The legislative powers of the town shall be exercised by a town meeting open to all registered voters of the town.
Business sessions of the annual town meeting shall be held on the first Monday in May and may be continued on such additional days as may be decided by the town meeting upon recommendation of the select board. There shall also be a second business session of the annual town meeting, referred to as the annual fall town meeting, held in the last 3 months of the calendar year on a date to be determined by the select board, which meeting shall be an annual town meeting for purposes of the General Laws; provided, however, that the select board may, at its discretion, cancel the fall annual town meeting not later than September 15 in any year, so long as no more than 5 citizen petitioned articles submitted pursuant to section 4 of this charter for inclusion on the warrant at the fall annual town meeting and notice of the select board's action with regard to such meeting shall be posted on the town website and principal bulletin board. The select board's decision as to whether to hold an annual fall town meeting shall not prohibit the select board from calling for a special town meeting, from time to time, at its discretion.
Except for procedural matters, all subjects to be acted on by town meeting shall be placed on warrants issued by the select board.
The date of the closure of the warrant to petitioned articles shall be set by general by-law.
In addition to any notice required by the General Laws, the select board shall: (i) post the town meeting warrant at the locations listed in subsection (b), town hall and at least 1 location in each precinct and (ii) make available sufficient copies of the warrant at the town meeting for all registered voters in attendance.
The select board shall, at least 1 week prior to the meeting, post the warrant for the town meeting on the town website and make the same available at town hall, and as required by general by-law or select board policy, at town facilities and other common locations throughout the town; provided, however, that failure to timely post the warrant on the website or to make such copies available no later than 1 week prior to the date of the town meeting shall not invalidate or otherwise affect the legality or validity of the actions taken at the town meeting.
Any 10 registered voters of the town may secure, by written petition to the select board, the inclusion of an article for the warrant of any duly scheduled annual town meeting and not less 100 registered voters may secure the same for any duly scheduled special town meeting.
The select board may provide a pre-petition process whereby petitioners may seek review of proposed petitions prior to submission.
The town meeting shall establish by general by-law a quorum requirement for the opening of its business, but a smaller number than the established quorum may adjourn immediately any meeting to a stated date, time and place as recommended by the select board; provided, however, that in the event of a state of emergency declared by the governor to protect the public health or safety, the quorum may be reduced in the manner set forth in section 7 of chapter 92 of the acts of 2020.
A moderator, who shall be a registered voter of the town, shall be elected for a 3-year term as provided in section 2-11-1. The moderator shall preside over all sessions of the town meeting. The moderator shall regulate the proceedings, decide questions of order and make public declarations of all votes. The moderator shall have all of the powers and duties given to moderators pursuant to the Constitution of the Commonwealth and the General Laws and such additional powers and duties as may be authorized by the charter, by-law or other town meeting vote.
The moderator shall appoint a deputy moderator for a 1-year term who shall serve as moderator, if the moderator is absent or has a conflict.
If the office of moderator becomes vacant, the select board shall appoint a registered voter of the town as acting moderator. The acting moderator shall not be an elected town officer and shall serve as acting moderator until the next scheduled election of town officers.
Unless otherwise provided by general by-law, rules of procedure for the town meeting shall be in accordance with "Town Meeting Time: A Handbook of Parliamentary Law" published by the Massachusetts Moderators Association.
The town clerk shall serve as the clerk of the town meeting. If the town clerk is absent, the assistant town clerk shall serve as town clerk regardless of whether such assistant is a resident or registered voter of the town.
A journal of the proceedings of the town meeting shall be kept as a permanent record in the town clerk's office and the journal shall be a public record.
The annual election for the election of officers and such matters as are by law determined by ballot shall be held on the third Tuesday in May. If the annual election for the election of officers and such matters as are by law determined by ballot falls less than 2 weeks after the scheduled beginning of the spring annual town meeting, then the annual election shall be held on the fourth Tuesday in May; provided, however, that the select board may delay the date of the annual election to another date in the same fiscal year if the governor has declared a state of emergency to protect the public health or safety. If the governor has declared a state of emergency to protect the public health or safety, then the annual election shall be held on the fourth Tuesday in May or any other Tuesday in May or June as determined by the select board after consultation with the town clerk.
