 408
§ 3.410
Abrogation and greater restrictions
Superseded by Ord. 408
§ 3.411
Superseded by Ord. 408
§ 3.412
Warning and disclaimer or liability
Superseded by Ord. 408
§ 3.413
Designation of the floodplain administrator
Superseded by Ord. 408
§ 3.414
Duties and responsibilities of the floodplain administrator
Superseded by Ord. 408
§ 3.415
Permit procedures
Superseded by Ord. 408
§ 3.416
Variance procedures
Superseded by Ord. 408
§ 3.417
General standards for flood hazard reduction
Superseded by Ord. 408
§ 3.418
Specific standards for flood hazard reduction
Superseded by Ord. 408
§ 3.419
Standards for subdivision proposals
Superseded by Ord. 408
Article 3.500: Substandard Buildings
§ 3.501
Definitions of substandard buildings
§ 3.502
Substandard buildings declared public nuisance
§ 3.503
Building standards commission created
§ 3.504
Procedures for abatement of substandard buildings; notices
§ 3.505
Repair, vacation or demolition standards
§ 3.506
Public hearing; repair guidelines
§ 3.507
Burden of proof
§ 3.508
Remedies by law
§ 3.509
City attorney to prosecute
§ 3.510
Demolition permits—Required
§ 3.511
§ 3.512
Same—Terms of permit
§ 3.513
Same—Special permits
§ 3.514
Same—Extension of time
§ 3.515
Procedure upon failure to complete demolition
§ 3.516
Article 3.600: Moving Old or Used Houses, Buildings or Structures Into City
§ 3.601
Permit required
§ 3.602
Application for permit
§ 3.603
Investigation of application by building official
§ 3.604
Issuance of permit
§ 3.605
Insurance and bonding requirements
§ 3.606
Escort required
§ 3.607
House mover to make all arrangements
§ 3.608
Water and sewer connection mandatory
§ 3.609
Exterior requirements
§ 3.610
No building or structure to be parked on public streets or property
§ 3.611
Issuance of certificate of occupancy
§ 3.612
Liability of city under this article
Article 3.700: HUD-Code Manufactured Homes and Mobile Homes
§ 3.701
§ 3.702
Storage prohibited
§ 3.703
Occupancy requirements
§ 3.704
Existing structures
§ 3.705
HUD-code manufactured home parks
§ 3.706
Requirements for manufactured home parks
§ 3.707
Operating rules and regulations for parks
§ 3.708
Lawfully connected to utilities
§ 3.709
§ 3.710
Penalty for violations
§ 3.711
Utility connections
§ 3.712
Importation or removal of mobile homes prohibited
Article 3.800: Housing Code, Existing Building Code and Unsafe Building Abatement Code
§ 3.801
Standard Housing Code adopted
Amnd. by Ord. 2017.6.1
§ 3.802
Standard Existing Building Code
Amnd. by Ord. 2017.6.1
§ 3.803
Unsafe Building Abatement Code
Amnd. by Ord. 2017.6.1
Article 3.900: Community Housing Infill Program
§ 3.901
§ 3.902
§ 3.903
§ 3.904
Alternative manner of sale
§ 3.905
Community housing infill program guidelines
Article 4.100: Peddlers and Solicitors
§ 4.101
Failing to leave premises after requested unlawful
§ 4.102
Itinerant merchant and vendor defined
§ 4.103
Permit required
§ 4.104
Permit fee
§ 4.105
Permit information
§ 4.106
Permit must be carried
§ 4.107
Term of permit
§ 4.108
§ 4.109
Penalty for violations
Article 4.200: Fair Housing Regulations
§ 4.201
Declaration of policy
§ 4.202
Definition of terms
§ 4.203
Discrimination in the sale or rental of housing
§ 4.204
Discrimination in the financing of housing
§ 4.205
Discrimination in the provision of brokerage services
§ 4.206
Exemptions and exclusions
§ 4.207
Complaints; answers
§ 4.208
Investigation; conciliation
§ 4.209
Commission hearing generally
§ 4.210
Certification to city attorney
§ 4.211
Legal proceedings
§ 4.212
Cooperation with Secretary of Housing and Urban development
