[HISTORY: Adopted by Ch. 396, Acts of 2022 1-5-2023. Amendments noted where applicable.]
NOTE: As passed by the legislature on January 5, 2023, some titles omitted from the official version have been added back for clarity and some grammatical errors have been fixed and changed for consistency by the Town.
Preamble: We, the people of the town of Brewster, Massachusetts, in order to reaffirm the customary and traditional liberties of the people with respect to the conduct of our local government, adopt this charter with the expectation and intent that the charter will continue and enhance the town's strong traditions of active voter participation; ethical, transparent and responsive leadership; wise use of public resources; respect for all in the community; and an engaged citizenry. We expect and intend that our government will be welcoming and inclusive and will promote equality and respect for all people.