Whenever there shall be plans in existence, approved by either
the State Department of Transportation or by the governing body, for
the widening of any street or highway, the Commission may require
additional front yard setbacks for any new construction or for any
structures altered or remodeled adjacent to the future planned right-of-way
for such proposed street or highway widening.
There shall be provided, at the time of erection of any building
or at the time any main building is enlarged, minimum off-street parking
space with adequate provision for entrance and exit by standard-sized
automobiles, as follows:
A. In all districts where residential uses are permitted, there shall
be provided, either in a private garage or on the lot, space for the
parking of two automobiles for each dwelling unit in a new building
or each dwelling unit added in the case of the enlargement of an existing
B. For churches, high schools, college and university auditoriums, and
for theaters, general auditoriums, stadiums and other similar places
of assembly, at least one parking space for every five fixed seats
provided in said building.
C. For hospitals, at least one parking space for each two beds' capacity,
including infants' cribs and children's beds.
D. For medical and dental offices, at least 10 parking spaces. Three
additional parking spaces shall be furnished for each doctor or dentist
in such offices in excess of three doctors or dentists.
E. For fraternal lodges, hunting clubs, golf courses, yacht clubs, country
clubs and marinas, at least 25 parking spaces shall be provided. Additional
parking may be required by the governing body.
F. For retail stores selling directly to the public, one parking space
for each 200 square feet of retail floor space in the building.
G. Parking spaces for post offices, one for each 50 box holders but
not less than 10 spaces.
H. Restaurants, one parking space per table or booth, plus six for employees.
I. For motels, hotels, tourist homes and boardinghouses, one parking
space per guest room plus adequate parking for employees as determined
by the Zoning Administrator.
J. Any other commercial building not listed above hereafter erected,
converted or structurally altered shall provide one parking space
for each 100 square feet of business floor space in the building.
K. For industrial plants, one parking space for each employee working
in the plant.
L. Parking space as required in the foregoing shall be on the same lot with the main building, except that in the case of buildings other than dwellings, spaces may be located as far away as 600 feet. Every parcel of land hereafter used as a public parking area shall be surfaced with gravel, stone, asphalt or concrete. It shall have appropriate guards where needed as determined by the Zoning Administrator. Any lights used to illuminate said parking areas shall be so arranged as to reflect lights away from adjoining premises in a residential district. Any lights used to illuminate said parking areas shall be so arranged as to reflect lights away from adjoining premises as required by §
M. Parking requirements shall at no time be considered sufficient for
any other use of the premises, and additional spaces shall be provided
to meet requirements when there is any change to a different industrial
use or to a commercial use.
The following lighting standards shall apply to all exterior
lighting sources, including but not limited to lighting for parking,
access drives, and walkways, gasoline canopy lighting, and internally
and externally illuminated signs. Site plans shall include a lighting
plan, drawn to the same scale as the site plan, to demonstrate compliance
with the following standards.
A. All lighting shall be designed, located, fully shielded, and arranged
so as not to direct glare on adjoining streets or properties. For
Zoning Districts C-1, A-1 and all residential districts, the intensity
at adjoining streets or residential properties shall not exceed 5.38
lux. For Zoning Districts B-1 and M-1, the intensity at adjoining
streets or properties shall not exceed 16.15 lux. If the intensity
on adjoining property lines does not exceed the lux previously mentioned,
then lighting does not need to be shielded.
B. Excepted from these requirements are roadway and airport lighting,
lighting activated by motion-sensor devices, temporary circus, fair,
carnival, or civic uses, construction or emergency lighting, temporary
lighting, and lighting associated with agricultural pursuits. For
the purpose of this chapter, a "fully shielded fixture" shall be defined
as an outdoor lighting fixture that is shielded or constructed so
that all light emitted is projected below a horizontal plane running
through the lowest part of the fixture.
Activities must comply with all local, state, and federal regulations.
At the discretion of the Zoning Administrator, the following
uses shall be screened from public view and adjacent residential properties
in a manner to be approved by the Zoning Administrator:
C. Veterinary, dog or cat hospital, with runways.
G. Contractors' equipment storage yards.
H. Asphalt or concrete batching plants.
J. Truck and motor freight terminals.
K. Auto/truck dismantling or junkyards.
At the discretion of the Zoning Administrator, the following
uses shall have adequate fencing, to be approved by the Zoning Administrator:
B. Veterinary, dog or cat hospitals, with runways.
E. Lumber and building supplies.
F. Machinery sales and services.
G. Contractors' equipment storage yards.
H. Asphalt or concrete batching plants.
J. Swimming or tennis clubs, commercial.
L. Auto/truck dismantling or junkyards.
In addition to setbacks required in other sections of this chapter,
the following uses shall require the additional setback as specified:
A. Recreation camps, campgrounds and travel trailer camps: 25 feet.
B. Marinas, public or private, with or without restaurants: 25 feet.
C. Seafood processing, commercial aquaculture: 50 feet.
D. Sawmills and wood chipping/grinding facility: 100 feet.
F. Portable sawmills: 100 feet.
G. Food processing and canning: 50 feet.
H. Sand and gravel pits: 50 feet.
I. Commercial feed lots: 100 feet.
J. Livestock markets: 100 feet.
K. Contractors' equipment storage yard: 25 feet.
L. Storage warehouse: 25 feet.
M. Asphalt or concrete batching plant: 50 feet.
P. Flour mill and grain milling: 25 feet.
In addition to side yards required in other sections of this
chapter, the following uses shall require the additional side yards
as specified:
A. Recreation camps, campgrounds and travel trailer camps: 25 feet.
B. Marinas, public or private, with or without restaurants: 25 feet.
C. Seafood processing, commercial aquaculture: 25 feet.
D. Sawmills and wood chipping/grinding facility: 50 feet.
F. Portable sawmills: 50 feet.
G. Food processing and canning: 25 feet.
H. Sand and gravel pits: 50 feet.
I. Commercial feed lots: 50 feet.
J. Livestock markets: 50 feet.
K. Contractors' equipment storage yard: 25 feet.
L. Storage warehouse: 10 feet.
M. Asphalt or concrete batching plant: 25 feet.
P. Flour mills and grain milling: 25 feet.
[Amended 4-13-2023]
Recreational vehicles shall meet the following requirements:
A. Recreational vehicles shall be tied into an approved Health Department
sewerage system unless they are located in an area (campground or
subdivision) which has a dumping station approved by the Health Department
or are located on the same property and adjacent to the main residence
and no compensation is involved.
B. A conditional use permit is required for any exception to Subsection
A above.
C. No full-time occupancy is allowed.
Hunt clubs shall meet the following requirements:
A. No hunt club shall operate within Northumberland County until a conditional
use permit has been issued.
B. The roster of all members of any hunt club must be submitted annually
prior to a date established by the Zoning Administrator.
C. The hunt club shall have a water sewerage disposal system for the
submitted roster approved by the Northumberland County Health Department.
D. There shall be a vegetated buffer of 200 feet from adjoining residences
and 100 feet from all other property lines, with no activities within
these buffer areas. A landscape plan may be required by the Zoning
E. There shall be three off-street parking spaces provided for every
four members of the organization.
F. No animals shall be kept on the property unless supervised daily
and permitted by the Board of Supervisors.
G. The hunt club shall be free of all trash and debris.
H. All exterior or outdoor lighting shall be so arranged as to reflect
light away from adjoining properties. Hours of outdoor lighting shall
be determined by the Board of Supervisors.
I. Any discharging of firearms on the site is prohibited unless specifically
permitted by the Board of Supervisors.