§ 4.213
Unlawful intimidation
Article 4.300: Junkyards
§ 4.301
§ 4.302
Junkyards prohibited
§ 4.303
Application for junkyard permit
§ 4.304
Junkyard permit fee; term; renewal and revocation
§ 4.305
Junkyard not to be located in or near residential areas
§ 4.306
General regulations for operating a junkyard
Article 4.400: Parades, Carnivals, Circuses and Tent Shows
§ 4.401
Permit required
§ 4.402
Application for permits
§ 4.403
Consideration of the application
§ 4.404
Compliance with permit conditions and applicable laws and ordinances
Article 4.500: Cable Television Regulations
§ 4.501
General provisions
§ 4.502
§ 4.503
Information to be provided by cable operator on monthly subscriber bills
§ 4.504
Negative option billing
§ 4.505
Subscriber bill itemization
§ 4.506
Rates for the basic service tier
§ 4.507
Rates for equipment and installation used to receive the basic service tier
§ 4.508
Cost accounting and cost allocation requirements
§ 4.509
Costs of franchise requirements
§ 4.510
Charges for customer changes
§ 4.511
Notification of proposed rate increase
§ 4.512
Initiation of review of basic cable service and equipment rates
§ 4.513
City review of basic cable rates and equipment costs
§ 4.514
Proprietary information
§ 4.515
Burden of proof
§ 4.516
Small systems
§ 4.517
Written decision
§ 4.518
Reduction of rates; prescription of rates
§ 4.519
§ 4.520
Governing law; venue
§ 4.521
Compliance with Open Meetings Act
Article 4.600: Reserved for Future Use
Article 4.700: Sexually Oriented Businesses
§ 4.701
Purpose and intent
§ 4.702
§ 4.703
§ 4.704
License required
§ 4.705
Issuance of license
§ 4.706
§ 4.707
§ 4.708
Expiration of license
§ 4.709
§ 4.710
§ 4.711
§ 4.712
Transfer of license
§ 4.713
Location of sexually oriented businesses
§ 4.714
Exemption from location restrictions
§ 4.715
Additional regulations for escort agencies
§ 4.716
Additional regulations for nude model studios
§ 4.717
Additional regulations for adult theaters and adult motion picture theaters
§ 4.718
Additional regulations for adult motels
§ 4.719
Regulations pertaining to exhibition of sexually explicit films or videos
§ 4.720
Display of sexually explicit material to minors
§ 4.721
§ 4.722
Article 5.100: Fire Marshal
§ 5.101
Office of fire marshal created
§ 5.102
Appointment of fire marshal
§ 5.103
Duty to investigate fires
§ 5.104
Authority to take testimony
§ 5.105
Power to summon witnesses
§ 5.106
Investigations may be private
§ 5.107
Filing criminal charges
§ 5.108
Refusal to provide testimony or evidence unlawful
§ 5.109
Authority to enter buildings where fire occurred
§ 5.110
Inspections generally
§ 5.111
Fire records to be kept
§ 5.112
Monthly reports to be submitted to state fire marshal
Article 5.200: Fire Prevention Code
§ 5.201
Adoption of Standard Fire Prevention Code
Superseded by Ord. 411
§ 5.202
Code enforcement
§ 5.203
§ 5.204
Conflicts with code
§ 5.205
Modifications to code
§ 5.206
§ 5.207
Penalties for violations
Article 5.300: Fireworks
§ 5.301
Selling or shooting fireworks prohibited
§ 5.302
Fireworks defined
§ 5.303
Public displays
§ 5.304
Indemnity bond may be required
§ 5.305
Storage near gasoline or other volatile liquids prohibited
§ 5.306
Article 5.400: Flammable Tank Trucks and Trailers
Article 5.500: Arson Reward
Article 5.600: Outdoor Burning
§ 5.601
§ 5.602
Burning prohibited
Amnd. by Ord. 2011.10.2
Article 6.100: Littering Prohibited
§ 6.101
§ 6.102
Littering prohibited
§ 6.103
Prevention of scattering
§ 6.104
Upsetting or tampering with receptacles
§ 6.105