The registered voters of the town of Brewster shall, in accordance with any applicable laws, general by-laws, votes of the town or intergovernmental agreement, elect the following position; provided, however, that members of multiple-member bodies shall be elected for overlapping terms:
moderator for a 3-year term;
select board of 5 members, each for a 3-year term;
school committee of 5 members, each for a 3-year term;
representatives to the Nauset Regional School District school committee, as the regional school agreement shall provide;
board of health of 5 members, each for a 3-year term;
planning board of 7 members, each for a 4-year term;
recreation commission of 5 members, each for a 3-year term;
historic district committee of 5 members, of which 4 members shall be elected and 1 member shall be appointed by the select board, each for a 3- year term;
housing authority of 5 members, of which 3 members shall be elected and 2 members shall be appointed in accordance with the General Laws; and
constable for a 3-year term; provided, however, that the authority of the elected constable in the town of Brewster shall be limited to the posting of the warrant for a town meeting or town election; provided further, that the person holding such position shall conform to any reasonable regulations concerning such responsibilities as may, from time to time, be proposed by the chief of police and approved by the select board.
Recall of Elected Officers
Any holder of an elected office in the town may be recalled from that office by the registered voters of the town as hereinafter provided, for reasons including, but not limited to, neglect of duties, malfeasance, misconduct or inability to perform official duties; provided, however, that the question of whether the reasons stated for recall justify recall of a particular officer shall be determined solely by the voters.
Initiation of petition; submission; certification
Any 25 registered voters of the town of Brewster may initiate a recall petition by filing with the town clerk an affidavit containing the name of the officer sought to be recalled, a statement of the grounds for recall and specifying the lead petitioner. The town clerk shall thereupon make available to the lead petitioner copies of petition blanks demanding such recall, printed copies of which the town clerk shall keep available. The blanks shall be issued by the town clerk under the town seal, and be dated and addressed to the select board. The blanks shall contain the names of all the persons to whom they are issued, the name of the person whose recall is sought and the grounds for such recall as stated in the affidavit and shall demand the election of a successor to such office. A copy of the petition shall be entered in a record book to be kept in the office of the town clerk. The recall petition shall be returned and filed with the town clerk within 20 days after notification by the town clerk to the lead petitioner that the recall petitions are available and shall have been signed by at least 12 percent of the registered voters of the town as of the last regular municipal election, who shall add to their signatures the street and number, if any, of their residence. The town clerk shall within 1 working day of receipt submit the petition to the registrars of voters in the town and the registrars shall, within 5 working days, certify thereon the number of signatures which are names of registered voters of the town.
Delivery to officer, order of recall proceedings
If the petition shall be found and certified by the town clerk and board of registrars to be sufficient, the town clerk shall submit the petition with the town clerk's certificate to the select board within 3 working days and the select board shall forthwith give written notice of the receipt of the certificate to the officer sought to be recalled. If the officer does not resign within 5 days thereafter, the select board shall order an election to be held on a date fixed by it which shall be not less than 65 and not more than 90 days after the date of the town clerk's certificate that a sufficient petition has been filed; provided, however, that if any other town election is to occur within 100 days after the date of certification, the select board shall postpone submission of the question of recall to the date of such other election. No person shall be subject to recall if their term of office expires within 90 days of the certification. If a vacancy occurs in the office after a recall election has been ordered, the election shall nevertheless proceed as provided in this section.
Conduct of recall
An officer sought to be recalled may be a candidate to succeed themself and, unless the officer requests otherwise in writing, the town clerk shall place the officer's name on the ballot without nomination. The nomination of other candidates, the publication of the warrant for the recall election and the conduct of the recall election shall all be in accordance with the provisions of law relating to elections.
Action upon completion of recall
The incumbent shall continue to perform the duties of the office until the question of recall has been acted upon by the voters. If then re-elected, the officer shall continue in office for the remainder of their unexpired term subject to recall as before, except as provided in this charter. If not re-elected, the officer shall be deemed removed and the successor shall serve the remainder of the unexpired term; provided, however, that if the successor fails to qualify within 10 days after receiving notification of election, the office shall be deemed vacant.
Ballots to be used
Ballots used for recall shall submit the following propositions in the order indicated:
For the recall of (name and title of officer).
Against the recall of (name and title of officer).
Under the propositions shall appear the word "Candidates", the directions to the voters required by section 42 of chapter 54 of the General Laws and, beneath the directions, the names of candidates nominated in accordance with the laws relating to elections. If a majority of the votes cast upon the question of recall is in the affirmative, then the candidate receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared elected. If a majority of the votes on the question of recall is in the negative, then the ballots for candidates shall not be counted.
Time limits on filing of petitions
No recall petition shall be filed against an officer within 90 days after taking office, nor, in the case of an officer subjected to a recall election and not recalled thereby, until at least 6 months after the election at which their recall was submitted to the voters of the town.
Limits on appointments after filing of recall petition
No person who has been recalled from an office or who has resigned from office following the filing of a recall petition shall be appointed to any town office within 2 years after such recall or such resignation.