It is recognized that honey bees are beneficial to humankind
and to Pennsylvania by providing both home garden and agricultural
pollination services as well as furnishing honey, beeswax, and other
useful products. The purpose of this article is to establish requirements
for beekeeping within the Township.
As used in this article, the following words and terms shall
have the meanings ascribed in this section unless the context of their
usage clearly indicates another meaning.
Any place where bees are kept by a beekeeper.
Hybrids of the African honey bee (Apis mellifera scutellate)
with various European Honey bees that are aggressive compared to the
European subspecies.
Any stage of honey bee (Apis mellifera) or other species
of the genus Apis.
Disease such as American or European foulbrood, sac brood,
bee paralysis, or other disease or abnormal condition of eggs larval,
pupal, or adult stages of the honey bee, or other actionable disease
as determined by the Department of Agriculture.
Refers to the Springettsbury Township Department of Community
A barrier composed of dense vegetation or man-made materials
which directs bees quickly into the sky upon exiting the hive.
Any frame hive, box hive, box, barrel, log, gum, skep, or
other receptacle or container, natural or artificial, or any part
thereof, which may be used or employed by a beekeeper as a domicile
for bees which is expected to establish a permanent nest.
All life stages of the common domestic honey bee, Apis mellifera
species ("European" honey bee).
Any frame hive, box hive, box, barrel, log, gum, skep, or
other receptacle or container, natural or artificial, or any part
thereof, which may be used or employed by a beekeeper as a domicile
for bees which is expected to establish a temporary nest, used to
stem overwinter losses, mate or rear new queens, split production
hives to prevent swarming, create a colony for sale, or other similar
purposes not to exceed one standard nine-and-five-eighths-inch depth,
ten-frame hive body with no attached supers.
Springettsbury Township, County of York, Pennsylvania.
Placement of any apiary shall conform to the following regulations
to minimize and eliminate any possible concerns to adjoining property:
A. Apiary location.
(1) Location of an apiary must comply with the following criteria:
An apiary shall not be located within 10 feet of any side or
rear property line unless a flyway barrier is in place or the hive(s)
are located at least 10 feet above grade.
An apiary shall not be located within 50 feet of a preexisting
swimming pool or a preexisting kenneled animal.
An apiary is not permitted within 10 feet of any buildings located
on adjacent properties.
An apiary located in the front yard shall be at least 30 feet
from the street right of way.
Hives shall not be located within 10 feet of a primary residential
B. Hive density.
(1) It shall be unlawful to keep more than the following number of production
hives on any tract within the Township, based upon the size or configuration
of the tract on which the apiary is situated:
One-quarter acre (10,890 square feet) or less tract size: four
production hives;
More than 1/4 acre but less than 1/2 acre (21,780 square feet)
tract size: eight production hives;
More than 1/2 acre but less than one acre (43,560 square feet)
tract size: 10 production hives;
One acre or larger tract size: 15 production hives; and
Regardless of tract size, where all hives are situated at least
200 feet in any direction from all property lines of the tract on
which the apiary is situated, there shall be no limit to the number
of production hives.
(2) Exceptions. A beekeeper may exceed these regulations under the following
For each allowed production hive, a single nucleus colony may
be kept year round to allow a beekeeper to mitigate winter bee losses.
Apiaries that are legally preexisting prior to enactment of
this article shall not be subject to the limitations of this Section
and shall not exceed the number of hives active at the time of the
ordinance and shall be confirmed by the preexisting apiary registration
of the location as reported by the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture.
Any person who violates any provision of this article shall,
upon conviction in a summary proceeding, be fined not less than $200
nor more than $1,000, and shall pay the costs of prosecution or, in
default of payment, undergo imprisonment pursuant to the Rules of
Criminal Procedure for failure to pay a fine. A violation of each
section of this article shall be deemed a separate violation and each
day during which a violation continues shall constitute a separate