The operation and maintenance agreement, as provided in
Appendix C, may be subject to the review and approval of the City Solicitor and City.
SWM facilities existing on the effective date of this chapter, which have not been accepted by the City of Lancaster or for which maintenance responsibility has not been assumed by a private entity such as a homeowners' association, shall be maintained by the individual landowners. Such maintenance shall include, at a minimum, those items set forth in §
260-603B(1) above and shall be done in accordance with the City GI Design Manual and the O&M plan for the facility (if one exists). If the City of Lancaster determines at any time that any permanent SWM facility has been eliminated, altered, blocked through the erection of structures or the deposit of materials, or improperly maintained, the condition constitutes a nuisance and the City of Lancaster shall notify the landowner of corrective measures that are required, and provide for a reasonable period of time, not to exceed 30 days, within which the property owner shall take such corrective action. If the landowner does not take the required corrective action, the City of Lancaster may either perform the work or contract for the performance of the work and bill the landowner for the cost of the work plus a penalty of 10% of the cost of the work. If such bill is not paid by the property owner within 30 days, the City of Lancaster may file a municipal claim against the property upon which the work was performed in accordance with the applicable laws. The City of Lancaster shall have the right to choose among the remedies and may use one or more remedies concurrently.