Sidewalks and alleys to be kept free from litter
§ 6.106
Owner to maintain private premises
§ 6.107
Littering from vehicles
§ 6.108
Clearing of litter from open private property by city
§ 6.109
Animals causing a health hazard
Article 6.200: Stagnant Water, Carrion, Filth, Tall Weeds and Grass
§ 6.201
Accumulations of stagnant water prohibited
§ 6.202
Accumulations of carrion, filth, and other matter prohibited
§ 6.203
Growth and accumulations of weeds, rubbish, brush or other unsightly or unsanitary matter prohibited
§ 6.204
Notice of violation; abatement of violation
§ 6.205
Dangerous weeds
§ 6.206
Assessment of expenses; lien
§ 6.207
Penalty provisions
Article 7.100: Municipal Judge and Court
§ 7.101
Municipal judge
§ 7.102
Creation of municipal court
§ 7.103
Court clerk
§ 7.104
City prosecutor
§ 7.105
§ 7.106
Warrant officer
§ 7.107
Court procedures
§ 7.108
Jury duty pay
Article 7.200: Municipal Court Technology Fund
§ 7.201
Establishment of municipal court technology fund
§ 7.202
Establishment of amount of the fee and assessment and collection
§ 7.203
Designated use of the fund and administration
§ 7.204
Expiration and administration of fund
Article 7.300: Municipal Court Building Security Fund
§ 7.301
Establishment of municipal court building security fund
§ 7.302
Establishment of amount of the fee and assessment and collection
§ 7.303
Designated use of the fund and administration
Article 8.100: Junked Vehicles
§ 8.101
§ 8.102
Junked vehicles declared public nuisance
§ 8.103
§ 8.104
§ 8.105
Abatement of nuisance
§ 8.106
Junked vehicles not to be made operable after removal
§ 8.107
Notice to department of transportation
§ 8.108
Disposal of junked vehicles
§ 8.109
Application of article
§ 8.110
Offense; penalty
Amnd. by Ord. 2014.6.1
Article 8.200: Loud Noises
§ 8.201
Loud noises deemed nuisance
Amnd. by Ord. 426
§ 8.202
Loud noises deemed public nuisances enumerated
Amnd. by Ord. 426
Article 8.300: Theft of City Services
Article 8.400: Abandoned Refrigerators and Freezers
§ 8.401
§ 8.402
Deemed public nuisance
§ 8.403
Owner to remove latches and/or locks
Article 8.500: Nuisances on Private Property
§ 8.501
Nuisance on private property defined
§ 8.502
Duty to maintain private property
§ 8.503
Notice of violation; abatement of nuisance
§ 8.504
Assessment of expenses; lien
§ 8.505
Penalty provisions
Article 8.600: Drilling and Mining Prohibited in City Parks
Article 8.700: Curfew
§ 8.701
§ 8.702
Curfew established
Amnd. by Ord. 410
§ 8.703
§ 8.704
Parental responsibility
§ 8.705
Establishment owner’s responsibility
§ 8.706
Enforcement procedures
§ 8.707
Article 9.100: Equal Opportunity Policy
Article 9.200: Personnel Policies, Rules and Regulations
§ 9.201
Emergency actions by officers, agents or employees of the city
§ 9.202
Equal employment opportunity policy statement adopted
Rpld. by Ord. 2016.2.1
§ 9.203
Personnel policies
Rpld. by Ord. 2016.2.1
Article 9.300: Police Department
§ 9.301
Police department created
Amnd. by Ord. 2012.8.5
§ 9.302
Police department policies manual
Rpld. by Ord. 2016.2.1
Article 9.400: Police Reserve Force
§ 9.401
Special police reserve force established
§ 9.402
Police chief to appoint reserve officers
§ 9.403
Maximum number of reserve officers
Amnd. by Ord. 2016.1.2
§ 9.404
Reserve force to serve at discretion of police chief
§ 9.405
Compensation; uniforms; and other fringe benefits
§ 9.406
Reserve force to act in supplementary capacity
§ 9.407
Mayor’s powers to summon special police force not affected
§ 9.408
Qualifications and minimum standards for reserve officers
Article 9.500: Mutual Law Enforcement Aid
§ 9.501
State law on mutual aid adopted
§ 9.502
Mayor may commission police to other cities
§ 9.503
City declared participating member in mutual aid law enforcement task force
§ 9.504
Police officers commissioned as peace officers of recipient city
Article 9.600: City Council Meetings
§ 9.601
Addressing the city council
§ 9.602
Robert’s Rules of Order to control parliamentary procedure
§ 9.603
Meetings to be recorded
Article 9.700: Social Security
§ 9.701
Social security benefits authorized
Rpld. by Ordinance adopting Code
§ 9.702
Mayor to act as agent
Rpld. by Ordinance adopting Code
§ 9.703
City secretary to make assessments, collections, payments, and reports
Rpld. by Ordinance adopting Code
§ 9.704
Social security fund to be established and maintained
Rpld. by Ordinance adopting Code
Article 9.800: Texas Municipal Retirement System
Article 9.900: Health Benefits Coverage
Superseded by Ord. 413
Exhibit A: Equal Employment Opportunity Policy Statement
Ch. 9, exhibit A
Exhibit B: Flatonia Personnel Policies
Ch. 9, exhibit B
Exhibit C: Flatonia Police Department Manual
Rpld. by Ord. 2016.2.1
Article 10.100: Title
Article 10.200: Interpretation and Purpose
Article 10.300: Authority and Jurisdiction
§ 10.301
Subdivision regulations adopted
§ 10.302
Applicable to all lands in city limits and ETJ
Article 10.400: Definitions
Article 10.500: Procedure for Plat Approval
§ 10.501
Filing preliminary plat
§ 10.502
Review of preliminary plat
§ 10.503
Final plat approval
§ 10.504
Administrative approval plats
§ 10.505
Subdivision related fees
Article 10.600: Final Plat
Article 10.700: Replats
Article 10.800: General Requirements for Subdivision Design
§ 10.801
§ 10.802
Street intersections
§ 10.803
Curves in streets
§ 10.804
Alleys, reserve strips
§ 10.805
Lots and blocks
Amnd. by Ord. 2017.7.1
Article 10.900: Improvement Requirements
§ 10.901
Final plat approval requirements
§ 10.902
Survey monuments
§ 10.903
Bond or cash escrow in lieu
§ 10.904
Affidavit or release
§ 10.905
General requirements
Article 10.1000: Utilities
§ 10.1001
Water lines
§ 10.1002
Oversized utility lines
§ 10.1003
Connection to sanitary sewers
§ 10.1004
When sanitary sewer unavailable
Rpld. by Ord. 416
§ 10.1005
Plans and specifications
Article 10.1100: Streets
§ 10.1101
§ 10.1102
§ 10.1103
§ 10.1104
§ 10.1105
§ 10.1106
§ 10.1107
Curb and gutter
§ 10.1108
§ 10.1109
Dead ends
§ 10.1110
Street posts and markers
§ 10.1111
Article 10.1200: Drainage
§ 10.1201
§ 10.1202
§ 10.1203
Storm sewers and curb inlets
Article 10.1300: Flood Areas
§ 10.1301
Flood area
§ 10.1302
Drainage report
Article 10.1400: Changes and Variations
§ 10.1401
Rules standard
§ 10.1402
Other data
§ 10.1403
Large scale development
§ 10.1404
§ 10.1405
Article 11.100: Ad Valorem (Property) Taxes
§ 11.101
Authority to levy property tax
§ 11.102
Participation in appraisal district
§ 11.103
Property to be assessed at full value
§ 11.104
Tax due date
§ 11.105
Additional penalty for collection costs of delinquent taxes
§ 11.106
Tax certificates
Article 11.200: Local Sales and Use Tax
§ 11.201
Local sales tax authorized
§ 11.202
Local sales tax on residential gas and electricity exempt
Article 11.300: Hotel/Motel Occupancy Tax
§ 11.301
§ 11.302
Amount of hotel/motel tax levied
§ 11.303
Collection of tax
§ 11.304
§ 11.305
Rules and regulations
§ 11.306
Penalties for violation
Article 12.100: Traffic Control Devices
§ 12.101
Traffic control devices to be consistent with state law
Rpld. by Ordinance adopting Code
§ 12.102
Driver shall obey traffic control device
§ 12.103
Unauthorized signs and signals
§ 12.104
Defacement of traffic devices
§ 12.105
Installation of traffic devices
§ 12.106
Traffic control devices prima facie evidence of authorized installation
Article 12.200: Uniform Act and State Motor Vehicle Laws Adopted
Article 12.300: Authorized Emergency Vehicles
Article 12.400: Metal Cleats, Lugs, Etc. Injurious to Public Streets Prohibited
Article 12.500: Traffic Obstructions
§ 12.501
Unlawful to maintain any traffic obstruction
§ 12.502
City may abate traffic obstructions and assess lien
§ 12.503
Filing statement of expenses
Article 12.600: Driver’s Duty Upon Approach of Fire Trucks; Driving Over Fire Hose
§ 12.601
Drivers to stop for fire trucks; parking near fires
§ 12.602
Driving over fire hose
Article 12.700: Truck Routes
§ 12.701
All trucks over five (5) tons restricted to truck routes
§ 12.702
Truck routes established
§ 12.703
§ 12.704
Parking of trucks over five (5) tons on streets prohibited
Amnd. by Ord. 2011.9.2
Article 12.800: Speed Limits
§ 12.801
Speed limits generally
§ 12.802
Certain speed limits established
§ 12.803
Article 12.900: Parking, Stopping, Standing
Division 1. Generally
§ 12.901
No parking areas
§§ 12.902—12.930
Division 2. Trailers and Recreational Vehicles
§ 12.931
§ 12.932
Prohibited parking
§ 12.933
Evidence of ownership
§ 12.934
§ 12.935
Article 12.1000: Yield Intersections
Amnd. by Ord. 2017.12.2
Article 12.1100: Stop Intersections
Amnd. by Ord. 2017.12.2
Article 12.1200: Bicycles, Rollerblades, Scooters, Skateboards, Etc.
§ 12.1201
§ 12.1202
Riding on sidewalks in downtown district
§ 12.1203
Article 13.100: General Utility Provisions
§ 13.101
Failure to make application for services
§ 13.102
False statements in application
§ 13.103
Deposits on accounts
§ 13.104
Charges to accrue
§ 13.105
Users liable for bills
§ 13.106
Payment of accounts
§ 13.107
Failure to pay on account
§ 13.108
Insufficient funds charge
Amnd. by Ord. 2013.7.2
§ 13.109
City authorized to disconnect; right to inspect utility service lines
§ 13.110
Unlawful use, connection or tampering with lines
Article 13.200: Sewer Hookups Required
§ 13.201
§ 13.202
§ 13.203
Easements and construction
§ 13.204
Cover, fall and cleanout
§ 13.205
Stoppage of sewer system
Article 13.300: Water and Sewer Regulations
§ 13.301
These provisions are applicable to all users
§ 13.302
Application for connection permit
§ 13.303
Water cutoff valves required
§ 13.304
Water leaks outside city limits
§ 13.305
Water conservation and drought contingency plan
(a) Adopted
Amnd. by Ord. 2016.4.2
(b) Repealer
(c) Severability
(d) Penalty
Article 13.400: City Maintenance of Sewer Mains
Article 13.500: Water and Sewer Connection Fees
Article 13.600: Tapping Water and Sewer Lines
Article 13.700: Water and Sewer Rates
Article 13.800: Deposit or Discharge of Treated Wastewater at Wastewater Treatment Plant
Article 13.900: Water Curtailment
§ 13.901
§ 13.902
Restrict water uses
§ 13.903
Hours of curtailment
Article 13.1000: Meter Reading and Testing
§ 13.1001
Meter reading fee
§ 13.1002
Rural meters
§ 13.1003
Meter testing
§ 13.1004
Estimated meter readings
Article 13.1100: Electrical Service
§ 13.1101
Electrical rate schedule
§ 13.1102
Application of adjustment
§ 13.1103
Single point of delivery
§ 13.1104
Electric franchise fee
Article 13.1200: Garbage and Trash Service
§ 13.1201
Rpld. by Ord. 2016.10.1
§ 13.1202
Mandatory provision
Rpld. by Ord. 2016.10.1
§ 13.1203
Depositing garbage, trash, etc., on streets, vacant lots, etc.
Rpld. by Ord. 2016.10.1
§ 13.1204
Containers used for garbage
Rpld. by Ord. 2016.10.1
§ 13.1205
Containers used for trash
Rpld. by Ord. 2016.10.1
§ 13.1206
Lids or covers of containers to be kept secure and fastened except when actual use
Rpld. by Ord. 2016.10.1
§ 13.1207
Placing garbage and trash containers for collection
Rpld. by Ord. 2016.10.1
§ 13.1208
Rates for collection, hauling and/or disposal of garbage and trash
Rpld. by Ord. 2016.10.1
§ 13.1209
Collection of charges
Rpld. by Ord. 2016.10.1
§ 13.1210
Removal of building materials
Rpld. by Ord. 2016.10.1
§ 13.1211
Only authorized collectors may operate in city
Rpld. by Ord. 2016.10.1
§ 13.1212
Requirements and limitations for tree limb and rubbish collection
Rpld. by Ord. 2016.10.1
Article 13.1300: Septic Tanks
Article 13.1400: Water and Sewer Main Extensions
§ 13.1401
§ 13.1402
Main extensions for single customers on platted property within city
§ 13.1403
Main extensions for developers
§ 13.1404
Establishing pro rata and refund procedures
§ 13.1405
City not obligated to make extensions
§ 13.1406
All main extensions to comply with subdivision regulations and other ordinances
§ 13.1407
Main extensions for customers on property outside city limits
Article 13.1500: Pole Attachments
§ 13.1501
§ 13.1502
Rate determination
Article 14.100: Comprehensive Plan Adopted
Article 14.200: Planning and Zoning Commission
Rpld. by Ordinance adopting Code
Article 14.300: Zoning Ordinance Adopted
Exhibit A: Zoning Ordinance
Ch. 14, exhibit A
Article 1.000: Tax Certificates
§ A2.001
Article 2.000: Copying Charges for Public Records
(a) Charges for copying public records
Amnd. by Ord. 2010.12.1
(b) Charges for insufficient funds
§ A2.003
Article 3.000: Animal Control Related Fees
§ 3.100
Dog license fee
§ A3.001
§ 3.200
Lost dog tags
§ A3.002
§ 3.300
Animal impoundment fees
§ A3.003
Article 4.000: Building Related Fees
§ 4.100
Electrician’s exam and license
§ A4.001
§ 4.200
Demolition fees
(a) Appeal fee from demolition order
§ A4.002
(b) Permit fee
§ A4.003
§ 4.300
Permit fee for moving or relocating old or used houses, buildings or structures
§ A4.004
§ 4.400
Escort fee for moving or relocating old or used houses, buildings or structures
§ A4.005
§ 4.500
Building permits and inspection fees
Amnd. by Ord. 2015.3.4
§ 4.600
Rental of manufactured homes
§ A4.007
Article 5.000: Business Related Fees
§ 5.100
Peddlers’ and solicitor’s permit fee
§ A5.001
§ 5.200
Junkyard permit fee
§ A5.002
§ 5.300
Permit fee for parades, carnival, circuses and tent shows
§ A5.003
§ 5.400
Massage parlor and nude modeling license fee
§ A5.004
§ 5.500
Permit fee for public fireworks displays
§ A5.005
Article 6.000: Municipal Court Related Fees
§ 6.100
Technology fund fee
§ A6.001
§ 6.200
Building security fund fee
§ A6.002
Article 7.000: Utility Related Fees
§ 7.100
Water deposit
Amnd. by Ord. 2014.12.1
§ 7.200
Service charge for insufficient funds check
Rpld. by Ordinance adopting Code
§ 7.300
Water and sewer connection fees
Amnd. by Ord. 2013.7.1
§ 7.400
Water and sewer service rates
§ A7.006
§ 7.500
Special hookup deposit for mobile homes
§ A7.005
§ 7.600
Meter testing fee
§ A7.010
§ 7.700
Meter reread fee
§ A7.011
§ 7.800
Fee for reading rural electric or water meters
§ A7.012
§ 7.900
Electrical service rate schedule
§ A7.008
§ 7.1000
Administrative fee for delinquency
§ A7.002
§ 7.1100
Electrical meter deposits
Amnd. by Ord. 2014.12.1
§ 7.1200
Rates for collection, hauling and/or disposal of garbage and trash
Amnd. by Ord. 439
§ 7.1300
Application fees for mobile homes and manufactured homes and/or trailer parks
§ A7.005
§ 7.1400
Tree limb and brush collection
§ A7.014
§ 7.1500
Deposit or discharge of treated wastewater at wastewater treatment plant
§ A7.007
Article 8.000: Subdivision Related Fees
§ A8.001
Article 9.000: Cemetery Fees
§ A9.001